As the audio experience titled "Beginning of Pirhana" unfolds, the listener is transported to a mechanical world. The soundscape is dominated by the powerful rumble of a diesel engine coming to life. This is no ordinary engine, but one that carries the intimidating moniker of 'piranha'. Initially, there's a low murmur in the background, the prelude to the main event. This is the PMB, a technical term used to denote the pre motor buildup. It's the calm before the storm, a brief moment of peace before the engine awakens. Slowly, the murmur crescendos into a full-blown roar. The piranha has started, revealing its power and might. Each note of the engine's growl seems to vibrate with an untamed energy, resonating in the listener's chest. The diesel fuel ignites, and the motor springs into action. The sound is raw and primal, akin to the fearsome aquatic creature, the