Bible (ASV) 09: 1 Samuel

The "Bible (ASV) 09: 1 Samuel" is a part of the American Standard Version of the Bible. It is a translation of the Books of Samuel, which are considered sacred texts in both Judaism's Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. Originally written in Hebrew, the Books of Samuel were originally a single text and are still seen as such in Hebrew bibles. However, when translated into Greek by the Septuagint, the text was divided into four books known as the Books of the Kingdoms. In the Latin Vulgate version, these books became the Books of the Kings, with 1 and 2 Samuel referred to as 1 and 2 Kings. This differs from the King James Bible and its successors, which consider 1 and 2 Samuel as 1 and 2 Kings, and refer to what was originally 3 and 4 Kings as 1 and 2 Kings. Overall, the "Bible (ASV) 09