Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this information, the speaker discusses the concept of consciousness and its relationship to the human experience. They argue that the body is not real, and that we are always operating from the heart, rather than the mind. The speaker also mentions the idea of frozen light and the thawing process as our journey on Earth. They suggest that consciousness is not confined to the brain and can be observed in various organisms, even those without brains. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding consciousness and its role in our existence. Welcome to the 7th Sense, the upgraded, later edition where we deal with a fusion, if you like, of both the typical 7th Sense spiritual uplift and the deeper and more esoteric quantum wisdom of Activate You. What we've decided here is there are a number of individuals that will remain unnamed to protect their identities. These individuals have made available to me, in trust and in confidence, a series of documents, videos and other pertinent information that very much deals with the more advanced understanding of the human genetic template, the original blueprint, that is spirit, and the fact that the body is not us, none of this is real, and I've stated that in many, many different episodes, shows, live streams and all that kind of thing. And how we matter, the human genome, are nothing more than frozen light. And the thawing process is our journey on the earth, which is best reflected in the language of the mind or in the yin and yang perspective of polarity as one thing needing to balance another. The more that we understand the fact that we don't need one thing to balance another in order to move forward within the quantum and unified field of existence, the more we refute the argument, if you like, that we are here on the planet as multidimensional beings living an earthly linear experience as a reflection of a journey from the head to the heart. What these analogies, these dissertations, discourses, insights, lead very much to is there is no need to concern yourself whatsoever with the mind circuit, the thought construct, the brain in layman's terms, but the fact that we are always operating in the heart. Always. And we just need to become more available to its liberated expression and the way that we humbly and with gratitude and with forgiveness in our heart for self, not for the external influences of our illusory existence, but forgiveness for self, for not being able to rise to the deeper challenge and experience of what it is to be a particle within a quantum field of unified thinking and action. There is no head, just like there is no human body. It's a construct, a frequency of light and vibration reflected in sound. Everything in this illusory expression is sound and sound is the embodiment of waves and waves are light. For all matter is frozen light. Now you wouldn't be able to come to that kind of a conclusion if you didn't go through all manner of challenging experience. What we call being a student, adopting the student modality of being in the Gaia classroom and not knowing any better because the manipulation of the genetic template into a form observed in this experience as some kind of physical interaction taking place, which we refer to as personality. So separate personality, which is external expression, from consciousness. Consciousness is nothing more than energy and energy is nothing more than the transmission of information, the movement, the quantum embodiment of information moving in fractals of light and these fractals of light encompass fragmented aspects of our self or the embodiment of our physical expression. This is highbrow, this is advanced thinking at an intelligence that has been inspired by many, many different experiences, alchemic experiences, esoteric experiences, astrally inspired experiences that have all taken place not in the waking state of consciousness where we have limited expression in the form of exploration and experience, but in the dreaming, the limitless expanse of higher connection to the divine. For me, your humble host, Mike Pouskas from the 7th Sense, the curator of this idea which has now embodied an ideal of liberated expression, which is now encapsulated and or embodied as a movement, and I'm so grateful to the hundreds of you now that exist and tune in regularly to receive these higher octaves or these pearls of wisdom, because these pearls of wisdom, as I've stated and I will state yet again and again for those that need to receive a clearer transmission of the truth, I don't read books and I don't watch copious amounts of metaphysical types of content, movies, YouTube videos, don't read deep, detailed PDFs about people's stories. History is nothing more than stories, reflected correctly or incorrectly with a sentient outlook or a deceptive outlook. It doesn't matter. It's what it means to you, because the only thing staring back at the mirror of consciousness is you. Everything else doesn't exist. I am not talking to you. There is no communication taking place. It's a fractal of light that has been embodied in something that your so-called thought construct is recognising as a projection. You can choose to chew into, define and or become rather servant-like or slave-like to that projection. So let's break it down. Let's go back to the absolute core basics, so that those who are tuned in, those that are aligned, those that are operating in a more quantum expression of this new abundant timeline, this new higher density of emotional expression, because at the end of the day, it's all filtered expression. Probabilities, possibilities, lucid expression, embodied into solidified particles of fear. Fear inspires fight or flight response triggers. Within fight or flight lies guilt or shame. Within guilt and shame as a composite, we have our co-dependency and for many, I'm sorry to say, pure co-dependency on safety and security. Safety and security, the easy way out, the perfect means by which you can be controlled by any external trans-human agenda. But let's leave trans-human agendas, let's leave predictive and intuitive AI interfaces for later discussions once we embody the foundational basics. It's wonderful to arrive on the other side of exploring the light body interaction in this life, to present a new model of information, processing in nature called the quantum hologram, which we believe is supported by strong scientific evidence. This evidence suggests that quantum hologram is also a model that describes the basis for consciousness itself. It explains how living organisms know and use whatever information they know and utilise, embodied in experience, and how it elevates the role of information in nature to the same fundamental status as that of matter and energy. Well, clearly stated, matter, frozen light, is the means by which we transmit energy. We speculate that quantum hologram seems to be nature's built-in vast information storage and retrieval mechanism, and one that has been used since the beginning of the illusory nature of a time-bound reality. This would promote quantum holograms as a theory which is basis for explaining how the whole sphere of creation learns, self-corrects and evolves as a complete, self-organising, interconnected holistic system. One common dictionary definition of consciousness is the ability to be aware of and to be able to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment. The most basic definition, however, is simply awareness. Another definition suitable for more complex organisations of matter, such as plants and animals, with a brain, includes a description which contains some of the following ideas, thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, feelings, emotions, dreams, and all important awareness of self. Just like life itself, consciousness is one of those things that is easy to recognise, but very difficult to define, until now. It has been debated by philosophers in the West since the time of ancient Greek civilisations over 2500 years ago, that there are anomalies in the understanding. There are distortions within the framework of expression. Now, Eastern traditions have been wrestling with the concept of consciousness for millennia, and seem to have a much better handle on it, although still not nearly complete. In the West, explanations of consciousness have been mostly ignored or left to our religious traditions. This is an input mechanism specifically designed to corrupt the format of balance within the human thought. This is certainly true since the time of Descartes and the philosophy of Cartesian duality. It has only been in very recent times that a serious effort to understand mind or consciousness has been undertaken by the scientific community. Much of the effort now underway is based on the assumption of epiphenomenalism, that consciousness, or mind, in layman's terms, if you prefer, is a by-product of the functioning of underlying physical structures of the brain, and that mind is confined entirely within the brain's processes. However, there is a considerable amount of accumulating experimental and anecdotal evidence suggesting that this interpretation is completely incorrect. And I could not agree more. That's a very relegated, rigid, and somewhat locked into a mutant paradigm of understanding in an effort to express something that is forever in a state of flux and evolution. At a basic level, consciousness seems to be associated with a sense of separation and awareness of the surrounding environment from the conscious entity itself. It also seems to be associated with the ability to process, store, and or act on information gathered from that external environment. But is consciousness restricted to a functioning brain? Are microscopic organisms such as viruses, amoeba, algae, COVID-19, conscious in some primitive sense? Clearly they do not have brains, let alone a nervous system, or even neurons. And yet they demonstrate purposeful behavior and are aware of their environment. Amoeba, for example, search for food by moving on pseudopods towards prey that they eventually surround, engulf, and digest. Several types of algae are so versatile that they change the process how they obtain food based on available sunlight. When light is plentiful, they gravitate towards it, which they sense through a photoreceptor at one end of the cell. If the light is too bright, they will swim away toward more suitable lighting conditions. Now we can correlate that to what happens when we receive and or experience trauma. Trauma is also very much using sensory perception that has a photoreceptor at one end, which means it's absorbing itself and expanding itself as part of conscious expression. But the more light that we bring in, the more awareness we draw into elevating consciousness, the more we can dissolve and or dissipate the trauma. The shadow experience tends to fall away because there's too much light and the photoreceptor can't cope with it. At a more primitive level, viruses are considered by many scientists as non-living because they do not meet all the criteria commonly used in the definition of life. They do, however, exhibit some aspects of consciousness or at least some rudimentary form of an awareness of their surroundings. Unlike most organisms, viruses are not made of complete cells. They reproduce by invading and taking over the machinery of their target host cell. When a virus comes into contact with a potential host, it inserts itself into the genetic material of the host cell. The infected cell is then instructed to produce more viral protein and genetic material instead of performing its normal functions. Is that purposeful behaviour intentionality, if you like, by the invading virus? I think the latter. COVID-19 has very cleverly been genetically engineered and now mutated some three or four times to effectively hide in dead cells and predominantly absorbs all oxygen in the lung and or respiratory area of the human construct. Starving it of oxygen ensures that it has ability to multiply at radical levels and then ultimately become all-consuming. It would seem that based on our first definition, even simple living entities are conscious to some degree since they display a level of awareness and intentionality to, in some way, manipulate their environment. And it's not just restricted to living entities. We find certain properties all the way down to the subatomic level. Particles, in some sense, aware of their environment. Touché, now we're getting somewhere. How is this possible? At the molecular, atomic and subatomic levels, it is through the quantum phenomenon of entanglement and non-locality that particles act and react to other particles, which they have become entangled with. The observation of an entangled particle ensures that it's going to express itself in a certain way. The atoms will fuse and or rearrange themselves in different configurations depending on how they are being observed. The roots of consciousness. Could it be that at the most fundamental level, consciousness begins with these ubiquitous quantum events? We believe that is, in fact, the case. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that certain quantum phenomena operate at the macro level as well as the micro level, and are responsible for many phenomena that living entities experience that cannot be otherwise explained. Now, this is inherent where the rub of trying to ascertain why consciousness believes or is conditioned to believe that we need, that is, the human expression, the genetic template, needs one thing in order to balance another. This is very much embodied in a well-constructed patriarchal outlook of control and manipulation. This would explain how twins or mother and child seem to communicate telepathically in which one of them is under extreme duress, as we have seen so often reported anecdotally in literature and other physical examples. In fact, as we shall soon see, several of these so-called quantum group effects, including a whole class of so-called psychic phenomena, have been documented throughout recorded history. As we shall show shortly, some of these phenomena have been either demonstrated or suggested in recent laboratory experiments. Yeah, I don't know, man, I think we're getting into that sort of rigidity, that regulated, rather distorted scientific outlook that just can't seem to generate a shift or a shake-up of the anecdotal nature of its expression. So, just like everything in nature moving up the evolutionary chain of increasing complexity in organisms, is built upon a foundation of what has come before. Consciousness, we propose an evolutionary scaffolding as illustrated in different anomalous levels of experience in human existence. At a lower level of the human existence, or what we call the cache, like in a computer, where the information is stored, data storage, resides the most basic aspects of undifferentiated awareness built upon quantum principles of entanglement and non-locality and coherent emission, the absorption of photons. These phenomena are ubiquitous throughout the world of matter. At this most elementary level, all matter seems to be interconnected with all other matter, and this interconnection even transcends space and time. That is the adage of the interconnected, the interdependent and interconnected nature of every soul on the planet as a mirrored expression of each other. Cellular memory holds records of connection to particular and previous experiences. This is an experiential universe that we either become immersive to its evolution, or we become beholden to the feedback loop that the quantum field has the ability to generate and express. So I hope you got something deeply out of that, that connection, that understanding, that sort of explanation of what the quantum hologram and where we in the assimilation, the avatars, experiencing this third density assimilation fit into the larger quantum hologram and its field of resonance with other quantum holograms. Like a bubble of fluid in which all the information of the world is available and that we carry it around with us. And this is how we create the human interaction or what we create the feedback loop from. And it's the feedback loop that I truly believe more than anything else, the seven sense is helping us to break out of. Much love to all. Thank you.