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track 9 barriers

track 9 barriers




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The MyPills application has some great aspects, but there are three important barriers to address. Firstly, many individuals over the age of 65 need help with technology literacy. Secondly, cost is a barrier as some seniors cannot afford smartphones or tablets and the necessary Wi-Fi or mobile data for the app. Lastly, there is a lack of technological support and understanding to troubleshoot issues. These barriers should be considered when discussing the MyPills application. Although there are many great aspects to the MyPills application, there are three important barriers to discuss, the first one being understanding technology literacy. This includes how 73% of individuals over the age of 65 state they need some help setting up and using technology, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other technological devices. Accessibility is the second barrier. Previous studies from NIH in 2021 reported that individuals above the age of 65 have lacked access to smartphones or tablets due to cost. This included the ability to afford Wi-Fi or mobile data, and using the MyPills application, Wi-Fi or mobile data is needed. This affected individuals who were on pensions or a fixed income, which pertains to 70 to 83% of the 65 or older population. Technological support is the third barrier to discuss. Lack of technological support was stated by participants from two out of the three NIH studies that I researched. Lack of understanding to troubleshoot or fix problems as well was another issue. These are all barriers to consider when discussing our MyPills application.

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