The audio titled "Insanity" commences with an eerie silence, quickly broken by an intriguing throat singing, a unique art form hailing from Inuit culture. The soundscape is dominated by profound yet captivating guttural resonations, creating an atmosphere that's at once unsettling and mystically alluring. As the audio progresses, the throat singing becomes increasingly intense, echoing the title's sentiment of 'Insanity.' The listener is drawn into a hypnotic trance of sound, as the artist skillfully modulates their voice, expertly exploring the range of pitches and timbres that the human throat can produce. Intermittently, there are samples of different sounds, woven seamlessly into the audio tapestry. These samples offer a momentary reprieve from the powerful throat singing, providing variety and depth to the overall auditory experience. The audio concludes with the throat singing slowly diminishing in intensity before finally succumbing to a profound silence. The echo of the fi