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cover of "036657_Arriving at Helsinki Metro"
"036657_Arriving at Helsinki Metro"

"036657_Arriving at Helsinki Metro"




As the audio begins, the distant hum of a metro train approaching a station can be heard. The sound gradually intensifies, signifying the train's advance towards the Helsinki Metro station. The subtle squeak of the wheels against the tracks and the soft rustle of wind against the train's exterior paints a vivid picture of a bustling urban environment. As the train pulls into the station, the rhythmic clatter of its wheels slowing down to a halt becomes prominent. The hissing sound of the doors opening lets the listeners know that the metro has successfully arrived at the station. The faint, muffled chatter of passengers along with the shuffle of footsteps reveals the everyday hustle and bustle of the Helsinki Metro. The audio ends with the distinct, low hum of the metro fading into the background, suggesting that the train is ready to depart, leaving behind the familiar sounds of a metropolitan city in motion. The detailed sound effects and foley work in the audio create an immers

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