Bible (ASV) 19: Psalms

"The 'Bible (ASV) 19: Psalms' is a significant book found in the Hebrew Bible, part of a larger collection known as the Writings. It consists of a compilation of poetic songs and prayers written by various authors, including King David of Israel. Divided into five books, it covers a wide range of themes and emotions. The first book contains Psalms 1-41, the second book contains Psalms 42-72, the third book contains Psalms 73-89, the fourth book contains Psalms 90-106, and the fifth book contains Psalms 107-150. These Psalms serve different purposes, including offering praise to God, seeking guidance, providing solace in times of trouble, expressing gratitude for God's creation, and acknowledging the need for repentance. Some Psalms, like Psalm 22 and Psalm 110, are particularly revered by Christians and certain Jews as they