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Nothing to say, yet
The speaker introduces their podcast called "Triple RS" which stands for Relatable stories for relatable students from relatable scenes. They believe that everyone, regardless of age or profession, faces similar issues in life and can learn from each other's experiences. The podcast aims to create a judgment-free community where anonymous stories can be shared to make a difference in someone's life. The speaker, a 14-year-old motivational speaker and presenter, feels qualified to talk about these topics due to their experiences and interactions with different types of people. They emphasize the importance of listeners' participation and invite them to share their own life lessons. The goal is to change the world one episode at a time and create a supportive community. Listeners are encouraged to invite others to join the podcast and make them feel less alone. The speaker expresses gratitude for the listeners' support and invites them to explore other episodes. Hey everyone, everything is fun in the golden yellow sun. Yes, indeed. Welcome to the triple rs podcast with me. I should pick that This is just a small little intro episode So you can get to know me and what this podcast is really about. So the name triple rs. It actually means Relatable stories for relatable students from relatable scenes because triple r and triple s Relatable students stories scenes the whole kind of thing and the reason I came up with it is because one day I was having deep Thoughts as one does about my purpose and all that stuff and I realized That no matter how old or how young you are, no matter what profession you're in whether you're working whether you're in school Whatever it is. We all face the same kind of issues or we're all really students of life And so life teaches us very similar lessons, but sometimes we don't exactly understand it And sometimes we're too embarrassed to say it out loud so this is like a community where we can be judgment-free share anonymous stories and While you may think you're not making much of a difference That's not really true because the one thing that you share could change someone's life. So what that's what we're doing here that's the whole goal to change the world one episode at a time and You are going to be a part of that just by listening into the episodes and sharing what goes on What kind of life lessons you've learned you are such a big part of that because you are helping us over here This whole podcast is based off of your stories your feelings your fears. It's a community So together we're changing the world one episode at a time. Now. I am a 14 year old motivational speaker radio presenter event host TV presenter, I've done all of that stuff and so that is what I think that's what makes me qualified to really talk about this is because as a Student and also someone who is quite professional I think I've learned a lot about kind of how to balance these things in life and at the same time I've been around different types of people, you know, whether that's professionally or even in school So that's how I kind of came to this conclusion because I've seen people going through the same kind of things But no one really ever talks about it So this is the one space that I want everyone to be comfortable in so it's not just you You don't have to be alone with whatever you're facing in life Got eight billion people in this world. So someone out there even if it's just one person will be feeling the same things as you So don't worry about it. We're all going through this together changing the world one episode at a time So thank you so much for being a part of this community and I really hope you're gonna like it here Remember invite your friends invite your family members invite everyone, you know to this podcast To make sure that they are not alone Thank you for tuning in and now that you've heard this intro episode you can feel free to go and click all the other episodes We've got out there. Thank you so much for joining this community And thank you so much for choosing to be a part of this journey My name is Arsha Takhtani and this is the triple RS podcast