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The speaker is asking for recommendations on how to add new podcasts to their collection. They then share personal experiences about their childhood, including their parents' separation and their father's abusive behavior. They also mention starting a new school and being bullied by a girl who made fun of their appearance. They talk about their relationships with boys in second and fourth grade and being bullied by other girls. The podcast ends with a mention of tomorrow's episode featuring Dylan. Hi, so as I said, I'm trying to figure out things if you guys have any recommended any recommendations of how to put like new Podcasts, I was trying to make a podcast and I did end up making it But I couldn't like figure out how to put like different like, you know podcasts in the collection so if you guys have any like like any like ideas and Prop up like any ideas Just please help me so I can like understand this because I'm doing like as I said in my last part like in my last like saying But yeah, any recommendations for me to do but anyways, let's get started with the podcast Hi, my name is Angela and today we're going to be showing you a lot of not showing you but a lot of me hearing a Lot of stuff and so it's like a lot of things I've been going through in my life So we're just gonna get right into it. I might get a little emotional during these things Yeah, but um I don't remember when I was a kid. My mom had my brother at very very young age. She had him at 16 so that's pretty young and yeah, and um My mom had me when I was 20 and when she was 20 and I Was in her office and when my dad broke up and Like when I was like 4 or 2 So I would go and they separated so I would go on my mom I would go with my mom on The weekends and on the week I would go with my dad And I remember that like ever since that I was just like my dad would really drink and smoke a lot and he was like 25 and 24, you know Yeah, he was actually he was like 21 Yeah, 21 22, you know throughout those years And that's just saying yeah, like and he would drink a lot and stuff And sometimes like he wouldn't want to abuse us But he would make us go to the law and sit there and stand there He would not make us say if he told us that he would get us right back up and just told us to stand there Sometimes he would hit me. Sometimes he would hit my brother And like that's a lot of the stuff that happened and then ever since I like it's been like really bad Until one time my brother was deciding to you know Hi shoes when it was Friday I don't know what the day but I think it was Friday because we're going to my mom's house I mean, I was going to my mom's house on Friday And so we're going and we're about to get the car My dad hit me and my brother, but he had my brother the worst and he punched him in the head My brother had the biggest face I've ever seen on his forehead. He was crying and bawling his eyes out I'll remember from that. I was only five years old and six turning six I remember that I was crying too And I remember that I would have to sometimes on the weekends or like each month I would have to get this person to check me for any bruises and stuff it was very sad and it was very like tiring because I Sometimes my mom would have the allocation. It was just me. It was just I would have to be alone And my brother my mom would like discuss it with like these other people who were looking helping my mom Very sad and stuff, but um Every I don't remember anything else. I remember I was just six and five. I was turning five. I was turning six And that's very sad And Yeah, and then I'll remember That's basically what I remember and then I started a new school. Oh, yeah, I forget to tell you like I never went to preschool I just went to kindergarten first grade in second grade And then no and then no kindergarten and first grade. Those are the two years I spent with my dad So 22 I was separated from when he was 22. I was separated from him and I was five And then right when I was six I went to a different school and it was a Catholic school I Just get baptized. So I pretty am Christian. I go to church on Sundays and stuff So, yeah And um, yeah, I'm like basically Baptist baptism and a lot of people like me in second grade Like when I tell you a lot of people a lot of people like me Like basically half of the class liked me. I Mean yeah Yeah, a lot of you in the class and I just really know that because I was just a little And then everything was fine until there's this girl and She would bully me because I'm Latina and I do have a lot of hair on my legs and my body and stuff She wouldn't call she would even call me gorilla and she would say I have a lot of hairs on my leg I look like a gorilla And that's what my insecurities started to kick in I Started being the kid with my hair and my body because she thought she was all perfect And I wanted to be as perfect as her Because she kept trying to rip into her face that I that she looked better than me Then I'm on in third grade. I actually took a lot of Damage in my heart people started coming to pick me because the way I acted because I was friends with those mean girls There's me girls, yes, there's two other girls, but in the second grade They were separated because there's two different classes and third grade. There was just one whole class People would call me pick me and say that was everything but I was just trying to be normal and try to fit in But I do think that girl was jealous to me because every time I would try to wear something different She would try to pick the same outfit as me for an example One time I was wearing this pretty like Floralcardigan cardigan and then the next day she wore this she tried to wear a cardigan But it was green and our uniforms are gray and blue and my cardigan was white And her cardigan was green But our uniform colors are blue white and gray So it did not match whatsoever. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this podcast probably be 10 10 minutes And yeah, I was just trying to like, you know, I'm like I was just trying to fit in and be normal and stuff So that's when people started calling me names Oh And I forgot to mention in second grade A boy asked me to be his own friend and I got rejected it because I didn't know what to do Another guy asked me twice and I rejected it both because that guy I did not like him whatsoever It turns out he tries to be a turned out now Which was three years later, it's like great Because I'm in fifth grade right now He is gonna be a bully. So if you guys just keep watching these podcasts every day, you're gonna catch up Yeah, but I got bullied And we're friends and we're not friends and we're friends and then we're not friends. We just kept being better Then the guy that I liked But because the guy like that likes me, um, he asked me out when I said yes Because I'm gonna be honest. She wasn't ugly that much But turns out the guy that I liked in second grade Liked me turns out he liked me For both years and he got a girlfriend. He has some girl asked him out, but apparently he was gonna ask me out Anyways, yeah, and then that was my first ever boyfriend then fourth grade Then that was my first ever boyfriend and then in fourth grade. I got asked by a lot of people Um, I did another guy then another guy Um, I both liked him very much and both of them, maybe one of them asked me No, two of them asked me but Um, I only did him, I only did the last guy because he um Basically, his name is Derrick and the other one is Brendan and the one in third grade was Matthew But Derrick, I only did him because we had a tic-tac and we're in the back of the class and The guy Derrick, he's like, um He's like I'm gonna eat this tic-tac and I'm gonna spit it out and you're gonna eat it and I'm like Why would I do that? And he's like, okay, just do it and I'm like, okay, cuz I kind of like really liked him So I did it and I spit it out and everybody was so shocked. I'm like, okay, that's embarrassing And then yeah, fourth grade I got bullied by the girls and I didn't like and they started bullying me and I was crying and then everything basically Fourth grade was a total mess It was a total mess, but yeah Still managed to work out kind of fine, not really, but yeah But yeah, that's it for the podcast for tomorrow. You guys are gonna see Dylan's podcast. Today was actually pretty good Thank you guys so much for watching And tell your friends about this. Bye

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