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Investing in December has potential tax benefits as investors adjust their portfolios to optimize deductions. Selling assets can create opportunities to buy stocks at lower prices. However, there are also advantages to waiting until January to invest. So the end of the year is approaching, and you have some money lying in your bank account. You know that it loses value over time if uninvested, and you're wondering what you can quickly do about it so you can feel good about yourself. Let's leave aside everything that happens in the world right now and consider it from a different point of view. So is it better to invest your money at the very end of the year, in December, or wait and invest it as soon as the new year starts, sometime in January? Well, there is a couple of points to consider. So let's start with December. So what makes this month an attractive time to invest? The first advantage of investing in December is potential tax benefits. Toward the end of the year, some investors adjust their portfolios to optimize tax deductions. For example, they might sell certain assets to balance their taxable gains from other investments, which can help reduce their taxable income. For new investors, this activity can create opportunities to buy stocks at slightly lower prices, as others are selling for tax-related reasons. However...