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episode 2

Alaiya Maquiola



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The speaker and their girlfriend discuss manifesting and the power of positive affirmations. They also talk about their dislike for crystal girls and how zodiac signs shouldn't determine anything. They mention their experience working with children and the importance of good parenting. They then discuss horror movies, mentioning "The Autopsy of Jane Doe," "Killer Clowns from Outer Space," "The Visit," and their dislike for "The Blair Witch Project" and "Hereditary." They also mention their fear of certain horror movie creatures and briefly talk about their upcoming move. welcome to episode 2 I'm accompanied by my beautiful girlfriend Ali we know that already babe okay this is episode numero dos of residents of Yachtville basically basically oh I think we should talk about manifesting for a second okay because I shit you not you remember in the last podcast the last episode when we talked about how I don't like crystal girls who are like I literally saw a tiktok that night I was like oh my god you're a Taurus and they were like oh my god are you a May Taurus and they were like yeah and he was like are you May 11th and she's like no I'm May 7th they were like oh my god I was like shut the fuck up you're stupid yeah I didn't enjoy it it was stupid sounds stupid people like that are so dumb I think based off a zodiac sign shouldn't base anything like I talked about last episode but what do you want to talk about manifesting I think so too I am a firm believer that manifestation works and I also am a firm believer that like how you say your day is gonna go is how your day is gonna go I give you a wake up and be like today's gonna be a shit day and today's gonna be a bad day me all the time I fear I agree with both parts I think no I think manifestation is perfect I think the energy put in to the world is energy you'll receive input and outcome output that's what I meant but yeah I think if you're negative all the time and put negative energy into the world that's all you're gonna ever receive and without I don't know I think if you're positive about something and you put into you're like I'm gonna be rich you know you just tell yourself that every day yeah you can't be like I'm gonna be you have to be like I am it has to be very like you have to say what you're gonna be basically so you have to be like I am rich I make a lot of money or or you'd be like I am beautiful so like it's like positive affirmations basically because affirmations and manifestation go hand in hand oh I didn't know that yes that's why on my mirror I have well you can't see it right now but it's like I am beautiful I am happy I am yeah funny so you just say all the stuff that you want to happen well I know I'm fucking hilarious I know I was waiting for the gratification I know this episode is us flirting with each other thank you thank you okay I also want to talk about children and how awful they are well it just depends on the children oh I'm not every kid is bad I guess like last episode we talked about iPad kids and they're the epitome the epitome of stupid R words but I can't say I'm just kidding love you guys hashtag autism forever yeah love you guys I think I'm gonna cut this part out because I might get canceled anyway no I think cuz I working at a middle school has taught me so much about patience and like not harming children every day cuz they are horrible yeah but you can't because then you'll get a lawsuit on your hands yeah and that's not very good and I fear I don't have the money for a lawsuit yeah but I also think that being in that environment teaches you how to have kids I work like how to handle I worked at an arcade and you know how hard it is like I don't think I ever told you this story I had a kid two hours it took him to pick out a 15 he only have 15 tickets two hours that's me though there's like 10 things you can yeah but I'm so indecisive and you've seen it firsthand I mean yeah but if you have 15 tickets you kind of just you know and the you you just have to be so patient with kids and that's the hardest part okay but when you're patient with kids it gets you like older kids okay working at a middle school teaches you that you have to be short with with older children and it's because once like obviously little kids it's different because you still have to like hold their hand through things and be like okay we can't do this but with older kids they have that understanding where it's like hey you need to stop yeah and a lot of them like their parents coddle them and like don't teach them things like that yeah like there's this kid that I work with and his mom is like the definition of like what's the word like well yeah but it's like when they like feed into their BS no it's like it's there's an a I think it doesn't matter anyway she like coddles him to the max like your kid is 13 years old and you know what is the word I'll think about it tonight and remember and then yeah light bulb but yeah I don't like children they suck and don't have them but I also think it just comes down to parenting yeah it's like it's the same thing with dogs yeah dogs are bad that it all depends on the owner I'm not saying that like parents are like owners to their children well I mean yeah in a sense but it's like dogs dogs don't grow up evil they have to be taught that basically and kids don't grow up awful it's the environment they're in well if they're like a sociopath sure or they have that disorder like defiant disorder or whatever yeah but I feel like most children aren't awful born yeah it's like you teach children bad things like sociopath genes it's like yeah well even if they have that like it's still an environment you have to be in to act on those feelings maybe because kids can grow up in really healthy homes and become serial killers that's true I don't know that's true I guess it kind of just depends yeah anyway it doesn't matter moving forward let's talk about movies yes well cuz we just watched the autopsy of Jane Doe it's so fucking scary it was scary but it was so good like I haven't watched a good horror movie in so long and it was like it like fed a good part of my brain well like it was like actually intriguing you couldn't really guess what was happening aside from the jump scares there's a few jump scares but yeah you couldn't really like make out what was going on like the whole time you're like okay something's weird it's going on but we don't know what it is you know but it was like I don't like when movies bring in like random magical stuff and I feel like sort of I feel like I just don't like when real life mixes with like science fiction I don't like that but it was a good movie regardless I did like that it wasn't like fully like Oh fairies and warlocks and fairy dust I liked that it was like oh she's a witch yeah and it was like it's been out since like 2017 someone if anyone hasn't seen it then they're stupid sorry it's been a long day I'm attacking everybody today including me brother let's talk about the text earlier okay MB what's another good horror movie killer clowns from outer space good movie good movie but is it a good horror movie it's so funny but it's it's funny yeah I guess but it's not a horrible no I think a good horror movie I have a good one the visit that one's I've never seen it we did watch it did we with the old grandma and shit and she puts the diaper in the face yes that was well I didn't like it very much awful acting but it was scary I didn't like the scene where they were under the house and she's like child I don't remember the name she was yelling and then she like crawled at him that was terrifying and the diaper scene was gross but yeah it was bad acting but it was a good movie another bad one that like everybody loves the Blair Witch Project never she never seen it lucky you it's boring I want to watch it because it's like one of the introduced found footage yeah it was like a good movie for its time I think but there's nothing like you don't see the antagonist at all you know it's overrated and I know you agree with me on this hereditary oh don't even get me started I hate hereditary it's stupid the plot there's no plot to that movie yeah like why are there naked people in a treehouse yeah we just went from watching a girl get decapitated because she had a peanut allergy to naked old people in a treehouse yeah what is going on weird-ass shit I didn't like it it was really really scared me which one is one insidious yeah the first one were they like I think I've only seen the second one the son gets put in a coma but he's like it's stuck in the spiritual realm I think I've only seen the second one where it's the dad yeah so the first one introduces it's so good the first is way what is the insidious with the red demon guy that one scares the shit out of me I will not watch that scene because the oh like even thinking about it makes my skin crawl because I don't like stuff like that that's why it lights out will forever be like horrifying because Diana is so scary it's so scary it's just that's my biggest fear is like a black figure with little white eyes or like just eyes in the dark that's why I don't like the grudge or the other one the ring and her fucking thing that she does the grudge I watched it with my with Mason and yeah and yes but also the one girl that we don't like and it's just gory like there are jump scares and it's kind of okay but then yeah I did start the ring at one point but I didn't like this I didn't like the scene under the blanket that freaks me out I don't remember that it was like a kid I think in bed and here's the like in the room and he like lifts up the blanket and she's there and I didn't like that yeah it's the on Rio that's her name or whatever I just remember his step by daylight and it's like the VHS tapes and whatever and it's freaky also we should have purposes earlier we're filming this on Monday and it's not getting put out till Saturday yeah because someone is going out of town you are moving RIP RIP RIP our gas it's gonna be pricey beep beep sorry cuz you cussed the internal I've been trying to not cuss as much I think I cussed twice I know last episode we were cussing up a storm storm call it sharknado that's a bad movie to shark nato horrible don't ever watch it you know what movie that people low-key hate on that I kind of like I don't remember it I haven't seen it I thought it was fake my favorite line is a dirty how you know okay it's low-key really scary and not a very good movie but the labyrinth never seen it so David Bowie I know never seen it it's kind of scary intent it's the one where it's like remind me of the babe babe they put the power what power voodoo who do you do came out in the 80s if David Bowie it was like alive today he would be dead yeah Alexa is David Bowie dead almost ten years yeah like could you imagine him in his prime like in today's time like he would be a way more respected I agree I think same thing with Freddie Mercury I think he came out of a good time well yes but I feel like I feel like his music came out at the right time but I feel like he would be a great soul to have now I could I can get behind them but you know who I don't like those in that time this is a hot take Elton John why what okay here's another hot take I don't like Elvis his music I don't like him as a person his music is fine well first of all pedophile yeah second of all he's an abuser do you know what he did to Priscilla we started that like first month we were dating no sending with the notebook you won't watch that with me okay I will good it's so cute like their love story is they talked about it in the movie we watched no yeah but then after they're not after you after everything yeah because we yeah but we got to what part where she lost her virginity with him oh yeah yeah when they were effing on the floor of the abandoned old house which is like UTI central get off the floor yeah nasty probably weren't worried about that as much well it was like what the 60s so I don't think okay what's another good movie Rocketman who's about Elton John okay I like the movie but I don't like Elton John as a person I think he's a lot better now now that he's married and has kids I guess I don't know he's not an awesome person I think I kind of relate to Elton John why cuz mommy issues oh that's fair but I think I could relate to a lot of celebrities like that yeah oh you know what a great movie is anything Studio Ghibli mine is Pompoko that one's weird yeah cuz the raccoons have balls and penises I really like Ghibli movies but the only one that I really like is house I think you would really like spirited away I think we could watch it Billie Eilish's new song called to hero and her new album hit me hard and soft is about figured it away yes I watched a whole video that they broke it down obviously it's about the spirited away that the title is the main character's name yeah but there's like lines that like go into the movie which is so cool I love Billy what's your favorite enemy of all time hunter-hunter yes hot take I know that's crazy yours is JJK obviously yeah same with like nine billion people but I don't think that's people's favorite I think it's people's favorite for the time being it's a good go-to I think it's a good like comfort anime I don't know about rewatch ability though yes because there are details that you can miss like hella details that you can miss yeah but also there were details I miss when I watched it with you and I had seen it that was my third time watching it because um I hadn't seen the episode where Kenjaku met Gato until I watched it with you to do stroll have a file spoilers okay if they haven't seen it by now what are you waiting for it's like let's just put a spoiler warning by the way it's been out for five months okay if they haven't seen it that's their own fault I guess but also there's a lot of people that put it off okay who's listening to our podcast that genuinely watches anime that's true that's true that's true who like hasn't already yeah watched it I know who do you think is the most influential artists of all time of all time really of all time like any genre or like can I pick people from genres you know who I'm gonna pick yeah from whom you're gonna say Nirvana yeah okay and I agree with Nirvana but I think Dolly Parton was also influential okay but she's not as influential now think about Nirvana's outreach I'm not saying okay I'm saying influential that's now now that like okay then Nirvana and Tupac I can get behind that Tupac I can even Biggie hmm maybe I think Biggie and Tupac go hand in hand even though there's like beef you know who the biggest I think this is a really hot take Ray Charles the jazz guy yeah I agree I think jazz and classical music was obviously the beginning of all music but I I like that jazz was like a way for people of color to get out there yeah back in the times and that's kind of when they started getting more accepted but but I really do think that Ray Charles was like the most influential of all time I don't think so if we're talking of all time I'm gonna go with Mozart well okay but here but that's because he like basically made popularized music yeah but he's the most influential well you could argue Beethoven too well yeah I think there's a Beethoven or Mozart I'm picking Mozart I don't listen to either of them Mozart just has bangers but Beethoven also has bangers I feel like I don't know Moonlight Sonata who's your least favorite artist of all time I'd like this generation this generation people are gonna hate me for this one but Playboy Cardi I fucking hate Cardi I don't like Playboy Cardi I tried yeah but he's just like I don't like the influence he has on people it's just so garbage like the people or like the wannabes you know yeah I bet you can guess mine this generation give me a hint JoJo Siwa oh I'm stumped I know it deep down in my heart but I don't know Taylor motherfucking Swift my god I agree with that tenfold I hate Taylor Swift like guttural hatred for Taylor Swift not a good person no and her stupid little fans sorry mom if you're listening I love you but you're a Swiftie and I'm a Kanye West fan controversial I'm neither I'm picking no one um if both of them were out of the world fine with me just because Kanye made graduation does not make him good because one like you can argue before his album I don't even was the last one called uh vultures yeah no before that Donda yeah Donda anything before Donda was good anything before Donda like Jesus is King life of Pablo whatever flashing lights is on Pablo my sick twisted a beautiful blah blah blah blah blah I don't know I think I like Kanye's music I don't know like I've been like he's on my playlist but like when I listen to him it's just like a like I skip it it's just a skip that's how I feel about carnival but I listen to burn a lot and I like it yeah I just I don't know who do you think is winning the Kendrick fight I'm Kendrick easy okay as much as I don't like Drake he made good music too made not makes made before passion for everything was okay yeah I hate Drake music he Drake's in your playlist yeah but I don't like like I like one of his song but like all of his other music but it's just garbage yeah and I only have like three Drake songs I think I have to I know that I have practice and something else Oh yerba's heartbreak yeah and something else how much better I have no idea what the your favorite artist right now I think it's between the band cameo and the Grateful Dead grateful yes that's a good pick thank you I love the Grateful Dead I forget about them I need to put that oh good like okay listen to grateful bed and you're like oh it's gonna be like some hard-ass rock I'm sure that they make rock music but then they're like chill songs are so nice to listen to like listen to brown-eyed women and you'll fall in love oh also I feel like tool I've been getting into tool yeah I know I love tool my favorite song right now is tempest which is like basic I fear but it's a 15-minute song of like mostly instrumental I think it is just all instrumental but I love tool I think they're a good band I think that's a really safe pig I feel like tool is never a not safe pick they're they're pretty good yeah I agree I agree but oh here hold on it's one of their new don't play it though we'll get copyright striped I know tell me Numa Numa I'll have to listen to you and you you and a and it's called Numa yeah okay it's a really good you know what I learned by the way this reminded me of Puma and kpop stars when they want a clip to be edited out of a video they'll start naming brands so they'll be like Nike Nike Nike really yeah cuz they can't like show brands or they'll get in trouble oh yeah if they want like a clip edited out of like a show or something they'll be like Puma Nike really mm-hmm that's crazy I don't know that you like kpop I do really yeah so I know but not like the diehard kpop no I'm not like a diehard kpop but like I can listen to it I can't really yeah I don't like like I know this is like fucked up but I can't listen to music like that that's valid like I'm not gonna listen to like music like old Spanish music like with the guitar like Latino lover type shit but that's fine because I think my only like Latino music that I enjoy is Pitbull does he count he's Hispanic you look he's like the most white okay look at me do I look Hispanic hell no no but I'm just saying I would say that Pitbull is my favorite Hispanic well I would say that too because that's all I know like you've never heard him speak Spanish he speaks Spanish in the song he was like a wannabe I didn't think of it like that what like Daddy Yankee yeah do you remember when fucking despacito got like Hispanic song of the year with Justin Bieber and everyone was so mad because it's not a good song well that and because Justin Bieber is white yeah speaking of Justin Bieber how do you feel about Haley's pregnant I don't really care I don't either but they're gonna have a cute baby they're both really attractive people but they're not good no I think they're the most toxic like celebrity couple ever yeah not ever but like currently cuz ever is well ever we could talk about Kim and Kanye fuck Curt and Courtney were oh don't even get me started up fucking Courtney love cuz Courtney definitely murdered him okay thank you conspiracy as hell but I that's not even a conspiracy I am a firm believer that Courtney love killed Kurt Cobain yeah Curtis Cobain Curtis Cobain drop in the government name the full name that's who we named our bear after Kurt Cobain look mentioned right here you can't see him but he's in a cute little red shirt and blue overalls and he has he's a little brown bear and he has little glasses it's not my fault oh junior H he's a very good artist and he's a Spanish artist I don't know what you say I guess another Hispanic artist is Ricky Martin I like Ricky Martin my mom likes Ricky Martin that's good I could see that what's the other one from like the 90s we talked about it with my mom I forgot I forgot to God who was it it's two words I think I don't know I'll remember later only a thing that I'm thinking I know I keep thinking of peso pluma too oh actually I could say Bad Bunny I do like Bad Bunny's music nobody that I know does but I like Bad Bunny the only reason is just because I don't like modern music with that like I don't know like it just feels like I don't I hate our modern music I do too I think it's so stupid and they talk about women awful and they all they talk about is projection yeah of someone of like how people view women and I agree it corrupts kids minds because it's like oh I'm gonna shit they're just used for you know yeah and I don't like that I don't like that either and that's why like like that's why I like Billie Eilish yeah I agree cuz Billy doesn't ever like in her new album she talks a little bit about sex but she doesn't really ever before well honestly you can even argue suicide bullets yeah they talk about sex and drugs yeah like now they kind of talked about like how recovering addiction yeah did you that was a stupid take you could say Nirvana other than other than certain songs I fear like our word our word me that's not a good song to look at who's actually he does but I feel like I don't think any person like has never made one song that's not about sex yeah you know who talks in a disgusting way but is like his his like meaning is good Miller he talks about sex and drugs but he like I think he also talks about in a good way like he talks about getting over addiction but he also talks about like how it affects him yeah but he also talks about women very respectfully like he will say some outlandish shit yeah but it's not like I want to fuck this bitch I want to you know but I'm just saying like no I agree and like any interview he's so sweet and soft-spoken and he's just he's already P Mac Miller 27 X could you imagine if X like stop did you okay did you imagine like X and Frank Ocean collab like like the little peeping X I know no no no no no no no because X is fake for that he hated little peep up until he died up until he died and then he was like oh he was actually really cool I should have got to know him love you love you X but no no peep died and then X died and then juice died I swear to God little peep died November 16 2018 shut the hell up I was close he died June 18th 8 2018 because it was 5 18 18 yep yep and juice will die in December okay oh yeah because Kobe died and then juice will die a month later oh yeah cuz I remember waking up that day and everyone's like yeah yeah you're right you're right but I don't know I think I think addiction is a sad thing I think it's taking a lot of good artists and even actors and just clown I wouldn't I'll take I don't think he's the best I don't think he's the best actor but I think he could have gotten a lot better I think he has a lot he genuinely I'd like would have had so much more potential if he stayed alive yeah which sucks so bad yeah but on that note sorry what else is there to talk about I don't know the political economical state of the world right I'm just kidding um what's your favorite Lego set I know that my favorite Lego set of fender I wouldn't say that's my favorite but it's my most wanted one right now absolutely absolutely but I see that I think my favorite one I don't know I'd have to look cuz I liked the typewriter I really liked the typewriter yeah and I really liked the film camera that they did even though it was a Disney collab but I like that one I maybe it is my favorite I do like all the botanical sets except for the centerpiece one no one's ugly yeah my favorite is the UCS Millennium Millennium Falcon actually I think my favorite one is the Lamborghini Countach really yeah cuz it's my absolute dream car dream car dream car I'm picking the end of you over it really yes the view e30 m3 okay well yeah they're both like collectors cars you know there's only two Countach's in Utah really yep I thought we saw one of the car me we did and that was the greatest day of my life all right you also had your ears plugged the whole time yeah because the cars are loud and scary they're sick did I ever tell you I went to a drift event the one in Salt Lake Tooele yeah and I was in a drift car with Kelly I remember that yes it was like cars before horse or something no you probably almost went to the f1 f1 drift event it was something I don't know but cuz I was an event the day before an event after a drift event was it it was sometime in like late June I think we went September maybe I'm just wrong maybe but maybe but you know I hate you know what I'm like you're not excited for before nice season three really I think it's cool it's gonna be a cool collab but I also think I just I'm so excited for a new map it's not a new map it's the third we knew POI's yeah which would be so good I don't know this season's just I I'm really tired of the three months I am too can we bring back the one month seasons like why was yeah why was OG only a month but this season has been three I really hope we get another OG season soon it's kind of firm but it might be late you know what game I really really really really am like on the verge of buying not even buy it tonight what all out the whole series really I think I want to try straight tonight after after I level up because I really want purple Hades actually I fear that I don't I think I just want to finish the battle pass because no but also I'm not using any of the battle pass again yeah like they all kind of suck like you're gonna grind and then not even play I really hope the battle pass skin for next season's gonna be cool maybe it'll be the Titan armor really cool the power suits yeah I almost think what that they're gonna make it like you can get into them like the Titans in season 10 like yeah cuz that kind of makes sense yeah but I really hope they do a skin maybe they'll do the little blonde guy the thumbs up guy they definitely will and maybe they'll do like nuka-cola for like healing or something that'd be sick I don't think they'll put that much thought into it they didn't do that for anything else but I don't know this whole season is based off of apocalyptic well I know oh you know what'd be really cool Cod zombies in fortnight yes no imagine they've already had zombies events and it sucks I don't like I don't know like they had in season 6 chapter 1 season 6 they brought in zombies and they were garbage that was like a year into it though yeah but they were still learning yeah like what before I played at all this year and last year I didn't played for like four years because I came back for OG yeah and then I haven't played since like chapter 2 yeah I don't know I I was playing before OG and I have low keenness that season before chapter 4 was really good I think we should wrap up will we have a minute before we hit 40 minutes see you guys on Saturday even though it's a Monday no weird I need to make a new cover we'll do all that yeah and I'm gonna edit out but on that thank you guys for joining thank you for listening to episode 2 and then episode 3 next week next week how are we gonna do it we'll figure it out okay we'll figure it out all right later guys okay this is in addition to episode 2 I'm with a different guest today hello this is Mason hi I'm glad to be here we're also in my car at a park instead of in my bedroom today so in this edition we're going to be talking about customer service and do you want to go first no you can go first because your experience was more recent oh like 20 minutes ago yeah because okay so we go to mod pizza and we I it was fine we're in line whatever I get what are you staring at me for oh I get to the register and this fucking little bitch okay but she was rude okay and she was like she told me try not to swear yeah anyway so I was like pulling out my app to scan and she's like you can just scan the receipt what I was like I go okay and she's like anything else for you and I was like no and so she gives me my receipt and she's like having a day I said thanks and then I get my pizza I'm eating and I asked Mason I said should I go talk to her complain and I feel bad complaining what the hell there's people hanging out of the sunroof like I hate being that person that complains because like I've worked in customer service for so long that it sucks when people complain but some people like have to understand you don't have to work in customer service there's other jobs that you could work at so I get done with my food and I go to the counter and it's her and I'm like is there someone I can talk to and she's like I was like is there a manager I can talk to she goes yeah what's up or she's like yeah about who I said um you actually she goes oh why and I was like I feel like you were very rude and she was like when and I was like when you were checking me out you were very rude and she was like oh I'm sorry like I didn't mean to come off that way and I was like I understand that wasn't your intention but like have a better attitude that was rude and she was like okay I'm sorry and I go okay and so we left and it's like you don't have to work in customer service go work somewhere else please yeah sorry that's a quick transition to me oh and now I'm only gonna be telling one story no because the one at the gas station they were just super old I think they had to stick up their ass okay don't name drop okay I won't so I went to spirit Halloween with two of my friends and we're just looking for costumes and we go to the back and these two of my friends are girls so they're looking at the corsets and they start trying them on and a worker comes up to us and she's like um could you please not try on the costumes and we're like okay for sure and we they take them off and we're just looking around some more as we're looking around she comes back up to us again she goes um you need to leave we asked you to stop trying on the costumes hello um and we told her we're like you didn't ask us again and she goes actually my co-worker came up to you guys and asked you again and we're like no she didn't she walked past us she didn't say anything and she goes you need to leave and we got kicked out for no reason like what was the point what was the goal what was the end goal here retail workers I was a retail worker at one point and I kicked out so many people just because like we're being stared at what the fuck you look like a skinhead sir grow some hair before you look at us again sorry that was really weird he literally just stood there and stared you I did not enjoy that oh god they're looking again I think it's gonna suss because it's a girl and a guy in a car in a park they don't know that you're gay well that's a problem I guess I guess they're probably assuming the worst they can make use their imagination with his bald head surprised he hasn't bleached it blonde literally I hate that trend I hate it as well cuz it's ugly I understand you want to look like Eminem but you look stupid some of you should not shave your head you have wonky heads literally oh can we also talk about graduation yeah so not your graduation no but congrats though oh thank you for yesterday it's so crazy to me cuz I graduated last year yesterday a year ago yesterday which is insane and you guys are all finally done like all my friends are finally done with high school and it's insane yeah it's weird not to be the only one anymore it's very odd which is like amazing so freeing but at the same time it's no place will I ever really like I wouldn't have said that I'll blur it well you say you do that that you never do cuz it takes a long time I will blur that though because I don't want people to know it's like freeing okay let's talk about the other part of graduation that was the best part I were at the graduation two of the ops are there two people that we don't enjoy talking to oh my god so yeah but one of them for sure it's not gonna hear it one of them might hear it anyway it doesn't matter to me I don't care um the ops the oppositions are there we're like being so fake with them and like yeah and so yeah and then I start thinking to myself I'm like hmm did my ex-boyfriend graduate at the end of the ceremony I go up to my old art teacher and I'm like hey did ex-boyfriend graduate and she's like Robert Robert did Roberto no I like Roberto okay no did here I'll turn my car on sorry for if it's loud it's just quite toasty um I was like did Robert graduate I just thought about something that is I'll tell you later but I was like did he graduate and she's like oh I don't know you'd have to ask the receptionist about that I was like okay perf so I go over to the receptionist and I'm like hey did Robert graduate and she's like she goes no and I start cackling I started cackling and then we get in my car and I'm like it shows that he is absolutely fucking nothing without me because I was the reason that he went to school junior year I was the reason that he did his homework and it's like without me you're nothing wardrobe dropping right now my car is screaming at us anyway bye love you bye bye thanks for having me talk to you next Saturday

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