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cover of Recording of a Street Drummer in Cologne
Recording of a Street Drummer in Cologne

Recording of a Street Drummer in Cologne




This audio recording takes you to the heart of Cologne, a bustling city teeming with life and energy. As you begin to listen, the general noise of the town engulfs you - the distant hum of conversations, the lively chatter of people going about their day, and the distinct atmosphere of city life. The field recording skillfully captures the city ambiance, immersing you in the soundscape. Amidst all the city noise, your attention is drawn to the rhythmic beats of a street drummer. The beats are a mix of powerful slams and gentle taps, echoing through the streets of Cologne, giving the city a unique pulse. The drummer's rhythm flows seamlessly with the background noise, becoming an integral part of the city's soundtrack. You can almost visualize the drummer, surrounded by an enthralled crowd, their expressions reflecting admiration and curiosity. As the audio progresses, the drumming intensifies, expertly contrasting with the ambient city sounds. It's a symphony of man

Sound Effectstowncityatmospherenoisegeneral-noisefield-recordingpeopleambiancedrummercologne

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