Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This book is for people who are struggling with significant loss. It acknowledges the difficulties they may be facing, such as trouble sleeping, eating, and fluctuating emotions. The author, who has both professional and personal experience with grief, wants the book to be a source of comfort, education, and hope. The goal is to provide information that may help readers feel less overwhelmed and alone during their own grieving process. Introduction. I'm going to hazard a guess that if you have picked up this book with grief in its title, you are struggling with a significant loss. I imagine this might mean you are also having trouble sleeping and eating, and your emotions seem to be swinging from sorrow to fury at rapid speed. I bet your memory is unreliable, you lose your train of thought mid-sentence, and you have had a hard time remembering simple things like names, and I'm guessing it feels like the bulk of the people in your life don't seem to get it. You feel more confused and isolated than you ever thought possible, and a little part of you wants to apologize to the people you know who grieved before you because you had no idea it was this hard and felt this bad. No one wants to be in midst of loss, but if you are, please know you are welcome here. And where is here? It's a book filled with everything I have learned, both as a clinician with decades of study and clinical experience, and as a human who has experienced profound, world-shattering loss. I want these pages to be a place of comfort, education, and understanding, and most of all, hope. As you move these chapters, my expectation is that you will find yourself asking, why didn't anyone tell me that before? And thinking, it's a relief to know that's normal. While grief is personal and different for everyone, becoming more grief-informed helps us to feel less overwhelmed, scared, and alone when we inevitably find that it is our turn to grieve.