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Golden Gateway

Golden Gateway

Ameera Atlantis



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This is a meditation to open your Golden Gateway Chakra, which is located above your head. It is the point where your earthly and divine self merge, and where your Oversoul connects with your energy field. The meditation involves focusing on your breath and visualizing a golden ball of light spinning above your head. This light cleanses and revitalizes your aura, and allows divine guidance to flow through your chakras. You can use this meditation to cleanse your energy field and receive messages from your soul. It can also be helpful for a peaceful sleep. Welcome to a meditation for opening your Golden Gateway Chakra. The Golden Gateway is located about 12 inches above your head and is the final energy center in your auric field. The Golden Gateway is the culmination point between your earthly and divine self. It is the location and the merger point for your Oversoul to unify with your energy field. Let's begin. Begin by focusing on your breath and just allow your inhales and your exhales bring you fully into this present moment. And when you are ready, please notice or become aware of a brilliant golden ball of light just above your head about 12 inches or so. And notice or become aware of this brilliant ball of light beginning to spin, beginning to circulate, beginning to open, sending beautiful golden rays of light down into your energy field. Feel how good it feels to have your Golden Gateway open and activate, drawing down divine light, sending divine light down to your other chakras, to your body, and to your aura. If you like, you can begin to ask your Golden Gateway to cleanse and clear your energy field. Just allow the beautiful rays of this golden light. Allow them to fall like beautiful rays of the Sun or golden drops of water, streams of light down into your energy field. Feel your Golden Gateway refreshing and revitalizing your aura. Feel the golden light beginning to gently dissolve, release anything in your energy field that is ready to be transmuted to the light. Your Golden Gateway is the center point for your Oversoul to send love, to send messages, to send guidance down to your Light Star Chakra, your Crown Chakra, your Third Eye, and move it through your entire energy field. You can tune into your Golden Gateway anytime you would like to cleanse and clear your aura or anytime you would like to re-establish a stronger connection to your higher guidance in your Oversoul. I'm going to give you a moment now just to be with your Golden Gateway and to tune in to any messages from your soul. Do that now. You will also find this meditation helpful for going to sleep at night, to cleanse and clear your energy field, to release anything you may have picked up during the day, and ask for divine messages to come through during your sleep and during your dreams. Using this meditation at night will allow you to sleep more peacefully and wake more gently. Blessed Be.

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