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cover of 10 26 2021 Grievance
10 26 2021 Grievance

10 26 2021 Grievance




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The speaker is expressing frustration with their workplace and the treatment they have received. They discuss issues with a religious exemption being deemed invalid and being asked to fill out a new one. They also mention a phone call where they were told to do more direct care with patients, which led to further injury. They express that they believe they should not have to reapply for the exemption and that they have not invalidated the original grant. They also mention concerns about being yelled at and feeling harassed, as well as feeling like they are being retaliated against for not getting the COVID vaccine. They express fear about possible allergens in the vaccine and state that they want to be treated with respect and have any negative records removed. They mention the possibility of taking the issue to court if necessary. Okay, so we're going to go ahead and close out the meeting and we'll be back in a minute. Okay, so we're going to go ahead and close out the meeting and we'll be back in a minute. Okay, so we're going to go ahead and close out the meeting and we'll be back in a minute. Okay, so we're going to go ahead and close out the meeting and we'll be back in a minute. This is Anita Stoltman again. It's just about 10 minutes to 10. This is the second time I've attempted to call this morning. I'll try again before 1030. Thank you. Hello? Good morning, Anita. This is Julia from South Central. Good morning. How are you? Oh, I'm okay. What you said is today is between 930 and 10, was it? Correct. You know, I'm still on appointment. Oh, okay. Well, I've had quite a few issues. My first one is with my religious exemption that she said is invalid. And even if I had a religious exemption, that it was invalid and that I needed to fill out a new one. Well, I don't believe that I need to fill out a new one when I was already approved for a religious exemption. A copy was given a long time ago, back in September, and even in June, one was given to Kyleena. And when was the last time I did one? What? A religious exemption? Yeah. My religious exemption was approved June the 11th. So, my religious exemption was approved June the 11th. It was approved, and I don't feel like I need to do a new one based on that. You can get... Well, there are laws against retroactively applying things to things that were already accepted, and I don't believe that I need to, under any law, need to reapply for something that was already granted. I don't care if you changed the rules yesterday. I've already been approved. I don't need to be reapproved. Then my second complaint is that I had a phone call from Anne to...that I needed to do more direct care with patients, which caused me further injury. I told her that Kathy Himmer told me not to do certain things, which was do direct care. She only wanted me to do past meds, to do light cleaning, and this was because Kathy didn't want me to come back in the first place until my foot was healed, because she did not want me or someone else to get injured because of my foot. But until September 10th, I had been following through with that request, and Anne threatened my job. She said, and I quote, You like your job, don't you? So I did what Anne asked. I ended up getting hurt. Luckily, the person I was helping at the time did not get hurt, and neither did my coworker. I held off on doing anything with the IOJ, because I wasn't even sure if I could, because I already had a previous injury, and then I got information that I could go ahead and do that, so I did. I filed the IOJ nearly a month after the injury. And then I ended up, after I got injured on the 10th, I ended up calling in the next two days off, because I couldn't hardly walk. Then I saw my doctor that following Monday morning, and he extended the time that I'm wearing the boot. I'm not even going to get out of the boot until the middle of November sometime now, so that will make a total of four months that I've been wearing this CAM boot, when you're only supposed to wear it four to six weeks, or, I mean, excuse me, six to eight weeks. And during that phone conversation on September 10th, Anne told me that basically it was my fault that I didn't fully explain my injuries to, or not my injuries, but my duties at work to him, and so she was going to make me do that, because it didn't say anywhere in the paperwork that I could not have direct care with the clients. So now it says that I, you know, I can't lift more than 20 pounds. The work with comp doctor added some things, too, which are no pushing or pulling of more than 20 pounds, as well as no lifting 20 pounds. No bending, no scooping, no crawling. And I am not going to reapply for a religious exemption, because, like I said, any law or any grant that predates a change in rules still is valid. It is grandfathered in. It cannot be retroactively refused. Let's put it that way. Oh. And I stand by my original religious exemption. I also stand by I have not invalidated the grant of the religious exemption through the state, and so it's valid. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. On September 9th, somewhere, I don't know, within that amount of time before then, or the day before, or even the day of, there was a meeting between Ann, Ty, and Crystal regarding what I was going to be doing, and I was told that I was no longer going to be doing this, that I would be in the kitchen. So that's what I did on the 9th. I worked in the kitchen. I did all the cooking and stuff for that day, excuse me, for the next day. Also, before I got the second injury, I was getting ready to ask the doctor to and ask Kathy to raise my hours to 10 hours because I was feeling comfortable enough that I could do 10 hours. And then after the second injury, Kathy put my hours down to 4 hours, and that was before I had seen the doctor, or actually before I had come back to work. She put me down to 4 hours. The doctor then put me to between 4 and 6 hours as I could handle it, and that's basically what Kathy had told me beforehand, too. She said anywhere between 4 and 6 hours, but she didn't want me doing any more than 6. I worked a little more than 4 hours some days, but for the most part, I work about the 4 hours, and that's about all my foot can handle is about the 4 hours usually. Okay. That's all I can think of right now. So, Ms. Brandon, for the... Yes. Oh. Yes. It's her treatment of me, her talking to me in an angry voice. When she talked to me on September 10th on the phone, I didn't want to talk to her anything after that because all I heard was her yelling at me, and I don't think I or anyone else should have to be put up with being yelled at for something that basically is out of my control. At what do you want to talk? Well, I feel like I am being harassed. I feel like that I am being not given a choice of whether or not I get the vaccine. I feel this is retaliation against me for not complying. Let's put it that way. I strongly feel like the vaccine doesn't work anyway because people who have gotten it have ended up sick anyhow, so I'm kind of glad I didn't get it. I don't know what's in it. I'm afraid what's in it I could be allergic to, and I know for a fact that some of them use, you know, after I had already got the religious exemption, they use, they may be removed a hundred times, but they start out with using it. Because as far as I'm aware, they will not have anything. So I'm not getting the COVID vaccine at all. I'm afraid there are things in there that I don't know what they are. I don't know the chemical compounds of what they are using. I am allergic to a lot of different things. And some of those things I could be allergic to. I don't even want to take the chance. I don't get the flu vaccine either for that same reason. I'm allergic to certain things. That includes eggs. I'm allergic to pork. And they use eggs and pork in the flu vaccine. Who knows what they use in the COVID vaccine? I'm not doing it. I want to be treated with respect. I mean, I should have been treated with in the first place. Especially for something that, obviously, I already know I'm going to do. If I was going to do something, like a lot of people do, $5 million for five people in the state of Colorado. They've done it then. We just read the first few lines of the email about the religious exemption. When she said it was invalid, I couldn't get past that even to read the rest of the email because I was so upset. And these things happened after I got to know that on the team. So, I mean, I really – the whole thing is upsetting to me. You know, it all just batters up. I want to be treated with respect. I want to be treated like everyone else would want to be treated. You know, I don't want to be treated like people should be. So, that's what you want to get out of it. Yeah, I want to be treated with respect, and I want to be the corpus to be removed from my record. If this goes any further, I might have to, you know, take it all to court, because this job is already stressful enough. I don't think that it needs to be added to it, to anyone. And I don't – I feel very intimidated. There's a lot of anxiety with, you know, even coming into that job in the first place without having this stuff and the added pressure, and basically being humiliated and harassed. I don't appreciate one bit of it. So, we're going to kind of look at this over. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you.

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