Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Dylan and Lucas didn't like each other at the beginning of the school year. They fought a lot and found each other annoying. However, they stopped fighting as much when Chad "became a man" by break-checking Dylan. They are now friends, but still talk smack and use bad words. They enjoy being around each other but aren't super close. They had physical fights and also fought with words a few times, but they can't remember what those fights were about. Dylan thinks Chad is just Chad, and he doesn't have much else to say about him. Dylan doesn't think Chad has any comments about him either. Hello everybody and welcome to the smurfs 9b podcast Today, we're gonna interview Dylan Alright, is there an original reason why you and Lucas started fighting? No What was the reason that you guys didn't like each other from the beginning of the school year? It's really annoying Can you explain that a little bit it was always And what did you do to counter that Okay, he would always say hi, I'm Chad What made you mad like about him being you know, you always be like hey, yeah guys And what did you do? Okay What happened that made you guys stop fighting as much Chad became a man He became a man. Can you? Tell us what that means. You got break-checked. Can you explain? No, I mean he's still annoying but just not annoying annoying and When did he become a man as you put it? I don't know Remember like give a general time one. I don't remember Like was it in the second semester, I think it was the second semester Are you guys cool with each other now? Yeah, we just talked smack Like what do you say? Really? bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep Oh As in bad words Yes, I Say really dude, really in front of me, dude. No couldn't be um What happened that made you guys stop fighting as much he stopped being in as annoying He started giving me food Food is that the main reason you guys are friends now? No, he's the boy Do you enjoy being around each other know that you guys are like chill Yeah, I don't know it's like I don't like I enjoy it, but I don't hate it. What do you think? Like I don't care that do that. I Don't know like Yeah So you guys are friends Friends, yeah, he's my he's my boy You did you ever get in any like physical fights with him or was it just I think I wasn't Always just like slapboxing and stuff So did you like fight with words or Was it just physical? slap boxing So you guys didn't have any like Slap boxing is physical. Yeah, but like Did you fight with your words at all? Oh, I think I did. Yeah want like once or twice and What was that over? I don't know. I don't remember Okay, um What do you think about him in general I Don't know He's just Chad Chad Lucas King jr the third to the fifth power To the fifth power. Yes Um Is there anything else you have to say about him or you want to say to him no Do you think he had any comments about you no Personally I don't think he did but maybe he did on Thank you guys for listening and we'll see you next time on smurfs 9b podcast. Bye