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hallo saya annisa ini adalah podcast selamat mendengarkan
Ani Sabi D'Lama D'Ani is a student at Padang Science Polytechnic and she explains why she chose to major in English. She is interested in exploring nature and finding information about exoplanets. She also feels confident in English compared to other foreign languages. Ani believes that studying English will help her stand out internationally. However, she acknowledges that there are other career options available and encourages viewers to choose what suits them best. Hello everyone! How are you? Back again with me, Ani Sabi D'Lama D'Ani for those of you who are listening to my podcast for the first time. Welcome to this episode of Ani Sabi D'Lama D'Ani. If you are new to Ani Sabi D'Lama D'Ani, you can call me Anika, way of great Anika, 60 years old. I am from Padang. For those of you who are watching, I am a student at Padang Science Polytechnic. So, to make this podcast, I will give you the clues to understand why I am majoring in Senior Science. Maybe the main reason why I am studying major in English is due to the major I am in now. I explore forests that are not in my reach in nature. I am looking for exoplanets for information, engineering, and so on. For this, that is not the only reason I am here. Another is because I am staying in Indonesia. In terms of knowledge and experience, I am quite interested in English. That's one of the reasons why I choose this major. The reason I am majoring in English is because I feel superior to other foreign languages. If you feel scared to mention your experience in English in class, that's only if it's a request to be correct in English, but studying will help you instead because you study in the contour of a foreign language. Don't find that in Indonesia, you are only by a small portion. You are capitalized, you can only expressly from a specific language, but you are not owned by a foreign, and you are a politician In terms of international relations, I am a historian of mine. For this, not only that, I am a businessman, but also a historian and freedom explorer. We should show it when studying in front of a foreign. Apart from that, I believe majoring in English are not necessary. To start being in this field, there are many other jobs that are not yet free, that you can choose. For example, So, if you would like to be a reporter, editor, author, or writer of a book, you just have to choose a license on W1 and W2. If you are good at English, please let us know again. Hmm, who is here? I will insert in the subcategory of English learners or not. This is just the reason why I generally encourage you to choose the English department. My next goodbye. Thank you for watching!