In the audio titled "Explosion of Jelly," the main event begins with a curious, squishy sound that grows louder and more intense. This sound is reminiscent of a large, amorphous blob of jelly teetering on the brink of a peculiar phenomenon. The moment is filled with anticipation, the suspense building up like a balloon ready to burst. Suddenly, there's a moment of silence, a brief pause that seems to hold its breath before the inevitable. And then, it happens, the explosion. A loud, gooey, splattering sound rings through, echoing the feeling of a jelly bomb detonating. The explosion is not violent or terrifying; rather, it's a burst of silliness that splashes everywhere, creating an amusing and unexpected spectacle. In the aftermath of the explosion, the sound of jelly droplets trickling down and splatting against the floor can be heard. It creates a picture of a scene covered in colorful, wobbly jelly spread all over.