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Episode 023 - Far Cry 3

Episode 023 - Far Cry 3




James and Alec define "Insanity" in todays episode about Far Cry 3 Our show music is "Liftoff" by Amie Waters

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The friends are discussing the video game "Far Cry 3" and its expansion "Blood Dragon." They express frustration with Ubisoft's login requirements and server issues but praise the graphics and sound quality of the game. They also share their personal experiences with the franchise and give it a positive review overall. What are we talking about today? You want to do you want to snap right into it? Yeah, we probably should you know I haven't i've been really behind on my editing like severely and The last thing I remember about the last episode we recorded is I don't think we ever Did an intro you mean like welcome back to 321 backlog This is jason brody voiced by giofalo ventura venuta On vacation Well, we can get one or I mean I can we can tap one on or Three two one So All right, yeah, let's go ahead and you want to you want to bring us in Uh, what do you mean like welcome back to 321 backlog a podcast where two bros discuss and play Video games from their backlog. I'm james and this is my good friend. Alec a guy who has a master's degree in energy drinks I don't know man What a day dude, what a day Yeah, what? What are we talking about today? We're talking about far cry 3 man It's an old game, right? 2013 I think it was yeah xbox 360 ps3 Made by your dearly beloved Ubisoft. Oh, that's a that's a sore point for me here Dude, ubisoft is not a good company. Are they? They're I feel like they're becoming like the gaming version of disney In like how they how they let you access their ip and their products Like like disney plus right? They they pull all of their shit off of everybody everything else so they could do it themselves Yeah, and epic tried to do the same thing. I think Yeah But I feel I feel like ubisoft is like you can you know, we we bought this through steam But you still have to go through the hoops Of linking it to your ubisoft account and then having a whole nother launcher come up And it's just it's just obnoxious. It's It's so it's so unnecessary Yeah, and I couldn't remember my password because I think when I made an ubisoft account I think it was whenever black flag 4 came out on pc Whatever the black flag release date On pc that came out in 2013. Yeah so I got that game for free for like I think there was like a download code that somebody gave me When it first got released and I had to install ubisoft's nonsense on my pc And uh, that was when I made the password So when I had to sign up and log in and do all that shit today or not today, but you know recently Uh, it was a struggle because I didn't I don't remember any of that shit Yeah it uh It got annoying for me because like I yeah Like every time I open up an ubisoft game, you know months and months in between each other I can't remember the password all that same stuff But then the added issue of it having to connect to ubisoft servers and then those being down That's yeah, dude. That's another thing. It's all these games have like Required login and and uh, no support at all. Yeah Yeah, I I did that is a pretty good point that you bring up there once once you get into the game They have they do have fairly good games, but just the fact of trying to get in and play Without a headache that they cause It's so difficult, but that's not what we're going to talk about. Mostly. What are we going to mostly talk about blood dragon? But we yeah, we did play far cry 3 and the Is it a dlc because it feels like its own contained because it's not It's not on top of the story. It's like a whole nother It's kind of like a whole nother mini game almost Or mini adventure. It's a standalone expansion to far cry 3, which is a first person shooter video game. Okay It's so I I'm guessing it was a dlc That was released for it, but maybe you could just buy the game and so possibly maybe probably Yeah But we are we are going to talk about both but our little little discussion on the blood dragon specifics we're going to have on our uh patreon extended episode of this so We're going to talk about it only in patreon Yep, just blood dragon. Oh yucks Okay Okay, we can we can open it up if you want. No, it's I just I enjoyed it a lot I just that'll put that out there if you want to hear me Gush over a game. It was pretty good. It's a good it's a good expansion man. It feels great Far cry 3 discover the dark secrets of a lawless island ruled by violence and take the fight to the enemy as you try to escape You'll need more than luck to escape alive That is the most 2012 2013 Video game description i've ever heard It's pretty it's pretty good though Yeah, definitely. It definitely sets the tone so Have you what's what's your history with uh with the franchise? Back in the day you could actually go to like blockbuster before they closed down And you could get a game pass essentially and rent as many games as you wanted a week You just switch it out anytime. I got far cry 2 because I remember playing crisis and everybody comparing the two of them So I wanted to try far cry 2 and playing it on a 27 inch tv in a 12 by 12 room Sitting at the maximum point far away this game was fucking nauseating so I Returned it like the next night or next day or whatever I was on 360 and then I played far cry 5 with our friend. Jason on the co-op part of that Which was horrible Good game. I probably probably I feel like i'm easily gonna say it's the best game in the series Without playing any of the other ones but good god the way the co-op worked was a mistake Yeah, I i'd actually tried playing far cry 3 years ago probably close to when it came out, but it It just it's another one of those situations of you know, you start playing And something interrupts you and then you stop. Yeah Uh, so I I did not get very far I same thing with far cry primal and far cry 6 Fairly recently And that was kind of it for this recording. Actually, I I went and played far cry 1 Just to see not the whole thing I was thinking plays maybe 20 minutes It was awful and then about the same amount of time with far cry 2 as well. Okay And uh, yeah, far cry 2 is still pretty comparable, right? Like it was I mean it was the 360 era game So yeah, it it looked it looked pretty good. It handled. Okay, but there were definitely Definitely some pitfalls with with just general mechanics Like like trying to bring out your map For example, you have to like put a physical map in front of your character And just like how all that worked was just really weird animations Excessive animations. Yeah, it was it was too much I think some of the animations of this game are part of the staple of the series though, dude, right? Yeah Yeah Yeah, but I definitely think somebody coming in can could I think they could skip both One and two to be honest with you. Yeah, you can skip any of them really. I mean, it's true Yeah, they're not all tied together, which is exactly which is which is nice So I played on the steam deck. Uh well, I would say exclusively but I played on the steam deck for 98 and a half percent of it. Oh, wow The final mission is impossible on a steam deck. Really? Yeah, we'll talk about it because I wanted to bring it up but uh however big the steam deck screen is In the helicopter part you cannot see. Oh, yeah anything at all dude. It is insane One shot it on pc Literally just sat down. No problem could see everything perfectly Right. I have a 27 inch monitor. It's two feet in front of my face and I have 20 20 vision So it was fine, but the steam deck too small controls are not good enough for that without the aim assist that you would probably have on Xbox right You played on pc. Yeah pc. I did. I did. I did remember to hook a controller in this time Oh, okay So I didn't use a controller. Uh when I played on pc, I used mouse and keyboard I think I was how I do well I was flip when we first started that I was flipping between my laptop and My pc. Okay, because I think uh, the wife and I were trying to like You know because I get locked in the office a lot just kind of Because it's a lot more quiet in here than the rest of my house, but uh, we wanted to like game together so I like brought the laptop out and we would Just be in proximity while we were each playing our own respective games And imagine if you had a handheld video game system with like a controller and a screen built into it. Yes I I dude i'm telling you since I stopped traveling. I honestly forget that my steam deck exists Until you bring it up typically Yeah, yeah Pretty pretty much. It's crazy because we we have a gaming laptop and I just always prefer the steam deck to the gaming laptop Unless it's a like I played a little bit of ultima online, which is a very archaic pc game Can't do that with a controller at all. But right it's crazy to think about Doing any anything on a laptop for me, you know? Yeah. Yeah wait, let's get into uh The our little scoring rating here. Yeah. Yeah ratings um starting with graphics What'd you think? Nine out of ten for me. I see you got the same number. Same same. I think it was really good Yeah, graphically. I think the game looked nice the only I don't think I really have any complaints about the graphics. I feel like they held up really well From 2012, I mean this is 11 year old game at this point almost yeah 11 years old Looks really good even on 720p or whatever the steam deck puts out. It looked good on that and then uh, Yeah, I don't think there there was nothing like blurry nothing like no issues with it I did have one Area where the map was just gone in front of me And I took a step forward into it and then fell through the island and was never ending falling And I just fast traveled somewhere and it and it was fine When I did play on my steam like I just want to say this is the first game that i've played Where I got to use like my elite controller like setup as an elite controller, which was kind of fun I put like the really long right analog stick on it and put the tension maxed out So since this game is so sniper heavy The amount of control that you have because you have to move the thumb stick And then the tension on it it was It was really cool, dude. I don't know. It was fun like sniping in this game is sick And that was a lot of fun. So I was excited about that Yeah, what about the sound quality for you, man? I think it was it was really good as well I gave it an eight I think because we're gonna it's gonna bleed into this a little bit, but I had I had a couple issues with uh, some of the voice acting and things But the the atmospheric sounds were really good the the weapon sounds were pretty good There's a couple different vehicles that had all right sounds. I think it was it was a Just all around balanced experience with the uh with the sound so and for for me, dude, I noticed that the all audio when it came to voices was like Super low and there wasn't an ability like there was no way in the menus to adjust that at all So like everybody was really quiet, but then gunshots were super super loud And um that to me was just frustrating because I would turn it up for a cut scene And then the game is like on blast Right, and then you're open fire and it was just I don't know I found it hard to balance that and then especially if you have someone talking in the meantime like over the headset or whatever Right, I can hear what they're saying. But yeah, I think I think I pretty Like Correct me if i'm wrong. I think I use my headsets More than you because you like do you put the headphones on or the headset on with the steam deck? Every once in a while i'll put one earbud in if like we're watching a show and i'm playing Right, but generally at the steam deck. Uh, I try to play it on my tv with a sound bar and stuff like that That's where I had the most issues hearing shit. But yeah, because I I I was coming at it with you know, I put I put the headphones on and so i've got that, you know Stereo sound around me. So, you know you can Pick up on on stuff with that Pretty well like some of the there were a lot of animals in this game out in the wild And you wouldn't really be able to tell where they were at until you got close enough and you could hear that Uh, you know hear them on the left side or whatever. So the headphones really amplified That kind of aspect of it so I I I didn't have an issue with like large volume disparities I feel like that is a sign of the times for this game too because I remember this was when like everybody was playing call of duty like crazy and like everybody was trying to buy like the nicest headset so you could hear like A person a cricket fart in a tree six miles away You know, but that's cool. So Maybe that was just an issue with The way that it worked with a sound bar versus head. Possibly. Yeah Also, i've noticed the my steam deck has terrible bluetooth audio absolutely Horrendous, so yeah something to note, uh voice acting talk about it, dude uh, I gave it a 9 out of 10, I didn't give it a 10 out of 10 because They're supposed to be in thailand However, it's like a pirate occupied place right, but the accents Were I feel like they were all over the place. Well, wouldn't it be? Everybody that's how pirates were right? Like it's just literally potentially Potentially right but it was like all the notable characters Felt like they had like like a like a african inflector accent like uh That they were, you know bouncing around and Then any of the npcs that were your allies? Whenever you walked by them, it sounded like they were like from australia or new zealand. They just look like Yeah, but then they all the character models all look like they're from like The philippines like it was all over. Yeah, wasn't this like a chinese island or some shit? Oh, it was not thailand. Yeah so it's just they they the accents didn't match up with any of the npc visuals, yeah and and yeah, you can have different looks in different parts of the the world, but it was They weren't consistent either It was a loss is boss like hispanic too on top of that. I see that's the thing that's the thing I the His the last name is montanegro, I believe It's I believe it's latin. So yes, I think so. I don't remember what his story was how he Found himself on rook I mean, uh, but I think he had kind of a spanish. Um, I think Yeah, yeah I'm looking at the wikipedia page about him and it just says his origin is rook island. Is he a native? He's got yeah, he's a native. He has to be native because citra his sister was a native so I don't know right so they're they're They're nearest to to thailand But it's just it's just a lot of stuff not not matching up in in the backgrounds and all that which which is fine They his uh, yeah, at least they had a real dialect uh, michael mando playing vos specifically 12 out of 10 like he was just he did such a good job with that role that he makes up for any issues that I may have had but the All over the place accents kind of just kind of took away just that it took away his shining Uh stardom there a little bit for me. It's just so fucking weird, too. I'm looking at the wikipedia page There's a lot of things that are strange about it. So first of all him and his sister have different last names I don't know second of all I like how it just says occupation pirate human trafficker It's like you're like I you know, i'm a nurse, you know, what do you do for a living? I'm, actually a pirate human trafficker But yeah, why would they have two different last names that and hers seems much more? Uh, like native to an island sounding what was what was hers? talagami talugma talugmai something like that I don't know. I don't know but yeah I don't know just he had he seemed hispanic to me and I would have thought he was And I think a lot of the people on the island might have been hispanic too if we're being honest Yeah But yeah, that's that's all I had was was that he he Made everything that was bad great and just the accents were just all over the place and weird Like it just wasn't consistent and confusing so Didn't bother me at all, but I I completely agree with what you're saying But it was fine with me at least they spoke in a language. I could understand I I want to say too It's always funny to me how like these are the natives of the island and they're speaking plain english with a heavy accent Like of course, I think if they were speaking to each other, they would just speak in their language But yeah doesn't matter the little bit that i've Dipped into other far cries or like seeing clips and things. I think they are a little more conscious of that But I haven't confirmed But that Suspicion, right? I think one of the far cries is like In montana far cry 5 is like in montana or something. What was it? Really? So yeah that dude we have to play that game, but I don't know. I've been like You know, I was asking you like hey, what are we playing next? It's like I got this game done like a month ago so I'm also trying to remember all this but i've been like looking for other games to play Also avoiding our list and I was like should I just play the next far cry because I was like You kind of like in that mode to play some more and I almost started playing four. I might play it soon but I don't really care about you can do that if you want to I don't know it's it's tough because you know I don't want you to like not play games because you're trying to wait until i'm recording. Oh, yeah, you know, but anywho, so Yeah, what's next we have we got to talk about the gameplay mechanics that's really the main The end of this game Dude, so the motion sickness stayed very prevalent with this game for me. Yeah, not as much on pc Weirdly enough, but with a controller or with the steam deck just handheld mode It's pretty bad. I don't know why but it's a little more manageable with with a Can uh with with mouse and keyboard but holy shit, dude, even in the cut scenes there would be like Jason brody's looking around like he's a fucking bobblehead through every cut scene, dude there's like one where he like He's on the ground and he goes and stands up and it's like his head is on a little spindle or something, dude Right. It's just insane. And then I think you couple that with there's a ton of animations in this game Yeah, uh, you couple that with just the amount of like I mean there's tons of uh, like bobbing if you're if you're sprinting Right moves like way more than they do in normal games and I realize that that's probably more realistic but You don't get motion sickness if you're running holding something. It's different. You don't right And it's and I looked it's a big issue with far cry games like specifically because other people will be like, oh I played You know all these other fps games. I only play fps games and I never have motion sickness But far cry has done it to me every time Oh interesting, yeah, that didn't that didn't trigger on me at all. Uh I what I was going to ask was similar to uh, spider-man when we played did it have the dynamic movement at all? Like the controller gyros, but the yeah the I was called dynamic Way late, dude. Okay Yeah, no, it didn't have any of that and I would have turned it off if it did But okay doom has that doom does it whatever has that yeah, right Uh, yeah, I don't know you didn't have that issue I didn't I didn't um, let's see. I have a handful of notes on gameplay and mechanic stuff on my end uh, let's see here and i'm trying to remember why I Phrased this as such. Oh, dude. Yeah i'm looking at your notes that I love how you have notes in here and there's shit. I want to say just based on your notes Yeah, I broke it up into a couple different things so first thing I have was the combat Now this is a first-person shooter, yeah and I think it did that as well as any other game. I think it was fine Or it held up rather the uh at one point the game there ended up being these guys in like armor Yeah Hate them. Uh, I think I ended up like using Were there grenade launchers or or something like that rpg? Yeah, it was an rpg Yeah, I think that's the only way I was able to like really get through them Uh, or really really good sniping shots and then running away Because the ai sorry, there's multiple things there the ai And was was terrible It was it was it had problems. Oh the ai sucked in this game. Yes I thought yeah, it was definitely Labor, what is the term uh aged? Yeah, like I I snipe Like I get, you know, really good sniper shot. I actually got really good with a sniper in this game you know, it's easier on mouse and keyboard but I would and but I was playing with controller and I was actually able to snipe very well and very accurately With a controller which isn't usually the case for me Anywho, you know, you get you get one guy off and then the entire little base would know exactly where you were And all start running towards you instantly. I was like, are you fucking kidding me? so really shitty ai there, but Those armored armored guys made everything terrible. I hated them So you you can get a talent later on where you can stealth kill them in one shot Which was helpful. Uh the other thing I I did the Flamethrower guys were the worst for me Hmm but their tanks it's like weird because i'd be shooting the fuck out of their tank and it's like it wasn't Doing it But I ended up grabbing the heavy machine gun or large machine gun Whatever it's called and they that usually was like the best weapon for me in in those cases Right other than just stealth killing everything bow and arrow Yes, I okay bow and arrow I couldn't actually fire it like I don't know if something was wrong Or if I was like I would I would do I I had to look up on the tutorial so many times like how do I use The bow and arrow and I did all the key controls and key bindings it said and nothing would happen I would draw it back And I let go or whatever the button key was to to shoot and it would just put it away There was I guess if you hold it, it would it would Undo it. But yeah, that does seem like you were having an issue It just it either it was so in an unintuitive that I just couldn't get it or I misread the instructions, but I Could I wanted to use it, but I could not actually figure out how to do it So it was a one-shot kill silent and then you could retrieve arrows Which is very reminiscent of this time period for gaming. I feel like this game whenever this game came out Everything was like bow and arrows and dubstep Like am I wrong though, it was in like every game around this time. Yeah, was there dubstep in this one? Oh, yeah, like club music and stuff. Yeah, there was like some club music and then there was like the mission where you go To the marijuana fields and you just light everything on fire with a flamethrower And there's like jamaican dubstep playing the whole time But stealth was insane in this game I guess it would be in general I guess it would be in general like if you can kill a whole group of people without ever getting caught Stealth was really good. I didn't realize I never picked up the like death from above talents because it sounded stupid to me but Yeah, you get them in blood dragon and uh, like just from just from playing and they're really fucking good The chain to kill thing is really good, too Yeah. Yeah, I didn't realize there was so much That you could end up doing in the combat system when I initially played but I Finally got to go through the talent tree and everything and it was there's a lot like a lot to play around with so uh, but no, I I used mostly the sniper and I think an assault rifle. I don't remember which one just whichever one I happen to have Yeah, I used the I think I actually had the best luck with the ak Because with the high damage and I feel like iron sights always do well for me in every game. I don't know why they just Red dot sights. I never do very well with them and I don't know why I just do best with iron sights It lines up for me. I don't know but and the sniper I think I I use the shit out of that and of course bow and arrow bow and arrow always It was just really nice having like the one shot kill especially with hunting animals, dude. It was really good for hunting And I want to talk about that a little bit too, oh my god talk let's talk about crafting too. Yeah, dude one crafting I thought was Pretty well balanced like it. It was it wasn't crazy No, it wasn't bad it was like definitely necessary Oh, definitely. So What one one example that I want to call out is you can make little whatever the health potions or health Theorems or something Syringes with health syringes. Yeah, so you had to collect Green plants green plants, but what was cool is you could go there were like I don't know five different kinds of plants that all qualified as green plants So they they gave you the mixture, but it would all kind of like trickle down into one Ingredient, but it would give you like that illusion of like a bunch of different things, right, right So I I really liked that you know, but then if you needed certain like Animal hides or whatever. They had the different, uh animal hides. So it it it gave me some complexity there but in other areas like the plants, for example, you didn't have to Craves all over creation looking for like one breed of of flower or whatever. So Yeah, I I think it was it was really nice. I I liked how they had it balanced You said before I started playing the game you were like you told me like clear out some places and get used to like stealth and and snipers and and being silent and that was a good tip because I was probably just going to beeline towards the end of the game without really focusing too much on the crafting part of it but it was super helpful because Everything was locked behind crafting as far as like other than talent points You gotta you have to craft in order to hold more than two weapons maybe more than one weapon actually, I don't know Yeah, you you get um, you get to hold extra syringes extra ammo extra or or Magazines or whatever. Yeah extra. Yeah extra extra Yeah, yeah Bag space was a premium for me because I would all I would loot the fuck out of everything Always and I would constantly run out of bag space I want to say, um, I really like the idea of it. I want to get one a shark skin wallet, dude I love the idea of a shark skin wallet. That sounds like the most G'd up shit i've ever heard that is like that's straight out of a rap song, dude Shark skin wallet I need that it's a thing you can buy it get it. Can you I don't know if you can shark skin stingray wallet Do a stingray skin wallet Give five haircuts at the same time, dude So, yeah, I don't know I wanted to talk about that a little bit but on the on the crafting because it was They they did go hand in hand the amount of wildlife in this place was just Astronomical dude the fucking kimono dragons all the time. Oh I would be like doing something and out of nowhere i'm getting snapped up by a dragon It was it was dogs for me dogs and dingoes and All the canine breeds that's the thing that would like show up out of nowhere and they always have it in packs Yeah, at least the dogs would like bark so you would know they were coming but the kimono dragons dude You just be like standing there and then they're gripping your fucking leg off And dude, I think if you get bit by a kimono dragon, you're dead in real life I think you just they have venom or something maybe How I heard it was they have so much bacteria in their mouth that you would you get sick almost Guaranteed I think they actually have venom. I think I think I remember reading this but i'm gonna google it Google it Modo, uh, I got I got joke And this this is embarrassing to say as a floridian. Uh, I got jump scared by a fucking crocodile. Oh, yeah, dude Oh, yeah, I got cropped up too Yeah, it was uh, it scared the shit out of me so neither of us are wrong. Oh, uh, wow So the venom is actually like an anti-clot. So you just constantly bleed it won't let you clot there and then they have crazy bacteria So you're gonna get an infection which makes sense. It's a fucking lizard So, yeah, they have a venom, uh venom gland in their lower jaw, I love it this is welcome to nature cast Um, let's see here There did you do any of the side activities they had like hunting racing and like sniping challenges No, I would have maybe done that again I always need to consider like If I was playing this game and I had nothing else to do if this was a game I got for christmas As a kid when it came out or whatever maybe probably after I beat the game, I would try to go through and do all those challenges and stuff, but Right. No, I remember getting in a car and it was like you got to take this thing. You have a timer And I just immediately got out of the car Yeah, I tried a couple of them. I tried the ones where you were like Uh taking medical supplies because those were like peppered throughout but there were some that was like sniping challenges where uh, the one the one I did was uh timed and I honestly don't remember how they Explained it or themed it or or Whatever It was like you look over in that direction and there's going to be all these birds that fly out And you have to kill all the birds Yeah, it was it was very filler but it was just like very out of nowhere and weird so I tried one of them like math that doesn't seem to be much of a Benefit to doing it so I didn't do any more of them I did want to go and do all the hunting stuff because you Once once you craft everything There's like extra you can get the like extra good items, but you have to get like oh, yeah, like the golden tiger I remember seeing that. Yeah, they were like, um Legendary animals or something you have to right go find or something that could be kind of fun because I don't I think the hunting in this game was at least fun enough to keep me entertained, but Yeah, I don't I don't like racing In games that are not I don't really enjoy racing games that much but I especially don't enjoy it if it's not a racing game yeah, and and the the Vehicle controls in this game were awful. All the vehicles are terrible the traveling other that other other than the glider the all the vehicles and we're just Yeah, they weren't like bad The boats were okay, but the the all the all the vehicle all the land vehicles were just like blah Yeah, well, they were driving on dirt and shit. They were just there, you know, I just I didn't like them God forbid you end up in one of the little sedans Because the I think the jeeps and stuff had better control But like you end up in one of the front wheel drive sedans and you're just you're not you might as well walk Yeah, one thing I did notice uh, I feel like i'm going all over the place, but in a lot of games where they have quests you finish the quest you get experience and then usually you get like A currency or like an extra thing, right? uh That that is I feel like that's almost a standard in this game just for completing story quests You you don't get a gold kickback by default Which yeah gold money or whatever was money hard to come by in this game. Yeah And I never filled up my shark skin wallet. I was I was really poor And I was like, oh In in my my gamer brain. I was like, oh i'm just gonna go turn in this crest real quick It'll give me some kickback i'm sure and then i'll go buy the thing I need And nope doesn't do that So, I mean i'm not knocking it against the game I I Doesn't always make sense to always get a financial reward for just going to like Talk to a person. Yeah, you know, I mean so I I kind of I kind of liked it. I just this is the first time I think i've noticed it Uh like that before I just want to call that out Money was hard to come by in this game Especially if you don't loot every single person and then constantly sell whatever you get from them You could sell animal skins and plants which helps offset that a little bit but holy fuck dude I Finished one mission where I used the large heavy machine gun large machine, whatever it's called And I had no ammo left for it and I paid twelve hundred dollars to fill that thing back up with ammo Oh my god, and I didn't even know Like I just like, you know fill up all ammo and I saw it as I hit a That's fine though because I I had at that point I had like four thousand or something but I don't know sticker shock, dude The last two things I wanted to call out in the gameplay, uh section was There were two uh, three fights. There was a mid-game boss fight with the citra With the big thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah uh That was so fun Like I I I thought it was really cool. I it took on like, um, I don't know like a supernatural It was taffiti from yeah Moana, dude, it was I don't know. I I thought it just looked really cool And it was the best fight of the game in my opinion. Oh, yeah by far Yeah, I mean it was it was an actual like an actual challenging fight. I didn't find it difficult Well, so I mean you you couldn't just I don't know you couldn't phone it in right? Like, you know, I like you I had to actually pay attention. I was using an elite pro series controller. So And I was using a twenty dollar like usb Sex box controller. Yeah sex box That's a spoiler But no, I thought I thought it was a really cool. Um, I do I have I think I have a picture of that somewhere I think I took hella Screenshots and i'm just realizing I actually took a screenshot of me falling through the world And did you really yeah, but I it's still on my deck so i'm not gonna Bust it out trying to remember where all my Where they all go they go in a folder specifically on your deck and then you have to be able to like access them Now I remember I should have I should have brought these up While we were talking about graphics because now I remember why I didn't give it a perfect score I actually took a lot of screenshots for the last game too. Damn it Uh, should I get take you on a little should I share my screen and take you on a little journey? You can take me on the journey sure dude watch stream Oh, okay. So Going back to graphics for a minute before I talk about this boss There's a part of the story where you find some of your old your friends and you're talking with Jason's I believe girlfriend at a camp at a campfire and she's sitting there and Her legs are like just stuck into her pelvis there. Oh, I interpreted that as uh, That's her knees are bent. Yeah. No, no, her knees are bent but look where her where her stomach is Yeah in her crotch looking so like take take take the torso take the take the legs completely off put her torso On a box as if she's sitting on it and then take her bent legs and just like peg them into where her pelvis is it's it's so weirdly Put there like like her Yeah, look at her look at her belt Yeah, I guess I interpreted those little humps that you're calling like the the pegs that are stuck in At first glance I interpreted that as where her knees are bent and she's like has her knees above Her waistline, but you're right because I can see where her knees are And it's not good Like right here. Yeah, dude, it's getting really gruesome when you zoom in. I don't like it like this bit Yeah, it doesn't make any sense it's a lego body dude Yeah, okay. I'll try to i'll try to post these so people look at them Uh, let's see here. That guy's floating That guy's cool walking downstairs The the people wouldn't walk on the ground um the oh man, that's pretty bad the the textures Of like fruit in a bowl or produce in a crate or somebody taped a fucking picture in the bottom of a pan Yeah, that's pretty bad too, yeah This is yeah, there we go. Oh, oh my god This guy you meet you meet an npc that has god we went way out of the out of the conversation we were having Uh, there's you meet this this what was he an american like? Cia agent or something. I thought he was like australian or something, but the australian guy there was two of them Uh, yeah, so there's this uh australian guy who's like this military dude or whatever and he's I don't know in his late 50s early 60s and has uh He's he's supposed to be weathered and aged and he has a chest tattoo of a deer With buck on it and it looks so freshly painted and like like those, uh Like those temporary tattoos like yeah seconds after he takes it off Like like I put it on that's what it looks like. He's constantly putting. Uh Aquaphor on it just to keep it fucking shiny. He also has a 60 year old face on like a 20 year old's body Does not match at all Yeah, you're right and why does I have her on here? I don't know. I think it was just tips Uh, okay. Okay taffiti. There we go. And then and then we're back to taffiti. So this fight I loved that fight That was the only good fight in the game in my opinion. Yes. I I thought that was really fun Yeah, it was cool because you got unlimited explosive arrows too, which I didn't have any explosive arrows So wait, how are you able to use the bow and arrow for this part? This would this would have worked but out in the open world I couldn't get it to work So that looks that that I think was a misclick. Okay No, it looks like you're swimming on land. Yeah, it does. Oh, that's what it was the one I started so Sorry, sorry listener that we just went like talking about a fight to then back to graphics To then a fight again, and then we're back on swimming. Uh, so so To check check our check our instagram for the the pictures on that fight I was talking about so this bit was I I had gotten out of a cave system and was Leaving the area, but it had me swim through this body of water That was literally 12 inches deep Yeah, it wouldn't let me stand up that's fucked up it made it made me swim When there was no depths of the water at all, that's pretty funny And I remember yeah, I saw your neck on this Uh, i'll come back to that. Okay Yeah, so that that was my graphic stuff. They there was a couple a couple issues that I saw oh man back to where we were so I had one other thing on gameplay About the fights that I wanted to talk about and we can go into more detail later on About the fights or about the characters, but when you fought vos and hoit was the hoit. Is that how you say it? Yeah Yeah They were just quick time events which You know sony does that a lot and all that but I don't know if it was just I was really enjoying the Storyline of the dialogue or what it was but You start doing like a hand-to-hand combat thing when you get close to both of them And because this is an fps you've been like, okay, you gotta you know, aim shoot all this good stuff It's like your normal fps but with the two boss fights, it's like oh you're not just going to get in a shooting match with them because that's Again, that's kind of boring for your your two main villains. They did quick time events, but how it was structured it was like It would have you Your character would like throw a left hook so it would have you do your left trigger and then block with the right So you had to hit like the b button on the other side of the controller So your quick time events were met like what your body was doing matched up with the placement of the quick time button on the controller Yeah, I feel like we were doing Uh spider-man and it was just like yeah smash x or hit y once it was just they just picked a random They did a good job with that, but it was still Like the entirety of the last boss fight was five button presses Yes. Yes I just I feel like it was yes it was a quick time event, but I feel like they put a little bit extra thought into it because it was Because I I feel like it was just You know Press x to throw a punch and then y to block it and just time those that would have just been complete and total dog shit But they also didn't want to come at it with just doing uh a gunfight right a gunfight would have been kind of just How many shots do you really realistically get the right guy like exactly? Ahead a hundred times because his health pool is too high So I I'll knock it for having just falling on a quick time event, but I definitely think they Enhanced it by how they did the button presses in like they like literally the location on the controller Matched what you were doing on the screen. It just it felt more Like I was actually doing something. I don't know. It just it was more of a feeling thing than than anything else. So I I thought it was really cool. It was better than Having a guy where you shoot him in the head a hundred fifty thousand times Right, right. Yeah, you know and and back on the cute cuties the God of war The same thing you just just pick pick one of the buttons. That's what you're gonna smash over and over and over again Yeah, but at least god of war had like fighting in it. But again, that wouldn't yeah Maybe it would have been it was just like so uh knife to knife combat, but I don't know Yeah, I guess that's kind of what it was but Yeah, then and with with vos they didn't mix in I think there was uh, he drugged you so there were they mixed in some Some first-person shooters because you were like hallucinating And you could like shoot different like things you were seeing So they add they incorporate a little bit of it. But once you got like him You like like in in fisticuffs range. That's when they added the little cuties. So right Anything else in uh mechanics and or gameplay I just I mean I did mention it earlier, but I guess it's a fine time to mention it again After you finish the fight with hoit you and the guy riley. I think his name He somehow can pilot a helicopter And you're manning the gun and good fucking god was it trash to do on a steam deck or with a controller or whatever? But again much easier on mouse and keyboard very easy on mouse and keyboard But I just it was terrible I shut it off immediately Like after the third or fourth time that I attempted it. I kept it was anytime someone shot an rpg It took a quarter of the health from the helicopter and then after four times of trying that 16 rpgs later, I just Turned it off and finished it the next day. But uh, I really did I wish I loved that part dude with the rise of the valkyries playing It was such a stupid fucking song choice and it was perfect for it because one thing i'll say about far cry is they don't These games don't take themselves too too seriously There's always some goofy stuff involved, especially in the later games, I think But they're not they're not supposed to be hyper realistic but rise of the valkyries like It was just uh, I don't know it was funny and I was When you hear it start up because it has like a long Like fiddle intro or whatever. I don't know what it is like a violin intro before it actually starts I was just like oh my god, here we fucking go, dude But yeah, I liked that and hated it at all. Oh, man Oh another thing too the animals dude They would get you when you never expected it, dude There was like one mission where I was done and all I needed to do was walk up to the spot To get my checkpoint Yeah, and I just got fucking cougared up. I think they call it. Yeah, and then I had to do it all over again Gator was the only thing that that really caught with I don't know if it was a crocodile or an alligator doesn't matter but that thing That thing scared the living daylights out of me and then I did have They call it a taiwanese. There was a tiger that did um, uh sneak up on me a little bit. Oh, dude I fucked a tiger up man I snuck up on a tiger and there was like four of them laying down in the grass and I just cooked a grenade Which is funny because my wife was with me And she looks up like I was playing it on the tv and she looks up and she goes, you know those are in danger, right like yeah, but Come on, like would you not take the opportunity to lob a fucking grenade? Oh my god. Can we also real quick talk about? Uh when you after you skin these and if you don't need them for crafting you can go sell them It's like oh this amazingly endangered, uh tiger skin 20 20 dollars, please Like are you kidding me? Yeah like They call those taiwanese grass cats. Yeah, the the uh, value of money was very odd In this game, right? Well, dude, it's kind of funny though, because it I just want to say From the perspective of how fucked up this island was Ammo was way way way too expensive though So it's like that's the that's the real currency is like ammo But then people are also like buying like an old photograph for like ten dollars like you don't give a shit about that But yeah, so the storyline of the game you wanna we gotta get to that. Where do we even begin? This this playthrough took me 22 hours almost 23 Took me 16. I Have children I I don't even know where to start. We what I I started doing an intro and then I fucked it up earlier Which will have been cut? but we have this guy jason brody, he's on a vacation with a group of friends and they kind of get Skydiving yeah, they get stuck on this island and Uh, and then basically everybody gets captured And or lost I think I think captured all all around and uh, You're playing as this cool, dude, jason brody To find everybody and and get everybody off the island so That's kind of the whole thing and then you run into you know fps zone, so Uh, i'm trying to think what what would be the best way to really take a crack at this one I I mean, I guess we just kind of Talk about some of the parts. We don't have to go like yeah by bit of the story. Yeah, I thought it was kind of funny Your older brothers with you and he's like ex-military And he's like he's like brody brody I've got a plan. Okay, well it's what we're gonna do and then He boss just caps him dude. Yeah Like I don't know if because boss didn't want to kill you clearly He had so many opportunities to just put a bullet in your head But I liked it. I think he saw him for the legitimate threat that he probably was And just took care of it immediately, but he didn't seem like he took you Especially initially very seriously. We had we had plot armor. Well, yeah, it would be a short game Yeah shorter than blood dragon But then you take over as grant brody brody, so yeah you you meet these Uh after you get captured and you escape you you meet the natives, uh, the natives Who I can't remember what they go by Rakyat, and they give you a tattoo Which they oh, yeah, they call it a tau. Yep to tanya's Tattoo so yeah, and then you kind of work with the how do you say it rayat? Rakyat rakyat they start you basically I think it's kind of like, you know You help them out then they help you out and kind of just going back and forth and you're strengthening their hold Over the island. So it's a lot of going and capturing bases and you know Slowly pushing that power bar into the favor of the friendlier people The friendlier people uh on the island and Trying to go after uh, the bad guy voss played by michael mando. It's michael michael michael michael mando does a Just such a good job with this game. Yeah, he was good any parts that really stuck out to you So I got two really good good points. So I My I had a friend that was playing this game and he was just like in the post game of it I guess and just you know sniping people and shit and I remember seeing the cover of this and the cover of it was kind of intriguing looking because Voss looks like a scary dude. He looks like a fucking psychopath the cover of this game He wasn't that impressive to me, dude. I remember hearing i've always heard like voss was such a good villain. Why he was one-dimensional and honestly a bad villain because he the fight with him was easy slash Non-existent and the only thing that was kind of like his schtick was like he constantly asked you if you know the definition of insanity Because he's clearly he's clearly insane. Yeah, but like he wasn't like he wasn't a deep villain by any means, you know Yeah I I think he was a guy that loved violence. He was very colorful. Oh Like no, he just had there was a like he was insane. There's a lot of personality there. So I think Uh, he he reads very well on screen Yeah, yeah Right. He turned it out. Sure. Definitely. I mean just looking at him. He stands out a lot But I guess I maybe he looks cooler than he is. I would say Yeah, I I definitely think it was falling They ran into the issue of like your character clearly had plot armor. It's the say that that trope of like The the bad guy should just just shoot shoot you shoot the shoot the guy that's going to thwart your plans, right? Like that's that was that was so true in this game like a hundred times Yeah, because you would you would encounter vas think it captured then escape think it captured and Almost killed or he would like try to at one point. He tied you up and tried to like You know think you know pull an aladdin move sink you to the bottom of the ocean or something. I forgot about that which which you then escaped from and then it's just like it just over and over again that that yeah, he was a he was Not doing a very good job of literally they never explicitly state that jason brody is a magician But you can't tie that guy up dude and he gets out every fucking time every time See I I do agree that it was very I love that's technically tropey, but it definitely feels like they just it just happens so often and in these types of stories So in far cry 5 that happens like 50 fucking times too. That's it. Yeah Um, they just the villain constantly captures you and then fails to kill you because they want to make it personal or something I don't know, right? It's fine. It's okay, but Boss just wasn't the villain that I he wasn't as cool. He wasn't even the villain. He was like a henchman He was like a puppet, but he was cool enough to make it on the cover of the game, I guess Yeah, uh, did you how early on I very early on realized that I thought I think jason was a psycho um Because he started like turning a little bit and like yeah, he like he started drinking the kool-aid Like we all enjoy violence, right? Like yeah Where we enjoyed this game and it would if there was no violence in it, it wouldn't be as fun But yeah, he definitely Was happy to be killing people Yeah, I think it was after he what met citra, right? that's I feel like it was like as soon as he Yeah, I don't know but I feel like it was early on there were hints of it. Yeah, I mean it definitely wasn't like uh And arthur for we happy few things like oh, sorry like that it wasn't that it was very much like I can't believe i've done this Fucking pussy Yeah, I don't know I I did like that because I thought that was kind of a cool It added some depth to a guy named jason brody that he seemed to enjoy the violence of of this area And I got the impression pretty early on that. He had intentions of staying Yeah, I think because he just it seemed like it was the perfect opportunity for him to be who we wanted to be but so really it's just it's just a series of Jason brody interrupting things doing fetch quests Getting captured untying ropes getting away surviving repeat and then you come to the The you finally take out boss and then you have to move on to hoyt who is boss's boss the boss of boss Is Yes, yes who's who's got the sauce I'll tell you where the sauce is. There were some titties in there somewhere. I think Fuck it. I'll do that. That was um, that was a fun scene So it was kind of twice Yes Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. I there was another I think At some point they just started putting nudity in video games It was like the xbox 360 era. We just started seeing tits. I want your thoughts on the poker tournament Whatever dude I don't play poker, but I just want to know how it how you interpreted it so I did not take it seriously The the at the end there when it was Yeah So one I forget what it was about that was There's something about the when he was shuffling All of the animations of it were clunky. They they could not animate Him dealing a poker game out at all And and again, it's been it's been over a month since i've played this and finished it I cannot remember what specifically I was trying to refer to but the the shuffling when they were doing that poker game was just abysmal I remember at one point he sweeps the table to pull all the cards back in Yeah, and it's just like he just runs his arm over the table and all of the cards go into his hand. It's like right Fucking guy is a pro dude. He's also a magician Yeah Specializes in card tricks But every time I play poker go ahead no, I think I think they were using mocap for a Couple of this two things in here, right? And I I feel like what they tried doing was they mocapped that scene And then tried to go back in and and put the like animate like the cards themselves or whatever because he was when he was putting the cards together and then he had them in his hand and he kind of like You try to like get them all to sit the right the same direction and all that And they just could not figure out how to animate him Squaring up the cards, right? And it just looks so weird um That it was distracting um anyway Every time that I wasn't sure what the point of the poker games were necessarily. I didn't know if I was supposed to yeah I just went immediately looked at my hand all in Every fucking time dude Literally, i'm just like I don't give a fuck dude. I'm either going to like it's either going to play Out until something storyline happens or until I run out of money and then we have to make a determination So just fucking count me all in I don't even know much about poker. Yeah If it was blackjack, maybe I would have been able to keep up a little bit better, but i'm not a poker player So I just put all in and it fucking it took me seriously Just like I took it seriously yeah because I know you're trying to get into hoist good graces and like I thought that was a big dick move dude. Just put I had like 500 cash on me, right? and a pair a pair of crumpled sunglasses or whatever And a leopard skin all in dude, and I think he got the point because he immediately killed my friend Yeah, it was uh It was a weird scene like yeah It definitely felt unnecessary because you were like doing all the stuff to get close to hoist And then have him trust you But in the in the process of trying to get trusted by him you were close enough to kill him It was just it was just weird. It was if I felt like oh, yeah, dude going from vos to hoist. I felt like was a weird Unnecessary extension of the story. Well, there was especially so two things were kind of plot. Holy with the story One you go in and you meet hoist and you're with The british i'm sorry German guy german. Yeah It's you and the german guy Who did we don't know his name right now? And and hoist in a room why you're literally standing right in front of him two guys against hoist hoist is not a big dude jason brody Will will dig a bullet out of his arm with a stick this guy's tough And you guys are like, all right hoist. See you later Yeah, like you had every opportunity you fought out of worse situations and you end up fighting out of a worse situation anyway Right, you could have just killed the guy right there. Yeah I don't know. I thought that was kind of weird. And then the other thing that is weird is like Hoist like you think I didn't fucking know like, you know you Then why'd you let me sabotage you bro? You if you're so privy to all this? Yeah Why did you let me spend the last two hours doing this stupid fucking mission? Yeah, it was really weird I I Yeah, the whole hoist thing just seemed unnecessary I felt like it was tacked on kind of otherwise like why would the dude why would vos be on the cover? You know It was like almost it felt like an excuse to just include extra stuff But I also feel like this is very ubisoft that it is and you're the expert. Yeah So the actual ending what did you what did you do? all right, so We we beat hoist and we go back I think to uh I we're all of your friends with the Rock lobsters They were called yeah rock lobsters you got yeah, they were with the rock. Yeah, that's what they were like they captured they were captured by uh Citra and the rock lobster club. They were captured by them. Yeah, and they killed the doctor in the process. Oh, that's right That's right. Dr. Creepy Dr. Alec Dr. Alec the creep uh, right reinhardt, I think Earnhardt earnhardt. Yeah, his first name was alec which was fun. Anyway, um Yeah, that's right. You went to go see your friends, but then where they were He got killed And they got captured. Okay Yeah, so you go back to citra like whoa, what the hell? and I Like you realized that jason birdie was going insane. So I let him go all the way insane And I let him stay Okay, so he stays And I believe he kills all of his friends, right or girlfriend at least the girlfriend just immediately like I think he just slashes a throat or something and then uh Citra takes you to have you, uh, put a baby in her and then she like plunges a dagger into your fucking chest Yeah Which was just fucking fantastic. I mean, it's a good Karma thing for what you did, right? Yeah for sure But I mean does she have any idea how difficult it can be to get pregnant? Was she actually did was she keeping track of that good a track of her cycle, too? To know that she was like it was ovulating a hundred percent Pregnant that fast. Yep at some Again, sorry for that, but anybody listening at some point citra Who is a person? Announces it sounds like a place to me. It sounds like a civilization the citron civilization She she believes that you are like an incarnate of a god because of your tattoo on your arm or something Yeah, the warrior I think yeah, you are like, uh, the the warrior that was promised to these people So she just really wants your dna to have a baby. That's the bad. I think the bad ending scumbag ending But yeah, I don't know. I just it was kind of funny because like yeah, like she's so confident that she's pregnant already Yeah Well, it's lazy writing at least wait till the second trimester you fool Jesus you guys don't have modern health care. Also. She literally killed the only fucking doctor that we know of on the island I don't know. Did you uh, did you happen to look up the other ending? That's that I I had the opposite ending Yeah, so why don't you tell us what the other one was? It's it's way less exciting, but you just you kill citra and then you and your friends get off of the island No, no, no, no Sorry, that's right. Uh You say no you're like, uh, no, no, no, and then you're the first guy your friend dennis Yep. Yeah Dennis, uh goes to stab you because you're a dirty rotten traitor And citrus jumps I guess jumps in front of the knife Yeah takes it because I guess she does truly seem to think that you are some warrior incarnate but She dies and then you just leave the island and I think you guys Uh, he says something like, you know, uh, I can't change who I am Uh, but i'm gonna try i'm gonna go to law school or something like that What's jason brody gonna do after that? It was a stupid predictable ending yeah literally fucking panera bread dude, that's it he's good with a knife Cut this loaf get the bread bowls ready jason Oh my goodness What was your so you did you which ending did you like better I hated them both but I I you know, I I wouldn't say that I hated them. I think The one where you leave I feel like is the more predictable one It's the more in my opinion the more canon ending too. Like it's probably what he would have actually done Which you know, it doesn't feel as satisfying. It's like You you have the what the hero's journey. He he was You know Went on his quest. He had some bad stuff, but now it's over. He's clearly just gonna You know mentally Recorrect himself and then go on and have a normal life or Because I feel like we see that type of thing so often right Would it kill us to have like, you know what? He wasn't able to snap out of it and Look what happened, right? It I I I I found I out of the two I liked the one where he stayed a scumbag the whole time I Yeah, I feel it was more satisfying in the sense of like If you're just happy because you get to see some titties. Yeah. Yeah, I mean That's all it is dude. You could just say it dude. It's just she's uh It was it was a good-looking character model. I'll tell you that and No, I feel like it was refreshing in the sense of like we're always seeing The good guy who ended up doing some bad stuff switch back over to be a good guy again And I think it was just a nice change of pace to see him like you know what? He's a little fucked And he's gonna stay fucked. Yep. He got fucked and then he was fucked Yeah, dude, you know so I thought of like kind of an alternate ending that I thought this is what I thought was gonna happen This is what I I figured would happen. I thought that If you kill your friends, which is completely unnecessary because they had the means to leave then they were willing to let you stay they were Everybody was on board with you staying I guess maybe his opinion changed a little bit when he found out his brother was still alive His girlfriend was a fucking drag. Anyway, honestly um But Okay, so I thought he was going to stay And then they were going to show like a little while later And he was going to be like very much Institutionalized by the island and he was going to say some shit like that Voss would have said like do you know the definition of insanity? Like he was going to kind of just take over the persona that caused Voss to just be crazy That'd be good Yeah I don't know. That's kind of what I expected when if you did kill your friends Yeah, I guess the ending of him getting killed was pretty good, too It was definitely a more shocking ending. Did we ever see the character model for jason birdie? Or because you were always in third person You were I don't know. Sorry first person first person. Yeah for better or for worse I think you stayed in first person all the time. Okay But he probably looked like a fucking bitch, dude Like they just like the kid like they do a little scene where it like moves that way from the first person view and it Like turns the camera and you just see uh fucking Voss again Like like something like that. Yeah, or or even just having like the same kind of mentality that he had. Yeah would have been good but I feel like jason brody had too high of a moral compass to really be like a pirate lord on that island Anyway, like he he was clearly okay with murdering but he was doing it because it was justified Yeah, I don't know this is getting way too deep for for a far cry game Did you have a favorite weapon Yeah, yeah the sniper Okay sniper. Did you use one of the snipers with attachments or did you use the one that came with attachments the one that came with? Yeah, so that was a one-shot kill if you like for the most part If you got the other sniper and then added a silencer it decreased the damage enough where it wasn't a one-shot kill Yeah, the the one had a silencer on I believe Yeah, that's what I wanted Because anything else would immediately find me I would get be given away and it was a fucking drag trying to like Yeah, it was a slog dude on some of those It was fun going just bad. I had bad ai Yeah, it was fun going in with a sniper and taking out like the guys up top first like the guys in the watchtowers Yeah, because nobody would see them die and then you know Then there was specifically one where you're getting ready to go in a bunker and there were like little trenches That you could go into that was fun um, I liked the bow and arrow for most of the game, but towards the end of the game like my My main gun was the lmg Yeah That was the I mean that was the lifesaver gun for me Especially because towards the end of the game you could easily get ammo restocks In in the bunkers and stuff right So ammo wasn't as much of an issue and you had like 400 rounds in that thing at all times Did you have a favorite mission that you recall? Um I don't know It's it's been a minute right they Not in a bad way, but they all kind of felt the same. Yeah fps wise I Which is why I like the Quick time events and how they did them because it was like and I said this before I like when you get a break from The thing you're doing like diablo. I mentioned like i'd like a break from doom and gloom for a little bit Just give me something different. I liked like a break from a shooter game yeah, so But now all the all the missions kind of felt the same to be honest with you I will say I think the one that stood out to me the most that I would say would be my favorite I did like the one where you're getting into the bunker and you go through the trenches and stuff just because that felt like the pinnacle of stealth But then once you get in the bunker, it sucked um, but I liked the mission where you end up burning the weed farms because it was Yeah, very over the top and just like ridiculous. It wasn't difficult or anything But it was just fun. The music was fucking crazy. All of it was just You know if a game takes itself too seriously it becomes cheesy And this kind of toed the line of being cheesy for the other reason and it was all right Intentionally, right? So I liked that but yeah Did you enjoy the game what you I mean? I did I did. Yeah. Yeah, I really I actually did like the like the game this this wasn't one that I You know Would log off because I was frustrated and then Frustrated and then dread getting back on I actually enjoyed every time I hit, you know play um but I wasn't like No, I I enjoyed it. I really did damn. It was an enjoyable game for sure. Um, it did get There was two points where if I wasn't doing it for the podcast, I would have just fucking stopped Yeah one when I cleared out I cleared out that this bunker mission You're trying to get into a bunker without getting caught because if you get caught it's hell There's a lot of the armored suit guys. Yeah, I finished that one Everybody was dead including the armored suit guys and then a tiger fucking kills me And I was if I wasn't doing it for the podcast and I knew we weren't going to discuss the ending I was completely fine with not fucking knowing what was going to happen Wow, and the fact that youtube exists and I could have just watched the ending makes it so much like So much easier to just turn turn it off and then yeah, the the other point was the Helicopter part just because it was if if I could only play it on the steam deck I don't think I would have been able to finish it at all, right? But it was a good game. I I really wish I would have played this when it came out because again This is the time period where? I had the time to play it I think I was probably in college at this time and I I definitely would have had time to do it right and um It would have just been a good game to really get carried away with how big and expansive this game was I didn't even get all of the radio towers and open up the full map or anything in my playthrough I got all those I got the radio towers. I think I did all the bases Dude, yeah, so that's where your 22 hours came from then because I I got them if they were close by But in so many so many instances if you get the radio tower It's like every other ubisoft game where all you have to do is climb to the top of a thing and it opens up the spot on the map I did I did like how they were structured because Using ubisoft their other their other big name game assassin's creed. Yeah, you just climb up and that's it this one you had to like Actually, yeah, it was kind of like a little you know climbing puzzle, which is good if it was conveniently like close enough where I Basically needed to get to it or You know, I did them more often initially until I got weapons that I felt like were good enough Right, um, then I would do them but at some point I stopped doing them because I didn't really care I remember this this one tower I got I heard As I was getting close to the top because they got really tall in some of them. Um I start hearing these like animal noises and shouting So I just I was like, all right, whatever and I cut and then I finally look around and there's a bear a pack of dogs fighting the bad guys Like in the road in the road So I just started waiting up at the top and just waited took a couple sniper shots And I never saw a bear was it was it a bear that seems Kind of unlikely right it was something large. So it was a large beast again over 30 days Are you sure the one bears? Well, there might have been but I don't know if there's are there bears in thailand This isn't in thailand Okay, far cry three Animals game facts. This may be dumb. But where are some bears? Asian black bear Oh I was right. Okay. I'm not crazy. Fuck. Yeah, dude And they look so cute. Oh my god, the the the tortoises Oh, yeah, I saw one I didn't kill it though. Oh I ran into Like a whole family. Oh, did you grenade them? Oh Bastard Their shells weren't worth it. So Anywho So I think what we should do is before we close out the episode is Talk about the dlc blood dragon for our patreon members Okay. Yeah Uh, yeah, so that was our Far cry 3 discussion and for patreon members our blood dragon discussion any just final thoughts on uh, far cry 3 overall Buy blood dragon skip the other game If they're the same price blood dragon is worth every fucking penny right on Yeah, I think uh, I think far cry 3 is is a good one for me a good far cry Game to start with in the series. Oh, yeah One is way too old. Yeah, one's way too old and two I just think they I think they ironed out a lot of their like Mechanical issues in three from two so You know, I think parker theory is a really good one to start with if you're gonna play any of them Get a scopolamine patch when you play so you don't get motion All right, so we are still in the season of james what's our next game dude I want to do cocoon It's it's made by the same company that did um Inside in limbo nice So it should be a little bit of a shorter game this I would consider like a medium length game Right on we just played so yeah something a little shorter All right, and we can make pave way for a fucking thick game Okay Yeah teasing a little bit there. Perfect. All right, so we're gonna play cocoon next go ahead and check that out Um for us before we sign out you can find us just to make it easy for you We have a link tree three two one backlog link tr.ee slash three two one backlog That'll give you everywhere. We're at is especially patreon.com Slash three two one backlog for extended episodes that also come out a week early. So check that out really inexpensive I think you should go, uh, go check it out for us That's gonna do it for us everybody Bye Bye So So So You

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