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Adam FarnsworthAdam Farnsworth



Psalm 57 Devotional

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The speaker is reflecting on Psalm 57 and discussing the themes of sacrificial worship, seeking God's transformation, and trusting in His purpose. They emphasize the importance of relying on God's mercy and grace, finding refuge in Him during difficult times, and recognizing His faithfulness and truth. The speaker also mentions David's example of waiting for God's appointed time while facing persecution. They highlight the need to stay in the secret place of the Most High and trust in God's protection and guidance. The speaker concludes by praising God's exaltation and glory, and acknowledging that God will bring down the plans of the wicked. July 18th, 2023, Treasures in Christ, Psalm 57. Jehovah Gamar, our Lord God who accomplishes His purpose for me. Psalm 57, 2. I will cry to God Most High who performs on my behalf and rewards me, who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them. O Heavenly Father, we're just so grateful this morning that You chose to keep us through the night and bring us into a brand new day. We seek You this morning, Father God, in Your Word. We seek You to give us transformation, Father God, in those areas of our life that are not leading to You. And in this place of sacrificial worship, we know that You will meet us here. You'll meet me here, Father God. You'll meet me here to transform me, Father God, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Oh, we're so grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who gives us access into this very place of transformation so that we can operate in Your Kingdom, so that You can accomplish Your perfect will in our lives, Your purpose in our lives. What an amazing truth, Father God, to know that You are the One. You are the One who accomplishes Your purpose in us. It's not us. It's not how good I am. It's what You do in me. So meet me at this place today, Father God, where I'm seeking You. I pray that I'll find You today. I pray that this place of transformation will be the sacrificial worship place that I operate today. I praise You for this truth. I thank You for it. I ask that as it goes forth, Father God, it will be transforming in nature. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen and Amen. Oh, what an encouraging characteristic of God. And as we move on in the Psalms, I just saw that stuck out to me, and I thought, what a beautiful thing. You know, God's the One. You know, we can get so, I can get so, I'm confessing, that I can get so performer-based that I forget it's God who's operating in me. God who's transforming me. And let's take a look at what David, well, David wrote this when they say in his thoughts, after he fled from Saul in the cave. It's set to the tune of Do Not Destroy. A record of memorable thoughts of David when he fled from Saul in the cave. You know, we think about that cave, you know, that's the story they're talking about, where David comes upon Saul while he's sleeping and he takes a little bit of his garment off, cuts a piece of Saul's garment. Saul had been chasing him, you know, Saul was coming after him. And then he sent back the piece of garment and said, I could have killed you, you were asleep, I had that place. But I didn't, so stop chasing me, you know. And it's interesting, let's see what David has to say in response to this situation. He says in verse 1, Psalm 57, 1, Be merciful and gracious to me, O God. Be merciful and gracious to me. And again, David is an amazing example of how to operate in sacrificial worship. Because when we start thinking it's about how good we are, we've sold ourselves a bill of goods, and we're already off course. But we know that we make mistakes, and so we need God's mercy, and we know that we don't deserve God's help, and we need His grace. And he even says it twice. He says, Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You. Takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You. See, he was on the run from Saul. You would think he would get to a place of military strategy, you know, give him the advantage, and that would be the place he takes refuge in. But this is not what, this is why David had a heart after God's own heart, and why he's a great place to find discipleship, to find the very standing operating procedures we need to operate correctly. See, he's seeking God immediately at the very beginning, mercy and grace, a double helping of it. And it says, he says, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You, Lord. Yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed. Notice what he's doing in the secret place of the Most High. Notice what he's not asking for. He's not asking for the calamity and destructive storms to be removed, because he understands the value of walking in the shadow of the wings of God, in the refuge of God, in the shelter of God. Well, if there's no calamities or destructive storms in our life, there's no need for God's refuge. There's no need for God's shelter. There's no need to have confidence in God and walk in faith in God under the shadow of His wings. But it's our faith and hope and trust in God as we go through the storm and the calamity, the very things that are going to mold us and make us, the very things that are going to develop in us the characteristic of Jesus Christ. For He did also go through all the calamities and destructive storms. It's a beautiful passage, really, when you think about the standing operating procedures. He's talking about it right here. Verse 2, I will cry to God Most High, who performs, okay, and this is where we cry out. He's not engaging the fact that this sucks, the situation is not good. It's harsh to have to be on the run from the King who you've served so many faithful years of service and helped so many ways. But we know Saul was going his own way, and he had left God's way to go his own, and he wasn't returning, so God was going to replace him. But David, in the wisdom of the fear of God, really, gave him the wisdom to know that it's not something he wanted to rush and he wanted to make it happen today, because God anointed me, and so I'm going to go take over. David was willing to go through these calamities and destructive storms as Saul chased him about to try to kill him, he knew to just wait for the appointed time. And in this place of destructive storm and calamity, we find that it's a good thing, and David shows us the standing operating procedures, that the crying is an indicator of the need for something. See, we know like a baby cries when it needs some food or needs a change of diaper. And David's crying to God most high, who performs on my behalf and rewards me, who brings to pass his purposes for me and surely completes them. He understands the value of the storm. See, David understands the value of the storm, because if there is no storm, he can't be in refuge with God. There's no reason to be in trouble. There's no reason to be in refuge with God. There's no reason to be in taking refuge, because there's no storm. So, but at the end of the day, it's this amazing place where we receive the storm and accept it as the growing ground, as the training ground that we need to come into this, for God to bring us into His purpose and His will for us. But this is the reward, who performs on my behalf and rewards me. David's looking at it as a reward, because it's transformative in nature. And whenever God can transform us, it's definitely a reward and an eternal treasure in heaven. And David knew this. It's interesting that he gives reference to heaven in the very next verse. He will send from heaven, verse 3, and save me from the slanders and reproaches of him who would trample me down or swallow me up, and he will put him to shame. See, God's the vengeance. God's the reproach. God's the one that defends us. God's the one that fights for us if we just stay in the secret place of the Most High. Now, this is not an implication that we're the frozen chosen, and we just sit there and long until God goes to work. No, no, no. God has us move in the direction, because faith without works is dead. And so we're moving in faith in God, in the secret place of the Most High, in sacrificial worship, knowing that God helps those who desire to seek Him. God helps those who recognize their need for Him. And when we give God's help, it's absolutely a reward. It's that grace we saw up above there. It's technically that mercy that when we don't give what we do deserve and give what we don't deserve, we're all rewards from God, because we don't qualify for any of them. And the thing that was coming against David, the storm and calamity, David saw the value in. But he saw the need that he had to cry out to God in the midst of it, to probably encourage himself to stay in the secret place. And here's the reminder in verse 3, that God will send from heaven. In other words, he's given an illustration that it's a heavenly, eternal thing that's coming. It's got more power than anything that's coming against him. And it's going to save him from the slanders and the reproaches. It's not going to remove the slander and the reproach. It's going to put him in a place that's above the slander and reproach, see? That's where we're seeing the reference to heaven and the salvation that comes from the Lord, see? When we operate in that place where God has saved us out of the midst of this attack, this slander he's talking, the slander and reproaches of those that come against us, that want to trample us down and swallow us up, God will take the vengeance, God will pay the recompense, and he will put them to shame, which puts to death those slanders and reproaches at that point. And then we have a salaw, so let's just read the first three. Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed. I will cry to God, most high, who performs on my behalf and rewards me, who brings to pass his purposes for me and surely completes them. He will send from heaven and save me from the slanders and reproaches of him who would trample me down or swallow me up, and he will put him to shame. Salaw, pause and calmly think of that. What a beautiful scene. David's showing us the standing operating procedures for the sacrificial worship for this place that we have to operate in. I see why God took me, took us, took me in my devotions off the Psalms for a moment to go really get the concept of this sacrificial worship. Because we see it now in David plainly. David is operating under the powerful hand of God in submission to God. He wouldn't put his hope, confidence and trust in God. That's his soul, that's his inner man. That's his life and being. He's putting all his eggs in God's basket. Under the shadow of his wing even, recognizing even just the shadow of God is more powerful than anything that comes against him. And it's a shielding thing when we think of a mother hen and the chicks come under her wings. She shields them from the rainstorm. The rainstorm doesn't go away, but the rain doesn't have an impact on the chicks. And this is why it's such a beautiful symbolism to talk about being under the shadow of the wing of God. And David continues through the storm and the calamity, the destructive storm and calamity, under the wings of God, under God's protection. And he starts crying out to God, but he's not crying out for God to just take all the calamity and destructive storm away. It's for God to continue to work in him during this time to prepare him for the very will of God. And this is the reward of God. God does that. You know, God rewards those who earnestly seek him. Absolutely. And then in this place, we see the very salvation of God and the very power of God at work. And it puts to shame all those things that are coming against us or put to shame. It's a beautiful first three verses. I'm telling you what, I'm excited about what David's got to say here. In verse 3b, God will send forth His mercy and lovingkindness and His truth and His faithfulness. That's it. That's what we bank on. We bank in on the mercy and lovingkindness and know that He's not just talking about Himself here. This mercy and lovingkindness, His truth and faithfulness, apply to all of His creation, even those that are coming against Him. But the very reproach and slander that was attacking Him has been put to shame. Now they're in a position, because of the humbling of God, to come into the relationship. And David knows the gospel like the rest of us know the gospel The gospel is a relationship God desires with all of His creation and that none would perish and all would come into repentance. This is just the truth of God. And so this is a beautiful illustration of that in verse 3b. God will send forth His mercy, giving what we don't deserve, and His lovingkindness, that's His grace, not giving us what we do deserve, what we do deserve is the mercy, and giving us what we don't deserve is His lovingkindness, and His truth. God's truth is His truth is His truth. God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. And He's faithful to that. What does that mean? He operates in our lives when we can't see the outcome. Right? It makes sense to me. Because faith for God, why would it be any different than the faith He gives us when He commands us to walk in? See, He commands us to move without seeing the outcome and trusting and leaning on, relying on Him. That's our reflection. That's our expression of faith. That's what faith looks like. If we have things so micromanaged down to the last cross T and dotted I, well, there's not a lot of room for faith. You know, when we see that word is truth, His word is truth, I mean, it could be anything, the Scriptures, the very Holy Spirit inside of us that's telling us the things of God, that's the truth of God. And God's faithfulness is His willingness to not ever let us go. That when we're in relationship to Him, no matter how much we squander around, He's got mercy and grace at the throne waiting. And that's a beautiful thing. And I love the New Testament says, God is faithful even when we're unfaithful. And that's an amazing truth. So, He's looking at some eternal, He's looking with God goals here. God will send forth mercy, not giving us what we do deserve, and grace, loving kindness, giving us what we don't deserve. And His truth, the guidance, the word, the very truth of God, the word of God, to move us and lead us correctly. And the faithfulness to give it to us and direct us with it. Protect us, direct us, and do what it said in verse 2, bring to pass the purposes He has for us. Verse 4, My life is among lions, I must lie among those who are aflame. The sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows, their tongues sharp swords. So, we have to stay on the planet to do the purposes of God. Because He wants none to perish. And this stuff that is in enmity with God, this is a great illustration about that. And He says, My life is among lions. Lions is something that comes directly against something. You know, you think of a lion that sits on the rock, pride rock, and overlooks his domain, right? Well, the world is the domain of those that are fallen away, that have chosen to reject God and go their own way, and don't want a relationship. Well, the world is theirs. Satan is the prince of the air, right? I mean, the world right now as it is, as we sojourn in this time, is under God's powerful hand, but the leadership, or I should say the deceiver, is in full force. And he's seeking whom he may devour. So, we think about the lion in this way. So, he said his life is among lions, and he must lie among those who are aflame, the sons of men whose teeth are speared. You know, those who are passionate about being in enmity with God. And they're going to come at whose teeth, he's talking about their speech now, which we know we're going to see. They eat up, you think, teeth, teeth eat up, eat up, chew, eat, but spears now have more of a destructive impact. And arrows, it says, whose teeth are spears and arrows, you know, it's just like from their mouth, from them comes these attacks, their tongue sharp swords, you know, again, just cutting. We're talking about what people are saying to us now, and how they're responding to what God, to our staying in the secret place of the Most High. David stayed in there and waited. He was waiting for the appointed time, for verse 2 to come to fruition, because that was his reward. His reward was in waiting, you know. Do not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season you shall reap a harvest if you don't faint and give up. You know, this is what the Scriptures tell us. So, we know that there is a reaping to the sowing. So, we want to sow in faith in the secret place of the Most High, and we know at the right time, the proper time, that we'll reap a harvest of fruitfulness in the kingdom. And that verse 4 is an interesting verse, because it just shows that the attacks come from all around us, from those that are passionate about being in enmity with God, and it's amazing, but they are all around us. We know that David was anointed to be the next king, and he was waiting for the appointed time, and this is why he had a heart after God's own heart. And Saul became so inflamed about killing him, that he just came at him and at him and at him. Now, the temptation would be to not stay in the secret place and use your own mind to think, well, if we just kill Saul, then we can take over as king, like God said, and we don't have to run for our life anymore. But David understood the value of trusting and leaning on the Lord during this time of persecution, and a time where normally it's a shameful thing to be having the leadership coming after you and really just trying to destroy you. I imagine we see that in Christendom now. Not with kings and things like that, but people come along that God has anointed to do certain things, and, well, they just don't have the title. They don't have the certification. They just don't fit the bill that those in the leadership feel they should fit in order to qualify to do anything. And so it's like you're like David in that scenario. David was qualified and anointed by God, but Saul didn't see him as qualified, even though God worked in wonderful, miraculous ways where David would go to war and they would have so much success, and David would play his instrument, and the king, that tormenting spirit, would be put to rest and at ease in Saul. He didn't really look at those parts of it because he wasn't operating under the powerful hand of God. Saul was operating, he had wandered away. And we're going to see this reflected here in verse 5. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth. See, this is the prayer of David. That in all of this, that God is lifted up above the heavens, above all names, above all powers and authorities, because He is. And so David is just confirming it. And let your glory be over all the earth is a beautiful thing because we know we can't give God glory, right? But God's glory can shine through as He's shining through David right here. David is allowing the light of life, the glory of God to shine through him as he operates under the shadow of the wing of God in the midst of this destructive storm, in the midst of this calamity. And then he goes back to give us some more insight to what's happening here. They set a net for my steps. My very life was bowed down. They dug a pit in the way and to the midst of it, they themselves have fallen. And there's another salaw there, that's a beautiful passage. We already know that God will thwart the plans of the wicked. And even though in our flesh it can be very oppressive, this destructive storm and these calamities can be very, you know, really humbling us, right? And he's talking about submission, I think, in this position right here. The enemy comes and sets traps for the steps he takes, but God orders his steps. God makes his path straight. And so his life has to stay bowed down in this sacrificial worship, although it's the circumstance that's putting him here. You see, this is why we don't want to just have a Pollyanna way of thinking, like there's not going to be any challenges in life and everything's just going to be hunky-dory. Because the reality is, it's a reward. The fact that this thing is coming against him and setting a net for his steps to try to trip him up and it's bowing him down, keeping him in the secret place of the most high. And then he's just reflecting on the fact that they even went in the way. Now, the way is the way that God leads us in directions. They've even tried to dig a pit and a trap in the way that we're walking. But he's in this sacrificial worship. So, it's funny because it shows the result. Into the midst of it, they themselves have fallen. See, God says that whatever comes against him, he will bring down at their own device. So, whatever device they're trying to establish to thwart the work of God in the kingdom, God will have them fall to that very same trap. And if I was thinking about that example I was thinking about moments ago, you know, where Christendom has gotten so formalized and so micromanaging of everything that nothing can operate unless they say it operates, how they want it to operate, when they want it to operate. And then what happens is, they fall into that place. They fall into that place of micromanagement. So, now they're in a very limited place where they can't... God's glory won't go forth out of their lives. They can't operate in the kingdom because they've fallen into the micromanaging of God's kingdom. And that just can't work, see. They fall into the trap themselves. The very thing they thought that they were doing, which I don't know that it's always a conscious thing that they're doing, He's using an example like Saul. Maybe Saul wasn't fully aware of the fact that when his time was over, David was going to be anointed. David was going to be promoted into the kingship, into the leadership role that God had for him. Right? And so, it's not always just this evil intent to thwart God's plan. That's why I see it in Christendom. And want to be pleasing to the Lord. But in micromanaging of the kingdom, they find this is like a trap for those who are operating in the freedom of Christ, in the freedom of the Holy Spirit, see. There's a freedom in that. And that, when the Spirit is directed, when the Spirit of God is directed, when the Spirit of God is directed, there's a freedom in that. And that, when the Spirit is directing our steps, and somebody is coming along saying, but no, it has to be this time, this way, this, and they're micromanaging God's kingdom, they end up falling into that trap themselves, and they become this micromanaged entity in the kingdom of God that has micromanaged themselves right out of the very place of sacrificial worship. And so, this is what I'm seeing here. David's reflecting on the beautiful thing about it, is the attack is keeping him humbled in the secret place. It's a beautiful thing. And even though the traps are all set, they all fall in the trap themselves. So, we've got a Salah. So, let's go back up to 3B, and we'll just read down through. God will send forth His mercy and lovingkindness, and His truth and faithfulness. My life is among lions. I must lie among those who are aflame. See, we can't be taken out of the world. We've got to stay in the place that God has for us. The sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows, their tongues sharp swords. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth. They set a net for my steps. My very life was bowed down. They dug a pit in the way. Into the midst of it, they themselves have fallen. Salah, pause, and calmly think of this. Wow. Yeah, it's amazing what God can do in so few verses. He's just encouraging us. This is where we need to stay. We need to be bunkered down in sacrificial worship. And God will thwart the plans of the wicked that come against us. We have to walk in the freedom of Christ, not in the micromanagement of humans. And, okay, I got ahead of the Scripture. Verse 7, My heart is fixed, O God. My heart is steadfast and confident. I will sing and make melody. David is in the secret place of the Most High. And it's a place where the heart has to be. It's not just somewhere I go every week. It's the place my heart is fixed. See, David is unmovable in this place. It doesn't matter what's coming all around him. Because there's a reward in it for him as God protects him and does these things and operates and goes ahead of him in the way to make straight the path and keeps his feet from falling. I mean, it's a beautiful thing. And all the things that come against him God causes to fall to bring shame and make them fall by their own device. And David, the way he does it, stays in this place is by fixing his heart. Fixing his heart. Making up his mind. Oh God, my heart is steadfast and confident. He just continues to remind himself of God's goodness and the place he wants to be. And in this place, because he's thinking about everything we just read, the rewards and all of this God doing the things that He's doing in our life with the mercy and the grace and all of these things, the faithfulness in His Word and truth. And he sings and makes melody in the fact that God is above all things and God is in charge. And he sings. His soul, his heart sings out and makes melody to God. Awake, my glory, my inner self. Awake, harp and lyre. I will awake right early. I will awaken the dawn. I will praise and give thanks to You, O Lord, because now the fulfilled promises have come into his life. The joy of the Lord is what we're seeing here with singing and making melody. He's in the midst of a destructive storm and calamity. And he's singing and making melody. It's not just something we do because it's that time of week. It's something we do because our heart stays fixed on God. Our heart is steadfast and confident in the Lord. We operate in a place of trusting, leaning on, relying on God under the shadow of His wing. And as He operates in us, the glory of His inner self comes forth. It comes forth because the glory of God begins to shine through us now. And now, because He's operating in our life, and it's just going to produce the fulfilled promises of life, the promises of God in our life. This is just what's going to happen when we're in the secret place of the Most High. God's Word cannot come back void. God's Word will always accomplish what it set out to accomplish. We have to be in this fixed place. We have to be steadfast and confident, putting our trust and hope and confidence in God and God alone. And this brings the joy of the Lord because the promises of God are being fulfilled in our life. And it awakes the very light of life, the glory of God to shine through us and brings it forth from us praise and gratitude. And it's right early. I will awaken the dawn. It's every day. At the very beginning of the day, the moment our eyes are opened, we begin to pour forth the praise of God because He fulfilled another promise to keep us through the night and hold us another day. And that's what He says in verse 9, I will praise and give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to You among the nations. See, we're not going to just let it idly go by. The praise will come forth because of the joy of the Lord operating in our life, because of the promises being fulfilled in our life. Do you think this would be a time to praise and give thanks to God? He's in the midst of a destructive storm and calamity. But this is why we've got to stay in the secret place of the Most High, because in that place is the reward. In that place, God defends us and makes the enemy fall in his own trap, in his own devices. But we've got to stay firmly fixed and rooted in God. I love it. What a beautiful passage. And we know from praise a heart of gratitude for what God's doing. He's not asking God why all the calamity, why all the destructive storm. He's giving God thanks and praise for what God does during the storm and all the transforming power it has, the rewards that are in it. And David isn't going to keep it to himself. He's going to sing praises to God among the nations. Notice he's not going to sing praises to the nations about God. Notice that. Notice he's not going to give thanks to the Lord. He's not going to give thanks to the people about the Lord. He's not going to do it. You see, it's a whole different thing when you're operating and you realize what God has been doing to protect and grow and bring you into this place. And go back to our focus verse where He's performing on our behalf and rewarding us to bring to pass His purposes and surely completing them in our life. And so when we're operating in this place, just as an example, if I'm in the midst of something and God is working these things in my life, and I just say, well, praise the Lord. And there's others around who hear it, see. It's different than going, hey, you know, God's so good, let's just get together and spend an hour praising God together. I mean, well, that's okay. But the reality is we can quickly be distracted by just the fact that, oh, we're here to just do this, do this, do this. I like what it says here. We've just got to see what it's saying. And it's, He will give thanks to the Lord and praise the Lord. And it's going to be among the peoples and the nations. It's as simple as that. It's not, you know what I mean? And it's not telling the people about how thankful we are to the Lord or telling them about how much we want to praise God. It's about praising God among them and thanking God among them. And that's a beautiful truth. For your mercy and loving kindness are great. Again, we come back. David keeps everything in the right order. It is never any sort of, you know, pomp or pride or ego that's moving him. He's reminding again, as he began, he's going to end it, that it's God's mercy and grace that are great. David needs to not get what he deserves and to get what he doesn't deserve. And he says, God's mercy and grace are great. Reaching to the heavens, this goes beyond our comprehension, and your truth and faithfulness to the clouds. Again, God's truth and word is above all word. His faithfulness is greater and higher above all faithfulness. And this is why He's the source of our faith. Because He is the ultimate faithfulness. And be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth. And this is that place of transformation. When God operates in our life and it pours forth from us the light of life, this is what He's talking about. Because it's the glory of the Lord. It's not something we can give Him. Be lifted up, O God, above the heavens, which puts God in His proper perspective. You know, puts us in that reverent fear and awe of God. That place of sacrificial worship. And let your glory be over all the earth. In other words, let it operate in and through all of your creation. And as we know, it does through His natural creation, but we want to go even more, all the earth, He says. And so He's not just including the plants and the mountains and the streams and the sun and the moon and the stars. He's talking about also the work of God in our lives as He transforms us and keeps us and brings to pass His purpose and surely completes them in the lives of His children. And that's an amazing truth. Wow, what a beautiful passage. And it's a reminder that Psalms 57 truly is a treasure in Christ and a treasure in heaven. And that God is Jehovah Gamar, our Lord God who accomplishes His purpose for us. Oh, Heavenly Father, we're just so grateful for this truth, Father God. You've given us the standing operating procedures today. I pray that the body of Christ will be transformed by it, that when they're in this storm, this destructive storm and these calamities, that it's under your wing, the shadow of your wing, that they'll take refuge, that they'll anchor down, we'll say, anchor down and root in our heart, unmovable in You, Lord, knowing that You are the very One who's working in every situation to reward us by fulfilling Your purpose in our lives so that Your glory can pour forth through our lives as the light of life goes forth and others are drawn to You as they see that light of life. And it's expressed, we know, in love. And so we thank You, Father God, for this truth. I pray that the body of Christ will be blessed by it. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. Amen.

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