Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The person in the transcription is discussing their birth chart and the astrological influences they have. They mention that they are a Leo with moon in Pisces and Gemini rising, which can be a challenging combination. They talk about the impact of Saturn moving into their house of career and the changes it may bring. They also mention the influence of Mercury retrograde and the need to create boundaries due to their empathetic nature. The person's friend asks about their husband's chart, and the astrologer provides insights on his career and health. They mention that both of them may benefit from positive energy in their careers, especially if they work together. The conversation ends with the promise to send a link with more information. Oh yeah, I was waiting for your call for the chart. Yes. So, let's see, what's the date of birth? Date of birth, May. May is 19 August, 1978. And the time? It's 25 minutes before midnight. And where? In the Bosnian Herzegovina, Europe. And how do you spell it? Bosnia? No, no, the city? Vojvodina. So, we're talking about August 1978 at 11.55 PM. So, the important thing is that you're a Leo with moon in Pisces and Gemini rising. And it's not always the easiest combination because the moon in Pisces is very emotional, it's very sensitive, it's very intuitive, very psychic, and it absorbs energy from other people. And Leo is a very different energy, it's all about fire and initiation and being in the center of attention, you're doing my own thing. So, there's a little bit of a contradiction because fish don't make any sound and Leos are known for roaring. So, it's not always easy to put those two energies together in you. And maybe that's why you're born a Gemini, which is all about combination or connection, being a bridge builder. So, your job is always to negotiate, to trade, to put things together, to connect people. That's your purpose in this life. And you have your Mercury retrograde, so there's a lot of misunderstanding, miscommunication. You thought you placed that letter in the mailbox, you didn't. You thought you sent the email, you forgot. There's a lot of these glitches. You know how they say, Mercury retrograde, don't sign anything, be careful what you begin. And you started your life in Mercury retrograde. But because of that, there is more magic, there's more coincidences, there's more synchronicities, there's more connection to the other side in a sense. And especially with your Moonies in Pisces, you are very intuitive and you are very connected to feelings that other people have. The thing about you is that Saturn is moving into your house of career. Because where it was in 2017, 18, 19, Saturn was in your house of relationship and partnership. And it forced you to re-evaluate all of your relationships, who I want around me, who I don't want around me. They call it the Aspects of Marriage and Divorce. It was pretty intense. Then Saturn moved into your house of death, right in 2019, and it came out of there at the end of 2021. So it happened to be that during the time of the pandemic, you were dealing with Saturn once in 30 years in the house of death and transformation. Last time it happened was 89, 90, 91, 92. You can go back to that time to see what was going on then, even though you were kind of young, what was going on at that time. Because that's the last time Saturn was in your house of death, sexuality, intimacy, transformation. And now Saturn is in your house of higher education. It's been there since 2021, the house of higher education, the house of truth, the house of philosophy. And it's going to be there until March next year. That's a big transition, March next year, because that's when Saturn, for the first time in 30 years, is moving into your house of everything that has to do with your career. So it's going to be a big shift and transition in connection to what you do in your career, how you handle your career. If you have any bosses or father figures, they might be going through some challenges or you might be going through some changes with them. Even though for you, it would be better to be self-employed and to do your own thing instead of working for somebody else. And Saturn in your house of career, last time it happened was 93, 94, 95. You were just going through the last three years of your high school. So whatever was going around that time is returning in the next two or three years. It's a time of resolution in relation to that. And also, you're having Jupiter moving in January into the house of community, company. That's actually really good. It talks about meeting new friends, getting clients, getting more connection to companies, organizations, governments. All of that energy is flowing much better. And also, 2020-21 was intense because, again, there was a lot of questions about who I want around me, who I don't want around me. That whole energy of relationship versus how much I focus on myself. And you have something called ancestral karma in your chart, meaning that things run down the generations that you basically decided that you want to cut away from. A lot of people like you decide to find their home late in life or they have some stuff that is carried down from the family that you decided that you don't want to pass on. And it's interesting because in past lifetimes, you were very successful in your career but neglected to have a family. And in this lifetime, it is about trying to discover my family and find out where I want to live, who I want to live with. So, it's a really strong energy of trying to focus on home because career is not that problematic and not that difficult because in past lifetimes, you actually succeeded in doing it. And overall, you have quite a lot of connection, I told you, to anything to do with communication, marketing, sales. The only thing about your house of health is you have to pay a little bit attention to your immune system, lymphatic system. It's not necessarily happening right now, it's just in general. And the fact that your mood is in crisis, you tend to absorb energy from other people. So, it's really important to make sure that you learn how to say no to certain people, how to create boundaries because sometimes it could be friends, it could be relationships, it could be family members that are a lot of times violating your own space. And that sometimes you can sit next to somebody who just had bad news and you will feel suddenly sad, not even knowing why you feel that sadness. So, doing a lot of cardio, connecting to massages, doing steam rooms, anything to do with movement and dance and meditation and yoga could really help with that mood in crisis. And if we look specifically at transits that are happening now, before we look at the question you wanted to ask, there's actually really good energy September 24th, October 20th is really good. There seems to be some challenges in relationships happening right now, but there's much better energy of healing in January. And from February, Saturn is moving into the house of career and making a lot of transitions there. Where is my career? What do I want to do with my career? And also, the age of 39 to 43, 44 is a very tough age. A lot of people around you are getting divorced or cheating on each other or changing location or career. But it's almost done. But definitely having that Saturn in your house of death and transformation, it wasn't that easy in the last few years. And now you're getting your resurrection in a sense. And if we look at locations in the world that could be good for you, Chicago is OK, but Detroit is a little bit better. Toronto is much better. And then you have really good energy over in New Orleans and Atlanta, which could be good for you. In Europe, you have over Rome good energy. And I mean, Eastern Europe is not the best for you. Berlin is actually good for you. You have a lot of also good energies over Lebanon, Israel, Turkey. There's good energies over Dubai. Yeah. So what's going on? What is the challenge or difficulty for you? OK, my question is about my marriage, about my husband, about him. What's going to happen? And listen, I told you, 2017, 18, 19 and 20 was very tough. If you survive that energy and then it's more up to you. But I told you before it was more challenging because there was more difficulties with the house of relationships and partnerships. Now it's not that difficult. There is a difficult time that might return more in 2024 and 2025 when Saturn on top of the moon doesn't have to mean a problem with the family, but it could mean a change of location or moving to a different place. So that could also be part of it. Where is he from? And what's the problem with that, with the relationship? We have also healthy issues right now. What's his date of birth? It's October 6th, 1978, 10.45 p.m. 10.45 p.m.? Yes, same city like me, October 6th, same year. And so with his case and no, actually, Jupiter in May, if the time is right, Jupiter next January is moving into the house of career. That's going to really help him with his career. It's really opening up for him. Sagittarius in the house of health is actually good if he's physically active, because his moon is in Sagittarius, it means that he needs to be active, he needs to be physical. And if he pays attention to his diet, it should get much better because it's not looking so bad right now. I think there could be some good energy coming his way that is supposed to help. Also, in your chart, you're more out of the house of, I mean, the danger is a little bit off in connection to him, you know, so I think that in that sense, it's actually good. What is the problem? He has, what, you asked me what is his problem? Yeah, because the only thing is that you have to be careful of drinking because the liver can be a little bit more vulnerable. Yeah, I know, because the doctor said some things to him. Yeah, so and the thing about liver is that a lot of time it's related to anger and the ability to deal with anger, to deal with rage, you know, so that's the only thing. So that's a lot of time stress related or a lot of time it's related to how he manages his energy, so it's not necessarily that he comes with a terrible body, it's more about what he does with the body, you know. Yeah, okay, thank you so much, it helps me a lot. But I think that overall it looks like you guys are both, I mean, do you work together? We have some company together, but yes. Yeah, because if you work together, there seems to be a lot of really strong positive energy also coming for both you and him in connection to career, so that should be very helpful. Okay, thank you. And what I'll do is I'll send you a link with everything we talked about. Yes, yes, thank you, please. And you can listen to it, and good luck with it, but I think that he's going to get into a better place, definitely. Thank you, thank you so much, thank you. Bye. Thank you.