God has a plan for you. Isaiah 54:1-2
God has a plan for you. Isaiah 54:1-2
a word for this season amen a word that will help you and i to be ready for what the lord god has for us before amen god has a plan for us god has a plan for us god has a plan for us not your uncle not your mother not your father but god has a plan for you are you with me amen god did not spare his only begotten son it did not this christmas should remind you of something i want you in this christmas season not only to start thinking about which turkey you will cook or which chicken you will cook and how you will cook the chicken but i want you to take this moment to understand that if this moment exists it is a synonym and it is the proof that jesus still exist and jesus will come is coming jesus is coming there should be a moment where you move yourself from your your situation your personal situation to start looking at the bigger picture what is the bigger picture what is the bigger picture why are you here why are you sitting where you are sitting did god created you only to stand wake up eat go to work come back bath and that's it do you think that you have only a purpose of existing there is a reason you see in the book of genesis of chapter one the lord will speak about when the the devil came to tempt eve in the garden do you know that god has the plan for you since the beginning since the beginning of time god has a plan for you your plane didn't start when you were born your plane existed before you were born the bible says that since i chose you from before you were formed in the womb of your mother i chose you you were chosen and god picked you out before you were formed in the womb of your mother from the womb of your mother god already chose you oh if only you can understand this oh if only you can believe this god chose you before you were formed now as somebody that just met you in high school as somebody that by god's grace we bumped each other in am i as somebody that by by chance and grace we come to find that we have the same father comes and tell you that you are nothing and you believe it who are you a somebody who chose god chose just like that and he's your cousin or by good the goodness of the road you gave him a chance to become your husband or you gave him a chance for her to become your wife and instead of being a work to become a knife instead of building you up to where god is leading you she's actually becoming an obstacle for you to become what god has called you for ha the devil is a liar family let me tell you this what god has installed i wanted to take you to the book of isaiah isaiah i wanted to take you to the book of isaiah isaiah 54 isaiah 54 isaiah 54 let's start by isaiah let's read from verse one let's read sing oh parents you have not break forth into singing and cry a lot you have not reached out for more are the children of of this isolate that the children of the married women say hello continue i'll match the place of you stand and let them stretch out to the care of you do not bear your cause and strengthen you the bible says enlarge what your place read it again enlarge the place of your time and let them switch out the king of your brain do not bear your cause and strengthen your faith sing barren woman sing barren woman you will never bore a child sing barren woman oh a sing barren woman who never bore a child burst into song shout for joy you were never in labor because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband says a lord now verse two says this this is yours i say this is yours yours i say again this is yours this is your word in the season my father says that in every season there is a word amen and there will never be a season where there will never be a word for you i say this again this is your word in the season i receive it enlarge yes the place of your tent ouch i do not know if you you are already feeling this word but i feel that something is coming with this world god is changing your circumstances god is moving you from a place of lack to a place of abundance god is opening a door that was not there god is doing something that no eyes have ever seen it is a season of the enlargement i say it is a season of productivity it is a season where you bear more fruit like never before oh i do not know who am i speaking to i say i do not know who am i speaking to oh you have been barren they call you barren they didn't see your fruit yet i say to you that god is about to give you a child god is about to give you a baby god is about to give you a gift god is about to give you something that will be visible you were barren barren from january to december you can literally point anything that came oh you can literally say what i was planning didn't come to happen you see like oh i made only plans but i do not have fruit to show it think for joy i say again sing for joy sing for joy you barren woman sing for joy you are when you are barren barren it can be both a physical in a literally in the meaning of the word but being barren here can also signifies oh i want you to look at it as being unproductive you are barren when you are unproductive a woman many people when they look at a woman they look at a person who can bring a child are you with me a person who can bring a child when you do not bring a child they call you barren but let me tell you let me tell you i have a good news for you i have a good news for you amen those who call you barren they are about to be confused in jesus i said those who go to barren they are about to be confused amen they say you cannot make that business they say you will not succeed at school they look at you they say the way we are looking at your result you will not make it you will not make it your results are so bad that you will not make that exam i'm here to confuse the enemy oh you will make that exam i said you will make that business that business will come to happen somebody received man so shall it be it cannot be otherwise amen in jesus name amen the bible says sing for joy let's let me tell you this let me tell you this you do not start please have your seat you do not start worshiping or thanking god when god gives you something your gratefulness and your faithfulness to god or your thankfulness to god does not start when you see the blessing of god in your hands your blessing must start before seeing amen your thankfulness must start before seeing amen your chanting must start before seeing amen because before seeing it is directed by faith and the bible says that you will live by faith not by sight amen oh jesus came they say they spoke to everybody that jesus has resurrected they said jesus came here and he saw us he spoke to us they were an apostle who says no no no who are you talking about he says jesus he says unless unless i see him with my own eyes and unless i put my fingers through this end i'm not gonna believe how many of you believe in god only when you see that testimony comes to pass how many of you believe god only when you see that what god says for you to happen though you will have the car and when you have because god is good hey i have the car when you wear that dress you say god is good now you you sing and you dance like never before you know that dance is it yeah you want everybody to see you want but when it was not there you you you you were a person who didn't even believe you want to see before believing you see jesus says this before the tomb of lazarus jesus knew that lazarus will resurrect he knew that lazarus will come he stood before the tomb of lazarus he says when they came and told him that your friend is about to die or the friend died he says no he's sleeping he's not he's not dead he's sleeping because jesus was not focused on what he would see he was focused on what was beyond what your eyes can see amen he came before the tomb of lazarus and says lord father i thank you because you always answer me before even lazarus comes you already thank god how many of you thank god and sing for joe before you have a baby how many of you thank god and sing for joe before you see what you are waiting for manifest jesus showed us the way he is our master he is the one we copy we copy by looking at what christ did amen are you with me amen but why are you copying from the world instead of copying from the bible why do you cry when the world says you will not make it while your bible says that you are my chosen one you will make it i have your back i got your back i got your back but you're crying the lord says that i have the plan for you i have good plans for you amen amen god says i have good plan for you my daughter but you see we we tend not to believe what god says but we tend to believe what people say who created those people that are opening their mouth to talk to you who created them you want to believe the creator more than the creator you want to believe the creator more than the creator family let me tell you you have a creator amen and he knows your ways amen he has plans for you plans to prosper you not to harm you amen plan to give you a future are you with me sing for joy barren woman you never bought a child they never they said there is no millionaire in our family you are coming with dreams of becoming a millionaire they're telling you hey you look from our great great grandfather from our mother's side and the father's side you combine them all together they were never a millionaire and you want to come and speak about millions it's not going to happen you see they give you even arguments it's family things it's in our blood it's our lineage you you you too you stand there and say oh no it's not gonna happen for me they said it my uncle said it in our family there is no the devil is a liar the devil if they need to be a first millionaire is that by you i really i think it's not by you i receive it they must start some way it has to start some way and i am the i am one of the person who says that if there is something that nobody has done in my family i will be the first one amen i give you a simple example i'll give you a simple story because i like talking about my stories because this is my testimony my wife can testify about this i'm one of the person who goes where they say if you go they say if she goes there me i'll put my head there the way we go to restaurants bags in the days way life was that life when you know that it's still a little bit complicated and difficult my wife knows the budget she knows the man has what and she's very i thank god because god gave me a good wife glory and she will be always a little bit concerned about the place that you are going is it she said but yeah it's a bit expensive i think it's expensive for us i said no that's where my head will go amen you know why because i do my homework before god i've already been there you have to be before you get there amen you see if you have to become a millionaire start living like one amen start thinking like one start reading the life of millionaires start up even youtube their life out their life there is a manner that they do things that everybody does not do amen are you with me amen but they are in the world you are best than them because you have crashed but you believe that god will do it for you by still doing what many do same circle when they don't talk about anything that motivates you and provoke your thought all they talk about is that did you see that sister did you see the dress that she was wearing she thinks that she when i come that's your circle did you see her brother oh yeah but last week he was having another car oh yeah this week another car oh yeah no do you think it's his car no no no it's not his car it's only borrowing it your problem you to go borrow there's a kind of environment you want to be in environment where people all they do they speak others although they want to talk they want to they make their own picture their own conversation about somebody's name do i really have time for that family you are a christian live like one amen there must be a difference between those who serve god and those who do not serve god they must come to you and they do not see the same habit that they see in people don't lose of god they come to you the same thing that you see in the world we see in you how what is the difference is it the difference that the bible that you take is the difference just the bible that you carry because some of them i tell you i was talking yesterday in the uh saying to to to the school uh the class that we had yesterday i think people can intimidate you people they can intimidate you very much very much they buy a nice bible they go choose a big one a big one when you look at that powerful this one is in god just for the bible before the person speaks to you just the way it carries the bible you yourself you're saying there's god here there is god here they intimidate you you stand next to them when they are praying you can feel like there's something like this kind of prayer i never heard it they call god by names that you never heard you hear somebody sing lord god in the order of now you you never heard that message you don't know that name your eyes are closed but when i open them to see the one because the name that they pronounce is too much it's too big it's a very impression they can intimidate you when they are praying they are praying with a with with the holy bush you think like like an angel is praying here here the holy spirit is here now after doing that here in the church intimidating you while you yourself you didn't even pray well you were praying listening to praying listening you pray you open your eyes you want to check you pray instead of concentrating of what the pastor is saying and what the prayer is going you are concentrating on what this prayer intimidation now after the church just after the church you go out there at the corner that who was only in the church is the one who's talking about the other sister that was behind why why let me tell you you want something different in your life you need to start doing things different amen no you cannot expect a different result when you keep on doing the same thing many of us block our destiny or our breakthrough by the way we do things there is a way you do things for you to be successful do you know that nobody bumps into success you don't bump into success the success is intentional you don't wake up and say oh i'm succeeding that all of us will be succeeding you don't you don't wake up and say hey i'm a millionaire in your dream it's coming there is a way for you to become a millionaire millionaire are you with me there is a way for you to succeed you don't just succeed like that now if you want to succeed you need to learn the way of success are you with me nobody succeed by mistake that's why if somebody is succeeding let me sing don't jealous don't be don't be jealous thank god pray for the person and say let me sing for joy let me sing for joy call yourself isaiah 54 when that situation is happening i say oh isaiah 54 let me sing for joy i thank god for my sister i thank god for my brother what is about to do in my life because though i am barren today tomorrow i will not be barren if god has done it for my sister solely god can do it for me oh god i thank you for her life take her higher take her higher because i know as high as he goes so i can go as well take her higher amen hallelujah bingo let me tell you everything that you do not honor will run from you i say this again everything you do not honor will run from you if you critic of your time you you spend your time criticizing success you will never be successful um success will run from you you do not honor it yeah that's true if you spend your time criticizing those who have money you will never have money money will run from you i'm telling you look at most of the people that speak about other people check their life check their life many of them they know it to be found you see they say this anything of value does not speak anything of value does not speak success does not make noise it does not i'll give you an example you can have 10 coins 10 coins put it in your pocket just take 10 or take even 5 put it in your pocket value is about 20 euros and take 1000 euro put it on our pocket start walking start walking you will understand the one who makes most noise the one who makes more noise are the coins they are only 20 but they're making noise like everybody must know that you have money 1000 is quiet he's not talking that happened to many of us people of less value wanna criticize others people of less fruit wanna make noise about others when we check you there is no food but when we talk you when we check your mouth a lot of words david killed the lion in the bush and the bear in the bush before killing goliath in public amen are you with me amen the success of david didn't start by killing goliath the success of david started when nobody knows no knew him nobody knew his name nobody nobody even understood that he will be called a king it started with the way nobody's eyes greater success start in silence fight your battle in silence fight your battle out of the eyes of people amen let your success speak for you not your plane speak for you many of us we sell ourselves too short by exposing everything there are things of your life that cannot be exposed but let the result of what you do speak about you amen are you with me your life is open book everybody can enter and go out they know how your wardrobe is they know where you buy your clothes they know where you do shoppings they know actually on monday where you eat they can determine and tell you that on monday you eat beans and without fail when they come to your house beans on the table everything of your life is open there is no secrecy about you nothing everything is exposed you feel like you are the philanthropist or the most only person of your family that when i do this no maybe i'm a child of god i don't have anything you say it with elegance you feel like you you are doing something good only on the open book you are open book wait wait wait wait wait until they start hearing those pages you are open book yes bring it here they start sharing your pages now you start crying when you you remain a cover the pages are gone you are now a cover now you start crying but you forgot that you said you are open book you forgot that don't be an open book amen be a book that only chosen people can open amen amen i want to say this again don't be an open book be a book that only few chosen people can open your life has to have a meaning and your life has to have a secrecy live a quiet life and let your results speak enough many people who sell themselves by their doing are the people that don't have enough to show now you know what they do they compensate by talking they want to compose it because i do not have too much let me compensate with my talk so they talk the edge on top so that it seems to be a lot no you have nothing nothing the truth is is that you have nothing so be quiet and let those who are talking talk because they are doing do before you talk you see if you are so busy doing if you are so busy doing you will have no time no time to gossip if you are too busy doing you will have no time to hate those who spend time gossiping i tell you the gossipers they have too much time we we must take some time we we will have 24 hours we want at least 25 hours we want at least 25 one hour more per day but those who have 24 hours they spend the time gossiping that must not be your portion in jesus name i declare and i decree that may god renew your mind amen may god give you a fresh mind amen may god give you a mind that will receive positive and greater may you go to a place where no eyes have ever seen may god take you to a place where only him will make you as a foundation and will establish you i do not know who am i speaking to but i'm declaring prophetically over a life of somebody somebody that was bar right now that you are about to bring to the world something bigger something that will speak for itself something that will introduce you before you introduce yourself i say this again something will introduce you before you introduce yourself i do not know who am i speaking to that there is a door that is opening up there is a door that is opening there must be a time where you do not need you don't need to introduce yourself you don't let me tell you this if you look at the world most people that are called with big numbers is it big numbers they don't introduce themselves what they do introduce them a man what you do must introduce you amen when they speak about doing hair oh you want to do good hair oh i know somebody are you with me it is not your name but what you do that introduce you the bible says that your gift will make space for you among the greats yes the bible didn't say your talk you're speaking the bible says your gift will make space for you among the big among the greats i receive it may your gift expand i receive i say may your gift expand i receive this season your gift shine may your gift make space for you in the name of jesus your gift your gift makes space for you but the good news is this and i will stop with this a good news is this a good news is this verse at two enlarge the place of your tent enlarge the place of your tent stretch your tent curtain wide Jesus do not hold back do not hold back lengthen your code strengthen your stakes enlarge enlarge god is taking you to a place of enlargement i receive it next year will be a year of the mfb yes next year will be a year of the mfb yes god is enlarging your territory i receive god is enlarging your territory in the name of jesus god is enlarging your territory god says do not hold back do not hold back next year as you're entering it is a year of eat or be eaten is a year that i'm going to eat oh whatsoever was denied for me i'm gonna eat it whosoever stands by my way i will gonna eat you i'm listen to me we are not cannibals because we do not eat people but if you stand for me you stand against what is mine you touch me by mistake you will die by correction oh i do not know who am i speaking to i say whosoever stand against you whosoever touch you by mistake may they encounter the fire of god i say one two three fire i say one two three fire in the name of jesus next year is a year of not holding back next year is a year of going front you are going front way you say you are going forward backward never i'm saying i'm going forward backward never i say it again i'm going forward backward never i am not intimidated always motivated i said you are not intimidated always motivated next year may you encounter multiple breakthrough i said may you encounter breakthrough who am i speaking to if you give me a better amen not intimidated no situation will intimidate me my enemy will not intimidate me oh i say my finances will not intimidate me what the man says will not intimidate me i say i go forward backward never i say i go forward backward never i am always motivated never intimidated you will not intimidate me the enemy will not intimidate me what is mine is mine what is man will come to me