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cover of Including Birds such as Woodpigeon and Crow
Including Birds such as Woodpigeon and Crow

Including Birds such as Woodpigeon and Crow




In the audio, the sounds of summer are brought to life through the varied calls and songs of birds, with a particular focus on the Woodpigeon and the Crow. Amidst the warmth and vibrancy of midsummer, the distinct cooing of the Woodpigeon is a comforting and familiar sound, emanating from the leafy branches and seamlessly blending with the gentle rustle of the trees. This peaceful symphony is occasionally punctuated by the sharp caw of the Crow, a sound that is starkly different but equally integral to the soundscape of a summer's day. The Crow's calls, resonating from high above, add depth and contrast to the audio, creating a rich and diverse sonic atmosphere. Overall, the audio paints a vivid picture of a midsummer day, filled with the beautiful and contrasting sounds of Woodpigeons and Crows, offering listeners a moment of tranquility and a deep connection to the natural world. The interplay of these

Sound Effectssummerwood-pigeonwoodpigeonpigeonmidsummercrowbirds

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