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Aakash Pothu



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This transcription is about a program called Clickify that helps mortgage brokers, loan officers, and business lenders scale their businesses and get more qualified buyers. The program is designed for people who want to go beyond normal results and be part of the top 1% in the industry. Clickify sets up systems and helps with client acquisition using platforms like Facebook, Google, and cold email marketing. They also offer personalized content plans and help with building courses. The goal is to create a lifetime partnership with clients and help them succeed. There is no risk involved as payment is only made after closing the first deal. If interested, one can book a call and fill out an application to see if they qualify for the program. This is the script for the VSL, so this is going to be everything for the VSL script. Cool, so now you made it inside, let me in on... Cool, now that you made it inside, let me in... Cool, now that you made it inside, let me in on a little secret. Only 1% of mortgage brokers, loan officers, and biz lenders actually close more than 5 deals per month in this current market. While the rest are scrambling for results. In this video, I'm going to show you how we scale these businesses and help them get 2x more buyers within 90 days. How we scale businesses and get them 2x more qualified buyers that actually close so we can help you scale in 90 days. My name is Akash, and I've scaled my social medias to over 2 million followers across all platforms. My name is Akash, and I've scaled my social media... My name is Akash, and I've scaled my socials to over 2 million followers in just one year. And I've spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours crafting the perfect program that's going to work for everyone and make sure that you close deals on autopilot. If you're satisfied with normal results, the 2-4 deals range, that's completely fine. However, this program is designed specifically for the people who want more. And I'd like to think that if you made it this far, you're looking to scale your business way beyond what you thought was possible from before. This program is for the people who are tired of late hours, cold calling, and just overall bad leads. And for the people who are tired of mediocrity and want to be part of the top 1% that make the money in this industry. And if you've gotten...and I'd like to believe if you've gotten this far, you know it's time for a change. Like I said, only a small percentage of mortgage brokers, loan officers, and business lending companies actually scale to their true potential. And that's because most of them focus on the wrong things. In about a minute, 30 seconds, you're about to discover the simple structured approach that we use to ensure our clients are making... ...that we use to ensure our clients not only succeed, but thrive in the market. And if you're watching this, you know about the current interest rates and you know how the market is. So you know that if you can thrive in this market, when the rates come back up in a few years, you're going to be crushing it. And let's be honest, the first thing you...and let's be honest, the first thing that you think of when you see these ads is legion. You think that there's a legion agency who's just giving you some sort of new leads. Or you think it's an agency with some sort of catchy...or you think it's an agency with some sort of catchy offer, but here's the thing. Every legion agency out there just wants to sell you leads that never really convert to anything. That never really convert to anything. Or it's an agency that runs a cookie-cutter approach for their ads. And I'll let you in on another little secret. They don't care. These agencies are only focused on making a retainer off you. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care. They're only focused on making a retainer off you and providing you mediocre results so that you're clinging to them so that you can pay them their monthly retainer and they can keep working for you and delivering mediocre results. But when you leave, they don't mind. And that's because they're constantly acquiring clients at a ridiculous pace. So why not work with someone who is genuinely interested in your overall growth and helps you in every domain? Here at Clickify, we don't just run ads. We set up systems. We also help you run content, run ads. Scratch all of that. We set up systems, help you run content. And build out the best client acquisition protocols that will actually get you qualified buyers. And more than qualified buyers, we'll make sure that you're actually getting deals closed on a monthly basis. We leverage platforms like Facebook, Google, DM, and even cold email marketing. To create comprehensive strategies that are personally tailored for your business. We build out the best systems and funnels that generate over 100K per month for our clients. And this is because we help automate and scale their business. For a second, think about the most mundane and boring tasks in your day-to-day. Now imagine them being automated. That's what we do. If you want to get to 100K per month, you need to be working on your business and not anywhere else. You need to be running your business. And that means only focusing on needle moving activities that actually help you get deals closed. Along with our systems and client acquisition strategies, we also create a personalized content plan just for you. And we also help you build out courses if that's something that you're interested in so that you can scale organically without the help of any sort of paid infrastructure. I personally believe the purpose of content for professionals is not to make cringy content or to just show up on everyone's feed. And it's definitely not about getting more leads. It's about getting more of those leads to actually convert into qualified buyers. You want to make content so people know that you have a heartbeat online or they can recognize something along with your content or something about you. Think, oh, I pass by this guy when I go to work, or hey, I live in this area, or hey, that testimonial looks really good. Oh, maybe I'll work with him. You're on the front of their mind, and the next time they want to work with someone, they're going to think of you. That's the purpose of content. Our approach is not about immediate results. It's about building a lifetime partnership with our clients. It's about building a lifetime partnership with you. It's about building a lifetime partnership with your clients. It's about building a lifetime partnership with your clients. I see myself as a growth partner or a mentor who's fully invested in the success of your business, not just how many leads you get on a month-to-month basis. Imagine a mentor who's actually invested in your business and invested in it enough to take it to the next level. That's what we are. My success and the success of my clients is directly tied with yours, and that's why I'm committed to scaling your business as long as possible, because this is a partnership, not a deal. We've spent over $2 million in ad spend for our clients, and through this, we've honed in our strategies to perform better. And through this, we've honed in our strategies to perfection. And here's the best part. You don't pay until you close your first deal, so there's no risk to you, only results. And we do this because we're so confident in our systems, and we do this because we're so confident in our systems and what they can do for you. Every single one of our systems are custom-built out for each client, each of our clients. I want to help you in every single facet of your business, and I want to help you scale and help you with anything that gets you closer to closing more deals. If you're ready to transform your business today, book a call below and fill out the application. If you qualify, I'll make sure I'll scale you to new heights that you didn't even know were possible. Don't miss out on this opportunity to partner with someone who's actually invested in your growth, and don't be scared. Scratch that last part. Don't miss the opportunity to partner with someone who actually cares about your growth and is truly invested in the success of your business. And if all that sounds good, I'll see you on the call. And if all that sounds good, our team will see you on our call.

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