This audio recording, captured on November 19, 2014, is an intriguing field recording that was made using the H2nextXY Microphone, known for its exceptional sound quality and precision. It's a rather unique and unexpected subject as it focuses on the sounds of a toilet paper holder, usually an overlooked everyday object. The recording was made within the setting of a university environment, specifically in the city of Cologne. This places the recording into an academic and urban context, hinting at the bustling life and activities happening beyond the immediate scene. The sounds captured are of the toilet paper being pulled from its holder. The rustling and crinkling noises of the paper, the slight metallic sound of the holder, and the soft thud as the paper is torn off, form a textured auditory experience. These sounds may evoke a sense of familiarity and domestic routine, yet they are presented here in a novel, almost artistic way. This audio piece could be interpreted as a study