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Episode 006_Bioshock Remastered

Episode 006_Bioshock Remastered




Alec and James descend into Rapture to uncover the secrets of Plasmids, Splicers, Big Daddies, and more! Would you kindly join us on this journey?..

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Oh, hey, this also I kind of want to get a Little big daddy 3d print dude. I kind of want like yeah with like color and stuff if it's possible If you care to if not like I know that's like that I know you don't have shit to do you got nothing on your plate But I kind of want to get one because I think it'd be pretty cool, and I really think that Bioshock is Kind of a like a big fucking game thing. I don't know I'm gonna look on Etsy What do you mean so like I like how Kerrigan's painted and stuff. I kind of want to do like a big daddy oh Okay, I misunderstood you want you want the figure big daddy 3d printed yep I actually I was big daddy doll and that's not that was the suggested and that ain't it 3 2 1 Dockylogic I don't know why that even showed up You know I early early when we were first talking about this And I had less on my plate or I was ignoring all the stuff on my plate. I was thinking about Making and sending you something for every game we talked about oh geez dude That's crazy, but cool and no you know that rich you do that. I realized like hey. That's gonna be hard I was gonna. I was gonna make the Wind Waker baton. I was going to send you a scarab from Aladdin I'm gonna die any link that's gonna send you a dead kid for limbo Yes, send me a dead kid which one would it be if you had to pick don't answer that I think that's a bad thing To answer all of them. Yeah, well dude I mean just I think people really like video games, and they want painted shit That's not because if you there is no like official licensed big daddy figurine Really, that's a privy Bioshock big daddy daddy, okay, so there's like an ugly one on Amazon for $30,000 what's what's big daddy calls? It's like Momo. What's what's the what's the name of it? But you don't know what the girl but that's her cute name. It's big daddy is the name of it Yeah, but I think when you use like when you the cursor goes over it. It doesn't say big daddy. I think it says Bubbles and Rosie and oh yeah, okay, Rosie because they carry a rivet gun yeah, yeah Yeah, but they're they're they're big daddy is the classification and then there's sub versions of it big daddy is what they are But there's like Rosie is one of them. There's a bouncer, too But they're called big did they're all like we're humans. They're big daddies trust me. I love googling it I love did you see that I put the word daddy in very hard or whatever that you put on your note. No, I didn't Yeah, oh, you know the game was so hard. I just put daddy like in tiny tiny letters But there isn't like that I'm seeing there's not like figurines of there's one official Bioshock 2 series 2 ultra deluxe action figure big daddy Rosie and it's two hundred and ten dollars on Amazon. That's what I'm talking about if somebody wants a big daddy Rosie that's what they got to pay there. There's one on Etsy. It's 3d printed it looks Not very big, but you could scale it up for 25 bucks, but normally 30 Ainted or no no unpainted. It's a it's a kitten Yeah, see that's what I'm saying man like I feel like painting shit is and honestly I think an ad bro like I That would probably be an easier one to paint well before I say that fully It's easier in the sense that it it's gonna look dirty Yeah, so you can kind of mask mistakes through weathering I well here's the thing I'm about to Honey, I'm sorry if you're listening to this a long time after this has been recorded And this is where that stem from I'm looking to buy another Resin printer because mine is just it's too old It'll function and it works fine, but it's just it's so slow. I can't print bigger things I want to get back in the red that out. You don't have any of that now. I'm gonna put it in I Did it for you, honey? I want to start I want to start doing resin printing again because there's I mean hell remember when I did the VB Ortner Thing and I could not keep up with orders It's there's money in it if I can set the prices right and people will pay especially if you paint them And I would like to keep I would like to start painting, but again that goes into my Lack of time for all the things I want to do Yeah, so it's but I I'm interested, but if you have a timeline I don't know depends on how fast you want it, but I I'm never in a rush for anything, dude I definitely want to resin print and I want to paint stuff again I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, there's the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor no says the man in the Vatican It belongs to God No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone I Rejected those answers Instead I chose something different. I chose the impossible I chose a You are you typing notes up or anything nope I'm shooting from the hip bro. It's Bioshock right Bioshock I didn't I didn't write a thing Bioshock is a first-person Shooter what you call the shooters. I don't think retro futuristic video game series. I'm still on the I'm still in the ori page I need to get back over. Okay here. We go. I'm looking right now I'm we got to pull a little bit of info on it. Yeah, it's like where did you get that was that from Steam? By oh shock yes, I was talking mastered bio by shot remastered I want to play the other Bioshock games too But I don't want to be like welcome back to Bioshock cast cuz like what if you hate the word daddy And you have to listen to three fucking episodes in a row of me saying daddy daddy, but I do want to play the other Games in the series because I've heard Bioshock infinite was really good same And I'm hoping the issue I had is rectified in farther ones because I think it was just a lack of Just like you're on a quest a lack of direction and a way to find where you're supposed to go yeah What's up? Don? We'll talk about all that. I actually I'm gonna add in a note now Now that you mentioned let me close out. Oh, why you did why do your notes? I'm going to wing this one for them all right So welcome back to three to one backlog the podcast where we play and discuss games from our video game backlog My name is Alec and I'm joined as always by my good friend James How you doing James doing pretty good, man? I'm excited. I'm very excited to talk about this game. How are you? I'm great We are talking about Bioshock Where do we played the remastered version as I did yeah, I did too I don't really know why but I did that's the one I picked so a little bit about the game Bioshock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played. That's what we're gonna do loaded with weapons and tactics never seen So pull it pulling from our steam page here Bioshock is a shooter unlike any other loaded with unique weapons and tactics Complete with an arsenal of revolvers shotguns grenade launchers players will be forced to genetically modify their DNA To become an even deadlier weapon came out in 2007 by 2k Boston, and I believe they also were the publisher For this game as well the remaster came out in 2016 which is the version we have played and we'll be talking about today But as far as I can tell the game itself the storyline is is the same It just kind of got poured it in to for a better better playing experience Yeah, I think that I there might have been a couple other changes, but I'm not I feel like they're probably so insignificant I think they updated it and made it look better. I don't think there was very many Yeah, I think mostly it was it was just features like you know They support 4k resolution in the remasters or stuff like that Quality of life. I think would be a good way to To put it so I think there might have also been like commentary added to it I remember picking up a couple of these like tape reel things with some commentary on them Yeah, I tried watching one after I beat the game and I just fell asleep but I Was collecting them left and right but I never played them But I I was collecting them left and right but I never played them I think I played one by mistake And I don't think I could skip it because I was like, oh I didn't want to play that And it just kept talking at me. So, oh, yeah Other than that, it did receive a 80 score from metacritic. Uh, so it was a very popular game I had this on my radar for a while and I over the over the recent years have been seeing uh, the the you know, the remastered came out then they had to buy a shot too and then we get into infinite and all That and i've always been interested But whenever I start some of these games i'd like to see where they came from. So I wanted to I wanted to go back And yeah, see where it started Yeah You have kind of a cool story about how you've like you tried to play this game and you just know. Yeah I I think I when we when we You tease what we were playing next. I'm not a big horror fan In in like a media for a media genre. I I don't like horror movies games nothing right so I I think the first time I tried playing this when you initially get into the building And I don't remember it the same as I did before so I might have been misremembering a little bit But that's the feeling I got the moment you Finally get control of your character after going in this like a little elevator into this first building you encounter you come out of this like a elevator type device Or you're trying to and there's those later. Yeah, there's this like blood curdling women screaming and it just Gave me such like an eerie Creeped out feeling of just like right off the guy. It was like zero to a hundred like right away And I tried to kill you I think yeah, and I and now remembering it was the it was one of the enemies That couldn't get in the thing. That's where the noises were coming from That I that I had kind of forgotten a little detail so I Had written this game off Um just noped right out and and yeah, and then seeing more stuff come out. I'm like, well, it can't be that bad I'm older now I could I could handle it uh And you know, I thought all the the npcs and and not npcs, but the enemies Uh that you encounter I thought they were like Like undead zombie type things and now I don't quite know. I think they're just like You mess with your dna. I know if you kind of go insane Yeah, so I I was a little confused. Um kind of plugged it. I ran into an issue a couple hours into playing where You know, we and I mentioned this in our ori episode kind of bouncing between two different games Yep, something happened in this one and I I can't i'm kind of stuck um So I can't really progress any further without restarting entirely So I I think I got a good bit of it. I think you ended up finishing the game. Is that is that right? Yeah, that's correct. Yeah, okay So have you played any of the bioshocks before? Uh this little playthrough i've played this one a tiny bit I got the fire plasmid and I was like man this game's pretty good and then i'm never going to play it again But I think I always tried playing it when it was a time where I wasn't going to be able to sit down and really Like actually put the time into playing it and I didn't I know a lot of people really like the story of this game and the atmosphere of it So I didn't want to not give it its fair chance. So I just kind of backlogged it. Yeah, I uh You're just talking about altering the dna the the mechanic in this game of it is a shooter and you have there are weapons but the altering your dna bit is kind of um, you you inject this stuff and it gives you like the ability to like do a A like a shocking grasp or a like a fireball from your hand kind of thing did Outside of the times where the game like made you use them for like different puzzles or something Uh, did you use it or did you favor the guns more? I favored the wrench man I love dude. I love I love melee in a in a game, but Yeah, I did use it. There's a lot of points in the game too where I think you could get It stuff that maybe if you were kind of scrounging for ammo and stuff you would kind of look for it more But there was like frozen things where you could melt them with the fire plasmid And then you would like if you melt the ice this was like all over the game, too You melt the ice and then there'll be ammo or something in it and you would know that you could do that because you would See part of a gun sticking out or something So yeah, I I did use them and I especially did the like the one two punch Where you do the plasmid and then you go up there and smack them in the head with a wrench I I think I i've played so many Your classic shooter where the thing that you're shooting is a gun That I I I think just from like familiarity. I favor the gun the most the shotgun in particular. Oh, yeah Do you give me that gun? Oh, man. I like things personal dude. I want things to be very personal So i'm either gonna use the wrench or a shotgun. I think the wrench is that it's there you you keep the wrench the whole time For like I think backup to be honest for with you, but I I don't think the game is made Is not optimized to go go wrenching everybody Well, so there's kind of yeah, man. I think the higher difficulties of this game. I think ammo is pretty scarce So I think you get to be a little bit of a monkey wrench kind of guy Yeah, what difficulty did you end up playing on dude? I? I'm ashamed. I was on normal for the start of it and I actually dropped it down Just because I think I probably could have done it if I was on my pc I probably could have done it on normal. No problem, but using a controller I had to drop it down to easy because I was like I was I was like running out of health kits like crazy and I don't think I realized you could really explore and get extra Because by the end of the game I had like nine of everything like I was like maxed out but In the evening, I was I was still figuring it out, you know, but I I dropped it down pretty early on Yeah, even on easy. I encountered one of the the big daddies, which is a daddy counter I encountered the Rosie, uh, I encountered one of them And I was like, oh i'm gonna take this thing on and I almost got one hit like one shot it It was it was pretty rough. So even on easy You can't really take it for granted. It's uh, it's pretty it's pretty rough So it was like one thing I liked about it was that you don't auto use the med kits It's not even in my notes But just mentioning that like if you do encounter one of those and you're almost dead, it will one shot you Yeah, I thought it would I I misunderstood the health bar. I thought it would just go. Oh, you know Once you have nine you'll go down to eight And nope, that's not you gotta you gotta do it yourself Yeah, yeah, yeah kind of a little wake-up call, yeah, but yeah, I I I did favor the guns, uh, yeah So so your favorite weapon was the shotgun? Oh for sure. I I definitely I ran out of ammo too often though Which is frustrating if I had to pick a favorite gun, it was it was definitely easily the shotgun Especially with like the exploding you could get exploding ammo for it. Yeah. Yes What about your uh, defense? What about your uh, your defense? Exploding ammo for it. Yeah. Yes. What about your uh, did you have a plasmid that you preferred because you I think when the game Opens up like in the future you get a lot more stuff. But did you uh, Do you have a favorite plasmid? Um I I think I used them so little but I don't think I had a favorite. I I think I I enjoyed the fire one I think it functioned I I believe the The lightning one was like a beam of lightning from your hand. Yeah, it was kind of a gun effect Yeah, but the the fire one you kind of like snap your fingers I think and it just appeared wherever you were looking So it wasn't like, you know your traditional like dnd fireball where like shoots from your hand explodes It kind of just appeared there. So I think uh, sneaking up on enemies and stuff and and I I I think I just liked how that one functioned a little more dude. I never used the The telekinesis one like ever. Yeah, I think I got it. I tried using it and I think the controls confused me They're just sorry i stopped messing with it I think there was one There was one boss or I think they're really bosses, but there was one enemy you had to I think you had to use telekinesis. Yeah, they're throwing grenades at you and you have yeah an entrance But yeah, that took me a minute to find out because I was like trying to like jump and shoot at like weird angles nothing, I actually I think I accidentally killed that guy initially And I think he respawned or something. But yeah, I think I accidentally just like electrocuted and then shot him And didn't even realize what I was supposed to do But one thing I I did like about this game and I feel like they've all like really have done a good job I just sent a picture in the discord They kind of show you the setting of it a little bit like you can tell it's old-timey But you see the happy new year sign. It says 1959 like pretty early on in the game I like that a lot because it's like, you know, you don't have to like they're not telling you like the year is 1959 like I want I always say it and i'm never going to stop saying it. I just want the game To show you Things I don't want to be told anything about the game and I like that. I agree the In your playthrough. Did you have an arrow showing you where to go though? That's like I got it. That's a question in a lot of the segments of the game. Did you? Do you know I don't think I ever did See, that's the one thing. I don't remember that being in it when I tried playing it the first time But randomly an arrow would pop up and like point me in the direction and I have no idea why or where it came from Or anything, but oh I think it was when you were on specific quests where there was a clearly defined Uh location you had to go or a path you had to take I do remember having it But I think it was oriented in such a way that it was easily ignorable Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I did notice that I wasn't like it wasn't immersive destroying or immersion Destroying or anything, but I did notice that I thought maybe that was kind of cool If you could turn it off, I would I would appreciate that maybe or if it wasn't on by default I think being able to toggle it would be nice Yeah, there was a couple things in the game that I really did like though I felt like it showed you it pointed in the direction that you needed to go especially early on without telling you You would see like if you go to the dental place There was a sign in the game that said like if you get uh dental work done you get a free plasmid Which is insane to think about right? But there was a sign advertising you could get the telekinesis Platelet, right? I had a root canal done. Oh interesting, which seems like yeah, that's pretty crazy to me Yeah, some dna altering Injectables if you get dental work done, there's probably a covid vaccine joke in there somewhere, but we're not gonna it's a jab You'll uh, you'll you'll have magic powers Steady now your genetic code is being rewritten just hold on and everything will be fine Everything will be fine You all right boy first time plasma is a real kick from a new but there's nothing like a fistful of light now, is there Okay, one thing I I've on the internet i've always read the words would you kindly and I knew it was from a video game or a show But have you ever read that like in forums or something people just saying like would you kindly and then but they're saying it Like ironically, you know, like they're they're quoting this game, but you didn't know I can't say that I have I've seen it and another thing is the cake is a lie or something as a lie. I know that's from portal But I never knew would you kindly was from this game? But i've read it a lot and i've always thought like like what is that from? And then when the guy says it he says it over and over again and I can't imagine why he says it so much but Um, that was like one thing. I was like, oh, yeah, that's where that's from That's kind of cool good internet culture. We're worming its way in. That's awesome No, I I uh, I did not notice that I think the only game Or it's I think the only Version of that I I see or i'm aware of is like the press x or f to doubt or something Oh, yeah, like respects, yeah, I see like the man that this is Tangent cast here, but I see a lot of the mandalorian stuff too. Like that's this is the way or whatever Oh, I guess it's all over the place. But I have spoken What's that from? It's mandalorian. I know I think it was I think it was it was season one or yeah, I think it was season one. He met this uh, this little hermit guy, um Um, very funky, but he he spoke very odd kind of like how yoda spoke but not exactly but just in a weird way And whenever he would have like a definitive like, okay, this is what yoga this is what it's gonna be He would say I have spoken Okay Yeah It was like he's like putting a period at the end of the sentence. Yep. He did he died. So oh man. Oh, no Oh, no I was gonna watch it Oh, man, i'm gonna watch it right after this Would you kindly would you kindly get this Would you kindly head to ryan's office and kill the son of a bitch I do like that. So You are you we're gonna take a second. Are you putting notes in currently or was that just yeah? I was trying to just think of things. I need to read your notes And just look at it the one big daddies Big daddies Well, I yeah big daddies man. They're everywhere. You can't get away from all them daddies there's like this scene kind of early on again where you encounter a dead big daddy and there's just a bunch of Uh, the splicers just beating the crap out of it with wrenches and stuff Yeah, that's a me like I I knew at that moment that you can kill a big daddy at some point but it was cool because they almost initially they seemed like there's no chance in hell that you're going to be able to kill one of them, yeah, I I always had the the impression that Like that your boss was going to be a big daddy. Yeah, but there was only one Yeah, I did too and then you see a dead one. Yeah Again, I like that the game's kind of showing you like they can actually die Like there's even just like a regular person apparently can take a big daddy down Yeah, did it ever explain what exactly it is? Oh, yeah, dude. Oh, yeah, man. That's what I mean. The game got really good like near the end of it There's yeah, I have a feeling i'm gonna have to actually just go ahead and restart it or watch them Most likely i'll watch a playthrough online Because I I don't know if it's a glitch but I just I just got stuck and I can't really continue without Redoing everything and I really don't want to I feel like you got kind of far enough though So from what my understanding is, yeah, kind of you you got far enough to know how the game plays and everything Look at the last, uh, the last picture I just posted for you there. I want you to look at that And read that out loud for everybody. So you have the option to no, it's not the option. You got to do all the above What is what is this for? That's the direction this game goes dude become a big daddy smell like a big daddy sound like a big daddy or Look like a big daddy. No, it's not or it's and and oh and oh, yeah, you have to yeah So they they explain the process of it later on in the game There's a part where you have to enlist the help of the little sistas and you have to Kind of become a big daddy. It's kind of ambiguous how far you go But essentially that armor and everything they're people And they're not volunteers. I guess it's kind of understood. They're like forced to do this. They protect the little sisters And they're like human men. I think yeah, they're human men And they like this armor is actually fused in as part of their skin And they're they're kind of existing to protect them and also I think carry out some of the tasks Other than just killing I think they actually do some kind of maintenance and stuff too They're like they apparently they stink really bad like they have this terrible smell and they're they sound like they're just Suffering and in pain all the time. So you have like a voice modulator that changes it But you do have to that's way that's like right near the end of the game Oh, wow You basically go through the process of becoming one Just to get one of the little girls to help you and it's kind of it's kind of gnarly man like Yeah, that was and I think the the artwork between the the main big daddy Which I think was mr. Bubbles And the first little sister you encounter. I thought that's what that's what led me to like Oh, that's like an undead that little kid already looks like a corpse to begin with I think they kind of not quite are or they're like infected with something because yeah You could do a thing where you could either like remove whatever is infecting them or oh, yeah Harvest it. What did you do? I did a mix I did a mix. Oh, yeah, you're a bad person or I don't know because I could honestly because I I was curious Yeah, I know I was too but I googled it. I'm not I watched a video of someone else with the with the balls to do it Because I don't I don't I don't think the game really did a good job Because you like encountered an npc and it was like hey, don't mess with little sisters Yeah, and they didn't really explain what the heck was going on. So I was like, well, I'm gonna it gives me a lot It comes out with like audio logs and stuff and just generally later on in the game you get an idea So this atom which is used to give people power Mm-hmm is Harvested by I guess like they they plant like this slug thing inside. It's oh It's oh, it's nasty. They plant like the slug thing and only in girls It seems like it doesn't work in boys and it has to be like children. And then I think it like almost Uses their body as a host and the byproduct is this atom, right? and So then they had to use the the big daddies like they trust them like they like the smell of them like they're just there they so that's what they trust and and then I think they harvest the atom from these little girls and What was your question? What are we talking about? I I think it was just that they didn't they didn't explain Yeah You can either like put an anti-parasitic on them and cure them or you can Rip the slug out of them basically. Yeah harvest more like extra atom But you get more if you don't in the long run. It's way better to not kill them Because you get less atom like like in the moment, but it pays off more because I think you get unique Plasmids and stuff if you say right. Oh Interesting. Yeah. Yeah, I because I honestly I guess it didn't explain it enough it was like hey, just don't don't do that or blah blah blah and It didn't really help me with that So I was really confused or so yeah, and you've got the one guy being like telling you to kill him because they're not people anymore And then you have the yeah telling you so there's more to that too That guy is a piece of shit So it was the guy was that the guy that we're trying to end up getting to for like the to the trail? Oh, no. Yeah, so that's the guy Yeah He's your friend in the beginning and he's telling you like how to do all this stuff and you go to save his family Yeah, yeah families not real. He's actually like a bat like a just a bad guy that's plotting to take over the entire city and he's using you it's It's deep man. It's there's a lot to it Would you kindly is actually a mind-control term that he developed for you specifically? Oh interesting. So When yeah, every time he tells you would you kindly you're not acting on free will you are? Doing what he's telling you to do because you have to and then eventually You encounter. Hey spoilers guys. This game is really old Eventually you encounter the guy who created rapture and he tells you like would you kindly kill me? So then you kill him then he's trying to prove to you that you don't have free will But he does because he's telling you to kill me He's not going to let someone else say like it's time to die or anything like he's telling you to kill him So you kill Andrew Ryan? because he like basically forces you to do it and he keeps saying like uh, There was a quote. He says it during the time That's like a big quote with this game a man makes his own choices or something A man chooses a slave obeys and he's telling you you're the slave. He's the man He's having he's making it his own choice to die because he has free will still Okay And then you become a big daddy And the game it's a it's a really good story. You got to come back You got to go back and play because we're going to play the sequels too. So I Would you kindly finish the game? Oh Yeah I'll need to I think I may just need to restart it or Play it and stream it to me or play it, you know and like maybe maybe I can give you a little bit of active guidance And we can it can be like a couch. You know up kind of so yeah, we're like we said in the last episode We're gonna we're gonna start breaking it down to just do one game at a time. It'll help. Yeah It's never gonna help manage it. So i'm not bouncing between two different things I also switched controllers in the middle of it and I think my key bindings changed. I swear they did. Yeah, it was real weird Because I vaguely remember like hitting one of the directional pads for like the map and then now it was like a Bumper or something. It was really strange Just so you know in steam steam has like a really really good controller interface I've learned where you can basically Remap an entire controller to do anything that you want. It's very good It tells you like it'll show an on screen and say what button is B on your controller and then you just hit it Oh cool. So yeah in the future if you have that problem Next time you plug in. Yeah, it's a really steam has done a great job But I feel like a lot of that stems from the the steam deck, which I highly advocate for anybody with a backlog Yeah, I need to get one, oh what else so so kindly what would you kindly buy me a theme deck Add the cart check out I've been so so we we have been talking about spoilers and yeah It is a game that's had a bunch of iterations already And I don't think we're gonna need to really worry about a spoiler wall like we did with with strange And I feel like that's also that's another part of the evolving format I'm I we're talking about this under the assumption that anyone listening Either doesn't in my in my opinion either You know the spoilers or you played the game as well because you you know, you listen to the last episode So i'm kind of talking in the assumption that you know, you know, you've played the game I'm talking in the assumption that most people have played through it and want to And want to know what's going on want to hear a discussion be part of it, you know Yeah, I I agree, you know i've been listening to Adam and kieran shout out to the good the bad the backlog great podcast and almost Almost 100 of the games they have run through I have not played Oh, but i've but i've enjoyed their discussion on it. So it's good. Yeah, I think I think they're going to be I think there's going to be a good mix because I i've i've listened to probably half of their nearly 100 episodes And I yeah, um, I I love their accents you guys You guys sound great. Um, they probably love ours, too Uh, no, so I I think there's going to be a mix of Of people that have played that haven't so giving a little context would be good But just know that there are going to be some spoilers. We'll try to just give you that brief heads up but um, so this this is like set in a Alternate dystopian like 1960s 1959 Yep. I was wondering if maybe that that new year had already passed so put us into the same thing Did like that was really like when it went downhill. I feel like new year's was just kind of the the twist the turn of the so, you know You you the game starts out with you coming out of like a plane crash in the ocean and there's just this massive tower poking out of the sea Yeah, of course. Um, so you're in this area purely by happenstance or are you or are you right? So I um, I don't know. I I think my my my thoughts on this game initially Just were very different playing through Well, I mean did you initially think it was going to be a horror game like like straight up? I guess I didn't know what I was really getting. I knew it's kind of cool, right? Yeah, the atmosphere was going to be creepy. So I knew it was going to be creepy in some sense, right? Yeah, so I guess I just didn't know to what what? flavor of creepiness there was you know and and It was still still confusing because I didn't get all the way through the story. It was still confusing kind of figuring out Like the the these inhabitants that are like attacking you for no reason Were they just people that were living there? Why don't they attack each other? I'm sure they they do at some point because there are corpses everywhere Yeah, but also why everyone's went insane Everyone's went insane. Why do they have like pig mask as masks on their face? Why are they part of the new year's thing? Was it was it like a masquerade ball or something? I believe so. Yeah, that's very strange Uh, I think I probably should also just it's an excuse for creepy shit Very true. Yeah, they have like a purge feel Oh, yeah before the purge hopefully yeah, and I guess from and i'm I'm my my how my brain is constructing this conversation is all over the place but we were talking about the relationship between the big daddies and The little sisters so the big daddies were there were like Implemented by the city themselves like the city itself. Yeah, like maintenance and drilling and all that stuff Yeah, and then and protecting the little sisters because they were they put in place for the little sisters Or did it just happen to coincide that little sisters? Found them comforting. So they just said well we have them. Let's go ahead and pair those up or were they I think it was I think it was uh for the little sisters, I believe So, you know, it's weird and and um, the the little sisters they kept coming out of these like weird vents. Did you see that? Yeah, yeah So I guess that's how they get around so that that is one of the ways they can get around easily Because the people in the city are trying to kill them and and take their atom from them So they needed a way for the little sisters to be able to get around easily That's so strange and it is weird too because if you I noticed this and I didn't know why until I looked it up after the game the big daddies When they're unaccompanied by a little sister because they've already been saved and the big daddies respawn They'll like walk around and just start banging on that on the little vent thing like they like want them to come out So I think there's like a little bit of a codependence type thing there, too You know, I noticed that and I was because I saw some and I was like, well, where's your little where's your little uh, Barnacle, you know, where's the little girl at? And I guess I didn't realize that there was a a respawning aspect to those. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I like how they're not they're not really aggressive unless you provoke them or you get too close to the little sister That was pretty. Yeah I feel like the big daddies are like the the mascot of the series for sure. Oh, definitely. I I ran into a couple instances where Some of the the hostile combatants would come through and I'd start shooting them and accidentally clip a big daddy Yeah, and then they get in the fray and that was that was rough, dude I asked you what your favorite plasmid was I have two It's separate separate occasions. There's one where you can actually like make a big daddy friendly To you. Oh, wow And it's like this unst they like they'll get lit on fire and they just sort of like burned up and still fighting And then eventually they turn back to a regular big daddy, but they don't immediately go hostile. So That was pretty cool because then like there's one or a couple parts where it's much more open And you just have like a big daddy protecting you running around and he's huge and he stomps around all the time the whole screen shakes Right, and I mean they just they they can take a punishment and then another one was was bees It's like oh you is oh man Like so I guess that you get it around that time where you do the bee part But there's actually a bee plasmid you can get and it's kind of like a homing damage over time It goes from one thing to the next and early on when you get it they they'll stop and it kind of freezes the enemy And they're like swatting at the bees screaming But eventually it's almost useless because they like everything just shrugs off the bees and they don't really care But those were my two favorite. I really liked being able to have like the assistive the assistant big daddy And the bees were cool. It was really nasty too because the the image of your hand Like just stunned up by bees and just like pustules everywhere. It's pretty nasty. Yeah I'm hoping in the Because I I favor the guns because the plasmids swapping those around and all that was I guess slightly more complicated than just swapping between like a pistol or a shotgun to me Did you have the if you hold it down you can like use it? Yeah Yeah I I get that. I think I think it was just like slightly weird enough to like they had like talents and things and or like different What I'm trying to say there was like there was like these vending machine things where you could like make adjustments To your abilities. Yeah. Yeah or by Your biome, you know, and I think it was that whole thing. There was something about it that didn't feel like a seamless or Intuitive enough and I can't quite can't quite articulate it but it just put me off so I didn't really use them Much so i'm just using our games. Maybe they it's I don't know Maybe a little more seamless on how you get them and how you alter and use them It was just something about it that that was all for me the issue I had initially with the plasmids was like when you can upgrade them I didn't want to use up that resource because I Like, you know I was like afraid to spend money basically because I didn't want to you know, upgrade one and it sucks Or or buy a new one and I don't like it and you also have so many slots So like what if I upgraded telekinesis because I thought it would be better And it never gets better. So I don't know. Yeah, it was kind of weird But then as I got kind of further in the game, I had all this atom and I wasn't spending it So I just said like i'm gonna try them, you know might as well and I feel like it made the game Open up a lot more. I also I think I checked out slightly mentally when um I mentioned it on the last episode. I had a lot going on I think I think when the the explanation of the atom which for those that don't know was spelled a d a m like like the person's name On what the heck it was. I don't quite I don't think I fully grasped what atom is So I was very confused when I went in I I would I would go like to different areas like hey I think anyone tell me you don't have the recommended amount of atom for this area. I'm like what? What am I supposed to do about that? You know? It was very strange. I don't think I quite grasped what that is I guess it's a reason. I mean, it's essentially a currency. I don't know if there's like a biological component to it But it's a currency there's vending machines where you buy the atom or you like spend like dollars and cents Or are we talking like a mana like yeah a currency like dollars, okay, and eve is the mana bar essentially which Yeah Yeah, I think I think that's where I was getting confused Yeah, I think atom is like a resource used In the game there might be like a literal description or a like a more tangible description of what it is But I believe it's it is definitely a currency and in the lore it might be Like genetic code to unlock new plasmids or something, you know, okay so it but they introduced the vending machine thing to allow you a little bit of Flexibility with how you play it and what you get. Okay. So yeah, I think I think what my I'm gonna Yeah, I think what I am gonna do is I'll watch a playthrough and maybe pick up where I left off And then get us ready for the next game when whatever we decide to get to it So yeah, if you do want to if you just get the itch to play it because I want to play the other ones That's not over short Why don't we stream like you stream it or something and it will like I'll kind of watch you play it, too Yeah, I feel like that would be kind of cool and then we could further the discussion Maybe a little bit just just for the for the fun part of it. I don't know. Yeah, definitely I think that'd be a good idea for me. I want to say big daddy to you more We we got to get a counter and maybe I how many daddies we saw we'll do it in the edit You know, you could just edit like how many? And then love it at the end daddy counter Yeah, there was a couple I feel like we're a little bit disorganized in our discussion here, but that's not new I don't know what you mean. There was another we're talking about Adam and stuff like that There was another plasmid that I think I either found or I bought but it lets you Heal with a wrench like you hit somebody and you steal a little bit of health with the wrench and I think that might be another reason why I did use the wrench so much because you could just go in and just like Bash people's heads in and heal through it. Okay, it was kind of cool. I don't know. I yeah, it's weird, man I liked the plot like I feel like the plasmids are what made the world seem unique Yeah, and I I think I got to a max of three of them I think I didn't live at the end five or six if there was a freezing one that I got four But I had the electric The fire is for levitating and I think I might have gotten freeze right before I stopped playing Yeah, eventually there's you can get it through a vending machine things. I think there's the and I believe there were maybe there had there were a lot of hacking ones. We got to talk about that Oh, man, I hacking minigame. No, hey, I didn't I didn't I got a bunch of auto hackers Yeah, dude I kept using those or I would pay if I it wasn't like too much money if that thing if It used it at the beginning if it was like a really difficult hack I would just auto hack it but then eventually I just I'm not I'll pay for it or I'll auto hack it I didn't care money was not a problem and in the I I here's how how much I didn't like it. I remember the feeling of the first time I did it I like this is terrible. I never did it again I could not honestly tell you what the hacking minigame looks like or what what you did anymore It's the I'll tell you I'll tell you it was so bad. I was like no. No, I'm never doing this again Yeah, it sucked. It was a pipe of flowing water. Yes, and there's a Yeah, it's not a soul that minesweeper. Yeah Well, I also think like we played with controllers if you were playing that with a mouse it might be a little bit more efficient because you can just like imagine if you're in the bottom left of of a 8 by 8 square of tiles Getting to the top right takes a lot of movements. Well, that's the thing. I think I think it was yeah Yeah, it was d-pad. So you'd have to do either WSD or up down left, right? On your keyboard, which you might be a little faster, but I thought we can use a mouse yeah, that that kid that was nuts because It was I think it was just the pipes that would have been fine But you start you start out with a blank canvas Yeah, and you do it to flip them over and you have a chance of flipping over a broken pipe or something So it's unusable and you have to rotate them. It was oh, I hate it I hate it and there's like plasmid upgrades like engineering I think was the segment of it Where you could reduce the number of broken pipes or like increase the time and all this now just give me that auto hack I don't care that component sucked I like how Skyrim does hacking and stuff where it's like you have a couple lock picks and there's like a little bit of a But I get it. They were trying to come up with their own version. Yeah Yeah, I think I we've been playing my wife and I have been playing in the last couple months the Hogwarts legacy and They and in that game you have like a magic spell for unlocking but there is a mini game that's associated with it And like even that one how they handle it is basically like two rotating discs and it works So it's it's it gets kind of sensitive, but it's it's intuitive. There's not really a time limit. It's fine the old Some of the Assassin's Creed ones, you know You do lock picks and there'd be like an image of a key or something So you can there's a bunch of ways to do it But I think how they tried to execute it with Bioshock was not the way to go I think they were trying to make it feel like you're actually hacking kind of instead of just you know, but I'm moving Pipes. I hate it. It's a rapture dude. I don't know everything. Yeah punk, bro. Come on But yeah, but I I don't know when I when I hear the word hack Is different from hearing like unlock, right? So I'm thinking Computers Technology and all that I think you have a nine Yeah, I know but even even then you get you you're getting your hack is is connecting two pipes with with fluid That's that's weird that that doesn't That if you're gonna cite, oh, that's steampunk that that's that's weak, you know Speaking of 1959 and steampunk there were grenade launchers like turrets in the game and they were basically tennis ball shooters Yeah, that was cool. Oh Man, there was one a turret that got me real good It got me got me real good It was like behind a wall and there was this broken bit of the wall that it was shooting through Yeah, I didn't see it in time and it it broke me a new one the electro bolt Plasmid was really good for that because it had a big kind of AoE effect whenever you hit something So it would knock this the turrets out and then you could go smack them with a wrench or hack them Which I didn't do ever There was a very early. Go ahead. I hacked it. I hacked the drone once once or twice and that was wrong Dude, they were helpful. If you were playing the game on mute They were the most annoying sounding thing. I think I've ever heard in my life Mm-hmm. I'm trying to stay family family friendly here, but I'm getting mad just thinking about it, dude Yeah, there's just a constant like Sound following you around all the time. I Hate it was so it was it was loud. It was annoying. It was like almost headache inducing I didn't like it. So I would just smash them down with a wrench That's what I think another thing the wrench was really if seemed like it was really effective on like cameras and stuff like that Yeah, so I would I would always be wrenching Always be wrenching. I yeah, I think what's I got guns. I rarely went back to the wrench The camera. Oh my goodness the the security cameras that were around though. Yeah got me so much and Every time you get spotted by one if you're spotted for long enough, it sends the fleet of drones. Yep, which are It like like no joke like what 15 drones will end up showing up. It's a minute straight of just drones Yeah, I hated it, dude I hated it so much that I actually I think I developed my own strategy for dealing with all that you You get caught by a camera smash it with a wrench. That's the solution to everything But then you've got a minute of drones So shot the drones and run away they fall on the ground and they'll come back to you But it'll give you about 15 seconds of nothing because they're on the ground run away then they have to catch up to you it gives you a little bit of time and then get the engineering plasmid DNA changer things where it reduces the time by 30 seconds, okay, and Then there's another one where it makes it so the cameras take longer to call an alarm on you I can just if you hear the noise go off you have a I always had enough time to just run up to it and Smack it with a wrench, right? I hate I yeah But it's kind of cool because I feel like that makes sense for that. Like it's it was it was kind of yeah And I'm not a be noticed but I usually missed it in you know, it's like I just oh, yeah There was a little red Like a little red area that it's it's monitoring so you would see that a camera's there and they Rotate and all that but I would always miss it and come around the corner BAM. There it is. Yep I hated that but you're supposed to hate them. They're supposed to be annoying So it's it's okay like it's a good mechanic, but I like I've never had such joy smashing something with a wrench talking about the Turrets and everything one of the things I don't like with some of these games when they there's like a break in logic And it's either not explained fully or they kind of let you Try to connect those dots yourself and sometimes it doesn't quite connect for me So the the splicers and things can move around freely and and yes, it's their living space and all that they The turrets don't see them as enemies, right? But right when you come in the room the turrets themselves know. Oh, yep. That's a bad guy in the eyes of the turret We got to take them down or the camera knows Why does it know like it is is is there? I don't know. There's just something there for me That was kind of weird. So I mean It's not to me. It's not that far-fetched for the this game I guess there's like there's DNA splicing going on. So maybe the cameras can be assigned to Track somebody with this specific DNA. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, that's something like that I mean they'd be citizens are bad to you but they live there and Andrew Ryan the guy that runs the city has said multiple times like he's trying to Like stop you. He's like sick. He has sent the splicers after you so Maybe that's it. We'll just switch it. Yeah, that's so weird because That all makes sense, but so weird that in the storyline he's like so after you you just you crashed You know playing crash and you're like trying to get shelter effectively, you know maybe So Okay, we're gonna get into the the big twist a little bit more. I know we already talked. I talked a little bit about it The plane didn't crash man. It was brought down. You are in a family and for the guy that runs the city It runs the city made by the guy that's telling you to like that's helping you supposedly He raised you as a child with mind control stuff to assassinate The guy that runs the city like doing the long con. Yeah, dude that plot It got me dude I I feel like I see stuff coming from a mile away and I like my head exploded like it got smashed in with a wrench When all that like when I was like it was it was crazy to me Yeah, so that's the thing you're that's why he doesn't like you That's why you're playing happen to and he even says like in the monologue He was like, you know, did you happen to get brought down here? Like was it you know, did it just like you got lucky enough to crash right on top of my city? I don't think so, you know Wow Pretty cool. Pretty crazy. I think that's like I think That alone I gotta finish it yeah, dude, I think that alone is what made because the rest of the game wasn't like insane You know, it wasn't like yeah that crazy original so then so then then what are the next games do? Oh, man I'm already going that down that rabbit hole. I think Bioshock 1 is like Almost like a different version of Rapture. Like I think it's in the sky. I'm so Bioshock infinite I think is like in the sky. It's like a different entirely everything In Bioshock 2 I think it's like we're going back to Rapture after all this happened because it's not Explicitly stated that like Rapture imploded or sunk or anything. So I think that's what happens in the second one and third one It wasn't it wasn't sunk. It wasn't Rapture like built underground on purpose Under yeah, it was built in the ocean on purpose So I don't think it I don't think it fully Exploded or imploded or whatever kind of underwater stuff occurs. I'm not a physicist I don't think it fully happened like that at the end. I think you just write out I believe I don't know We'll find out in the second game because I think the second game is a direct sequel Okay, but the third one is kind of a standalone man That's so wild. Yeah, pretty crazy, right? Like huh, it definitely surprised me and then the last boss of the game is the guy who Is the guy that's been helping you the whole time? He just like takes a bunch of Adam and becomes like this almost like God like floating being Who has access to like a bunch of different like plasmid type things? And you have this big daddy suit on and you're this big clinking like gigantic thing and you have to take him on Okay, yeah I'm really upset. I Really did I ruin it? No, I I'm usually okay with spoilers and stuff But I think I think because I'm kind of operating off of like the game in my eyes kind of glitched for me So it's like I couldn't I couldn't continue Due to a gaming issue, right? So the little frustrates not like I got frustrated and like stopped I stopped because I couldn't put the extra time to sit there and try to fix it. Yeah, and oh man, that's so cool Yeah, it's good. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I feel I'm so I'm sorry. I wish you could have experienced it This is when I wish we could have like like couch co-op played it kind of thing Yeah, even like you know, but and then there's multiple endings for it, too Depending on what you do to the little sisters. Oh Interesting. Yeah, they're not crazy different, but I guess the if you save all of them that that's the canon ending Okay from what I looked into I watched the other endings as well. They're just not they're not a good happy ending anything right But interesting you'll see all that and more when you finish it Man there was I I saw you had sound quality in your note And I really want to talk about it because what what I want to know what you have to like I know want to know what you got to say about that. Well, no, I I Just as a side note that was me trying to come up with just something to talk about but also a general like We should for like the beginning of the episodes. We should probably be like, you know, how did the game function and stuff? See I Thought it was good. I hated it. Yeah, well, okay, so quality itself, I I think it was here nor there the sounds to enhance the atmosphere of the game being creepy and underwater and and and all the weird sounds that the Splicers made and all that was good. I think it was pretty run-of-the-mill banter yeah, the the the the turrets being frustrating was you know, that was that was not great, but I I think the sound enhanced the Atmosphere of the game is why I say it enhanced the atmosphere There was like even a scene a part where you're you hear like a whale Yeah, and you look up and there's a whale swimming above you in one of the little tunnels But I got so sick of hearing like these 1959 hoity-toity people talking and they're like just constant noise, but they're not around and it didn't feel like it was like It didn't feel like it was well optimized like you couldn't tell if they were closer to you or further away I got you. You would just hear like somebody yelling something very proper at you all the time It was almost like yeah, just destructive to listen to I think it is it translated to me because I did Wear headphones for this. Did you were you on the steam deck? I played everything like I played steam deck I played a little bit on my actual PC. I played some in front of the TV And then I played some with headphones in like right so I played Yeah, I think the steam deck audio with headphones was probably wolf like a little bit worse. Mm-hmm playing on the TV I think I had like better sound in general, right? So yeah, I played mostly with headphones. So I I don't know I I guess it translated me a bit being kind of a little chaotic on purpose I think it was about to and the war specifically like that. I think at one point in the wharf docking area There's maybe like 15 combatants. So like they were all Interspersed or like around there, right? So it was it was pretty chaotic. So I guess probably would have translated to me It was intentional, but you know Yeah, it was I liked it. I think they did a good job creating like it was a semi linear game and And it worked really well with the environment because you're underwater So you're like the claustrophobic feel makes really good sense They did a good job utilizing that claustrophobia in the setting as well like the walk Maintaining a sense of linearity it an open-world game in that setting would feel really dumb. Yeah Yeah, I don't know if they could do Bioshock how they have it now as far as with Rapture and everything being open-world. I don't think it would work I think maybe the third one is probably I feel like that one came out in the era where every game had to be open World and expansive right but again, I think it takes place like in the sky and I think that will work out Okay, is it just a different city or is it like a complete reimagining of? Bioshock, I think it's a different city entirely Maybe the same concept of like you can do whatever, you know, there's like less government intervention and stuff, right? The yeah, okay There was a couple things too. I just I liked I don't know if you caught this very often But there were times where the shadows of the enemies were like ever-present And you could see like you could utilize the shadows to your advantage the lighting effects of the game were top-notch Especially for the time, but I thought that was good Yeah, I'd say the the lighting and graphics were better than the sound Yeah I'm trying to yeah I wish I could think of like a quote that the woman said like I feel like there was like a woman Specifically that would just constantly be yelling something at me very nanny like and it would get so annoying And then there was another part where this guy would like kept singing that like Jesus loves me. Yes, I know The Bible tells me so and I heard it like four thousand times That's amazing. But I know it's also like that's yeah, like I you shot Marcelo like how many times did we hear that? When we used to play So like there's a limitation there's only so many quotes in a game But that's we used to play that crap out of that. What was that Rainbow Six Vegas? But yeah, like there's only so many voice lines that can play but we're in one area and you hear the same thing like over and over and over and over and over and Over the war they shouted grenade Yeah, there's also like another thing I this is very irrelevant I know we got to wrap it up soon, but I think every Tom Clancy game has the same character in it There's like a guy in it that's in every single game. I heard this somewhere. It's irrelevant. I'm sorry. We'll talk about it tomorrow Okay I Played I told you I played a little bit on the you played only on the like with a controller. Yeah, man It's crazy how much easier this game felt using a mouse and keyboard. It was really wild Yo, dude when I there were parts that I replayed and I didn't even I think the whole game was balanced Felt like it was balanced around PC at least because I was playing a PC version with a controller and so were you but maybe there would have been more present auto aim or something on the Like Xbox console back in the day true. I don't know but yeah, the game just felt way It was easier to dodge everything to on mouse and keyboard But one thing if anybody ever plays this on Steam Deck, it was crazy How optimized this game was I could play for four hours on the Steam Deck with the battery at 60 frames max? Settings which is what it just crazy as pretty wild. I mean, I don't think a laptop battery would even last that long But no my mine unplugged my head my laptop lasts about an hour where I'm running Well, that's yeah, I believe that it's laptops in general They're supposed to be portable, but they're really just small computers. Was there anything else you want to add? I know we got a route we should wrap it. No, I don't think so. I think I Think I think I at least for me. I'm sure you probably feel the same way you we would recommend this game It's a play. I my issue is a little extenuating circumstances So my my play time got cut short, but I I definitely would still recommend it. It was it was a good game I definitely think it's At least I'm hoping it's leading into a really good series that I haven't played before So I'm hoping to get to finish out the story or at least experience it some way and then hopefully set us up for The next set in the series and just keep going Yeah Either way, I'm gonna definitely play through I've heard the second one isn't it's like a different studio makes that I think so it wasn't As highly it still has good reviews and everything, but I don't think it had the charm necessarily I think it's more gameplay less Intriguing thought type of thing, but I'm looking forward to playing the other ones of it We'll put some time in between because it's not the Bioshock podcast But one thing I wanted it I said the a man what the heck was it? There was another quote I know I said the other one before that was like a big thing But a man chooses a slave obeys there was another one that I thought was cool. I saw it on a loading screen It was from Andrew Ryan the guy that created the rapture It was it wasn't impossible to build a city under the ocean. It was impossible to build rapture anywhere else Okay, and yeah, that's pretty true like you know a city like that in any it like you know in 1959 you There's no way you could do that in like New York City But like yeah, you go out in the middle of the ocean that sounds impossible to build a city out there But what's really impossible is to build that city anywhere else. You know I don't know I thought it was kind of a neat thing, but I like that that's all I got to say about that. Yeah But where else could we be free from the clutching hand of the parasites Where else could we build an economy that they would not try to control a society that they would not try to destroy? It was not impossible to build rapture at the bottom of the sea It was impossible to build it anywhere else Bit of a format change so normally what we've been doing since we started was every other episode we would come each with a game That we would announce and we would play both of those and then we would record and that's looking to be a bit Chaotic for us so yeah, especially that's what happened with both Ori and Bioshock is I? Was trying to jiggle two and life got in the way And that's that's a lot right and it took a lot of what away a lot of the enjoyment so I? Think what we're going to be doing is now at the end of each Episode we're going to announce the next game and the next game alone But we'll still be alternating so you'll bring one from your backlog And then I'll bring one from my backlog and if they sync up great But we'll both play those games as we have been but we'll just be tackling one game at a time so we can hopefully come in with You know really genuine lively discussion right afterwards my game is a secret So my game So it's gonna be my turn now Bioshock was mine So I guess I'll be doubling up on my selection. That's okay Yeah, but I know it's a game that you and I both have been looking forward to and I don't know if it was already On yours, but it was already on my backlog. It was not mine Okay, so yeah, so it is going to be one that I'm bringing to the to the table so It's gonna be death stranding at the time of us recording this it had just hit the epic game store as one of their free games of the week so we actually hopped on there both grabbed it and It worked out because I actually didn't own this game ahead of time But it was one of those because I'm real bad about like buying a game if I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna play it so I hard for me to spend that money so But it was free so this is great So I'm getting one that was already on my backlog that I just hadn't gotten to purchase yet So the more of a wish list item yeah, we're gonna run through that and I think the play time was we're gonna walk through that 20 plus hours dude. It's like 30 man, and I yeah, it's we're gonna. We're not gonna run through it, man We're gonna walk through it, and you'll figure that out so You know There's a good chance. This will be this that episode might be a little longer We're you know the formatting is still new for us, so definitely leave us some comments Give us some feedback. We're really in the stage of our little project here where we need that feedback So please let it go But with that that's gonna wrap us up for our discussion of biochop Thanks for listening. No have a good one. Catch you next time Thanks so much for listening that wraps up our discussion for Bioshock remastered if you enjoyed this episode Please let us know with a thumbs up comment or sharing with your friends and family if you're able to do so play along with Us we'll post up some games for social media and we'll games roughnecks at the end of each episode Our next game is death branding. This is a 3 2 1 backlog by Alex L and James T Our show music is lift off by Amy Waters. You can find this song and more of their work at Amywaters.bandcamp.com You can connect with us on any of our social media pages and by sending us an email at 321backlog at gmail.com Catch you all next time You

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