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cover of November 18, 2014 - Mailbox Recording with H2nextXY
November 18, 2014 - Mailbox Recording with H2nextXY

November 18, 2014 - Mailbox Recording with H2nextXY




This audio recording, titled "November 18, 2014 - Mailbox Recording with H2nextXY", begins with a gentle rustling, perhaps the opening of a mailbox set against the backdrop of a bustling city. The atmosphere is thick with the scent of cologne, possibly worn by the person opening the mailbox. The recording then transitions to the hum of a busy building, possibly a university. The soundscape is filled with the muted chatter of students, the distant echo of footsteps, and the occasional rustle of paper and books. The scent of cologne lingers, suggesting the continued presence of the initial individual. As the recording progresses, it moves outdoors into an open field. The sounds of the university building fade away, replaced by the natural sounds of the field. The gentle rustling of grass, the occasional chirping of birds, and a soft breeze can be heard. The scent of cologne is gradually replaced by the fresh, earthy smell of the field. The

Sound Effectscolognebuildinguniversityfield-recording

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