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cover of (0)775259917) Draminski GMM Mini Grain Moisture Meters In Uganda
(0)775259917) Draminski GMM Mini Grain Moisture Meters In Uganda

(0)775259917) Draminski GMM Mini Grain Moisture Meters In Uganda


Draminski GMM Mini Grain moisture meter small handy device able to determine your grain moisture very quickly, (0)775259917) Ideal for every farmer in Kampala Uganda. Supplier of high-tech electronic equipment for the agriculture, stockbreeding and veterinary sectors. Moisture content is a crucial element in the marketing of grain, so that grain farmers take particular care to ensure that storage facilities meet requirements.

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Archery, Wainscales, Uganda Limited sells and services measuring equipment and brain monster meters. They are located in Wandegea, KCCM Market, South Wing, 2nd Floor, Room SSF-036. Contact them at Plus 256-705-577823 or Plus 256-775-259917. Archery, Wainscales, Uganda Limited. We sell, supply and service all measuring equipment and brain monster meters. Find us in Wandegea, KCCM Market, South Wing, 2nd Floor, Room SSF-036. Telephone, Plus 256-705-577823 or Plus 256-775-259917.

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