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What can 3 words do for you?

What can 3 words do for you?

Allie HansenAllie Hansen



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The host, Allie Hansen, introduces a special guest who will be appearing on two episodes of the podcast. She recaps her recent trip to St. George, Utah, where she had a great time roller skating and spending time with friends. She then discusses the importance of choosing three words as a motto for the year, as a way to stay focused and motivated. She shares her own three words for 2024: dream, plan, do. She explains that having three words is easier to remember than a list of goals, and suggests setting them as a screensaver for a constant reminder. She also shares some of her personal goals in different areas of her life, such as dressing cute all the time, praying morning and night, and having courage in social situations. Overall, she wants her podcast to create a community that feels inspired and motivated. Hello, this is your host, Allie Hansen, and welcome back to the Overcome and Become podcast. Let's get motivated. Hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back. This is your host, Allie, and I'm so excited to be here today. Once again, it's going to be another great episode. So this is a super exciting month, one, because I just love January, and two, we have a very special guest coming on. Okay, I want to hype her up for just a minute at the beginning of this podcast. It is another girl, and she is not only doing one episode, but she is doing two episodes with us this month. So it's going to be the two weeks after this episode comes out are going to be amazing. She is like the most boss, that a woman ever. I have gotten the opportunity to get really close with her to grow to know her really, really well. And so that's why I wanted to have her on because I feel like she has a lot of incredible insight on what this podcast could hear and what some great episodes would be. So all I'm saying is once again, get excited because she is going to do such a phenomenal job. But now let's get into our little life recap. So I don't have too much to update you guys on other than the fact that I'm still on Christmas break. I am recording this on Sunday, and I go back to school tomorrow, which I'm not ready for, but I know it's going to be good. Other than that, I went on a temple trip with a young woman and young man from my church this weekend, and it was so much fun. Like this was one of my favorite trips I've ever been on. We went to St. George, Utah, and it was an overnight trip, so we went there the first night. We went roller skating, and Zoe and I got roller skates at the beginning of the summer, and it was super fun. Like doing it on the road is fine, but we went to like an actual roller skating rink. I don't know what you call it, and it was the time of my life. Like genuinely, I don't know if I have had that much fun in a really long time. It was just the best time. And then I tried to do some tricks, and my knees and shins and hands are so bruised. Like I don't think I've ever seen my knees so bruised in my life, and so that's when you know it was a good time. So that was so much fun, and then we had dinner. We broke up. The boys stayed in one house. The girls stayed in another house. So we just go, and we talk about skin care and makeup and all of these different things, and it is so much fun. I love being in a house full of girls, and then the next day, we went to the temple. It was amazing. It was beautiful. It was spiritual, and I just I love going to the temple and doing that work. Then we went and played Frisbee golf and had some lunch, got a drink, and drove home. And overall, it was a really good time and a really good weekend, and I'm so grateful to all the people that made that happen, but I've just been feeling really good today. For some reason, like specifically today, I've just been really happy and enthused and excited for life and what it has to bring, and honestly, I think I got a little bit of a spark of motivation and a spark of like joy and positivity and happiness, and I'm truly so happy to be here, and I cannot wait for this episode. So enough of all my life recap. Let's get into it. The topic today is what can three words do for you? Now, I know you might be a little bit confused by this, but that's the question that I want you to continually ask yourself throughout this episode is what can three words do for you? Now, what I mean by this is in this year of 2024, because we're still at the beginning of the year, so you still have that opportunity to have that fresh start that a lot of people crave and are eager to feel, I want you to pick three words that are going to be your motto for this year. My three words this year are dream, plan, do. Those are the three words that I am going to live by for 2024, and the reason that it is so important to pick three words is for this. I spent five hours writing hundreds of goals. I broke them down into multiple different areas, multiple different categories. I thought and wrote down steps and ways I was going to achieve and reach these goals, and I just wrote and wrote and wrote, so with that in my goal book, I have hundreds. I'm talking hundreds of goals for 2024. Now, even if I were to read those every single day or every single month or every single week and constantly remind myself of that, I am not going to be able to remember all of those hundreds of words, all of those steps, all of the processes to get there. I had to pick three words. Now, none of those words are written down in a specific area of goal, but I decided that those three words summed up my goals really well, and I know that it is so easy for me to remember dream, plan, do. In fact, I have it set as my wallpaper, so every time I open my laptop, every time I open my phone, I see those three words. I'm constantly reminded of those, and so then on that weekly basis or monthly basis, when I want to go back through and read all of my goals, it can remind me why I chose to pick those three words because that's what's going to keep me motivated. That's what's going to help me keep my eye on the prize. I always wanted things to stick. That was my number one goal, if you ask mostly my mom and dad because they're the first people that I tell anything to. I love them so much because it's not like I have a whole team of people who are working with me or an agent that's like, this is what you need to do, this is how you can improve. I honestly just brainstorm these ideas, tell my mom and dad, and they can attest to this that I wanted my podcast to stick with people. I didn't want it to be one thing that you heard one time and forgot the next week. I really wanted to make an impact and wanted things to stick, and so you're never going to be able to remember a 40-minute podcast, every single word that was said, even a seven-minute podcast, but you can remember three words, especially if they are three words that you picked for yourself because my goals for this year look very different than yours. My three words are going to look very different than yours because even if we might have some similarities within the things that we're trying to achieve this year, it's never going to be exactly the same. So I want you to sit down, and I want you to really think about this. I want you to pick three things that are going to sum it up, and this is how my podcasts are going to stick with you guys. This is how you're going to remember. If you set those three words as your screensaver, you can be like, I listened to that episode and this is what drives me, this is what pushes me, and that's what my goal has always been for this. I really want to create a great community that people are eager to listen to every single Wednesday and then just feel so inspired and motivated and regain that spark that they want. I do want to share some goals. Now, I broke them down, like I said, into many different categories, many different areas, and it is really important for me to set goals because I grow, I become better. This is how I really, really push myself to become better. One of my goals for physical is dress cute all the time, whether that means I'm in comfy clothes, whether that means I'm dressed up all formal for a ball or dream event, or whether I'm in my Sunday best for church, dress cute all the time because if I'm dressing like a hillbilly, I'm not going to get anything done, I'm not going to feel confident, nothing's going to go anywhere. So even if I put on like cute but cozy, lazy clothes, I'm still going to get more done than I would if I just threw on some random things. That might be a silly goal for some of you guys, but really impactful for me, so it's a great example to show you that not everyone has the same goals. For spiritual, my number one would probably be to pray morning and night, having personal prayer because with my family, we always bless the food before dinner and most days I remember to pray at least once a day, but I really want to make a conscious effort to have personal prayers in the morning and the night time and be more intuitive with them because I really want to feel the Spirit and I really want to push myself to become the best spiritual self I can be this year and really grow my relationship with Jesus Christ and with God because they are what my world revolves around and with that daily communication and prayer, I am able to grow that relationship with them and I'm able to communicate with them. With social, my number one is have courage. Now I love just being out there. I love really not caring what people think about me and my mind always goes to this example and I've definitely shared it before, but if you're a new listener, you've never heard this. A couple of years ago, my family and the Tates, our really good friends, went to Texas and we were doing lots of fun things. One of the days, we decided to go to the zoo, so we're all walking in and me being me, decide to like stick my butt out and waddle around and everyone is just like laser-eyed looking at me like, what is this girl doing? My entire family and all of my friends proceed to slow down so they're not walking next to me, acting like they don't know me, but this created more fun, this created more joy and I think it's really important to be able to have courage. Sometimes it's really scary and really hard to talk to new people, but it's so important. Courage can go for so many different things, so socially, I want to have more courage to just really not care what people think about me because even if sometimes I think that I don't care what people think about me or maybe I act like it, some things do get to me, so I really just want to be like, no, this is my life. I get to decide how I look, how I want to act, how I want to feel and that's no one else's business but mine. For mental, my number one would be have alone time, so this is something that this past summer I was really trying to do because I want to find peace in myself. I want to be able to enjoy myself, enjoy my company and honestly be able to grow myself in that way and when you spend time alone, I think your mental state grows so much, but when I spend this time alone, I really want to take that time to work on myself, to figure out what genuinely makes me happy and what genuinely makes me the best version of myself and like we talked about in the last episode, the best version of yourself isn't just salads and dumbbells. The best version of me could be chicken and dumbbells, but it could also be like a Shirley Temple or going to the lake or hanging out with my best friends or going on a shopping spree with my mom because life is so much about balance, but it's so important that you figure out how you can mentally be confident in yourself and really figure out who you are in yourself and being able to do that is having alone time, so I really want to prioritize that this year. Because you guys are the podcast family, because I love you guys so much, I'm going to share my biggest goal for 2024 and that is in the financial department. Now I've already had people doubt me and I know you guys are going to hear this goal and be like girl what are you even thinking about, but I would like to have $100,000 in my bank account by this December and I've had, the number one thing people ask me when I tell them that and I've really only told people who are close to me because that's more of a personal thing, like you don't just go around blabbing how much money is in your bank account and I definitely don't have that much in there right now, but they're like how are you going to get there and I'm like don't worry I have a plan, I know what I'm going to do to get there and I think about this goal every day because I've constantly just been reminding myself of it every single day and it's easy to get thrown different ways when it comes to money. I feel like money often times is negatively viewed because people are like that's not the most important thing in life and it's not, like having $100,000 in my bank account is by far not the most important thing in my life, but there are things that I want to do and money is going to help that. I would love to be able to donate to different charity causes, I would love to be able to start a business to help people feel confident in who they are, I would love to be able to travel with my family, travel with my friends, like all of these things and a lot of other reasons. There's a lot of factors that go into this, but that is my number one goal for 2024 overall. My business in the sense of right now, social media and my podcast, I want to create high quality content. Now with my podcast, I want it to be something that people enjoy listening to and then with Instagram, I also want it to be something people enjoy listening to but also enjoy watching because if it's just kind of like oh, I'm going to scroll through this, I'm going to scroll through this, like that's not what I want. I really want to be able to excel and become better and I know that only comes with time and a lot of times I'll record something and be like I don't like it, it's not good enough, but really the only way for me to be able to post that high quality content is if I post it and then I can be like alright, I can see how I can improve in this and I can see how I can get better. For personal, I love the whole era trend going on right now where people are like oh, I'm in this era of my life, I'm in this lover era, I'm in this boss woman era. So for personal, I really want to be known, okay, this might be super funny, but I really want to be like a bad A business boss woman. I want to be that girl that has my podcast, that's spiritual, that's kind, like a genuine person and so the era that I'm in is boss woman and I really want to emphasize the kind and genuine part on that because it is so important. If someone were to meet me and then go tell someone else, I would hope that they would say she is one of the kindest people I've ever met because that's what I want to strive, that is my number one for personal goals and that is all my yearly goals and once again there are hundreds more, but you can see how the dream plan do can sum up those things because if I have that huge financial goal, there is no way I'm going to be able to achieve that if I just dream about it. If I just sit here and I'm like oh, that would be really, really nice, you have to go for it, you have to get it and I don't believe that people go through things for nothing. I believe that everyone goes through everything in their life because something greater is going to happen for them and I constantly look back at when I was going through all my treatment and when I've had all these health struggles and when I was going through MIS-C and I think to myself, I didn't go through that for nothing. I didn't get put through that misery for years and years and years just so I could be in the same place that I was in back in 2016 and so I always look at that little girl who got diagnosed and had no idea what the road ahead was going to look like for me. I remember being told two and a half years and I was like absolutely not, like that is going to affect my life and it absolutely did affect my life and honestly it affected it for the better because once again, I did not go through that for nothing. I am the woman I am today because of that, because of the struggles and trials that I went through. I have these goals, I have these things that I'm trying to reach, I have this podcast, I have you guys because of that so remember that. Every time you go through something hard, it is not because you're cursed or because you just had to go through it, it's because something is out there for you. You have to figure that out, you have to push yourself, set these goals because they're only a way to make you better. I love you guys so very much. We're going to finish off with a quote and that quote is, there is no failure. You either win or you learn. Oh man, I love that. Of course I do. I love all the quotes I took out but that is so true. You cannot be afraid to fail because those failures are only going to teach you something. They're only going to help you progress and learn. Once again, I love you guys so very much and I cannot wait to talk to you guys next week with a very special guest. I hope you all have an incredible week. I hope you all figure out your three words and I will talk to you guys next week. Bye.

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