Ep2 talking about Music and work
Ep2 talking about Music and work
yo hello and welcome back to talk no think this is episode 2 see how many tries I get this time cuz man I swear like the first episode I recorded it like eight different times or something man like I don't know I'm new to this shit but you know there's been a good couple days I recorded that first episode like about four three days ago you know I don't expect to get much traction but again I'm I'm doing this for fun man I want to buy Mike though you know like of course I'm using a microphone like obviously you know how should I be talking I'm just using like my gaming headset you know like I use this shit to play fucking rainbow six you know like and it's it's a good I've been having this mic for like three years now with this whole headset and it's nice I got no issues with it but yeah I call it something a little more like higher quality and there's some things out there you know for like 50 bucks that I could get that don't seem bad at all like I forgot what it was called but I could find on Amazon for like 55 bucks probably you know shipping maybe like 60 not bad at all and it's just you know USB-C yeah USB plug it in ready to go but who knows you know maybe in a few weeks get a little bit of higher quality on here but anyways let's uh let's get things started right um I don't know what what can I think about the top of my head got my birthday coming up that's on that's on Tuesday birthday February 27th I don't feel like too excited but you know what I am excited for I'm gonna go get me a guitar I'm gonna go get me two guitars bro I got a I'm gonna get me a little actually I already got one I have an electric guitar it's like nice and black but I need to buy an amp so I can't really play if I don't have an amp so I have the guitar I just need to go buy an amp then I'm gonna go get me like a little 12-string I want to get a I don't even know how to pronounce it it's like this Japanese companies like Takamine or something like that I don't know but those guitars sound and look nice it's like an acoustic electric it's so nice bro so you know hopefully I can get my hands on one of those I'm gonna go buy one hopefully like next week on Saturday I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go all the way up to Baltimore to get one of those got a nice little shop up there Atomic Music y'all should really check it out it's nice you know they got everything there really nice people honestly but you know hopefully I can find what I'm looking for dude cuz like they're looking like at least for me it's a little expensive again like I work like three three times a week going to high school you know I'm gonna save up probably like 400 bucks for like a used one so you know gotta get lucky so I don't know if they're in storage you know they're like an hour away from me so you know if I go up there I'm gonna come back with something so hopefully it's that guitar you know I've been doing so much research just like looking at amps you know then I get like straps and like picks and you know stuff like that and I'm like in a little like guitar class right now at school and it's just chill bro it's chill it's like a guitar ensemble so it's kind of weird looking like I'm just there so I can kind of learn how to like learn how to read music you know and like play chords and stuff cuz like right now I'm just on like you know like the beginner stuff I have like four months five months playing I had to start for years my grandpa's I was passed on to my dad that is a passed down to me so it's just like you know it's funny cuz like neither than know how to play it it's just me but it's funny like I enjoy myself give me a little pick too I got a pick but I need to get a different one a little set cuz I really only have one if I lose it I'm screwed so damn bro nah you know what you know what sounds and looks super fun to play though a saxophone dude one of like the most like elegant instruments I swear like if you play a saxophone you're gonna get bitches bro like what have you ever heard of a like saxophone player that's like not good-looking bro it's just it just makes you good-looking you know holding that sax and it's just like you know pouring your heart and soul out into this music bro doesn't even have to be jazz but man I love me some good jazz bro I love me some good jazz it just sounds so nice but I'm pretty sure that they're pretty expensive I mean I feel like any kind of brass instrument would be pretty expensive so my dad's got a tube not a tuba a trumpet he's had that since like high school I think or something and that man like he knows what it's about you heard like and I look you kind of learn how to play and I'm telling my yo like can I kind of try it out cuz he hasn't he hasn't played it in probably years he's just got it tucked away so you know might as well learn you know I'm a I'm Mexican you know from listen to hella peso pluma you know get that Correo type beat going with the trumpet I got my little guitars I'm also into metal though do you like you know metal but sometimes it goes hard I don't listen to that as much but like when you play metal it makes you feel like it feels good you know I mean when you hit a sick little riff and you're like damn like that's kind of sick you know especially got an amp you know my uncle he's a really big music guy and you know I go over to his house and he's got like this giant and like a few guitars you know I plug in I plug in the guitar into the amp I turn that shit up maybe like a quarter of a way not not like nowhere near I like this giant amp you know like big enough for like probably like a thievery right and you can just feel like the whole entire like house shake just one stroke boom it feels good you can feel it you know especially when you got a bass but I don't know if you ever been to like a concert or you play your own bass you strum it and you can really feel like that that that deep just tone like I don't know but it feels like weird I mean it's probably the same feeling you get kind of like um when I you're just listening to music in your car and if you got like a good sound system you know you can really feel like the car shake kind of like that but a little bit more intense almost you know like I got I got a pretty decent sound system in my car and I got like the option to like tune it if I want more like treble if I want more bass you know and like turning up that bass you can you can hear it from the outside like I feel like you can hear it more on the outside than you can on the inside because like on the inside you know you can hear the music and stuff and here in the outside you can't hear the music as well you just got like the outside kind of just like you know this weird like shaking noise and I don't know it's not like shaking it's not like that like it's stock but I gotta give me gotta give me some subs though you know some subwoofers put that that's in the trunk you know wired up nice cuz cuz I ran out my speakers are nice right it's I under the seat again like it's stock but if I get something like in the trunk that really makes it kick oh like oh my goodness that hmm like flavorful you know like I'm a really big music guy like you know I got I don't think I can go a day without listening to at least like two hours of music at least two hours cuz like it's just it's just you know like dude if I go somewhere I'm gonna bring my earbuds I can't go to school without having my earbuds bro I don't know it's like you know that feeling when you walk like let's say you go to school you go to work or something you're like like oh man I forgot my phone at home or something that's exactly how I feel about my earbuds cuz like like what am I gonna do at school like yeah I might have my phone but like like most of the time I got my phone for my music you know like it's that it's that like it sucks like it's like vital man and like my Spotify streams are crazy though cuz like I be getting my rap back and I have like the highest I've gotten is like a hundred ninety one thousand minutes or something like 200,000 minutes for a year it's not even a year it's like it's like what ten months eleven months or something cuz it gives it to you like early late November ish I think it's like it's crazy man like I'm like like number 37 in the world for like Bad Bunny I think I'm like I think I'm number seven in the world for Beso Puma I'm the most listened to like anyway I'm big I know their music I went to a Beso Puma concert back in a last year in September right when he came over to my area and man like I paid I paid a lot for those tickets cuz I went I went um with someone right and they were like oh like you know I don't want to pay like the almost 200 bucks they oh it's okay I covered it so I you know I covered like 50 bucks for them so ended up being like 300 or something I was like man you know like obviously they're not the most expensive tickets it wasn't like front row or anything but it was still like like man these things are expensive cuz like the cheapest tickets you could get probably like 60 bucks you know all the way up in the like general admission lawn whatever and I was like nah this is my favorite artist you know I gotta get something good and so you know I get these tickets I show up I'm like man like like that shit was worth it bro that shit was so worth it I'm so glad I went because like now he he announced his new tour right XOXO and he's he's coming to my area again well he's gonna go to DC right so it's a little further than where he went last time from me but tickets are a lot more expensive I'm pretty sure especially cuz it's like Capitol Arena right so by comparing where he went last time he went to um it's called a Jiffy Lube live in Gainesville it's like Bristol VA and uh you know that that shit like oh my goodness which is it's a really nice venue it's it's not it's not small at all you know it's really nice but like going from that to a Capitol one is crazy man but man I want to go dude and then oh my gosh I'm trying to go to Bad Bunny's concert bro you know the his new concert he's coming out and like April 9th I think the Capitol one arena over here in DC and cheapest tickets are like 250 I think like man like I've been listening to that man ever since he came out with Chambaya you know it's been I think I was like 2018 I was like in seventh grade listening to that man I've been around man you know this concert being quote-unquote only for the for the true fans I wish I could go and I really want to go I might save up you know see if tickets drop a little bit you know like the more it gets closer to the day but who knows man I could just go another day but like who knows if it's gonna be a trap and stuff cuz like man I love all this music but it's trap just it's harder dude you know especially cuz it's like what I've been listening to since I was like in seventh grade and I'm a senior that's like what like five years like I know you know I might go to a little Pierce the Veil concert too I think that's in like July all my friends she was telling me like oh we should go you know cuz I like we listen to Pierce the Veil like not as much you know like but they're still like you know you know like there's they're awesome dude like who doesn't want to go to a metal concert they're gonna have like a joint concert like Blink-182 and like that's just something like like how could you say no to that like tickets are like 40 bucks at Capital One like dude that's awesome plus it's in Chinatown dude like I don't know if you guys have ever been to the Chinatown in DC but I'm telling you bro it's better than the Chinatown in New York in my opinion in my opinion is better than the Chinatown in New York they're both really good places like they're both really nice don't get me wrong but it's just like something about like DC in general that's just like like it's so nice you know like it's not like one of those cities where you walk around and it's just straight like trash and homeless people like yeah of course it has its fair share every city has its fair share but like you know like it's like one of the capitals of the world you know like how they not gonna keep that shit clean but it's really nice you know like there might not be like as much to do in DC as there is in like other cities but it's still very nice especially like in the surrounding areas you know if you go to DC you gotta check out like for Virginia and Maryland man we have some pretty nice beaches around here too like it's not like you know like Florida Mexico type of grade but like I don't know if y'all ever been to um like any beach along like the East Coast like you got a Ocean City Myrtle Beach you know you got Virginia Beach too Virginia Beach is looking nice the beach itself is alright but like the vibe of the actual city is really ocean it's really nice I look like I highly recommend this little uh this little island thing it's called like Asskeag Island it's a it's oh I think I got a sneeze no I don't it's right below um Ocean City I'm pretty sure and in Maryland and it's really nice you know either you could spend a day there at the beach and you know just have fun you know chill or you can camp there you can just you know beachside camping you know bring your tent bring your little RV or whatever wake up the next morning to just beach oh my goodness it's so nice I gotta I haven't been in a while but man it's nice not the nicest beach I've been to but it's nice I don't know if y'all ever been to like like island beaches bro like any any beach like on an island is is like the best you can get like something about um like coastal beaches and island beaches like there's just a huge difference I went to this uh this island in um in Mexico it's like off it's like in the in the Gulf of Mexico kind of like right above Cancun kind of it's called uh Holbox or like H-O-L-B-O-X Holbox I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Holbox and man dude that that was nice that like only way to get there is by boat like there's no airplane there's no nothing you take a little ferry you get there but he's just riding around and like an ATV that's pretty much how they how they move around here they got like golf carts and ATVs and stuff you get there and I swear it is one of the nicest beaches that you will ever go to like it takes forever for it to like kind of get deep eventually it does you know and it's just like this a long strip of just the beach with like some of the nicest villas and like hotels it's not even like big hotels you're never gonna find like a Marriott there or something you know like not it's just you know these privately owned hotels and they're so nice I feel like not a lot of people know about you know like if you go to Mexico some beach in Mexico it's gonna be like Cancun you know everybody hypes up Cancun but really it's like not even like like the beach itself is not that nice you know like you get there and the waves are kind of like strong you know it's kind of just like like you go to Cancun to say that you want to Cancun you know if you go to if you really want to go to Cancun and enjoy yourself you're probably gonna go to Isla de Mujeres that's probably the best island you should go to it's nice but I bet it's expensive I highly just like I would not least private it's very expensive or you could go down a little bit you got um what you got you got Tulum and you got a Puerto Morelos Puerto Morelos is not very like you know like nobody talks about Puerto Morelos it's not like a big city but it's a very nice little like town I guess you know you got hotels there you got a really nice little plaza really nice like street with like a bit of nightlife you know they have like nice little bars and restaurants what sucks is like when I went there was a bunch of like that dead seaweed drying up on on the beaches I know that that still happened it's been a while since I went but but there was like people that took care of that you know they come in with like bulldozers and you know the shovels and stuff and just you know hit it like toss it to the side and that way you know tourists and like the people that there could just you know enjoy it like you know the beach and it is nice you know like for not being a very well-known place it's very nice so if y'all ever go to the like Cancun, Tulum I suggest going down to Puerto Morelos I'm pretty sure it's in between Tulum and Cancun so it's like kind of on the way so at least like stop by they have a very nice little plaza but man I'm trying to go back man it's been a it's been a while I might go to I might go this December actually you know gotta save a little bit of money for an airplane ticket I haven't been a trip in a while so you know it'll definitely be worthwhile you know what I mean especially with school starting up you know I'm about to go to college in a few months that's scary man I'm still waiting for uh you know letters to come in application letters or confirmation letters I don't even know what they're called I already got accepted into a VCU but I don't know you know that was kind of like a backup college but come on I might just you know go to community college and then transfer over to like another college so that way you know cuz like I don't know you know like if I go to college I want to say like oh yeah I went to like this school not like OVC you know of course I want to say like it's well-known well-known but like it's not you know like Richmond like I don't know like who personally I would not want to go to Richmond you know I don't know you know and I haven't heard like the best things about the area there I heard it's a little ghetto-ish so you know and I heard that after I applied so I was like oh nevermind but yeah you know so wait we'll see life will figure itself out right damn man but I'm about to find me another job too well not another job I'm gonna keep the job I have right now right now I'm working at a country club over here and uh and uh oh my gosh what's it called I forgot the county name well I'm working at this country club and it's really nice you know it's really chill yeah really nice people like I've never met like a rude customer or something because everybody there knows everybody and everybody there always comes back so it's like a it's like a community thing you know like just like a bunch of houses surrounding this little country club and you know you get nice tips you know it's a minimum wage but like doesn't feel like it you know yeah really nice people you know learning how to play like golf and stuff too lucky you know learning how to swing a little club I've never I've never played golf in my life before and I still haven't except for like mini golf or something I've done like top golf and stuff but like one day I kind of want to check it out but the thing is what people tell me like by people I mean the the members at the club they told me like oh if you ever if you ever get into golf like you you're never not gonna go back or right does that make sense if you play golf you're not gonna quit because apparently you get hooked as soon as you get like the hang of hitting the ball you're gonna want to do it again and again and again and and they're so right because I recently kind of learned how to like actually drive a ball you know and ever since then I've been obsessed with like going to like top golf it's just smacking the shit out of some balls you know saying how hard you hit it and and next thing you know I'm gonna want to be playing out and in the course every every Sunday afternoon you know like it's a matter of time like man this is expensive bro we got a little pro shop there and we got some some drivers and they sell for like 500 plus like this so it's like crazy expensive you know you know of course not everything's like that expensive but you know we get a little employee discount but even then it's probably like 300 bucks that's crazy it'll take me at least like a month or like two months to comfortably afford one of those with the discount you know what I have to worry about it'll get a little low in cash or something but but man you know one day I might you know I might try it out because like top golf is kind of just like that's fun you know I go like once in a while with my parents my dad you know we're both trying to you know get the hang of it I might I might tell him to pull up to the golf course one day you know play the at least maybe like nine holes maybe not the 14 but you know we'll see up to him I guess he's probably be paying oh man well it is February 24th Saturday February 24th and I hope you guys have a good weekend you know good rest of your day night morning whatever it is peace out y'all and thank you for listening all right peace out