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cover of "Satan will not Win"
"Satan will not Win"

"Satan will not Win"

An AAn A



Spiritual warfare, being god's warrior and win this fight against satan.


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The speaker discusses the reality of spiritual warfare and emphasizes the importance of prayer, faith, and a strong relationship with God in overcoming it. They reference a story from the Bible where Jesus faced temptation from Satan and relied on the power of God to resist. The speaker encourages listeners to deepen their understanding of the Bible, grow their relationship with God, and be prepared to fight against Satan. They end with a prayer, expressing gratitude and asking for God's guidance and strength. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Whatever time of day it is. This is Anna with God's podcast today's episode I'm going to talk about spiritual warfare and how real it actually is I don't know how many times I've tried to record this episode and the devil is making it very difficult and hard But I prayed and I'm gonna get through it and he's not going to get me down. So I start with prayer. I Thank you Lord first and foremost for allowing me to have this platform for using me For giving me the knowledge and the wisdom to share with others I ask that you lift up whoever is listening Lord if they're dealing with any type of spiritual warfare I rebuke it in Jesus name and ask that you cover them in the blood of Jesus I ask that you allow them to have their hearts open Their ears open and their minds open and to take whatever we are talking about here today Back to you and ask for discernment and if it's for them I'm going to talk about spiritual warfare and how God will fight it with you for you and through him you can rebuke it God gives us the power through him to move mountains All you have to do is ask and believe and have faith Satan is everywhere. He is no longer hiding He is right there out in the open in our movies and our music and Our workplaces at our schools even at our churches and it is up to us to rebuke Satan You need to dig deeper in that Bible You need to grow your relationship in God. You need to get on your knees and repent Satan will not win this battle We are warriors of God We are God's children and he has made us for a time as this in Matthew 4 it talks about how Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and He was tempted by the devil after fasting 40 days and 40 nights He was hungry Satan came to him and said if you are the Son of God Tell these stones to become bread and Jesus answered it is written Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple If you are the Son of God, he said throw yourself down for it is written He will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands So that you will not strike your foot against a stone Jesus answered him it is also written Do not put the Lord your God to the test Again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor All this I will give you he said if you bow down and worship me Jesus said to him away from me Satan for it is written worship the Lord your God and serve him only and The devil left him and the angels came and attended him. So you too can cry out To God and he will be with you there to fight Satan God allows us through Jesus to move mountains all you need is faith belief and a relationship with God and repentance of your sins and God will grant you those mountains Satan is real and it is up to us and God to not let him win God made us Exactly who we are in the time exactly that we're in To be able to fight this war. So I ask you are you ready? Are you willing to fight for God because if you are this is the place you can learn from This is a place of prayer and I will lift you up with God I am obedient to him and so can you I will end with prayer Lord. I thank you for this time I thank you for sending all the listeners and I ask and I lift them up to you Lord I ask you to hear their hearts to hear their burdens to hear their fears and anxieties. I Asked that their relationship grows in you just like that mustard seed and it becomes a big tree rooted in you Because without you we are nothing. I thank you Lord and I give you all the glory and your mighty name Amen till next time keep praying keep bibling. Have a great day

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