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Podcast Episode 1 Work in Compeleted Editing

Podcast Episode 1 Work in Compeleted Editing




The first podcast from A & A Speaks Podcast a companion to the Discord server Empathic's Journey. First episode getting to know your hosts with server member q & a.

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The podcast is a sister component to the server, covering interesting topics and exploring the spiritual journey. They want it to be interactive and discuss practicality, energy work, and things that excite them. They also plan to bring in guests later on. The hosts introduce themselves, Adfang as an energy worker with expertise in shielding and telepathy, and AK Lady as an energy healer, dream worker, and transmedium channeler. They share their entrance points into practice and stories from their lives that represent who they are. You can raise your hand and if you want to speak or ask a question live, go ahead and do so if you feel like you're comfortable. The podcast is actually a sister component to the server, so we will be covering the topics that we find interesting, we'll of course grow and elevate. Right now, like I said, probably the first one, maybe the first two might be just kind of a getting to know you and then we'll kind of start to explore. I know that we would like to cover a little bit of the room journey, so we kind of can listen to it actively and interact in a different way. The questions, the question channel, please feel free, like, drop it and we will always cycle back into it. We're going to talk about practicality, energy work, everything that it encompasses, things that excite us. There definitely will be some woo and we'll talk about kind of the journey and the development of this space and how this space came about. If there's topics that interest you that you guys would like us to deep dive into, again, throw it in that channel so that we can do the research. I really would like to get this very interactive. I do have some guests that I would like to reach out to, but that'll be later on down the road to get that kind of more depth and breadth of scope of understanding. So that's kind of what we're going to be about. We're about what you guys are about. Any questions on that or we feel comfortable? Adfang, is there anything you want to add? No, I just want to welcome everyone to our first A&A Speaks podcast that we're going to try out and see if we can gain some traction at doing something because, you know, we tend to talk a whole bunch in voice chat and have a lot of things that we segue onto and things that we can, you know, dissolve, but deserve further speaking on in a more organized fashion. Oh, most definitely, yeah. We, you know, like I'm tangent queen, you know, so on topic, this is our opportunity right now in this moment to be minimally on topic because we're here to interact and connect with everyone so that you can kind of see how our journeys, like, have gotten us here, where we feel we are. That sketch threw out some great questions, catechist, yeah, bark and bite, yes, okay, excellent, yeah, I mean, great questions and feel free to keep rolling with them. And like Adfang said, I'd like to double back and really thank you guys for being here. This has come about for everyone here, right? It's our interests are your interests and we're just really excited to maybe format in a different way that so like if you're in and out and you're not here all the time and we're not catching up on the text chat that, you know, you'll be able to pop in and maybe listen and ask those questions and have it a lot more communicative. So hopefully we'll see, right? Yay, I'm excited. A little nervous. I hate monologuing, but here we go. So let's get started telling a little bit about each other or about ourselves. I'll let you go first and let's try to keep it under five minutes. How about you go first, Adfang? Oh, okay, put me on the spot like that. Damn straight. So my name is Adfang. I have been a active energy worker for over 20 years. I have explored pretty much every topic there is out there to explore. My specialty, so to speak, would be shielding and trying to get into shields. I also do quite a bit of telepathy and just a lot of other general energy work. I do astral projection, some dream work, not as much as AK does at all. But yeah, I pretty much am like, I don't want to say jack of all trades, but I try to experience everything I can. Right now I'm kind of helping lead our ring journey, which was talked about earlier, where we're spending about two weeks per rune, starting at Fehu and ending with the very last rune. I think it's Jira, don't quote me on that, but yeah, that's proven to be very interesting and I think everyone is showing great progress with being active. So, so yeah, I have done also solve some questions. We'll address it whenever, but I've done psychokinesis. We can get into that later. But yeah, I work in IT, so I tend to look at things from a much more logical perspective in case, in case you're wondering why I might seem a little more to the point, but yeah, that's enough about me for now. Nice. Okay. Welcome. I'm AK Lady, as you all know. Let's see. I, for the majority of my life, I considered myself highly sensitive, but really good at kind of explaining, you know, the metaphysical or the non-physical away, and I have been on a strong spiritual path for the last five years. I'm a little similar to Adfang that I've, I've kind of touched a very wide breadth of possibilities and ways to work with, with energy and the unseen. Whereas Adfang is more the clinical, I am definitely the creative. Hey, welcome Swig. So that makes it a little bit different, our perspectives, you know, how your brain works. I started having my earliest recalled experiences dealing with the metaphysical, unseen spirits, energy beings, whatever you want to call them, around four. So I'm just shy of 50 now. So it's, it's been a long road. I'm an energy worker, energy healer. And as Adfang alluded to, I'm a dream worker and a transmedium channeler. So yeah, a little bit of everything, but, you know, always willing to learn. And there's, I feel like personally, there's so much out there that will never get tired of learning. So me in a nutshell. I want to welcome the two people who just joined, I think, Sketch and Swig. Thank you for joining us today. Yeah, welcome. So, I guess we'll go ahead and start with the Q&A today. Since there are a ton of questions, we may not get through them all. If that's all right with you. Yep, sounds great. So, Kadukas, I don't know how to pronounce her name, I'll never be able to, asks, sorry about our background. So what was our entrance, entrance point into practice initially? So like, were you a mythology buff? Did you know someone? Was it researching that old crap moment that you had or something else? So, for me, I think the very first thing that got me interested was realizing that whenever I put focus on it, I was able to make air move or like make the wind move. And that dove me into what was turned as aerokinesis at the time, but then led me on to what's called telekinesis. And then I kind of got away from there and went more towards non-physical things such as general energy work, shielding, that kind of thing. What about you, A'Kay? My first connection was actually, moonlight is going to get a kick out of this, through a pendulum. I don't know, like this is like the late 1980s. And, you know, big town, small town, but big hippie culture. So like we had access, easy access to a lot of that kind of stuff, a lot of dousing and stuff like that. And I don't know, it was like at a slumber party or whatever. And everybody was like, oh, you know, if you focus on this, you can make it move. So like we're passing it around and nobody was able to make it move until it came into my hands. And I was like, oh, look. And then they're like, oh, no, no, no, no, you know, that's, you can't do that. And I was like, oh, yeah, let's try this. And so instead of going clockwise, I focused and reversed the spin to counterclockwise. And I was like, oh, and in that kind of moment after I passed it on and, you know, everybody's like, oh, my God, she's a witch. And I'm like, yeah, you know, whatever. I actually felt the energy in the palm of my hand. So that would be like my first energy awareness. And then fast forward a couple years later, and I had an aunt come to town who had been away for quite a few years. And she was a master Reiki practitioner. And she's like, hey, let's let's do this. And so at that point, it was like, oh, yeah, I get this. And I have somebody who kind of also understands, you know, so the Wu kind of was very normal, normalized. So that would be kind of my first dive in and in understanding that, you know, this was possible and bringing awareness to, I mean, I've got a lot more that I could share. Like I can tell you stories of precognition, like at five years old, you know, that ultimately did, you know, come to pass. And my mother sitting down, I mean, and this is like with a five year old, I'm not kidding, at five years old and sat down and I was like, it's okay. It's just ESP. Some people have that. At five years old, you're trying to process and grasp what, okay, what is ESP? Huh? What does that mean? Right. So anyways, that's where I began. Yeah, your origin cool lyric sounds much cooler than mine, or origin story. Thank you. So let's continue. Moonlight Joy wants to ask, what is the story from your life that represents the essence of who you are? It's such a deep question. I'm going to let you answer first. Oy. Okay. You want to reread that one for me? Because, like, the processor's got to marinate on that one for a minute. What is the story from your life that represents the essence of who you are? I mean, it was a statement, not a question. They didn't put a question mark, so mark's off on that. I would say, for me, the whole journey, and I'm going to kind of lump several experiences together, and I'm going to preface it really quick for y'all. So modern culture, and when I speak about modern culture, a lot of it, I will usually use it as a reference point, even for myself. So if we look at Western culture, there's kind of this fear of death. And I had, and I don't know why, from a very early age, like, I had a huge stigma with death and dying, and it was something that I was extremely resistant to, you know, even with, like, animals, pets, and, you know, devastating. Like, I took it very, it would really, really drop me and hurt my heart space, you know, for a very long time. And, you know, not necessarily having tools to process, because my mother was pretty much an orphan, so she had traumas around death. So here's where awareness is key, right? So when she was 15, she came home from school, found my grandfather, who had passed of a massive heart attack, right? So that was like her first experience with death, and facing the death of a parent is never easy. And so she kind of had to carry that. Seven years later, when she's 21, 22, my grandmother, her mother, passed away from enduring a long battle of cancer of the bladder. And then when she was 30, so like 11 years past that point, her younger brother, seven, eight years younger than her, my uncle was murdered. So, you know, a lot of trauma around death. And so she processed it through art. And so her art was very avant garde. There's a lot that was dark, right? Because at that age, you know, at that time, people didn't really talk about mental health. We didn't talk about therapy. We didn't talk about emotions. And so there was kind of this stigma. And so if we fast forward to my early 20s, about 25, my grandfather passed away. And it was so traumatic for me, it made me physically ill for about six to nine months. And it was just like, because it's the end, right? We don't, we're not taught that we go on, right? That our consciousness remains. And so like, I had real issues with that. And it was really, really traumatic as I'm the mother at this point of two young children and trying to teach them healthy ways to process. And then that was kind of the kickoff. And then we had a seven year period where we lost pretty much every great grandparent and grandparent within for not only myself, but for my children. And I was very close to my stepfather-in-law and he hung around. And so I kind of had this, well, you know, I'm just losing it because, you know, Smurf and I were really close and I kept his ashes in our home because he was very close to the boys. It was a very unexpected and sudden death. And I would leave, you know, he loves like little, the Hershey miniature bars. I still will get them on occasion and set them out for Smurf. But I would hear him laughing, like he would interact with me and hear this whole time I'm in denial. So for me, you know, him opening the door and allowing me to understand that death is not final. You know, that people are with us. And the more we connect and are open to spirit, you know, the more beautiful the world around us becomes. So that's kind of where I would say that would be for me. Great. I've been thinking about this question while you've been talking and listening. And I don't know that I would necessarily have a story for my life that represents kind of who I am. But my father, who was passed on now, had a saying that he would always tell me and it was to always do your best with things. And whenever he knew that I didn't do as well as I could, I just didn't put forth the effort, he would ask me, would you do your best because you didn't do that well? And I would be like, well, yeah, I'm kind of like trying to lie. And he was like, I know you didn't and you need to do your best. And that is kind of something that I live by with everything that I do is. I try not to do things, you know, halfway. Either I'm going to do it and do the absolute best I can. And if that means that I fail, then I fail. But it's definitely. I am going to do the absolute best no matter what. So it's a much shorter story, but I hope it answers your question. I hope it does. Now, you know what, for me, thank you for saying that, Adfang, because that does resonate with me about your character, because you always do have the best intentions and you also strive to do your best. Like that clearly comes through in all of the interactions. Thank you. Yeah, I try to make it very clear that whenever I'm working with you or working with someone else, I'm not just doing it just to, you know, just to be here and just to, you know, interact. My my goal is to do the best I can in whatever interaction I'm having. So if it's if it's just, you know, scanning someone for they ask for a scan and I scan them, I'm either going to say either, yeah, I can do that now or later. I'm not going to do it and just do it halfway to possibly help you. So in my eyes, it's it's 100 percent. Give your best all the time. So that's awesome. Thank you. Yeah. So Moon asked another question. What is the most inspirational thing that you've experienced? That is a difficult question. You're really coming off with a hard hitting question. I how about I answer the question. I'm not going to answer your question directly because this is going to seem like a very odd thing. But there was. Yeah, this is not going to be the most inspirational. One time I was at a concert and of course, it was it was a very heavy, everybody is like mosh pit, crowd surfers, all that. And of course, I was trying to take pictures, except we were we were just chucking crowd surfers back and forth, just like it was not enough. One of the crowd surfers knocked my glasses off and I dropped my phone. And whenever somebody saw that, they basically pushed the crowd away because I was up in front. They shoved everyone to the side and everyone helped me grab my phone and glasses. And that that that act of kindness, I've always think about because they saw it and they didn't just decide not to do anything. But the fact that they went so above and beyond, not just try to help me find them, but to get everyone out of the way was was something. So that's not my most inspirational thing that I've experienced. I have to think more on that. But that's one of the first things that come to mind. That's that is a great that is a great share. So I appreciate that. You know what, I am going to reference something that I have seen time and time and time again in this server. We we really do work together as a community. And we have, of course, the mental health and support thread. And every single time somebody shares in their ask the question, the the amount of support that they have. The amount of community, the fellowship, the kindness, the the love and support. That comes through like I would I would encourage sometimes it's it's you know, because it's very personal. Sometimes it's it's difficult because we're empathic. Right. On the intensity of the emotion. But if you read through and feel and understand the love that is given to me every single time, I am blown away. Because that is just such a beautiful and pure way to show care and support for another human being. I mean, because let's face it, most of us, you know, connect online. We very few of us, you know, have met in person. And so just that act of understanding and showing compassion and care each and every time, I will tell you, it gives me all the feels. And, you know, I definitely appreciate the love that each of you bring to this space. So it's it's it's y'all like time and time again. It's beautiful to me. So thank you for that. It's like a gift that keeps on giving. Yes, I'm I'm very glad to be here. I know for a little time, for a little bit, I was in and out. But I'm glad that I have come back and I am much more in the present and I will continue to be so as long as I can. I'm going to skip back up, I skipped a question by accident and we may have already answered it, but Feisty is asking what happened to us that made us decide this was real? I think we already pretty much answered that. So. We can move on back to Moon's questions. She says, take a minute to brag about yourself. What is an accomplishment people might not know about that makes you proud? For me, it's my kids. Like, I am not just proud, but I am damn proud of the three incredible. Men that that I have raised and and been blessed to be a parent to, even though I joke and tease them like, you know, I'm going to be the reason for their therapy. You know, they're they're extremely well balanced, well grounded, kind and generous human beings. And so for me, I would say they are definitely my biggest gift and my biggest accomplishment because they my my guys are. Pretty fucking awesome. Yeah. Awesome. I will I will brag about myself a little bit, even though it's not really a huge accomplishment, but both of my parents were high school dropouts. They did not complete high school. I, on the other hand, have I got my bachelor's degree, so I am the first in my family to to ever get a college degree, which it's it seems kind of lame to brag about that. But with with the background that I come from and with I didn't get a ton of help from from my parents or my family to get through college. Yeah, it's looking back on it and in, you know, looking at all the times I wasted in college whenever I should have been doing something else. But, yeah, it's it's it feels good knowing that I I did something and I went for it and I accomplished it. And it's it's also a testament to what my father said, which is do your best in everything. Yeah, no. Yeah, that's that's that's awesome. And it is it is a big thing for seeking education when you're the trailblazer. Right. You know, your family, obviously, you know, it wasn't taken for granted. You've had to work hard. And and that speaks again to, yes, hearkening back to your father and and doing your best and being the best at what you do. So you should be very proud of that. I think that's awesome. And last question is, what is your most profound spiritual experience? I am going to suggest us talk about our profound experiences in another podcast. Yeah. We can easily spend I've said this before, whenever I certain topics I'm passionate about, we could spend hours upon hours talking about things that we've both experienced. And it's while I would love to, I would love to discuss all of these. Yeah. Years and years. Yeah. Nonstop monologuing. Yeah. I don't think right now is a good time to do that. So as long as you're all right with that, maybe we'll we can postpone that and remind us next time or the time after that until we finally have a have one specifically for talking about our experiences. Perfect. Okay. Yeah. So Sketch has asked a bunch of questions. How have you seen your practice change since you first started? Do you want to? Yeah, you go ahead. I started out as a wee lad. And, you know, practicing while you're still developing mentally and physically into an adult, you go through so many stages of, you think you're the best, you are super arrogant, you, there's only one way and it's your way. And you, you tend to group towards people who have the same ideology that you do. And that is a limiting factor on how you can progress, because if you get the same people who think the same way in the same room, no one's going to come up with new ideas. So I found as I got older, moving through college, that I felt more open to talking to other people, not just the same few that I continue talking to. At this point, I'm only in contact with one person from Fargo that knows me before now. And we were kids, we were friends throughout our childhood, I would say. But, yeah, the shift of thinking that I knew quite a lot and was pretty sure of it, and shifting to, there is a whole bunch that I do not know and do not understand. And deciding to pick one thing to focus my time and attention on, as opposed to just acting like I knew everything. So, I think that was probably one of the biggest things and biggest steps in my practice that helped me start developing and being more open-minded. Again, you guys have really great questions. How has my practice changed? I will say, for me, I've shifted a lot in my perspective. Of course, I know y'all are probably tired of hearing me talk about perspectives, but our perspectives may change and grow and shift and they may move forward and we may step back. How has that changed my practice? I consider myself not necessarily a practitioner. I more label myself a ritual worker. And so, for me, personally, as I develop in my practice, in my rituals, and how I create and work through them, 90% of it is intuitively. But the intention and the space that it is worked from has definitely shifted. So, anything that I do, always, always, always, it comes from the heart space. And then I connect it always to my crown and then the galactic. So, I'm always dealing with trying to run a higher octave, a much higher frequency. So, even if it's a removal working, right, somebody has an obstacle in their way or there's a person who's not understanding, we'll say, boundaries. It's not a, this is going to be framed in a negative or a not positive phrasing. 100%, it is going to come from a place of love, a place of appreciation and understanding. So, I actually will meditate and try to tap in and receive the direct form of imagery to understand what the person on the other side may, space they may be in. So that it can all come from a very respecting and love-centric space. So, I hope that helps and it's not too, you know, wordy. I would never say you are too wordy, aka, how much we talk. Yeah, you never say nothing. Thanks. Okay, so Sketch asks, what are some setbacks or roadblocks that we've encountered in our journey that we would be open to sharing? And what are some words of advice we would give to others who are facing similar roadblocks? I would say the main things that I ran into was the inability to accept that someone else could be right in a specific way of thinking. Or, the fact that you both can be right, but you could be right in a different way. So, the way I do things and the way Aki does things and the way everybody else does things may all be different, but we all have the same result, which is what's important. So, whenever I speak about the things that I practice, keep in mind that is from my perspective and how I have learned to do things. And what works for me, it might not work for you. But, I think one of the hardest things that I went through was accepting that there are 20 different ways to make a sidewall, for instance. Or, there are countless ways to do shielding. There are just so many different things and so many different perspectives that we can't consider as an individual. But, reaching out to others and practicing with others and learning show you that that is the case, that there are other ways. Yeah, no, that's a good way to look at it. I have a couple that popped in my head right away. The first one is awareness, right? And we focus and we tend to latch on to that first piece that we identify with, right? So, I mean, I always knew that I was very strongly empathic. But, I ignored the CLAIRE audience. But, when my proverbial door got kicked in, ripped off the hinges, that was my strongest CLAIRE. And so, for us that really are kind of connected to our abilities, nobody really, at that point, nobody really talked about having multiple CLAIRE abilities or that they are in flux. And so, for me, it's really important to make sure that everybody is aware of that. So, what we identify with in the beginning of our journey will not necessarily be the strongest or the one that we connect with six months down the road, a year down the road, three years down the road. But, because I believe and understand that we are on a path, a spiral path, it's cyclical, that things are supposed to be in flux. So, but there is this kind of fear or kind of a sense of loss when you kind of are no longer tapped into as strongly as that first one, say, that you identified with. And that was like your aha, like, oh my God, that's my CLAIRE, you know. And so, a lot of times, you know, just like the world around us has seasons and it's flowing and it's changing, that is also a very important aspect, in my opinion, to our journey. And it speaks to what we do and our growth. And so, you know, understanding that there will be times when spirit, team, yourself, your higher mind, your oversoul is like, no, no, no, no, no. Like, we got to chill. We got to take a step back. And so, we have this reaction, we're like, oh my God, I'm no longer what I was. You see, but if you roll with it and you understand that we need that time to incubate or to marinate or to shift and to grow, and that something else will step forward. If you allow yourself that space and understand that, you know, our bodies are physical bodies. We are, you know, walking around in an extremely dense situation, but our true beings are much higher frequency. And so, to maintain the connection that we carry with spirit, like that is an, you have to, it's a lot of work, right? We have to fine tune, we have to constantly do the work in the physical to be able to maintain that connection with the spirit. And so, it's okay, like, if you're tired and you're like, oh my God, you know, you need to shut down for two days or three days or a week. But we have a tendency, because we get so spirit drunk, we get so connected and that electricity and that energy that moves through us is so, you know, enriching and enlightening and exciting, right? That when it's missing, it's very prevalent and it's very noticeable. And so, for me, it's like, just give yourself space. Like, it's okay, because where you started, you know, if we don't, if we're not shifting and we're not growing and we're not allowing for something new to come in, how are we going to develop? Yeah, and to add on to that, you know, some people think that you can kind of stay static and just have your own beliefs and what they are and that's just the way it's going to be. We have to understand that we are going to grow and your beliefs are going to be changed, challenged, whatever, throughout all of what you do. So, I would not suggest going into spirituality or metaphysics or whatever with a solid belief of how things are, because whenever you think things are solid, they're going to get twisted upside down and all of your beliefs are going to be shattered. Yeah, your world is going to be rocked. So, understanding that it is not a static belief system, but it's more dynamic and being open to that change is very important, as I have learned even more so recently throughout the Roon journey. So, I'm not lying, Johnny. No, he's not. He absolutely is not. But the thing is to stepping back and not assigning judgment to anyone else, because you don't know what they go through in their journey and in their experiences. And if they want to keep that closed, I mean, you can. It can be done. Like you can just literally, but there really won't, the more limited you are, the more static you stay, you know, you're kind of doing, in my opinion, you're doing yourself a little bit of a disservice, but that doesn't mean that it's my place to judge. So, it's like, you know, I understand and appreciate and what you need to do is right for you at that time. And as long as you know that you're supported, that's all that really matters to me. Yes, it's kind of like, if you do kind of do that, it's kind of like putting on a horse visor, where all you can see is literally right in front of you. But once you take it off, you can see everything around you and realize things are a lot different than you thought. Yeah. So, Sketch asks if we were always spiritual. Personally, I would say yes. Even as a child, I felt that there was more to the physical world. And as much as the church would try to dissuade you from being a practitioner, because I am Christian, I didn't mention that earlier, as much as the church may dissuade you and say that psychic or powers not of this world, so to speak, are anti-Christian, I have grown to find that is not the case. And that, in fact, you can use what you learn for your religion or for whatever. So, I would say yes, even as a younger person, I always either heard entities or maybe even unknowingly channeled things, not knowing what I was doing. So, what about you? Yeah, always. My mother was very spiritual. And it was natural. For me, it's a natural way of being. I, like you, I still identify as Catholic, believe it or not, with all of everything. But that's my wheelhouse. That's my comfort zone. My experiences were very different because I come from a very remote space in the world. And so, you know, how we were taught, we were, you know, a lot of our priests were actually Jesuits. And for those of you who aren't familiar with Catholicism, Jesuits are the, they are the scholars. They understand and research and they have not separated themselves from some of the more metaphysical aspects that there used to be in some of the different sects of Catholicism. And so, you know, there was freedom to explore there. For me, there was freedom to ask questions, right, and not just be like, this is the textbook, this is what the answer is, but actually go and have a discussion. Right. But, but, you know, because we're a very small parish, you know, like, we also saw the humanity within our priests. So, like, you know, one of the ones I was closest with in the later years of my life, but before I moved, you know, down to the lower 48, you know, he would take, he would get his vacation every year, and he would come down to Mexico. But he would dedicate and do service in very remote, very small churches. And so even though he was on vacation, you know, where he could go, he could go to the beach, he was still in service to others. And he actually had double masters, no, double PhDs in history. So, like, when it would come to the sermon, like, and we're discussing, you know, like, we just had the Easter season, right. And so we could, he would bring it down, and so that we would understand, like, the actual historical context of, like, the practice and where they came from. So for a lot of people, that could be, you know, not everybody had that experience, you know, or like, you know, we had Father Philip, who actually was a transient priest who came in from Central Africa. And so like, whenever, like, there were baptisms or different things, like priests, you know, they get a small stipend, they really don't get an income, the parish kind of takes care of everything around them. And but it's tradition to give them, you know, like a monetary gift. And so every, every, like, holiday, and every extra thing that he would perform, people would give him and he would save up this money, especially like for Christmas, and he would send it back to his, to his home tribe, to his home community. And he was like, yeah, yeah, everybody's really excited. And, and with the money that he sent, they built this absolutely beautiful chicken coop. And so and they were able to purchase, you know, more young chickens. And then he was like sharing pictures. I mean, it was stunning. But the quality of the chicken house was more so than most of the huts that they lived in. And so like, they were always like drawing straws and had to take turns as to who could who would stay and tend to the chickens overnight, you know, so yeah, what is spirituality? Like, it's giving back. And that's kind of, for me, I will answer sketch, I will since we're on this topic, mention something that happened when I was younger. So first, finding out that, hey, you know, I can, you know, move wind or whatever. I did what anyone would do. And, you know, we didn't, I don't, Google didn't really exist. So I went on to some bulletin boards, BBS, and found this spell for life protection. And me, you know, not knowing anything, I did it. The next Sunday was whenever our pastor did a sermon on, you know, don't do witchcraft, because you're going to go to hell, and stuff like that. So that was like, Oh, gosh, like, Oh, man, I really messed up. And then it was through. Probably, I mean, that really scared me. But it probably took me two or three years to discern and pray about it and figure out, you know, it's what I did. I'm not I'm not going to go to hell. But, you know, this energy work that we can do, we're allowed to do it, because it was something that he left for us to have, or else we wouldn't be able to do it is pretty much where I ended up, you know, saying and understanding through my own discernment. So everyone's discernment is completely up to them. And if you are a Christian, praying and finding out if this is something that that is for you, I would suggest that if that's something you want to do, if you if you have questions or doubts in your mind. So we can we can move on from this. Sketch asks, how does our spiritual life integrate itself with our non-spiritual one? I will have to say, unless you want to go first, AK. I practice every single day. Like it's there, there is no separation. Like, I have nothing to hide. And yeah, if you walk into the house, like, everybody's like, whoa, there is stuff everywhere. There are candles lit there, you know, I have framed prayers for different different deities. And, you know, I share my coffee or milk or tea in the morning with with the spirit, you know, of my mother and my husband who's passed on. And I sit and have coffee with, you know, my deity as well. So, yeah, it's, it's, there's no longer a separation. Yeah, I was going to say that once you start practicing, and once you, you know, start on a project, or whatever it may be, you, the lines between when you're practicing, you know, with someone online, through wherever discord or whatever. And when you're, you know, just in your traditional everyday life, you're, you're normally, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you And you look at someone and you kind of hone in on that. And it's like, why am I sensing this now, whenever I'm not really even doing anything? And it's just because we, we start to have this happen all the time. It's not just something that you pick and choose. So, yeah, once you, and this is not meant to scare anybody, but it's just really once you start practicing, the lines blur between what I would say your regular life and what you would, you know, call your online life or your energetic practice. So, yeah, I'm going to jump up here because I saw that Johnny had a question, several questions for us. The first one is, Adfang and myself, do you practice your psychic and or mediumship abilities for the public? Me, I don't. I've always thought about it. But the way I look at things is, if it's not costing me anything other than some time, I don't believe in charging for people. And I'm going to, I'm going to piggyback and say, I have never done public readings, like go out into the public and offer services. That's not been something like terror reading or something like that. That's not been something that calls to me. If I'm working with someone else, my, I would say I'm more called to either shield and protect someone or perform some healing or manifestation. Those are more of my things that I would say I feel more called to do in a public venue. They're not very, they're not immediately noticeable, usually, besides healing sometimes. And they're not as wow as you can get with tarot or, or pendulum or other divination tools. But yeah, I'm a little more low key, I guess I would say. Great, that's, that's, that also makes sense. For how I would see you practicing. For me, yes and no, like it depends on your, what you would consider public. I like add saying don't believe in charging. So for me, it's, it's an aspect of being in service to service to spirit. You know, service to others. So periodically, I will go and I will dedicate a solid week of nothing but readings for people free of charge. When I do mediumship readings, I usually, I don't book anything less than an hour and a half, to be honest with you, because I don't feel like rushing. So it's not like a little 15 minutes. So I can generally do seven to eight people in a day. And and that can be a lot of intense work. So staying hydrated and everything else. I try to be pretty shielded myself. When I go out in public, there are times when, you know, the deceased spirits beings make themselves known, and they're very persistent. And if I'm in office hours, you know, and I feel that, you know, I'm kind of reading the person in front of me to see if they'll be receptive, then yes, I will, I will definitely pass messages along. So yes and no. Okay. Another question from Sketch is, if either of us identify with any spiritual label, or any words that we would describe who we are now? That's really hard. I tend to not really label myself as anything. If someone were to ask me, what do you do? I would simply say, if you look up the definition of psionics, that pretty much describes it all. It's a very broad term that kind of has fallen by the wayside. But I wouldn't call myself anything or anything other than maybe an energy worker. But it's more than just energy working. There are other things too that go on. So I practice metaphysics. I am a metaphysical person. I think that's the best way to put it. Yeah, no, that's great. I really don't like labels. Like I said, I would be most comfortable referring to myself as either a highly sensitive person, not emotionally sensitive, emotional sensitive to that around me or ritual worker. Because I feel like that kind of can be a very broad scope and paint a broader picture. So that's kind of where I would feel comfortable if it came down to that. So Grace asked, how did you get into the occult as thing? And I think I already answered that question. We will definitely discuss more about other ways that we may have gotten into the occult or things that really resonated with us some other time. But we have a lot of questions. We're about halfway through now. So I think we're only going to be able to get a couple more in. Grace asks, do you have any beliefs on the afterlife? I definitely do. What about you? I'm going to say I'm more agnostic now. But because of my religion, I do not believe in an afterlife. I'm not sure where I would put my belief in my spirit just kind of being here until the next coming or whatever. I'm not sure how I would put that because that's something that will happen. And yeah, personally, I'm definitely afraid of death. So talking about death makes me a little uncomfortable. It's probably some childhood stuff that is just there. And some people just have specific fears. That's one of them for me. And yeah, so personally, I don't believe in the afterlife from a religious perspective, at least. I'm agnostic on more of a spiritual perspective. Interesting. Yeah, like I, that's, that's an interesting way to look at it. I view us beings of consciousness. And in my experience, from, you know, the intensity of the last, you know, four or five years. It has been made very clear to me that, that we no longer stop existing. And, you know, I think that the I think that the afterlife is, is however you choose to believe and however you choose to perceive it. And, and it can be it's, it can be a very beautiful thing. Yeah. Okay. Barkinbyte asks, What is one aspect of your spirituality you want to improve on and why? We may have slightly touched on this topic. Do you want to go ahead? Um, for me, I'm always exploring, always trying to expand. And, and just like I kind of alluded to before, I do go through cycles. So it's either, you know, wide open, and and we spend, you know, an hour in the morning and an hour at night, in prayer, if you will. Sometimes, it's hit or miss. And then, you know, it's been really important for me to work through guilt, if I'm if I'm not practicing as intensely as I feel that I should be. Because I never get scolded by, you know, any member of my team or any, any energy that that presides in in my home or in my space. So yeah, I think that in particular is something that a lot of people have. They feel as if if they, you know, if they have a routine of doing something, you know, three times a week or something, and then you skip one, and then you feel guilty about it. And then you're like, Well, I guess, you know, the next time you come around to practice, you still feel kind of that guilt. Yeah. fulfillment in other things. I mean, personally, this is kind of what I do. This is innately something that I, I've always done. And no matter how hard I try to run away from it, I'm always back here doing something. It may take it a week, a month, six months, you know, a year, in this case, coming back to the server. But I always find my way back here. And I think that's what a lot of people who practice are going to find. So never feel guilty, whenever you have to, you know, you skip a day. It's, you can look at it like going to the gym, you know, you can skip a day or two, but, you know, it's, it's okay, you can always pick up the next day. Right. And I am going to piggyback on what you said about giving yourself a day off. So that's been an agreement, you know, and an understanding that I think each and every one of us kind of has to come through on their own, whether whether you're doing it with your team, or you're doing it individually. You know, appreciating and understanding what days are significant to you and allowing yourself that that time to have time off because again, connecting with spirit in an extremely intense, long period of time is physically challenging to your body. Right. So, you know, you're allowed to have a day like you can give yourself a day a week, you can give yourself, you know, a weekend, you know, whatever, whatever works for you, but you can't, I would suggest not to beat yourself up over it. And to understand that, that it's required, it's needed, because when you, you know, if you're looking at it, from, you know, a deity perspective, I mean, even in the Bible, it says, and on the seventh day, he rested, right? So give yourself permission. Because, you know, if you're not running efficiently, and being balanced, you know, internally and externally, then then it's going to cause a lot more issues down the line. Yep. And I have a very bad problem, I guess, of being too active, and not taking some downtime. I will bug people sometimes a bit too much. I personally find myself just wanting to do stuff a lot, and I forget that I am a human person, I need to let my inner self and my higher self just rest and take a little break. So it's totally okay. It's just being sure that you pick back up where you left off or somewhere near there. Yep, exactly. Markabyte asks, we already did that question. What gifts, and I guess this will be our last question, then we can have an open discussion or, you know, something like that. There's one, one other question. I'm sorry. After you read this one, that Johnny asked about putting the server together. Go ahead. I had that one written down. You can go ahead. Okay, so Johnny asked me directly, aka Lady, what do you receive personally from putting this server together? Fellowship, like I get to hang out and meet and connect with some really incredible, amazing, talented people, and creative people. And so for me, that's the reward, right? I am in a place that, you know, was was brought about, because being a spiritual person, like, it can be very, very lonely, it can feel, you know, like, like, you're kind of out out on your own. And, you know, we've, we've developed together, we've grown together, and, and, and, and look at each of you, look at look at all of you here in front of us, I may not know all of you personally. Because Grace, the mace, she's, she's new to the crew. You know, I mean, Moon has has grown exponentially in her abilities, you know, and she's taken taken steps to grow. And it's been a beautiful to observe her journey. Johnny, who, who I mean, from from day one, I mean, wow, I can't say anything other than like, wow, your gifts, right there are beautiful. And, and, and you as a person are just so beautiful. And it's a gift. And, and then my sweet Ruby cat, I mean, again, wow, like, like the growth and the comfort and, and watching them emerge from their cocoon and kind of flourish, and bark and bite, like, these great ideas, and you've got this wonderful energy and vitality about you. You know, I, I'm loving, loving the connection. And then I've got Adfang, who, you know, I refer to, will defer to Adfang on on most subjects, because I feel he, he very much is an expert. He's a fantastic teacher. And, and so, like, in like, you've probably read me, read some of my postings, you know, in response to Apollo, like, his, his questioning, and, you know, there, there's, there's so much growth, and so much connectivity, that, you know, every day is like a gift, even if I'm cranky and, and extra fiery that day, you know, so I mean, you guys really are absolutely incredible. And that's why we're here. Yeah, beautiful. Thank you. Thank you guys so much, like, feeling supported. You know, the interest and you guys are just, yeah, you make my day. So thanks for being here. And thanks for, you know, listening and sharing space.

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