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Sisterhood Wound

Sisterhood Wound

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The sisters discuss their relationship and how it has evolved over time. They talk about the limitations and roles they felt growing up, as well as the jealousy and competition that arose. They also mention the concept of sister wounds, which refers to the wounds and relationships between females. They discuss the micro and macro aspects of these wounds, both within their own sisterhood and on a collective level with other women. They share their experiences and how they have grown and changed their relationship, emphasizing their shared interests in spirituality and self-development. Hello, hello, hello, we are sisters, we stick together, but we come from different families, but we don't look the same. Our spots are different, different colors, that's such a funny lyric, our spots are different. Okay, are we panthers? Yes. Black panthers? Yes. Cheetahs? Yes. Just because we're sisters, cheetah. Anyways, um, so yes, if you haven't noticed by the title that you clicked on, and by the song that we serenaded you with, and you were like, oh my gosh, throwing roses, because it was so fucking good, today we're talking about Sister Rooms. And if you also didn't know that song is from Cheetah Girls, Disney, go watch it. You might have to watch it tonight. When we refer to Sister Rooms, we're referring to the wounds and the relationship between females. So the blockages, the hurt, we really broke it down. We're going to talk today about like the foundation, the limitation, which led to the micro and macro issues of jealousy and competition. So it's really, I feel, and we have agreed on about like the limitation between our roles to have made this blockage and this wound of the Sister Rooms. So Ashley, give it a special shout out to our special Stephanie. Yes, I wanted to also bring up the fact that the reason why we're recording this episode is because I have a friend named Stephanie who listened to a podcast episode before this. I forgot which one it was out of the ones that we put out there, but it was you and I singing. She made a comment about that and the fact that we were actually sisters and that she loved the relationship that we have as blood related siblings, you know, blood related sisters. And I made the comment that, you know, it wasn't always like this. We weren't always the way that we are now with the relationship of closeness that we have now. And she brought up the fact that she would love to hear our story of our growth, of how our sisterhood has changed and shifted through time. And that's pretty much why we're doing this episode. So shout out to Stephanie for that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So I guess that song that we began with is for Stephanie, specifically for Stephanie. Theater Girls is for you. It's for you girls. Yes, she liked that song. She liked the singing. To look back at everything that we've gone through and also take into account that we're going to continue changing. I mean, I feel like we're constantly changing our relationship. And yeah, it wasn't always like that. There's like micro and there's macro. In the micro of like our sister, like us two as sisters. Yes. So by micro and macro, you know, micro we're talking within the family unit with actually blood-related sisters, maybe even like close friends or cousins. Right. And then macro is more on a collective level with other women in the workforce and communities and jobs just collectively, period. So I just wanted to clarify that before we continued. No, that is, thank you for clearing that up. Just in case, you know, you're like, what is micro and macro? Is that like a new computer? No, it is micro and macro in sisterhood wounds. Yeah. And for us, I feel like it was more of just like that dynamic of you being the oldest sister and me being the youngest sister. And then our other sister, you know, being another child, but it was like more of that, just like the, the, the stereotypical, like you were the oldest one. You were expected to be more responsible and like the mother and like have everything organized and put together. And then there was like less expectations from me. However, these roles that were given that like limited us in some capacities, because, you know, you're more than that older sibling that has everything figured out. And I'm more than the, the young one that's, you know, just like the life of the party, doesn't really have much responsibilities and things like that. And that was limiting in some capacity. And I feel like that is what brought, I mean, for me, jealousy, I felt like you were the one that was needed more. And these are just like distortions from, you know, the wound, but it was like, okay, so you're more useful. They like you more. I always said that you were the favorite, which is actually like, you would not think that at all, looking back. But when I was a child, I was like, oh, they, they like Ashley. They're always giving her so much attention, which really was just like, you know, screaming at me for. That was supporting that for everybody. But I was like, well, it must be nice to get it. I mean, at least that. And there was some competition because you were such a good example. Like you were such, you were the straight A student. You literally moved here at 12 and like in one, speaking Spanish, not learning, not knowing English. And then in like one semester, you were like the star student of the fucking English class. And you played volleyball and you were just so pretty and cool. And you had like a boyfriend. And I mean, again, like looking up as like a child, I was like, oh my gosh, you're just so cool. Like I need a boyfriend. I need to play sports. I need to be in band because she's also in band. And I need to be a straight A student. I never thought about it as competition. I just wanted to be like you. However, it was never like something malicious. I felt. It wasn't because you would always come, like you would be compared to me. You know, like they would be like, oh, Ashley did this and she didn't get straight A's. Why can't you? Ashley's doing band. Ashley's doing volleyball. And Ashley gets on the honor roll. Ashley was able to do this in her first semester back here at the United States from Puerto Rico. Like, why can't you do something like that? I was trying. And I guess in this episode right now, we're not getting just into sisterhood ones. We're getting into like, you know, generational trauma stuff. But I was just trying to keep the peace. To be to stay safe, you know, in the way that I wanted to be safe, that I try to do everything that I could to keep everybody happy. And then that just ended up making me like the perfect child, quote unquote. Right. So then that also definitely does resonate and connect with sister wounds. Because like, I think about like the females that that we're going to get into, like the macro, like, how does it? How does it even start? Like females wanted just to be peaceful and to be safe. And that's kind of what began the wounds we'll get into later. But I mean, I feel like that definitely still connects with it. You were doing everything that you could do to be safe. Yeah. You did a great job at it. You can get into it now. Okay. Okay, cool. Let's get into it. So yeah, that's our relationship where she's not my mom anymore. I kind of wanted to close that up before we did move on. But we have grown is that we definitely have changed the relationship between you being my quote unquote mom figure and then us just being sisters. Like, I will call you out on it all the time. I try to. You don't need to do that. You're not my mom. No. And I do it from love. Yeah. And we're like six years apart too. So there was times when you weren't in a place where I was. And by that, I mean, like I was just more mature. But I also had to grow up really fast. And you were still like, I don't think I ever had a face except for Taylor Lautner. I don't think I ever had a face where I was like crushing hard on any guy. Like, that's something else that we can get into later too when it comes to relationships. But I never had crushes like that about celebrities or about other dudes. And whenever I looked at love, I always looked at it from long-term perspective. Never like in the moment does it feel good. I always kind of like thought ahead in that aspect. And I think part of it has to do with the fact that I just grew up fast. And I matured in a lot of different ways in my life. And I never had the chance to be that type of child, that type of girl that has those crushes, that has that celebrity crush that they're obsessed with, except Taylor Lautner. That's the only dude. And that lasted like, I don't know how long. I try to put a poster on the roof of my bed just because all the other girls were doing that. And I did it for like a day. And I was like, this is not okay. This is creepy. Why am I doing this? But every girl goes through that except me. The point that I'm trying to make is that we're six years apart. So where I was in my life at 12, you were a six-year-old kid, and I was a preteen. We were never usually in a place where we could have good conversations. And not that we could, because I can definitely like sit down and have a conversation with a six-year-old now. And I'm like 27. But it's just where I was in my life, I didn't have that patience with you because I also live with you all the time. So I'm like, I don't want to do this. I don't want to... And you were also 12. You're not like, oh, yeah, it was different. It was different. So it's like as we both grew, as we both ended up maturing and changing, the relationship and the dynamic that we have between us also ended up changing. And we have a lot of similarities and similar things that we're into, similar things that we're called for. We're both very into spirituality. Yes, in a sense, it was because I brought it into the household and you just ran with it. But also like you're also very gifted in that yourself. And you also have a lot of understanding for this very intuitively, very innate within you. And we both have that curiosity of the spirituality, that curiosity of the occult, of the esoteric, of the ethereal things. And that's also another reason as to why you and I have been able to have even a closer relationship too, because we're both into self-development. We're both into psychic development as well. And we're both have gone through some shit and we both have been able to been a lot more grounded and we're sisters. So all of that together has accumulated to bringing us to the place where we're at now, where we have a friendship that is very beautiful on top of the sisterhood that we have, because we're actually sisters. Yeah, yeah. And I only think it's going to get better. I mean, as we just get sharper in who we are, it's only going to get, our relationship is going to get better. Because obviously, duh, like if we, yeah, that's just, it just makes sense. So with that being said, as we were saying earlier, and we were like, wait, let's put a pin on it to close out our relationship. Yeah, so the safety and the females and the safety Ashley was also channeling in that moment of just being peaceful and living in harmony and having that be her method of survival. Where did sister wounds really come from? And so we discussed it and we agreed that the macro of it, like the bigger picture of, like the sister wound of people that are not blood related to you comes from the patriarchy. Yes, the patriarchy. Yeah, every single time I say it, I feel like I say it differently. And we also include the definition, just because I know for myself, whenever I hear it, I just think of angst. I think of all the girls that are like, and it's, so let's just like ground ourselves in what it really means. And it's just a society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. So it's, yes, that does cause anger, but that is like the grounded, like the actual definition of it, where men hold power and women are excluded from it. Obviously there is issues that are going to emerge from that, like the witch trials and gossip and who is going to get the man. Because back in the day, females, you know, to have financial security or to have anything, like it was all passed down from the male. So like if their dad wasn't rich, they would have to marry up or like if their dad was rich, they would be fine or whatever, but they would have to marry in the same rank to continue passing down the money. And if you were a female and you didn't marry, you did not have money to stay safe, to have harmony. You had to be like this dream girl. You had to be like the best one. There was jealousy and there 100% was competition in this because like you had to be the girl to literally survive and have financial, to have shelter, to have food, to have anything that you needed to marry up or marry and to like sell yourself. And a good example of this is literally Bridgerton or Bridginton, however you say that show on Netflix, because all of the girls are trying to become the jewel of the season, the diamond of the season. And that's the person that's supposed to get all of the suitors, the best pick to be able to get married to the best man to make the money and the life that they want. Like, yes, sure. Like Netflix romanticized it a minute about love, but like in reality, it's just competing against each other and hopefully they had love, but primarily it was how can I be safe and how can I have money? How can I just not be persecuted? How can I not end up in the streets by myself without anything, without having to become a prostitute myself to make a living? And patriarchy also, like patriarchy more in the sense of the removal of the feminine, which is listed in the definition and diminishing the power that the feminine holds. Yeah, because at that point, like you really have no power. You can't make the money yourself like we have now, which is a blessing that we all have now. We have more liberty. We have more freedom and we're going to continue making more liberty and more freedom as we continue weaving ourselves into the system that's already there and build something new from like the ashes up, right? But like there was no, the feminine had no power back then where you literally had to marry your way. You couldn't make the money yourself. There is competition. There is jealousy of that. Like for example, if you really wanted someone and they married someone else, you'd be like, oh, she's, but what do you mean? Like she didn't get the extensions I got. She's so much, she has a pimple and I don't. She like, you're just going to be saying mean shit, like from jealousy and competition. And that's just going to be a blockage from you celebrating. Like if everything happens for a reason and we're going to celebrate, you know, this union, that's a beautiful partnership. Like that's for them. And for me, I'm going to receive like whatever's meant for me. And if you know what's going to be better than that, because I'm deserving of someone who wants me to, it's like this like blockage. It's not like a healthy outlook on just relationships and relationships is the biggest part again of the sister wound. Because I mean, relationship is how two people come together and sisters are a relationship. So yeah, like connecting it back to what Ashley said, that's why we kind of were like, oh, it's really similar because you do things from the structure that you are provided with to feel peaceful. That's what you did to feel safe. And that's where it began at all. I mean, we could talk about this example of the Bridgeton example, going core, like, you know, like the late what, 1900s, long time ago. And there's also like the witch trials. Yes. So with the beginning of patriarchy, when you begin anything and you want to make a change that's like as drastic as taking it from the matriarch to the patriarch and trying to change the way that things used to be. Because I don't even believe necessarily that it used to be a quote unquote matriarchy before it was a patriarchy. I really believe that it was a beautiful union ship between the divine masculine and the divine feminine. And how it got to the patriarchy is something that I think right now we are rediscovering and undiscovering through different historical, you know, pieces of information, artifacts, papers that are resurfacing every here and then. But the point is, is that when the shift towards patriarchy started for men to take the power, the women knew the power that they had. So in a way, the men that wanted to ruin that power and diminish women needed to come up with a system or some sort of way, some sort of method to get the women themselves to turn against each other and to make it unsafe to have that sisterhood, to make it unsafe to rely on each other, to make it unsafe for them to continue practicing the divine feminine ways that we have within us. So this is a wound that is not only, I guess to an extent, held by women. It's held by everybody. Because in a way, men believe that women are dramatic. Men believe that women are gossips. And women believe that they can't trust other women. Women believe that there's too much trauma when you have a lot of female friends or it's better to not have any female friends at all, to just have men friends, which that in itself is part of the sisterhood wound. If you don't have any girlfriends or if it's hard for you to continue a relationship with a female, that right there is a sisterhood wound. That means that you definitely have to heal it. If you feel like it's too much drama, that's again, a part of the sisterhood wound. Because I mean, it shouldn't be. But anyways, it can. What's wrong with a woman being dramatic? It's part of who we are. If I want to be dramatic and crazy, I want to be dramatic and crazy. Guess what? That's what spices up the sex life anyways. Okay, let me digress. It's just like not. And everyone, even girls are like, I can't have girlfriends because they're so catsy. It's just like not. Yeah, it's just like not true. If you say that, you should start going to women's circles. That's the first step. If you feel that way, if you've thought about that, if you say that, you should definitely start looking into going to women's circles and trying to go to women-only events and try to find, I don't know, Zoom somewhere close by, but like start with only women. That's the only way that you can get there. That's the only way that you can heal. And going back to the witch trials, you have to mention other people's names. And that was one aspect of it. Another aspect was if you were very beautiful and some man was lustful towards you, it was never the fault of the man for not being able to keep it in his pants. It was always the fault of the other woman. And the fault became the fault of the woman. And that's also a part of the sisterhood wound. When you have two women fighting over a man, that's part of the sisterhood wound because the man has just as much free will as the other woman does, as the person does. Also, gossiping. Gossiping has such a bad connotation. But gossiping isn't something evil. It can turn evil, right? Just like how when you do magic, it can be magic for good or magic for bad. You know, we have brujería out there, and the type that makes things that are more for self-benefit than it is for collective benefit. Like there is good gossip and bad gossip. That is such a thing. And by good gossip, I mean, there's this example of the first female doctor. And if you look up the first female doctor, right, and you try to do your research, it'll say that it happened in like the 1800s. And sure, that's true. The first recorded female doctor, the first woman that attended university as a woman to go and become a medical doctor was in the 1820s or like in the 1830s or whatever. But the first female that was a doctor had to hide as a man to be able to attend doctor school in the 1700s, the late 1700s. And this person, I think their name was like James or something, they ended up taking the identity of their brother who passed away to be able to go to medical school because at this time, women were not allowed to study. Women were not allowed to become doctors, which again is also another thing that happened to call people witches, call women witches, because men were able to go to doctor school. Doctor school, that's a funny title. And they have to learn astrology. They have to learn herbalism because the first medication was not invented until World War I. So before that, they have to utilize herbs. They have to utilize the things that were here in the ground. They have to learn how to do that. They have to bring them together in cauldrons and create teas and soups and all that concoction and then create surgeries and whatnot. So men that were doctors before World War I were practicing herbalism and astrology, and they have to know that. It was part of their curriculum. But what made a difference between a doctor and a witch is a doctor was a man that went to medical school and a witch was not allowed to go to medical school. So it was just a medicine woman. And that was yet another thing that also brought into play. And it had to be also the witch was, you know, which means wise, this wise woman intuitively knew what herbs, intuitively knew everything. She knew her power. She knew that what she felt was correct. And that was medicine. And what this like man is learning it. And it's kind of like, okay, we don't want you to know that you have power, that your intuition is strength. So you're a witch. Oh, what a guy learning how to tap into his intuition is not wise. It's not a witch. So just a disclaimer, there are beautiful, amazing men out there that are total witches, or I guess, wizards as well, that are very intuitive. And they have that seed center within them too. But for the most part, the patriarchy also comes from jealousy. Everything just comes from jealousy. Them wanting this intuitive ability or them wanting that power to create worlds. And they don't have that. The whole point with the whole James doctor that was a woman though, is that this doctor used to be a military doctor for the most part until they settled into a town, I believe in somewhere in England. And where they settled into the town, like there were rumors that this person was a woman, was not a man. But even though this came up and they were accused of being a woman and then maybe even have had to go to trial and can get killed, the Senator dropped the charges because the wife of the Senator was like, that's the doctor that I go to. Why does she do that? Because there was gossip around between the women saying, hey, this doctor is a good doctor. This doctor is actually a woman. They can take care of us. This Dr. James was the first doctor ever recorded in history to be able to perform a cesarean and make sure that the mom and the child both survived. Before James, who was a woman pretending to be a man, every woman that went through a cesarean died in childbirth. And because James was a woman, he understood the feeling of the woman and the man. I personally have gone through it myself where I've gone through an OBGYN with a man and it was a super insensitive because they don't understand what the fuck they're doing to the female anatomy. And through gossip, different women in the town knew that they were a doctor they could trust. They were a doctor that would hear them, their concerns that would treat them well. And through gossip, they were able to do this. So gossip can be good. And even though women were accused of gossip and were told that you're not supposed to gossip, that's one of the sins, that is part of the sisterhood. That's part of the patriarchy trying to break away the sisterhood between women who gossip to let each other know who's a good person, who's a bad person, who's a scammer, who is not. Yeah, and it's also really important. My wife's teacher once said that to really understand history and to understand the past, like you have to put yourself there. Gossip wasn't just the gossip that, you know, the sisterhood has created something evil. That was how you would find out the news. That was how you would teach each other stories, storytelling, things like the villages, like, oh, don't go here, X, Y, Z. This is all information. And if you wanted to go back to the example of Bridgeton, they literally do that as well, with the gossip of what's going on in the town. And that was like their news. That's literally how they found out what was going on in their village. And I know it was very set in stone. It's about the mating season, basically the mates. But it's also, oh my gosh, like someone moved in here. That's like really important. And if you have a problem, this person can help you with like a surgery, for example. That could be gossip as well. Really important to put ourselves in that time period too, because yeah, these things were really important. They were really helpful for females. Just how you said, which was so brilliant. If someone's trying to put someone down, they have to make a system on how to be able to put that individual or that group down. And of course, taking away, stripping away of power, stripping away of how they can find out how to be safe through gossip or through doctors or through literally anything. Just like coexisting in peace. That's how they're going to do it. And they did it really well. I mean, we're still seeing the effects. That was their Yelp review. That was their Google reviews. That was their Reddit. Now we have that online. But before it was just gossip, you know. Yes, and now we have the, again, the macro, which is about not being able to keep the friends that are females. And there's also this competition between women about if she has it, then I can't have it. And this is something that is mostly between women because there's not a lot of places where we have been able to see multiple women at the same time on top. The system is not put in that way where we are able to see multiple women at the same time on top. It's usually a bunch of men at top at the same time, but not a lot of women. And that in itself is part of the sisterhood wound because subconsciously it's like, well, only one of us can be at the top. Only one of us can sell crystals. Only one of us can get the man. Only one of us can get the man. Only one of us can host workshops. And even though that's not true at all, because there's billions of people out there in so many different parts of the world, that's part of the mindset that we have because of the competition that we used to have within each other. Yeah. The one mindset comes from what we just said. It was about the mating. There was one girl who could get that one guy because traditionally guys married one girl. And then the guys who are in charge of advertising, there was also on Netflix, there's this show about the first woman, billionaire, millionaire. It was like Madam, I forgot the name, but her husband was doing advertisement. Only males were doing advertisement and they were making that dream girl the one. And it was like making her perfect and all these different things, like super, super, super slender. And just like all the things that you see like in the magazines now. And for a female to look at someone right now, like in the macro of right now, like modern day, what's going on in society to look at someone and be like, well, if she's in power, she's boss like lady, then I can't because she won. She's the dream girl that you see in the advertisement. So I can't do that as well, but it's also an opportunity to be like, well, if she's doing it, then that means that I can do it too. And that is the way to really change the sisterhood wound. And I feel like that's actually, we didn't have to discuss this, but we should definitely discuss this. That should be how we end it. Like how you can change the sisterhood wound because we talked about how we changed it together. It's different with the macro to see someone have what you want and to congratulate them and to be happy for them and to connect with other people. So you can also learn that's healthy because fun fact, there's no fucking competition. There's no fucking competition that was created for us females to feel like we need to be better and better and better and change and change and change to get that one guy just so we can feel safe. That shit does not apply anymore. We do not need to sell our fucking vagina to get money. You can just, and if you want to, you can, that's your choice and you have the liberty. That's the brilliance of it now. If you want to do that, you can. And if you want to go get yourself a job, you can. And if you want to do whatever the fuck you want to do, whenever you want to do it, you can. Because it's not like that anymore. And actually, I'll add to that. Yes, there's prostitutes out there. And then, you know, at a time of patriarchy, prostitutes was not the thing that you want to do. But what people don't realize is that, you know, prostitutes have been here for eons and they used to be the priestesses of different goddesses. And guess what? Yes, they were prostitutes, but they weren't sold to any man. They got to choose who was worthy enough as a man to be welcomed into the goddess's temple and into the priestess's sacred temple of the Yoni. And yes, they would get paid for that. And yes, they will have rituals for that. And it wasn't anything like super, super, super special, you know, to the point where it's like, the man had to be like trained in this way, even though that also existed. But like, there were prostitutes out there that chose and were able to say yes or no to the men that wanted those services. And also that happened to different warriors. When warriors would come back for more, there were priestesses that were so powerful to optimizing the wounds that were projected onto these men from the PTSD of killing, that they were able to have sexual relationships with these warriors, these soldiers, to help transmute those in the act of sex, in the act of love, in the act of intimacy. And prostitution was perverted in such a way that now it's just not, it doesn't hold that same sacredness and that same value. But even something like that, that can be hard to understand in today's society, like women used to have the power in prostitution as well. I just wanted to add that in there. Thank you so much for like saying that because I didn't say the whole thing about prostitution for like it being bad now. Because girl, there's people on OnlyFans making bank, I say only because you were selling yourself at that point. Or like how we, exactly how you said, like it's been perverted so much so that like when you think about it, you think about like someone, some like perversion, like someone getting a girl, I mean like Les Mis, you know, like they don't really want to be doing it. But like we have the liberty if you want to do that now. We have choices now. And so looking at a girl boss and being like, oh my gosh, that's an example. Like that's who I want to be like. We do have examples now. Are you kidding me? Like Michelle Obama or like Oprah, or if you don't really connect with your mom, there's like 10,000 bajillion people doing their thing. So many like spiritual leaders that have so many amazing businesses. I see so many females leading. There's so many teachers that you interact with every single day. And these are things that like you can use as empowerment for yourself that it is possible. And it's easy to be like, oh my gosh, like then I can't do it. But competition, just like how I was like saying before, like it's fake. It's not real. It's not a real thing. Competition, there's no, who are you going to give the power to rank you from one through to whatever the number is? Like first, second, third, fourth. Like who is ranking you? Yourself. You have the power. And so really just changing the sisterhood world like it's everything because who has the power anyway over you? No one anymore. Yes. And that's actually something that I was thinking about too when it comes to how to heal the sisterhood wound, right? Because we've talked about it, what it is. And then if you resonate with that, you're like, oh my God, but what can I do now? Well, first of all, do what I was saying earlier. Go to women's circles, like go on Eventbrite, go on Instagram, look up women's circles on Zoom, in person, go to those and you're going to figure out. Yeah, to add to that, to say that, yes, do that. Yes, do that because if you and your life feel like that, that's because the girls in your life that you have right now are empowering you to feel like, oh my gosh, sisters, I love my sisters. And there will be a female that will completely change the relationship that you have to sisters. And if it's not in your life right now, that's okay. You can still call that in. So like, as you were saying, yes, go to a workshop or a circle because I know that whenever I had my first circle of females, just like being whoever the fuck they are, it opened up the biggest creativity in me because you feel like, oh my gosh, oh, we're all just gonna love each other. Oh, it's possible to be safe to be whoever you are with your females, with your sisters, and you're going to unlock that. You're sisters and you're going to unlock so much gifts. So yes, meet new people if you don't feel like that. Meet new people because you will be inspired. A lot of times too, the women that go to women's circles and host these events are meeting with the intention to heal that sisterhood wound anyways. That's part of the process. And then also the other thing is, as far as the competition goes, when it's like, oh, if this person has it, then like, I can't have it. Like it can only be one of us. Even though that is part of the sisterhood wound, that stems from self-confidence. That stems from self-esteem. And when you're so sure within yourself that what is for you, even though other people are doing the same thing, that what is for you is only yours, that you have a unique gift, that you have a unique niche, right? Because there's billions of people doing card readings out there. And there's also thousands of them that are very successful. There's billions of people holding women's circles and there's thousands of them that are making a living out of it and are successful. So it's not about competition. It's about your self-confidence and your self-esteem and you having that knowing within yourself that you have that within you, you can do it too. And you have a specific medicine and frequency that you're able to provide to billions of people. That is so funny that you said that by saying like the billions of people do tarot readings and billions of them are successful. And my last vending tarot thing, someone came up to me and after reading, I gave her a reading and she felt the only peace in her days when she was doing photography. And she was like, but like, why am I gonna become a photographer? Like there's billions of people becoming, there's like so many photographers, why would they come to me? And I was like, well, using what she like said to me, I was like, well, you're the only one that does this. And you're the only one that finds peace doing this. And you're the only one that will search for hours for that one animal. So you are special. And every photographer has their one thing and you have your one thing. And just like you said, it's really like just grounding yourself in that. And that is also takes practice to be like, well, whenever like the distortion comes in or the limiting thought, the condition pattern comes in, you just be like, absolutely not, bro. Because I'm the only one that does this. And really when you start feeling that and you start believing it, like, okay, well, if I'm the only one that does this, I'm gonna invest my materials in having tools that can make me do that. You're going to like start seeing that, no, no, no, like you are special. This is the same society that agrees with the sisterhood wound that exacerbates it, that says like, yeah, all females are fucked up and crazy and X, Y, Z. Like the same society that believes in that believes that we're all the same and we're not all the same because we're literally all different. Like I remember there was like someone saying that, like, oh, well, there's like so many people with my same name. But there's not a lot of people with the same name, with the same talent that you have, with the same gift. Like you are different. Like you're literally in the same society that wants you to all to be the same. So we can all feel safe somehow doing the same things, not changing ever and having the same system. Like that's the same society that you're going to be investing in if you actually believe that. But there's this new opportunity for you. So many people believing in their own gifts. So many people having their own businesses. So many people to look up to. So many people to put on your walls to learn from, to practice what they're practicing. There's so many options. Like there's so much limitless opportunities and possibilities that like, if you do feel limited, like it's like one YouTube video away from you to see that there's like so much more. And it's really just like putting yourself out there, just how you're saying going to an event for it. Like you can literally follow people that you like look up to and then just message them. Like I literally messaged like this really amazing mentor I had the other day. And I was like, if you ever have job openings, hire me and you can do that. And like, that's not going to cost you anything. But what an amazing opportunity that just falls in your lap as it works out. Beautiful. There's a space for everybody out there. And there's a space for you. You were born here for a reason. You have gifts for a reason. They're meant to be used to be of service to the collective. So if you're in the process of trying to figure that out, that's fine. But part of it is healing the sisterhood wound. And also part of it is building your self-confidence. Right. Because for like so long, you know, females were finding their confidence, their self-worth from the male, because that was the only way that they can like have anything, food, money, shelter, x, y, z. Like, you know, a sense of worthiness, having children. And people love that. I'm not saying that everyone was like, but so many females were constrained in that. And so many females for so long, did not have the opportunity to learn their gifts because they couldn't work. And that was like not in their realm. So it's okay if you feel like that, because it is like living in, again, this sisterhood wound, which is living in our yonis or in our blood or x, y, z. But you can't invest in so much more. And like Asha was saying, you are unique. You are special. You have your own gift, which is 100% true. And now you don't have to surrender to this bullshit. You can surrender to yourself, into your natural gifts, into the love and light that's literally awakening right now. And if you're listening to this, bruh, you're fucking talented. If you needed a message to know that you're a bad bitch, this is it. You're a bad bitch, Ashley. You're a bad bitch listener. You're also a bad bitch at least. We're all bad bitches. We're all bad bitties. So that's a really good way, going to different workshops, doing practice with the sisters that you have in your life already. Because there's a lot of compassion that can go in with the sisters that you have blood-related or that you have been aligned with in your past so far. Learning from them or healing with them, reconciling something. And also, if you feel jealousy or if you feel tension between you and another woman, nine times out of 10, it has nothing to do with them and something to do with something being triggered within you. So obviously there's some times that that's not the case, but most of the time is other people are mirrors. So if someone is annoying you, do you have jealousy, someone is triggering you, ask yourself what part of you is being reflected on that other person. I definitely agree. And I've also have found personally, and maybe this connects with anyone listening, that when someone triggers me, it's because they're reflecting a strength that I also have that I haven't accepted yet. If I'm triggered about someone that so easily has this amazing business and they're traveling the world and everything just is super abundantly rich, what I would imagine my dream life to be. It's like, oh, okay, but that's possible that I could do that too, but am I actually like putting my eggs in that basket? So everything you know is a signal and actually like what she was saying, it's a mirror, we're all mirrors for each other and you can learn with anyone I was triggering you. And if you already don't know, Rebecca Campbell has an amazing deck and one of her cards is mirror, mirror, mirror. And it's literally that question to journal what is triggering you and what does that have to say about you? Talking about Rebecca Campbell and an Oracle deck, do you think we're ready to move on? Yeah, is there actually any last messages that you have and relates to the sisterhood one or the biggest takeaway that you think is about the sisterhood one? The last thing that I'll say is if you're uncomfortable, because a woman is posting a video for self-dancing, whether it's like sensual or non-sensual, if you're uncomfortable, because a woman took a selfie of herself, she's killing herself, I want to challenge you to ask what part of you does not allow yourself to express yourself in that same way? Dr. Nicole Lepera, who wrote like three bestselling books, actually wrote in her book that she felt uncomfortable watching girls like dance and they would make her so mad. And then she realized that like she wasn't allowing herself to dance. Yeah, yeah. The last takeaway that I have is that there's so many possibilities for you, sister. And when you connect to sisters, your life will become so much more amazing than it already is.

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