The audio titled "Approaching Storm" unfolds with a long, continuous loop of sound painting an auditory picture of an impending tempest. The track begins with the distant whistle of a harsh wind, spiraling and weaving through the air, creating an eerie yet captivating atmosphere. You can almost feel the gusts of wind tugging at your clothes and whipping your hair around. As the track progresses, the wind intensifies, developing a more profound and formidable tone. The sound seems to swirl and eddy like a restless sea, hinting at the storm's approach. It's all-encompassing, filling the air with a sense of anticipation and awe. In the backdrop, a synth plays, its notes undulating like waves on a stormy sea. The synth's use of frequency modulation (or FM) adds a unique texture to the piece, making the soundscape feel more dynamic and alive. The synth's notes are both haunting and mesmerizing, underscoring the imminent arrival of the storm