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God First

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Put God first in all relationships

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I know the one who made this start I met him on the back floor When everything was torn apart Didn't know what I was living for I almost gave up I almost gave up You let me in the mess I made You told me I was meant to fall You pulled me out of my mistake And led me through that open door And that's when I woke up And that's when I woke up Yeah I've seen it all before, yeah And I've seen it all before See, you didn't come through that door You weren't meant to sit with me And I'm running again, yeah You told me I was meant to fall See, you didn't come through that door You weren't meant to sit with me And I'm running again, yeah You weren't meant to sit with me And I'm running again, yeah Lord, I come before you today I lift each and every person up to you I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds And I give you praise I give you all glory Because without you, nothing is possible I praise you, I glorify you In Jesus' name, Amen Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast Today I want to talk about relationships Relationships are crucial to us as human beings In any relationship, no matter if you're married If you're dating, or even in a friendship If God is not the center, you will fall short In Matthew 6, verse 33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness And all these things will be given to you as well Do not worry about tomorrow For tomorrow will worry about itself Each day has enough trouble of its own God speaks to us, telling us to put his kingdom first In everything that we do And today I want to talk about relationships Because if we seek God first in our relationship Then he will get us through any situation Any circumstance that you may be having In that relationship I know I said, if you do not have God at the center You will fall short, and you will Because you are not allowed to give your whole self To that relationship without God I'm not saying you can't make it work And most likely, that relationship will fall short But with God at the center of your relationship That changes everything I mean truly at the center with God and both of you Not just one of you And believe me, I've been there And I was full in with God But my spouse had one foot in and one foot out It cannot be that way You need to come together to worship To be able to talk about and have him at the center of both of you You need to be able to talk about God freely And feel comfortable doing so Once this happens, God will show you And you will see a shift And I know you're thinking, but how can I bring my spouse to God If he doesn't want to Start small, pray You have to look in him And God's timing, not mine You have to be patient, you have to be willing To be on the sideline, rooting the other person on Prayer is a powerful entity God gave us through his son, Jesus Christ To be able to come to him whenever we want That curtain was torn because of Jesus Christ Allowing us to come to our Father If you open your eyes to prayer It may be one sand grain Or one rock by rock at a time But you will see God's work Without God at the center of your relationship, you will fall You will fight, you will have anger, you will have bitterness But once God is let in, you will have a new clarity And a new look at how you communicate How you come at each other in each situation Set all your fears aside and let God work No one is superior in the relationship You both are equal Pray for your spouse, pray for your friendships Pray that you put God first, to love God first And they will be able to love you In a new light, through God Ask God to renew them, to use them For his purpose, his will Ask God to glorify God together Once you ask God to intervene in your relationship You will see God shift You will see God's work being done Yes, you will still fight, you will disagree But it will be with new glasses You will not jump to argue your point or vice versa You will listen, have compassion And love rather than anger and aggression Just like in Psalms 103 Verses 8-10 Just like that, you need to have God in your relationship So you can have compassion Don't be slow to anger Allow God to come first in any relationship you may have And be reminded We cannot compare our relationships to others' relationships We only see what is going on from the outside We don't get to see what is truly going on from the inside And God's plan for each of us is different And sometimes we need to be reminded of the blessings He bestows upon us God's plan for you will be different Than the plan He has for others' relationships By putting God first in everything In all relationships You will see your life align with God Allow God to be front and center Of every relationship you hold Whether it's marriage, friendship, dating Family relationships like parents, brothers and sisters You will see God's work being done And I ask you to open your hearts to Him Open your minds to Him And open your ears to Him Because He is the answer to all things in life He is the one who will get you through Not you, not the universe, but Him And with allowing God to help you with your relationship Because we all need help And in a relationship you need to be able To work together along with God To fulfill the love, the compassion The understanding, the ear to listen The wisdom to be a great partner In a relationship I'm not an expert and no one is going to be perfect in a relationship But through God and allowing Him to be the center of your relationship Will only help you become a better version of yourself So allow God in, allow God into your relationship And you will see what He can do for you Give it a try, what's there to lose? Maybe anger, maybe frustration, maybe fighting Maybe, just maybe You'll lose the thought of always being right And what you'll gain is compassion Love, joy, understanding An ear to listen and a heart that's open I truly hope you enjoyed today's episode And that it may resonate with you, give you understanding And allow you to put God first in all your relationships So until next episode, keep bibling Keep spreading God's word And put God first in everything that you do Lord, I come before you today and I lift each and every person up to you Lord, whatever season that they may be in Whatever difficulty that they're having, Lord You heal them, you give them wisdom and understanding So that they can put you first in all that they do Lord, I glorify you, I give you thanks And I praise you and thank you for every single blessing You are an amazing God who does amazing works And through you, all things are possible Thank you, Lord, for everything I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you In Jesus' name, amen I love you, I praise you, and I glorify you Not far, not far You're not far away Not far, not far You're not far away Not far, not far You're never far away You're not free to come and go today That's dangerous, but I love to see You didn't come for religion You want a blessing simply I found a way to say For me, I didn't want a family You didn't come for religion You want a blessing simply Yeah You want a blessing simply Yeah

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