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What New Years goals should be according to Allie Hansen

What New Years goals should be according to Allie Hansen

Allie HansenAllie Hansen



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The host of the podcast, Allie Hansen, is excited to be back after a break and shares updates on her life, including spending time with family, writing New Year's resolutions, and reflecting on the past year. She expresses gratitude for her listeners and discusses the importance of setting New Year's goals and the challenges people face in sticking to them. Allie encourages listeners to stay focused on their goals and reminds them of the reasons they set them in the first place. She emphasizes the importance of perseverance and staying motivated. Hello, this is your host, Allie Hansen, and welcome back to the Overcome and Become podcast. Let's get motivated. Hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back. It is your host, Allie, and I am beyond excited to be talking to you guys today. I have had so many thoughts on my mind. We took a break last week. It is the new year. This is the first podcast of 2024, which is crazy. And I am so excited because we have such a good podcast in store today. But let's do a little life recap, some things that have been going on. So the last episode you heard was with Camilla. If you haven't checked that out, check it out because it is so good. She was absolutely phenomenal and just blew me away. So definitely check that out. But since then, we've had Christmas, we've had New Year's, which have both been so much fun. I have spent a lot of time with family, I've spent a lot of time relaxing, hanging out with friends. I've been working a little bit. I've been working on some behind the scenes podcast stuff and just so much good stuff. And can I just say, I am a New Year's girl, okay? I love the new year so much. I love when it comes around. I love writing goals. In fact, with all of the time over Christmas break that I've had to just chill and hang out, I spent five hours, okay, are you hearing this right? Five hours writing New Year's resolutions. Don't tell me what I wrote about because honestly, I'm just blown away that I wrote that much, I guess. But it was so fun. It's been so much fun. My older brother came down and it's just been a really, really good time. And I'm so grateful for all this time to finally just slow down a little bit before we get back in the groove. I am still on Christmas break the whole rest of the week and then I will go back to school on Monday, which I don't know if I'm ready for. It seems like this break has just blown by and I love being home, just doing my own thing, but I do love school. So I'm really excited for both of them. And it's just been really good. Life has been really good lately and I'm super grateful for that. And I am really grateful for 2023. I feel like it was kind of a big year for me because I had a lot of opportunities that I got to take part in. At the beginning of the year, I was asked to speak for the hospital. So I did three different sessions of this conference and then had an opportunity to go to Boston from it, but then it kind of fell through a little bit so I didn't end up getting to do that. But we're hoping next year. I guess this year it would be that I will hopefully get to go to Boston and speak for this and then I started my podcast. Okay, let me tell you guys, this is my baby. This is my baby. I have worked on this so hard for so long and when people ask me, what am I most proud of? Honestly, like one of my first responses is my podcast because there has been so much time, sweat and literal tears put into this podcast than I ever thought needed to be put in. And now we're here and I'm so excited and I was looking back, I have a question a day journal. I definitely mentioned it here before, but of course, all the questions like the first couple of days in January are like, what are your goals? What are your plans for this year? And my answer to January 1st of last year was that I wanted to start my podcast and I wanted to get 500 listens and now we are over 1500. Okay, I started my podcast. She is an old lady. She will be a year old March 4th, which just absolutely blows my mind because I know that's going to come way faster than I think. And we over doubled what my goal was and that is because of you guys and I'm just blown away and I'm so, so grateful for that. And then just school and living on Lake Powell, but then I got the opportunity to go dance in Disneyland, which was amazing. We had an amazing turnout for the Allie's Angels football game, like just so many incredible things. And I could go on and on about how amazing 2023 was, but I have plans. I have secrets. I have excitement built up for this year because there's so much I'm working on. And let me tell you, it's a working progress. I don't want to spill anything yet because I think it's kind of fun keeping it a surprise, keeping it a secret, but you guys will be a part of it. And I can promise you that because I'm working, I am putting in the time and I'm trying to make some things happen. Okay? So just be ready and just wait the next couple months. Some things are going to come up. If you are a consistent listener, you will see. But yeah, I just wanted to say that I really, truly am grateful for you guys. I'm grateful for every listen, every five-star rating, every review, every word of kindness that you have told me, every share. Like it truly does mean the world to me because I put a lot into the podcast and not very much is coming out of it yet. But when you guys listen and write good things, that's what I want to hear. Like that is what I love. When you share my podcast because you think it was a good episode, that's what really gets to me. It's not about the money. It's not about the career. It's about the community that I'm trying to build here and it's because of you guys. Like you are the people that make that happen. So thank you so much. So now I'm going to quit my rambling and I'm going to quit my little cheesy gratitude and we're going to get into this episode and I'm so excited. So as you saw by the title, this is what New Year's goals should really be according to Allie Hansen because did I do research? Yes. But honestly, a lot of this is my opinion. This is self-reflecting that I've done. This is me looking at other people's lives that I know or even just kind of have seen. I want you to remember that everyone is so unique. Everyone is so individual. Just keep that in mind during this podcast. But let's get into it. So what are New Year's goals? Why do people set them? More specifically, ask yourself, why do you set them or do you even set them? What are the pros and cons to setting New Year's resolutions? I have taken quite a few weeks to think about this. I have also taken a couple weeks to think about why people only try to achieve their goals for the month of January then give up because honestly, this has started to frustrate me. With all of the personal self-reflecting that I've done and looking at other people's lives, I feel like I have figured out why and have figured out an answer to this first month problem. I am all about goals. You guys know that. I talk about goals all the time. I have a couple of different podcasts out there about goals. I love to set them. Personally, I think they're a great way for me to help better myself and I know a lot of people use that as well. I was talking to my dad quite a while ago because we just kind of got on the tangent of goals, you know, and he said that he doesn't really set New Year's resolutions and I asked him why. He said, well, because it seems like people always set these goals, realize they're going to take work and that it's going to be hard and then they give up after the first month. That's why you always see all those jokes and all those videos about how the gym is just absolutely packed the month of January and then it completely dies off. In most cases, this happens a lot. People feel all this motivation and they're like, I'm going to do this the first month of January and then they're just done. They give up. The human population wants immediate gratification because it's satisfying and makes us feel good and people like to feel good. A lot of the things we do in our everyday life are unconscious choices, unconscious decisions and instant gratification. We don't even have to think about it. We don't have to consciously make the decision that doing something is going to make you feel good because when you get immediate gratification, you feel good. When people set goals, they have a vision in mind of where they want to be, what they want to do, how they want to look. They then say, this is the day I'm going to start. For a lot of people, that is January 1st of a new year because it is a fresh and easy time. When you set a goal, you have a vision of exactly what you want to achieve and people like a good starting point. For a lot of people, that easy and good starting point is January 1st. When that day comes around, they're feeling motivated and ready. Now you're probably asking, Allie, get to the point. Why do people give up on these goals? It's because they didn't get that immediate gratification. They already wanted to be a certain way, do a certain thing when January 1st came around. Has this happened to you? When you set a goal and that day comes that you are going to start it, you unconsciously expect the results to already be there. Because I've self-reflected on my own life, I realize this has happened to me in many instances. I was thinking about this and I was like, myself, why do I give up on goals? Why do I start to slack? It's because I'll make Pinterest boards, I'll make little vision boards, I'll find all these quotes and I'll be like, I'm going to do that. I set a start date. I get to that start date. Without even thinking about it, I already expect myself to be at those goals. I already expect myself to have reached those goals. So I then went on to ask myself, how am I going to fix this problem? You have to think about your goals or goal, remind yourself of it every second that you have the opportunity to. Never lose sight of it. But remind yourself why you set that goal in the first place. Because people don't just set goals. They always have a why behind it or you wouldn't set it. If you are setting a goal, I can promise, even if you didn't think about this why before, you have a reason you set it. That's why people's goals are so different and individual because we all have different why's behind what we do. Be different. Be that person that actually reaches these goals because next 2025, are you going to have the same goals in your book that you've had in there for the past five years or are you going to have a whole new set because most, if not all, were met? It's not going to be easy. It is going to take a crazy amount of work. You can't fix or change what someone else is doing, but you can always change what you do. You're not promised in next year, but you're promised right now. Are you worth it to put in the work? You have to want your goal more than that Snickers bar right in front of you right now. That's why you have to remind yourself multiple times a day what you want because you are going to be presented with a Snickers bar day after day after day. Is that goal going to outweigh that Snickers bar? And that's why the constant reminder of what your goals are, you need to come in, write them down, look at them, set them as a screensaver on your phone, drill them into your head, tell someone else. It's so important. You have to create self-control. Stop doing things halfway. 50% is never going to work. If you were to pay someone $100 to come clean your house for 90 minutes and they just put in half the work they should have, it would make you mad. At least I know this would make me really mad. I would sit there asking myself, so if you're going to just come in here expecting $100 for 90 minutes and not do what you said you were going to do, I wouldn't want to give it to you. This same concept applies to New Year's resolutions. So this year on February 1st comes around and you have lost all of that New Year's motivation because you missed a workout one day or had a milkshake on a Friday night, tell yourself to revamp, relight, and remember that no so-called, I say this with air quotes, dream life is just made of lettuce and dumbbells. You can't shame yourself for going out to eat one day, one, it's not worth it, and two, it's not maintainable. Revamp and relight is sitting down and going over all those goals for a goal and figure out how you're going to keep the momentum going because at some point you are going to need to revamp the goals because you're going to get bored, you're going to get tired, you're going to want to do something else, and resorting to unhealthy habits is such an easy option and that's why people fall away. So at the beginning of every single month, take a second to revamp all of your goals. To finish us off, I'm going to share a very personal example that I have. Back in October of 2016, one Sunday night, I had just gotten out of the shower with hair between my fingers because it was falling out and bruises all over my body, skinny, pale, dark circles under my eyes, and sick. I looked at this body and thought to myself, I honestly feel damaged, like what am I even looking at right now? Once again, breaking down into tears and asking myself the question I asked myself thousands of times after I was first diagnosed, why me? What did I do wrong? And over seven years later, my hair doesn't fall out, but my body is more hurt than it has ever been before. Let me tell you, chemo really does a number on you. Two and a half years of chemotherapy may have damaged my immune system a little bit, made it so I can never be a donor or donate blood because chemo destroys you to take control of my mental state anymore, and I've watched it do that before. I wake up and make a conscious effort every single day to eat good and move my body because guess who's in control now? Me. I am. By studying certain nutrition and physical goals, I can not only better myself, but heal and take care of my goals. This is just one example. In fact, after spending five hours to write down all my New Year's goals, there are many different areas of goals I have. So for me, when February 1st comes around and I have lost all my motivation like most people, I'm going to fight for and want my goals more than that candy bar that's always sitting in front of me. And the reason I'm going to do this is because I will never have a desire to be in the same place that I was yesterday or even last year. Remember, you don't have to be like everyone else. Be who you want to be, and I cannot express this enough, and I will not stop saying it. You don't have to have the same routine as someone else. You don't have to look like someone else. You don't have to do what they do. You have to be yourself. Pick three words that sum up all of your goals and are going to be your motto in 2024. You can have six months of progress, or you can have six months of regret. It's your choice, and I want you to think about it. I hope you all loved this episode, and I think it's really important that we don't frustrate ourselves. We need to be in the right headspace because I know, even if you haven't written it down, I know everyone's thinking of a little goal in mind that they have for this year. Use it. Don't keep looking back. Don't push it to 2025. Don't be like, oh, well, I already messed up January 1st this year. I guess that means I have to wait until next year because let me tell you something. You tell yourself that every year because back in 2023, it was, oh, I'll wait for 2024. Stop waiting. Next year is not promised to you, but right now is. Today is. Use it, and don't give it up for anything. I finish off with the quote, which is you can have six months of progress or six months of regret. It's your choice. I found that on Pinterest. Sorry, guys. At this point, you can't expect more from me than to not have an author. I should really do better. Maybe I should have made that one of my New Year's resolutions, but I hope you all loved this podcast. I'm so happy to be back. We have one very special guest coming on this month, but two episodes are going to come out with this very special person, so make sure you stay tuned and make sure you take on the new year because it's a choice that you will never regret, and I can absolutely promise you that. Now, I love you guys so much, and I hope you have the most incredible week. I cannot wait to talk to you guys next week for another very exciting episode. Bye.

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