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Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that can be caused by stress. Lack of sleep can lead to depression and negatively affect both physical and mental health. Tips for better sleep include avoiding phone use before bed, establishing a consistent sleep routine, and keeping the room at a cool temperature. Sleeping pills should be a last resort, as they can be addictive and may not provide natural sleep. Personal experiences with insomnia vary, but establishing a routine and avoiding napping during the day can help. Seeking professional help is an option, but should be considered as a last resort. So good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Today our topic about our podcast is insomnia and we talk about with this with Finn Luca Merten. Finn, can you tell me about something what is insomnia for these who don't know this? Yeah, insomnia is kind of a sleeping issue, a sleeping disorder. It's when your sleeping schedule is kind of destroyed and you're completely awake in the evening in the bed but you're like always tired over the day. So okay, I hear about that physiological people say that is connected with stress and depression. Can you tell me more about something that or? Yeah, more like insomnia is caused through stress. If you have too much stress on the day, it can cause you insomnia. But insomnia as such can lead to depression because of course people who sleep less every day or don't sleep enough every day, they're always like grumpy and in a bad mood and if this always goes further, then it can definitely cause depression. So it also means that it's not good for your mental health or physiological health? It's definitely not, no. Because sleep is like the basic needs of the body, one of the basic needs of the body and it's actually the most important. So of course it's not good for your physical health but as well not for your psychological health. Okay, that's very interesting. But also a thing that I think the listeners want to hear is what are options that you can do to sleep better or get to sleep with that? Yeah, actually there are kind of much options you have. A very important thing is that I guess most people know this fact but actually don't stay after it. Just lock off your phone or not lock off your phone but don't use your phone like half an hour or an hour before you go to sleep because it can, yeah, it can cause kind of, it can bring your brain, it can drive your brain silly because there is so much information that you become from your mobile phone in such late hours and also it can cause sleep problems during the blue light of the phone and it's not a good thing to stay at your phone in the late night. Just read a book or just meditate or I don't know, go for a shower. Yeah, the second thing is you need to build up a routine, sleeping routine like for example even if your working hours or your school hours aren't the same every day, you just need to go to sleep every day at the same time like for example at 10pm and you need to wake up every day at the same time. Even if you have to bite into a sour apple at the weekend, you don't want to wake up at 6am but sometimes in very different difficult cases it can help you very much and the third thing is in my opinion one of the most effective ones, you need to have a cool room temperature because of course if it's too hot in your room, you begin to sweat and your heart starts beating faster because it tries to cool down the body and yeah, it can cause not sleeping issues as such but to fall asleep bad and yeah, I guess that's my three most important tips. Okay, those are very important tips but I hear that medicine therapy also can give you help to sleep like if you take sleeping pills. What do you think about that? I think sleeping pills should always be the last option especially in a young age because sleeping pills are often just used with parents that suffer from more physical sleeping issues because there are some diseases that are not only mentally caused because of stress but also from the body and it can help you in the short term to fall asleep but it's not natural sleep, it's like it forces you to sleep and these pills also can be very addictive and it may help you to fall asleep faster in the night but also can cause that you are always tired in the day because you don't react to these pills very good and I would always say that you mustn't take these because I'm not a really big fan of these. Okay, that helps a lot I think if you say about that and you talk very much about that. Have you a personality story about sleeping issues or insomnia or can you tell me about or it just like that you have a personal story about that? Yeah, very much actually. Like two years ago I had my very first like big conflict with insomnia and it was I guess one day or two days after my 16th birthday and it was the first night of my life where I kind of just didn't sleep at all. I couldn't just fall asleep and at the next day I was so exhausted and I had so much physical issues that I just stayed at home and that caused me to like a bad spiral of sleeping disorders because it got worse like every day and I guess after three weeks I went to the hospital for two or three days and they checked me and looked up if everything was alright. Actually it wasn't so they figured out that it was just a mental issue for me because of stress from my childhood and just my situation at home. So they prescribed me medication as well. It were like biological pills, it was not chemical and it was more like a placebo but I took these pills like one year I guess and there was a time where I started to think that actually I don't need this pill because for me like I'm sorry if I had to say this but it was like the best thing that ever happened to me. It was like bullshit for me because I thought like if these are kind of a placebo anyways I don't need them and I don't want to be addicted to anything because there were some times where I just started to panic if I didn't take the pill but it actually didn't help me very much. It was just a thought that helped me and so I tried to more and more get off the pills and it worked very well and yeah it's nowadays still a kind of problem for me to sleep well but it's more easy during the things that I already said like the sleeping schedule. Like that you have to go to bed every day at the same time and also tricks like don't using your phone and cooling down the temperature. Okay, thank you very much for that information and I talked with very much people about that and some of them say they write a book how they sleep or how they sleep was. What's your meaning to that? Yeah, actually I heard very much of that. The doctors in the hospital also told me that I should do this and that it would help me. Actually I was always too lazy to do this. It was like yeah I just thought that it wouldn't help me I guess although that I heard that many people get help to this but I cannot figure it out the way how to get used to it anyway so I didn't need it to be honest. Okay, thank you very much. Then you mean the key points to sleep well are do the phone away when you want to sleep like an hour ago that you don't use your phone and regulate your temperature in your room? Yeah. So that are the key points that you can sleep very good. Yeah and also there are also some minor effects of like of course if you let's take an example if you slept for four hours this night of course you're tired the whole day but there is a big problem that many people do wrong. Like if you slept for hours and you're back home a bit earlier like let's say at 3 p.m. after school many people just take a nap or just say like come on just a quick nap 30 minutes 40 minutes and then they sleep like two hours three hours and then they wake up it's 5 p.m. 6 p.m. And of course in the evening they're not tired anymore so they can't fall asleep anyway and it's like a downward spiral where it can cause sleeping issues every day so if you're tired of course it sucks but just stay awake so that you can fall asleep easily in the evening. And also what you could look up after is do the things that you are supposed to do on day so that you have kind of a free mind in the evening like you don't have to think anymore about any homework or any tasks you didn't do just do it so you have a free mind in the evening. Okay, thank you very much. I think that helped me a lot and the listeners too and if somebody has problems you need to find a professional help would you agree about that or? It's different. It's difficult. I'm sorry. So you think of the situation that if the person needs help or not? Of course anyone who is in the downward spiral needs help but it's like it depends on which kind of person you are. I'm that kind of person who said I don't need help from anyone or my ego is too big for a therapist although I tried it for two or three months it didn't help me with anything. It just kind of confused me a little bit so I stopped it because also it costs money, it costs a lot of money. There are people who are, I don't want to say weak, but there are people who have a strong mind than others and I guess if there is no way out and you don't know any person who can help you in your inner circle like your friends or your family you might consider to go to a therapist but in my opinion it should always be the last option. Also like the medication should always be the last option because it's my opinion that anyone who really wants to achieve something he can do without help from anyone. Okay, thank you very much about that. I think that's enough and I wish the listeners a good evening so goodbye. Goodbye.

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