Bible (ABU) NT 01-27: The New Testament
The "Bible (ABU) NT 01-27: The New Testament" by the "American Bible Union" is a revised version of the New Testament. It was meticulously prepared by highly skilled scholars under the auspices of the American Bible Union. The goal was to create a perfect revision, so no expense was spared in obtaining the oldest translations, copies of ancient manuscripts, and other resources. In this edition, the paragraph form is used instead of the modern verse division. However, for easy reference, verse numbers are still included. Quotations from the Old Testament are clearly indicated, and the poetic form is restored to passages that were originally written as poetry. The revisers followed specific rules set by the Union for the revision process. They used a critically edited Greek text, ensuring known errors were corrected. The common English version served as the basis for the revision, with alterations made only when necessary. Overall, the "Bible (ABU) NT 01-27: The