The audio clip titled "Riff1-13 Audio Clip from April 11, 1968," begins with the faint and distant sound of a crowd, chattering and murmuring. The ambience of the room suggests a large gathering, perhaps in a public space or auditorium. This is followed by the deep resonating strumming of a guitar, playing a bluesy riff that reverberates through the space. The notes are sharp and definitive, hinting at the expertise of the guitarist. Shortly after, the sound effect of a door creaking open can be heard, followed by the rustling of clothing and footsteps echoing as if someone is entering the room. The crowd noise subsides slightly, indicating the newcomer has drawn their attention. Then there is the distinctive sound of a microphone feedback, a high pitched whine that is quickly corrected. It's followed by a male voice, slightly muffled and distorted as if speaking from an old PA system. The voice is