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Episode 018_Overcooked All You Can Eat

Episode 018_Overcooked All You Can Eat




Today the Backlog Boiz dive into the kitchen chaos that is Overcooked: All You Can Eat! Slinging James Specials and Alec's favorite Chocolate Milk to all the crazy customers.

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Two friends discuss their computer issues related to RAM overclocking. They also talk about playing the game Overcooked: All You Can Eat, which combines the first two games in the series. They mention the frustration and tension the game can cause but also recommend it as a fun option for family gatherings. The game has received positive reviews. Don't know send me a video that eggs. You know shows the combat really well. I'm just gonna send you my xbox So it's with digital. Yeah, that seems like a great idea Yeah, that's what we do, bro. We send consoles back and forth Three You Welcome back to three to one backlog the podcast where we play and talk about video games from our backlog My name is Alec and I am joined by a newly freshly tattooed Avatar like the blue people that's airbender. Okay. Oh the other guy the bald guy. Yeah, we've got you've got Land and and see so far Right. Yeah, and his name is James. Hi I've been thinking how to how to how to introduce you for like the last 20 minutes. Really? Yeah. Well, thank you You're all how you doing this evening doing good doing good we solved a big computer issue, which is fun Oh my lord, so yeah, we've been having this can I I only I alone I alone I did some computer upgrades a couple months back when we were really getting into Podcasting I was trying to do more editing. We're just just general stuff. I wanted to speed up the PC. I wanted to Get more storage get faster RAM all that good stuff. Anyway, I bought some new RAM that just is Just top-notch. It's real fast, but my motherboard not so much and what keeps happening is the BIOS is automatically increasing my RAM speed to just Crazy overclock your motherboard thinks it's cooler than it is, right? Pretty much pretty much so and Weirdly enough it keeps messing with my Webcam. Yeah, that was like a shot in the dark with yeah, right. Yeah, it really one and And it would like keep happening So you essentially if anybody is really interested to know Alex webcam would constantly just cut in an outer freeze and have issues and One day I was just like I don't know man Check your RAM like it, you know, and we we just we looked into it a little bit and found out that it was Automatically clocking it too high. Yeah higher than his mother your motherboard was should be capable of it was like Oh, yeah because of it, so I don't really know a ton about overclocking. I've never been able to Successfully overclock RAM. I don't even want to but we solved it months ago And then it would like randomly occur and then we realized that it was Automatically you would you would manually adjust it down, but then it would automatically change it back to a Overclocked speed on its own right and then when we figured that out, I bet you that problem is solved You're having issues with your monitor cutting out. How has that been? So far so good You know, but we've that the monitor thing which it could be video based as well has been going on for Probably a Week or two a week and a half. Yeah, so I We talked about this when I'm not planning to use my PC or if I I do second this room as a Second bedroom. Yeah, because I travel and I get home at all hours of the night Y'all I'll shut my PC down because I have way too many LEDs that are Enabled from this so I need the extra extra darkness So and I don't want to hear like the fans going and stuff. I like which I'm sure yeah like that white noise Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I I shut it down fully very often and I think Rebooting it. It lets the BIOS just do what it wants. So that problem solved now, though. I'm hoping I'm hoping Yeah, we noticed I remember initially you said like You have like a power outage issue and you were like, I don't know why it's just fucking up again And then we found out that it now it all makes sense. Yeah Yeah, even having a power outage would cause it to go back into an automatic overclock, which is really weird It is really weird. I mean, I guess it's nice if if you're because the the motherboard is well, it's marketed to be a gaming Quality motherboard high-performance, whatever. So I guess the idea is like, oh we want it to like have the best Things enabled. I mean good in on paper, I guess kind of rough though. Yeah. Yeah, but I we're here. So Spooky times are behind us. Yep. We're we're in the season. We hungry of glutton. Yeah America are we yes Well, I've unbuttoned the top button we've Got our tattoos healed. Oh, no, I really need to work. We're going in for we're going in for fixins. Yeah, we're playing Overcooked all you can eat. Yeah, and we've had enough of it We Recording playing a little bit this evening. Yeah, we're recording vomit. I've eaten so much of this game. Oh, man This game came out. Okay, so for anybody that doesn't know overcooked all you can eat is a combination of Both overcooked one and two and then some extra bullshit maybe some all the DLC Yep, the first game was released in August 2016. And then the second game was released in August 2018 and then this version which I previously described if you were listening came out in November very Thanksgiving 2020 so Produced by Published and developed by team 17 not familiar with them. I guess they made another game called worms I don't want to play it. But are you familiar with worms? You look like you got a glimmer in your either No, I thought team 17 has done Something that I'm familiar with I saw worms. I did try to look it up earlier But you pull that out Jamie. Let's look up more than teen. I Feel like they did something that I'm aware of Oh ukulele apparently not that one Did I see that right worms worms worms worms worms? For some reason very briefly. I saw ukulele pop up there golf with your friends Overcooked the escapists overcooked moving out moving out. I've played moving out with my son That's a frustrating game. It's Yes frustrating but it adds the frustration of trying to move like like like moving between Residences and puts it into a game We're talking to somebody the other day and they rent and they want to move into the house across the street from them Really bad. It's like very convenient Well, they said they really like the house across the street a lot better like floor plan and everything Like that wouldn't be a hard move no open up one door just brought across the street you're good to go Yeah, and they and in the meantime they could play moving out one and two just for practice Yeah, how is this game received this game was received pretty well. It's I'm surprised it wasn't higher actually, but IGN 8.2 Metacritic 84 out of 100 So pretty well received question was When you look at those ratings were those for all you can eat or were those for the individual games? I think it was for all you can eat. Yeah, I think but I'll say Yeah, it was and I'll say that the critics scores for the individual games were very similar Like where they okay. Yeah, they might have been like a 8.4 and an 8.2 Perspectively guys just flip it around. But yeah, it was it was generally. Yeah, cuz they're essentially the same game Yeah, so I believe with overcooked the original Yeah, I think you could do couch co-op, but you could not do online play I did read they they introduced online play Into the second one and when I had pitched this game For this episode, I didn't know the all-you-can-eat existed and I thought you could do online play With overcooked one. Yeah, and that was not the case. So this was actually a pleasantly surprising Find for me. I like your couch co-op game But in the scenario that we're in it's pretty tough to accomplish really. Yes, I would say and We experienced this a little bit today when we were able to communicate I Would say oh, hey, I got it or you know Stay up left or whatever and the week I could see that delay that we have Because you and I are on like a three-second delay and there's also You say something and I have to translate it to my idiot brain and then no no Interpret what you said and then stand here for a little while with my mouth open and then I couldn't look for the egg We kept calling the fruitcake jelly and Oh, man, it was just it's just good stuff Yeah, dude. Okay. So this game you picked it, right? I did I did I did Yeah, do you have you've played what you played overcooked one before right? I believe I played both of them Oh coach co-op with with the missus. Okay, so I have played this before a Friend of mine said this game was very frustrating and he said it would cause marital disputes Did you your marriage did survive this game? It did survive. It's hard to do really long stretches So we'd have to yeah, I'm maybe an hour of gameplay and then we're like, all right We should probably stop and get some lunch and maybe Stay in different parts of the house for a couple of counseling for a little bit Take a quick breather. No, it will come back to it. It can get pretty heated because you yeah The end the game does a really good job at kind of like raising the tension just through like music it speeds it up You've got yeah, you know anybody that's worked in like fast-food You've got machines beeping at you and and there is a beeping in this game, too when something is gonna overcook or Over mix or whatever the whatever the mechanic is that beeps at you and it's fucking annoying Mm-hmm. It makes you want to fix it Yep So you pick this game mainly what mainly because it's Thanksgiving it's food. There's not a lot Well, there's probably a lot of food games, but this one specifically is a good time. I like they're gonna be You gonna be what Frustrated. No, you're gonna be it's the holidays. You're gonna be seeing your family yeah, you guys like to gather around the TV and and like pass the controllers around to do different like Rounds of games and stuff you only have two people but it'd be a really good one to like pass around the controllers If there are families that like to play this type of game So I think this is a great one to have like in the family room and you play with more than two people. I Don't know. I don't wonder I could see it almost feel well It kind of feels like you can't but yeah, I'm not sure what the I mean, we probably love four players, dude Really, yep, the reason I thought that was because when you When you invited me to a game the area the section where it showed like who was in the game Oh, you got a look like it would fit four people Because like and you took up half of that little block in the corner. Gotcha So that's why do you think do you think we can get the other people in our gaming group to play? There's no I know so Our friend Jason has played it before I have it. Yeah, I think with this kid maybe Yeah, yeah, I try playing with my son, but he was a little too young at the time He was still trying to figure out like just controls in general. Just have I cold hold a controller So also if you think about it, man, that would make a big difference, too Well, I mean it would be a lot more chaotic as well Yeah, yeah, and then especially I mean we'll get more into the mechanics of the game. But yeah some of these Some things would be a lot easier but then like think about the right of yellow orders and the level of coordination Yeah, yeah So I Think it was a good game for like kind of a Thanksgiving type of yeah It was it was it's a fun family game no matter what time of year, but we picked it for Thanksgiving I picked it for Thanksgiving because it's just food food food food food. We're here in America. We are gluttonous So we need we need food on the table we need food in our video games what is your favorite Thanksgiving food, ooh Consistently Stuffing stuffing is pretty good. And a lot of people don't like it and it's kind of weird because it's cooked inside of a carcass Okay, all right. Yeah, a lot of people don't like it. Sure. So I like the what stove top add Just add water the cheapest like Dollar dollar 50 bucks from fucking Walmart or Kroger's like the cheap cheap stuffing That stuff. Yeah, that's the one that I grew up with. It's great the best the best. Oh This is hard this hard Us you asked me the golden question for the fucking day, dude. Yeah, I like that Thank you. Thank the best dish Side entree doesn't matter but the best thing I ever had for Thanksgiving specifically Was made by a former girlfriend's mother that lived in your neck of the woods back when we were in High school. Okay. Do you want to tell me what it was? It was candied yams. Oh, dude so my wife makes She did I just asked her she said green bean casserole Oh Taking my ring off now. I Don't like green beans at all. That's insane. That's insane So my wife makes sweet potato casserole And it's so fucking good, dude She do you guys leave the marshmallows on top and like yeah and like brown sugar cinnamon Toasted oatmeal stuff in it mixed with it It's have you ever had like a Boston Market or what Boston chicken, whatever it's called. They have like a sweet potato casserole Oh sweet potato casserole. No, I don't think so So it's like mashed sweet potatoes and then the everything I've described topped with marshmallows and then bread slightly in the oven Mad good and it's essentially a copycat recipe of that. But when you make it like fresh, it's a lot better It doesn't have like cafeteria food, dude This is this is rough because like over all the over the many many years that I've overeaten During this time of the year. Oh Like every year there's like a standout right my mother makes Candied sort of carrots made baby carrots like glazed like sweet glazed carrots Yeah, those are really good too. Yeah, because it's a good food to begin with carrot brown sugar butter. That's it done, right? Yeah, so good and they're like they soften up a lot cuz carrots. Yeah. Yeah be it's one of any of your foods out there Any any baked mac and cheese with like the breadcrumb topping so good. Oh, yeah I'm hungry. I was not even doing in minutes ago, dude. I'm since our Our two good friends that are out in Texas their family. I they got me on this Corn casserole, I learned her recipe for corn casserole and tweaked it to my own adding in obscene amount of cheese But the easiest fucking recipe the most cheese you can get and that has become a family favorite every year We'll even just cook it when we're just wanting stuff on like a random Tuesday. We'll do a corn casserole It's cool how You kind of develop like a staple meal and it's just like you get it from other people sometimes too. Yep Tradition, bro. Yeah Everybody listening. What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods like comment subscribe. Tell us what it is I want to know tell me what your favorite recipe is if your grandma came up with it Tell me your grandma's name. Tell me where she lives if she's no longer with us. How'd she die? All right, okay So we played this game on Steam. Yes. Yeah. Yes we did Controller co-op it was nice to play. We played I think 10 to 12 Levels of overcooked one then about the same with overcooked two and then just today we did about five or six on all the Yeah, all the trimmings was the was the deal deal. Yeah. Yeah, what a good run I don't like the term to do this, but it had 15 Worlds, I guess you would say I think they're actual fees Yeah deal sees from both over go to one and two and I and I didn't confirm this but I think it's In that case because I think some are from one where it didn't have certain mechanics that two had but other ones did Yeah, there was like the death throwing Which is kind of like you didn't you don't know that it's there you accidentally threw something at me. Yep. Yep okay, so What did you think about the? Graphics like what what was your did you how did you like the style of it? The art style art style was great graphically. It held up very well for what the game is. It was very good Yeah games when it's like this easy art style You know, it can be on every console probably even mobile like it's just it's a it's an accessible game anybody can play Yeah, it's very cartoony, but still like 3d Yeah, it's good. It was good. I think it's fit fit for what it is How about the I agree? I don't there's not a lot to say about that It did have like kind of a hand-drawn cartoony bullshit 3d art style thing that you see in every game like this Yeah to me it falls into like Fortnite I agree. I feel it. Yeah, it's yep. I don't know who started it, but you've been they've been doing a great job every game since The I like that you could pick Should we even tell like so anybody that doesn't playing this game? Essentially you are in a kitchen and you have to prepare dishes There's a time limit each dish gets ordered you have to grab the ingredients prepare them cook things and it's chaotic It's just hectic because there's a lot of communicating. I don't know. Maybe we should have gotten that out up front, but That being said I feel like being able to pick the chefs was kind of a cool thing. I do think and One thing that I think maybe would have given this game a little bit more Replayability longevity is like if you get enough three stars, you can unlock more characters kind of shit, you know, yeah Yeah, yeah, so that way there's incentive more incentive to try to do better in all these levels There's a rating system at the end of it depending on if you miss dishes if you fail to complete an order in time Then you get points off But then every time you get up if you do it really quickly you get like more points for a tip You know like because it's restaurant based If there was a incentive to try to get the highest score you could unlock like different skins One of the characters I picked was a shark and there was like a light blue and a dark blue shark chef character There could have been Different colored sharks or different outfits or something or just completely different characters There were a lot but there was they were all unlocked like from the start Yeah, and that could be part of the DLC like base stuff Maybe since we got the deluxe edition all you can eat I didn't go back and check but I feel like this game or one similar to it to be able to progress Towards the end of the game. You had to have like so many stars. Maybe maybe so because we only played a finite number I'm wondering if if say we got to say the 20th level and that needed so many stars and we were too short So we have to go back and maybe pick one to redo I can't remember if that was in one it didn't really seem to present itself here and be much of an issue But I could be thinking of a different game entirely. I feel like that's common I've played other games that are like that and I can't think of what they are But I know that's a that is a common mechanic in a lot of games Yeah, first it's very easy and you don't have to think about it You're just naturally progressing and then eventually you have to you know, really perform better and work harder But that also comes naturally the better you are at the game because you've got more experience with it. This game definitely needs Player to player communication very big thing With all the stuff that's going on it's very it's gonna be very hard to play this game with just being silent I mean unless you guys are on like a quote-unquote different wavelength or yeah, if you have a 20th, you're probably fine If you're really married to your soulmate, you don't even need to talk you can just do that But if you if you have to communicate you guys weren't meant to be There were some levels where I think it was kind of intuitive what we were kind of supposed to do and and we could get by without much discussion But there were other ones that were just so chaotic there was no clear pattern or Like meta on how to figure the level out you kind of just really had to just shout stuff to each other To say do this or I'm doing that or whatever which is kind. I think you do that in a restaurant The chef yelling at you. Oh Man, there was it's kind of funny too because you say that there wasn't like a meta on how to do it There were some levels that we would retry and then do worse. Yeah, we're like, oh, yeah. Okay. We got this We know what to do now, and then we're just fucking up over and over again Okay, so I think that I've been we're talking about the graphics and stuff that's yeah, it was good they were Wonderful you could play it on your Atari 2600 if you needed to sound quality Good good good the music. I really liked the music in this game. It had kind of like a medieval like I Don't know It was it was cartoony it fit for whatever was going on on the screen yeah, so when we were just traversing like the The The map trying to figure out what we're gonna go next. It's like jolly and jaunty and happy and just a Really good backdrop for a sound. Yeah, it was um, dude I really like like the menu music like when you're picking a character and stuff It just it was like you're playing on like a fucking loot or something. I don't know You know through the level as as it started to progress as your clock started to tick down it we get more Elevated it would get faster. Oh, yeah, that's like for Mario or Super Mario when you have like a hundred seconds left in the level It's like didn't Yeah, that was good, yep, yep, yep, we've talked like I'm sorry no good I was gonna say I like that like general, you know Sound effects of what you're doing like there was the chopping noise and stuff So your teammates could know that you're actually, you know Preparing food properly if you're not looking you can take a sound cue and know what's going on. Right, right. That was good It was good. I mean it better be in there at least right? Now it's gonna say the With other games that had something that could be seen as similar to this They did have voice acting Sure in there was a story to each overcooked Game I didn't quite follow it It was kind of I think the first one was like there was an apocalypse or something It doesn't matter But anyway while you're talking to some of the NPCs for these like cutscenes and like areas to check in and see what's transpiring with the world They had somebody that was just making noise while you could read the text at the bottom onion King The onion King he's like Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob, right, right and that for for For what this game was that was totally fine, right? And it's and fine because the the noise they're making was just like filler noise But really what you're doing is just reading and getting India. It's skippable. You can read through quickly You know, I just wanted to call that out because I have been bashing some games with voice acting where it's a nonsense I wish more games would do that like just keep it simple like Nintendo games don't really do that. Even they they have like an indicator of who's talking like it'll be a noise You know, like if if toad talks to be like or whatever, you know But yeah, just something just kind of in there to make noise. What's good? It's fine. This gap wonderful It was 10 out of 10. I would give it a 10 solid hard hard 10 Gameplay mechanics is really what this game is about the whole yeah whole thing over overall. It's it's a gameplay kind of game It's not a story game It's not even a Visual novel it's it's all about the gameplay. How did you? You already did mention Overcooked one didn't have throwing. Did you like the throwing mechanic? I Did I did I think it added Some complexity a little bit of complexity because there were some levels that you had to throw Yeah, because they started messing with the idea of blocking you off from your teammates. Yep So you they introduced a mechanic that you could use and then kind of not forced but made it so you had to utilize it So it wasn't just like an optional throwaway thing You had to actually use it. So I did like that. I guess I liked it too it Part of me wants to say I didn't because it made the game more complicated, but it was welcome You know, it made the game a little harder because it again it was a whole you didn't look you didn't like when I show It'd be like just threw Produce into your arms without you wanting it. That's an OSHA violation waiting to happen Throwing sushi, I don't know Lord I Did like overcooked one for what it was I think right for the for what you were presented with it was fine You know like a good time. I kind of like the food options better and overcooked one I don't know why but dude remember when we we were struggling a little bit and we got to a level where it was Burgers and we just fucking oh man, but every every burger level we did like three stars Yeah Some but I did like that better because I felt it kind of felt more like food that I'm used to making or something because I feel like there was a lot of like sushi in the second one and I've never prepared sushi. Well, I was pretty simple two things. I want to say about that one. We only played like a fourth of the levels for each main storyline, so We there was a lot more to come yeah, I just feel one Yeah, go ahead. Sorry. I feel like over which one had more simple cooking steps right and over cook to introduced the mixing bowls and Like different stages to cook you got chopped cook then do this thing there's there's one I forget if it was one or two, but there was one where it was a You had to get the fish Chop the fish then like steam it and then put it back into another thing and then that gets mixed up It was it was a really weird thing. It was very very extensive That would that we never got to but dude Remember the level Where you're I think you're in like a hot-air balloon and you're doing sushi and serving sushi to other people in hot-air balloons And then halfway through the level you're yeah, I guess you're hot-air balloon crashes And then lands so you're making sushi Then it crashes and lands in the middle of another restaurant and then just picture this actually happening Then you're immediately Making more dishes than you were making previously Yep, so you're now also making food that requires cooking as well as the sushi. It's just pure chaos, man Oh, yeah, okay in a good way. Yeah, it was fun It definitely like it was a low stress low stakes high stress kind of thing You don't really care if you don't do well, I didn't right. It was a fun little challenge Yeah, it was good. Yeah, I think I think stuff like that It's cool, too, because it especially if you don't know what's going to happen like that's pretty Chaotic I don't know what to say if you don't know what's gonna happen like I know you would I think you had seen that Level before so you had a little bit of insight that it was gonna correct, right? I didn't so to me It was just like out of nowhere What the fuck are we doing and it's crazy too because we're making these pretty straightforward sushi dishes shrimp salmon rice mori apparently and Then out of nowhere you're like there's carrots being introduced and you're making soups or something too And it was just like I forgot how to make the sushi You know, yeah, it was cool I liked that a lot and I I would I would like to see more of that because I'm sure there's a lot more crazy Nonsense later on right? What was your what was your favorite dish that you encountered? Give me them burgers, dude You like the burgers? I did. I don't know why man I love a burger and we even so the way I eat a burger is just meat and cheese and Ketchup or whatever, but I don't do the lettuce I don't do all like no garden whatever you want to call it and you're like He would call it the James special. Yep. And so yeah, that was it was very relatable, you know And you were dude you were saying shit in the sushi levels You said like we need Mori. I'm like and I literally yeah, I was the other way who the fuck is Mori, dude It's Nori. Oh See See, I don't know man. I didn't know what it was called. I just thought it was seaweed That's what I would call it. Yeah, it's same thing Mori, okay. All right. I I Confidently called it Mori earlier. Yeah, like okay Yeah, I was gonna I was gonna let it slide but we're gonna dial it back dude. So yeah, I don't know It was uh, what about you? What was your favorite dish? What was your favorite meal? The cheeseburgers were good. Those were fun to make they always are I think I did they it got stressful But I did like the ones that had multi stages When we played all the trimmings I did like I think was towards the last one we played for the night the Chocolate milk. I was gonna say that. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know why I like the hot chocolate one Cuz I had never I'd never seen that one since and until today So I actually like that one You know what? That makes me pretty confident that I can make some bomb-ass hot chocolate like with real chocolate and milk and and a stove top Heck yeah, the way our grandmas used to make it probably before they died before they died Damn it. What is happening? We've created from dead kids to dead Let us know how your grandma's died. We need to know it's important for our next episode. It's not Have You woken up your wife yet My wife is as far as I know. She's awake right now. My dog is asleep. There you go. He looks like he's dead Like my grandma, all right, so I'm surprised there's not an overcooked three, you know I was thinking that but I'm trying to have a lot of time. Yeah, what would what else would they introduce dude? I think just different foods would be enough. I mean, they're essentially the same game. Yeah. Well, I mean Or some of the mechanics from like the trimmings, whatever. There was like a backpack. You just have a backpack with stuff in it Yes that I did not like More like that one. No, that was horrible, dude I kept forgetting what I had on my back and then I would have to communicate to you So so, okay, so just to set the scene for you listeners At the start of the game There's two backpacks spread out in the level each person grabs one and it's the only way to get this Two specific ingredients separate ones. So I think I had you had what what was yours an egg? No No, I had I Had oranges oranges and I had jelly gelatin you had you had fruitcake fruitcake I Had fruitcake on my back and you had oranges in yours so like I Would need something and I you know I would need fruitcake and the only way to acquire fruitcake was for you to come and take it out of my backpack and then Put it on the ground Very frustrating because we're running around the kitchen preparing meals and then out of nowhere. I need something that I Theoretically have with me. I can't acquire it Have you ever tried to take out something from your backpack while it's strapped on you? It's very difficult without bringing it around the front. I could do it if I had to I Wouldn't let's just say I wouldn't ask you for help No offense. Oh Man, so what else is there really to discuss with this game? It's not a big it's really complicated game There there is a story but that's not the real thing about it. It's how you play Hmm Favorite levels I liked The burgers. No, I like to the like there were like wintry levels. I don't know and this feels it's weird, man It feels like the kind of game That you would play during the holidays everybody. You just got your it's 2016 you just got a Nintendo switch if they're out yet and this is a game that you get with it and everybody's sitting around on the couch drinking hot chocolate and You're going co-op, you know, and it feels like that's like the time that you would play this game It feels like a good family party game and I like the cozy feel of that dude. It was fun. Yeah I am did you have a favorite level? I like the snowy levels. Yeah. No, I don't know Did you have a favorite? Did you have a favorite? No, sorry opposite. Did you have a least favorite food or a least favorite level? Yes I did and it actually was a snowy level so The level where you were trying to defend your fort against like cookies breaking in or whatever It was it had a very like Call of Duty zombies feel to it You would you get coins for preparing dishes successfully? There's things trying to break into your cabin and you have to make the dishes that they want kind of complicated dishes Like four ingredients mix them up cook them serve them You also have to wash plates, I don't know Yeah, I put that in there so the dirty plates come back you have to wash them in all the chaos But that one I didn't like it very much. It was once we got the hang of it It was cool, but it was like a lot of fucking noise, dude You've got like things trying to burn mixers trying to over mix Constantly knocking boards down from the wall while these things are breaking in and then you have to like when it gets low It's it does that beeping noise like something's overcooking. There's a lot of engine doing yeah, dude just so much noise and then you can spend your money that you get to Repair the walls to stop the gingerbread cookies from getting in your cameras not focusing. Well today. No, it's really not It's really pissing me off, too. I'm just gonna Just I'm not looking at you anymore alright, well I Wouldn't say I that was my least favorite one. I did not like that one how it was presented initially I I Did end up liking it in the better ones. We knew what it's better that when yeah finished it I was like, yeah, that's cool. We're right right. We're smart. What was your favorite? What was your least favorite? I tell me everything How'd your grandma real quick? I thought I've been recording on OBS this whole time You never hit I never hit the button to record it's alright man Craig always has our back I've had this awkward discord Awkwardly placed the whole time And oh and then my what the fuck just happened. I don't know. That was really weird My screens my screens just did the thing that I've been talking about. Okay So I have to wait for them to register that the screen still plugged in tell me about your favorite level first Favorite level I have a gun to your head It's loaded one in the chamber and I'm pushing it into your temple really hard. You can smell my breath What was your favorite level? I don't know what I've done It was it was a sushi level, okay, I believe it was overcooked one I think I think sushi was in too, but we were okay Well, whatever it was, but it was basically we were on we were we were next to a busy street. There was It was fish and shrimp and right and nope It was fish and shrimp and nori and we had to chop the shrimp and then mix it with the nori and then send that out I liked I Basically had two stations In the middle that had nothing I had cutting boards. You had cutting boards. You had I think shrimp I had Fish and it was basically chop it up put it on a plate get it out. That was really it. I Liked that one because it was it was like the tail end of one of the I basically I think that tutorial But it was just like I don't know. It was just it was easy. We were both in our own like You know, you know in our own groove. Yeah We couldn't mess with each other without really messing up the level. Yeah, you know, so I did I did I did like that one I think also we had just gotten into This I think that was the second one So we already had the experience of playing the first one and that was another thing like when we first started overcooked, too We were smashing every level because it was we were warmed up. We were lubricated. We were ready to cook Yeah My least favorite was from today Mm-hmm the one where there was no food to pull it Everything was already on the table and we were made. Oh, yeah, like the level was a maze. Yep It was a ton of food already out on on the surfaces But everything was was only wide enough for us one person to go through. So we were constantly in our way It was it was a real pain in the butt Yeah, because if you wanted to get by you'd have to ask the other player to move move that was the worst laid-out Kitchen ever. I think it was on purpose. But oh, yeah, I know but I mean like Gordon Ramsay would have a fucking field day with that I Did not like that one no, that was trash you're right So yet I did enjoy it a little bit. So going back to the one you didn't like the People breaking in yeah, I know it was challenging but I did like that it was a new Level mechanic. Yeah, and and like we failed it the first time and we had never actually failed a level in the game So it was a good challenge and then it felt I don't know I felt very rewarded for completing it when we did and it's weird because we stomped it once yeah, we really good do and everything we stomped it, but It's always kind of chaotic when you start and start the game and you don't even know what the ingredients are Right, you don't know the layout or anything, but I guess that's part of the chaos and that's part of what makes it good Yeah, see you later, buddy Dog is leaving if you were wondering So I Did want to call that out that I it was it was challenging but they were taking a different approach to the level So I think if they were to do in over three, I think they really need to hone in on that aspect Right, they can you can have Make a meal give out a meal collect your points, but you can add different Challenges to deal with other than the map moving because they really beat that horse to death Levels that the whole map would just completely change Yeah multiple times through the level itself one of the ones we did tonight I really liked it was like the center would spin and we would like kind of repair a little bit ahead of time like hey You need to go top go bottom And that was actually a really that was probably my favorite Mechanic or level that I think we played like just general the flow of how well we did I feel like we did a really good job. I enjoyed that one a lot You know, it's what I really liked no the the pizza one I Remember the pizza one where the three tables would lift up and then move on down the line. It was a spooky Kind of spooky was like a ghost or was magic or something But the tables would lift up and move out of the way so we were always separate from each other But we were making the the dough the cheese and the tomato. I liked that one I wanted to do that one again, but I think we were trying to just get the gameplay in for the discussion But I did like that one Yeah, that one was good. It was hard to remember, but I think we were throwing ingredients, right? That was in the second one. Yes, maybe we were able to throw him. Yeah Yeah, we would have had to have been because it blocked how it ends up blocking you off. Yeah Yeah, you would have to throw stuff Yeah, and it'd be weird too because I think you'd be in the middle of doing something and one of the Tables that you were working on would like pick up like you couldn't chop while it was moving Yes, cuz yeah, it actually like lifted it up so that you were no longer Able to interact with it and then it would move and then it would look down But I think the frustrating part about that was like how long that animation took to resolve itself. Oh, yeah, dude Yeah, so like an eternity when something's trying to burn yeah or whatever, you know Or the order is about to expire and you you might miss sending it out. Oh man so What was your favorite chef that you used? Oh, I used a couple. Yeah, I Think I committed to the walrus the most because he had a really sick mustache That sounds like a good band name committing to the walrus I Mean do a city near you. I Liked the shark. I think yeah. Yeah. I also did a monkey and I played as a wolf boy Yep, I didn't always in the weird mustache chef got beard. I had two two bearded gentlemen one that was resting dickface and The other that was like a drunken prospector when you say resting dick What are you saying? Like I keep like he's an asshole all the time. Okay, I thought I went a different direction Yep, not that not that Okay We don't need to get into it too much. So yeah walruses. Yeah. What are your final thoughts on the game? I think that this is a game. I would probably play again I think if we are, you know trying to you know, I play a game or something after work. It's co-op We can play online. I think it's a really it'll be a really fun couch co-op game If you have a Nintendo switch, this is a great game for it Have your friends come over bring an extra set of joy cons Preferably without stick drift and I think it's a really good couch type, you know party game really Yeah, maybe have you know, if if you're in a relationship with somebody have another couple come over Cause a marital marital dispute and then just sit back and watch them fall apart in front of you All right, so you would you when would you want to play this game do you want to play this game again? What do you what tell me what you what do you feel in your heart? My final thoughts it was the worst No, I I really enjoyed it. I I brought it up even though we had played it I was fairly certain you had not played it before I grabbed it mostly because of the theme and the time of year we're in I I Echo everything you had said previously about a great game for the family game for Years with your significant other it's a good game night game just to broaden that out. It doesn't have to be for the holidays It's like oh if you have a if you have a group that does game nights, yeah where video games take place This is a great one to throw in the mix take a break from Mario Party, right? Like just oh for sure for sure and and speaking of you know, making that comparison of Mario Party Mario Party You can do like what's 45 minutes minimum if you've got four people No, you know because before people always because it's gonna do it's gonna give you AI so Overcooked you get smaller chunks and you can Stop it and go have dinner then you can come back and pick up and you didn't like lose anything You can do the levels which are what five to maybe a little over ten minutes. No, no Yes, I'm gonna stop there weren't ever that long. Yeah, there were much Yeah another good one because we're talking about a game made by team 17 the Moving out moving out. It's in the same vein different mechanics, but it needs Cooperation in in the gameplay. So another good one To throw in your roster throw on the backlog just to get it played Maybe yeah, we'll do that one day. We should definitely put some time in between the next time one of us moves I'm not moving dude. I'm dying in this house actually. Oh Man, I'm never gonna leave So With that to wrap it up we do have to talk about our next game that we're going to be covering Yeah, or the podcast let's go all in on this one. Dude. It's yo, yo tune Valhalla edition Jotun Jotun Jotun j-o-t-u-n Got a weird all hala Correct. Yeah, it it's it's a game. I would have played on my own either way. I think because it's like it's Challenging boss battle type of game Dark Souls like shit. Yeah No, it's not. I don't know but it's a it's it's a challenging game There's a lot of dodging and and stuff like that in it, but it's a game Yeah, I even though I didn't pick it we can just call it my pick because it's a James type of game Sure, it's your week. No, if it's actually it was on my backlog. Yeah, and I've been trying to schedule a guest and We were gonna have them come on to play this game with us and discuss it with us that may still happen But just in case we're gonna cover it. Yeah, so we've already played it. We've We've I think we've enjoyed it for the most part. So yeah, I can't stop thinking about it So, yeah, that'll be our next game Jotun Valhalla edition go ahead and toss that on your backlog get it played and we'll get it discussed in the next episode Thanks for listening Thanks so much for listening that wraps up our discussion for overcooked all you can eat if you enjoyed this episode Please let us know with a thumbs up a comment or sharing with your friends and family if we're able to do so play along With us we'll post upcoming games to our socials and what games are up next at the end of each episode next week Jotun Valhalla edition This has been three to one backlog by Alec and James you can connect with us on any of our social media pages And by sending us an email at three to one backlog at gmail.com until next time You

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