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Anthony Barse



Outlaws of CSU make their long awaited podcast as they cover CSU sports and argue about the hottest sports takes in all sports.

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The Outcast podcast discusses the volleyball and football seasons at Colorado State University. They praise the volleyball team's performance and discuss the potential for improvement next season with a new coach. They also analyze the football team's strengths and weaknesses and debate whether Justin Herbert or Josh Allen is the better quarterback. They also talk about their favorite sports to watch and share their opinions on baseball and softball. Ram Nation, Outlaw Nation, welcome to episode one of the Outcast. Y'all asked for it and y'all got it. Honestly, we are all super excited to bring this to you and to get this thing rolling. In this podcast, we'll be giving you the greatest Ram Sports content and we'll be giving you the unfiltered, well, not completely unfiltered, Outlaw content you all desire. First we're going to talk about the volleyball season and review the volleyball season and football season. Let's talk about the volleyball season, opening loss in the first round, tough way to end it, but we're very proud of our girls. Yeah, you know, we had a great season even though we lost the first round. You know, we had three players get all mountain west, we had Sierra Pritchard, Kennedy Stafford, and Neema Weathers. They both played great. Sierra Pritchard, you know, she absolutely destroyed all season, best setter I've seen in a while. I thought she played great. Yeah, no, she played great. She's amazingly, a bunch of watch. Those assist numbers are crazy, man. I'm fanning assist numbers. Can't even, can't even fathom it. And, you know, next year we have a lot of room for improvement. We're going to have a new coach coming in. Thank you, Tom Hilbert. That was, you did great with Carlos, stayed for a while. What a legend. 26 years, Tom. We all love you. I think our volleyball team will come back with a vengeance next season. I think losing the FDSU of all teams in the first round is always rough, but yeah. What do you think? Me personally, I think we'll probably, hopefully we'll be able to start, like, start off how we ended this season, kind of having our, like, rhythm back. It's going to be a little bit harder because we did lose Tom, but I think we're still set because we have plenty of our starters returning as seniors or... Yeah, we've got to find the right person to lead the team next year. We're only losing one senior. Yeah, we have a very young... Bring it back, everyone. A very young team with high potential that, you know, with a new coach, yeah, like Jason said, who knows what will happen, but I have a lot of faith in our girls. I believe that CSU volleyball will still be at the level it was even with Tom Hilbert. I completely agree because, you know, it starts, of course it always starts with the girls and starts with how they play and then what really just tops off is coaching. So for whoever, you know, we have as our head coach next year, it really is going to end up falling on them in the end. Yeah, and player retention is going to be a huge part of that. We bring everyone together and once they do that, they bring these girls together and they create a rapport together, that's when we'll have a winning season and we'll win the Mountain West. Todd, you're big on Twitter about the CSU volleyball girls, you know, saying you can't make the games, stuff like that, which is unfortunate, but I know you have a lot of praise for that, I got anything to say? No, they just had a really good season, you know, it's always fun to go see them perform and get some fucking CSU W's. Yeah, yeah, you can't wait. Alright, let's transition over to football. Football, oh boy. Yeah, we'll go down the line, Jason, what are your thoughts about football and where we'll be next year? Well, I'm glad we ended the season off with a W, that's always good. Hopefully we'll be able to bring that momentum into next season because Clay Millen's going to have another year under his belt and he'll be able to only go up from here. And he has to build off of what he did this season. Logan, what do you think? Yeah, man, we're practically bringing back our whole defense, all of our offense. Unfortunately, with our seniors leaving, Cameron Carter, Zacon Jackson, as our linebackers, you know, they're some of my favorite players to watch this season and it's sad to see them go, especially with all the seniors that are leaving. It's always sad to see them go, but I believe that Chase Wilson will pick up. He had a great game against New Mexico as well. And those are the building blocks, like Drew Kulik, Chase Wilson, they have big shoes to fill, but those are linebackers that are going to have great seasons next year. I think we have to build defensively off of our secondary, Jack Howe, Aidan Hector, Henry Blackburn, those are going to be the foundation for success next year on the defensive side of the ball. Offensively, super young, also bringing in the number one recruiting class in Mountain West next year. There's hope, there's hope, that's all I want to say. We've got to beat Wyoming half-nosed. I want that boot back. Yeah, just win rivalry games. Take that boot from them. In Laramie. Yeah, the win against Nevada this year was a staple win. And that was the best feeling win. It was, even though it was away, I really wish it would have been home, of course that would have made everything feel better. But we had a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun here. We had a lot of fun here in the outpost. We went crazy. Yeah, it was a fun time, but I've got a lot of hope for these boys. I've never, as a CSU fan for a long time, I've never really had my hope in CSU football. And going into this next year, seeing how we are really just young, and we just need to build and be better, get in the weight room, do our stuff. We've got to get better. And I really, really feel like we're going to be able to. Justice Ross Simmons, he's an amazing receiver. I feel like he's going to have a breakout year next year. And Colorado State's basically wide receiver youth. What a receiver duo of Torrey Horton and Justice Ross Simmons. No kidding. And as we're speaking right now, it's starting to snow outside. Again, Christmas season coming in. It is the season, baby. I want to go back on the, you said the receiver duo of Torrey Horton and Justice Ross Simmons. I want to flip to the defensive side. Remember, we're bringing back corner one and two, Chiggy and Brandon Guzman. So our secondary men. And we'll bring in some huge old guys. Hit the transfer portal. Exactly. The transfer portal's going to be huge going into the offseason. Of course, we're never going to have another green infection like we did for Nevada. It would be really cool if we did. I love that nickname. And steal everyone's players in the Mountain West. We'd do great. Awesome. You know, I love Clay Millen. And I feel like he got a lot of hate this year. You know, he's young. He makes his days. He started late, finished strong. Rub it hard when you finish strong. I read some stat where he only played really six games of high school football in varsity. So he's quite inexperienced. But obviously this year he showed us that he has the potential. His deep ball accuracy is incredible. I want to touch upon that. His deep ball accuracy is some of the best I've seen. It reminds me of the deep ball accuracy that you would have seen with Kirk Cousins, even though, you know, Kirk Cousins during prime time games isn't the best. But he reminded me of Kirk Cousins. He was doing pretty good this year. If we're staying on the topic of CSU, the deep ball accuracy of like Nick Stephens. Nick Stephens, yeah. Garrett Grayson, too. Yeah, y'all compare to Clay Millen to Kirk Cousins. How he played against New Mexico, that's Danny Dine. We got the Noah Vick over here. All right. All right, now segueing into our next area of expertise. It's out of bounds, you know, with Dallas and Todd. This is more of our really opinionated topic when it comes to sports and CSU sports in general. Both me and Todd disagree on a lot of things when it comes to sports. And this is where we're coming to, you know, voice our opinions and, you know, see who's on top. So earlier before the show, we talked about baseball slash softball. What's your opinion on it? And so here, let's get some more context. The whole conversation originally started with which sports are the best to watch and which ones are the worst to watch. On my spectrum, I said baseball and softball are the worst, where Matt said they're the best. And the reason why I hate both of them so much is you cannot tell me at a baseball game if you go and sit down and the, you know, nose bleeds from the first to the last inning that you're going to enjoy every second of sitting there for seven hours, dude. There's no chance. And I 100% see your point. Like that's a lot of people's issue with baseball and a lot of things like that. I know the MLB and, you know, people below the MLB, including NCAA, with softball and baseball, even though Colorado State does not have a baseball team, we have a club baseball team, they're trying to make the game go faster, figure out ways to make it go faster, make it more enjoyable. And all I got to say is ever since I was young, I've always just loved to sit and watch baseball because even though, yeah, you're sitting there, you're just doing nothing for, you know, four hours because nine innings usually could take anywhere from two hours to four to even five, I've been at Coors Field up until 3 a.m. one time. And it's, it all comes down to this, it's the anticipation, you know. So if it's a close game, zero-zero, going into the fifth inning, you know, it's boring as hell, but when you're getting up to it, it's the anticipation, you know, who's going to hit the next home run, who's going to, you know, steal another base, all things like this, you know, you're really just watching the players, you're getting to know the players. It's a way more intimate sport than what people give it credit for. Yeah, I feel like if you love doing the stat watching and numbers game, you can enjoy both of those sports very, like, very well. If you really get into it, you'll enjoy it. But I'm not a big, like, sports buff, right? Like I know a good amount to where I can talk about it, but not enough to where I can tell you who to, like, pick up in the NFL draft. But, so like, for me walking into any sport, like, it needs to be eye-grabbing and I need to, like, have a good time. Not saying that, like, for example, the Broncos are going to win a game, but, you know, at least they're trying. I mean, Russell Wilson's awful, but we'll get into that later. But no, so, to spin it back to the original question, for me, the greatest sports to always watch and I can consistently watch regardless of what teams are playing is hockey and lacrosse. They're the most entertaining sports consistently because it's such a fast-paced game and you can, like, both of them have fights. What is better than two dudes just pulling each other's helmets off and just throwing it out? You know, and I completely agree and that's what really stinks, mainly about CSU, and I really wish, and I understand the politics behind it, but I really wish that we could, you know, have a D1 lacrosse team or a D1 hockey team or both. You know, there's other colleges in Colorado that may not have the strongest football teams. Most of the D2 colleges, you know, they're not really that big on football in comparison to their hockey. And, you know, Western University out in Gunnison, I have friends who go there and they're absolutely obsessed with hockey. And I agree with you, I think hockey and lacrosse are both extremely enjoyable sports and I'm more of a purist and I always will think that basketball, you know, NCAA basketball and NCAA football will always be the most enjoyable to watch. But it's also because I grew up on that and you grew up on lacrosse and hockey and things like that. So it really just comes down to our roots at that point. Yeah, for college games, as it stands as a CSU fan, basketball is the most enjoyable to go and watch on a consistent basis. We always show up to perform, regardless if we win or lose, it's always a well-fought game. But will you agree that you enjoyed softball last season, CSU softball? There were moments that I really enjoyed it and then there's times where it's like, alright girls, let's just wrap up this inning, like, come on. I 100% agree. It's nice if the innings are short and so. They are. They can be. They can be. Sometimes they stretch on just as long as baseball does. But instead of going 9, they go 7, which is nice. You know, I really, to tag off of Matt, is if we had a NCAA hockey and lacrosse team that was D1 like DU has, it would be the most enjoyable sports to watch at CSU. Because even watching our lacrosse team now, even though they're a club team, they're very good. It's a blast. They're very good. You know, like I said earlier, you know, I said baseball is an intimate sport. I've never felt more close with players at Colorado State, you know, minus the basketball team of course. But, you know, I've never felt closer than with the lacrosse guys. You know, the lacrosse guys, they love who we are. They love what we do. And it makes us that much more entitled to go to these games. You know, I'm not saying that we're only going to the games to be recognized because that would be not fair. It's not true. Not true. It's not true. It's like, we just love going and supporting the guys and cracking jokes with them when they're on the field and they're having a great time. Because you know, they don't get the recognition that other sports do. And that's the same with most women's club sports here at CSU. We go to their games because we know that they don't get the recognition. We like to go there. We like to have fun. We like to get to know who they are. Because you know, in college, a lot of the players that play for the college are seen as celebrities. You know, people don't go up to them. Or I mean, they do every now and then of course. But they're seen as celebrities. And that's not always a great thing. So I like to be, we like to be the people that go in there and just talk to them. We just talk to them as people. We just talk to these people as people. And that's great. Yeah. Great point. Alright, well, I think we're going to wrap it up here for us. Yeah, it was pretty fun. Yeah. Enjoyed talking to you. Until next time. Until next time, guys. We'll talk to you later. And now it's time for the RAM class where we're going to be doing argumentative hot takes about all sports. And the first topic we're going to talk about is Justin Herbert, a better quarterback than Josh Allen, but in a much worse situation in Los Angeles than in Buffalo. Yeah, like, I think, I personally think that Justin Herbert is a way better quarterback than Josh Allen. And this isn't the CSU against the Wyoming grad, like, violence. It is, Jason, shut up. This is a, this is like, yeah, put Josh Allen in Los Angeles with the receiving corps they have. Keenan Allen has not been playing well. Mike Williams is hurting. With the weapons that Justin Herbert has and putting up the same numbers, right, Josh Allen would not thrive in LA and would not have, maybe have the same record that the Chargers do right now and not even be in the MVP candidate, like, topic or whatever it is. Candidacy. And I personally think Josh Allen would do the same thing he is doing now if he had three years under his belt in Los Angeles to change the culture there with the receivers that are in LA. Mike Williams, Keenan Allen, he is putting up the same numbers and that Chargers defense has some players. I actually think that it is not a problem with Justin Herbert in LA, but I think Josh Allen would still be 7-3 in LA right now. And Justin Herbert's not that far off. That's, this is not a bad take on Justin Herbert. Justin Herbert is an outstanding quarterback, definitely a top five quarterback in the league. So they're not that far off. But Josh Allen, I would be slightly ahead Justin Herbert in the quarterback rankings. What do you think, Jason? I definitely would have to conclude, I would definitely just have to say that all around Josh Allen is a better quarterback than Justin Herbert. Justin Herbert has been put into a situation in which his rookie year was terrible. Like his rookie year, his situation was awful. He had the worst offensive line and he did everything he did. That was amazing. He had an amazing season. However, let's not forget the fact that he was able to also rely on the fact that he has Austin Ekler, an amazing both receiving threat and rushing threat. The Bills are 100% reliant on Josh Allen. If he does not play, they lose. He has a running back similar to Ekler with Nakeem Hines now and they're just not utilizing him correctly. You also got to remember this, Josh Allen is their leading rusher. Now I want to go to the point about like, now let's think about divisions here, right? Now if we're putting Josh Allen in the AFC West, let's think about the teams that are in the AFC West against the Chiefs, or the Kansas City Chiefs. They're always going to be great. You know, as bad as their defense may be at times, it's the Kansas City Chiefs. They're what, like 8-2 right now? They're fine. They're fine. And then of course the Denver Broncos defense. Like of course the Denver Broncos are having a terrible season. First off, fire Nathaniel Hackey. Sorry. I agree. I'm not a fan of that topic. That could be another segment. But like we put, yeah that might be. But put Justin Herbert, or not, excuse me, put Josh Allen in the AFC West against those defenses. And especially the Raiders defense who sometimes shine, but the Raiders of course are having a terrible season as well. But I think Josh Allen will put up less numbers in the AFC West for playing the Chiefs twice a year, the Broncos twice a year, the Raiders who might have their shine because you know the divisional games are always like more, like they play harder in divisional games because you know they hate each other. So Josh, like you know, in any other division, and of course Josh Allen in the, what was it, the AFC East that the Builder is? Yeah. The AFC East. Who's in that division? The Patriots, the Dolphins, the Jets? The Dolphins defense, the Jets defense. No, I think the defenses in the AFC East are just as good as the defenses in the AFC West. You can't just make it seem like all those defenses, you can't make it seem like the Patriots defense is some like cupcake squad. They're led by Bill Belichick. They're always going to be, they're always going to be able to do something. They're never going to suck. Oh Bill Belichick. The Jets defense, amazing. Their front seven, top like five in the league. The Jets front seven, top five in the league. You've got, who are the Chiefs, who's on the Chiefs defense? Chris Jones. Chris Jones. Um. Willie Gay. Okay. But is Daniel Sargent still starting? They're led solely by their offense. If their offense doesn't do well, they're not going to win. See, but if you put Justin Herbert on the Bills, the Bills are still seven and three because of their defense. Justin Herbert's an MVP candidate on the Bills team. And that proves my point. So I actually think if you just trade their spots, they're in the same spot. They would be in very similar spots. Maybe one, maybe the Chargers would have one or two more wins with Josh Allen. I'm sure you'd put Josh Allen on the Chargers. Because Josh Allen would have a couple more wins than they have right now. Josh Allen would be making less mistakes because he'd have to make less happen on his own. Because he would be able to rely and kind of push the brakes a little bit because he has Austin Eckler back there. On the Bills, he is their rushing attack. He is their safety net. First off, it blows my mind that you called the Patriots defense good. They completely went downhill after J.C. Jackson went through the Chargers. Are you serious? The Patriots defense is good. It is. I didn't say it was top five. I said it can still get stuff done. Well, that's because the Patriots defense has players. Judon. Judon. Who else? Besides Judon. Who else? Besides Judon. Jersey Line. Amazing. Yeah, like who? Besides Judon. They're the best players when it comes to pro bowlers. But as a unit, they put up outstanding defensive numbers. But they're inconsistent. They have games where they play mediocre. And then they have games where they're going to hold the Jets, the only field goals. I mean, when I say mediocre, the word, dictionary definition, I see the New England Patriots. But that's just as a whole. No, no. When I say mediocre, I either see the Colts offense. Oh, you're on some whole other... Oh, yeah. No. I would say that Russell Wilson is cooking. Hey, let Russ cook. Let Russ cook. Oh, yeah. Let Russ cook. His cooking is doing immaculate right now. Well done. Hey, let CJ Montez cook. You know what? You know what? And this is a perfect segue to the other point that I wanted. Because he is back, or dogging on my Colts, right? I believe that, you know, the Eagles are a great team. Don't even get me... Oh, now we're bringing my Eagles into this. Oh, is that... We are definitely... Don't even... We are definitely bringing your Eagles into this. How many losses do we have? We have as many losses as you guys have tied. One. One. You tied with the worst team in the NFL. Yeah, yeah. One loss. Now, hear me out. Now, back to the point I was trying to make. The Eagles are a great team, right? I think they are out in the playoffs. Even if they get a number one seed, they're going to get the first round by whoever they play next. However, the playoffs... Are you insane? The Eagles are losing in that round. They are not making a Super Bowl run. We'll make our gentleman's bet. I think you know what it is. Another bet. I want to go back to the Colts game where... As bad as the Colts have been, and don't get me wrong as a Coltsman, I'll say we are terrible. Our offense needs something where defense is basically what's carrying our games. We're only putting up, what, 10 to 17 points a game? That sucks. We're still somehow winning games when we really shouldn't. But no, the Eagles beat us by one. If they were supposed to be the quote unquote Super Bowl contenders, they should have killed us, but they didn't. They're inconsistent at times. Their receivers are great. A.J. Brown, let's talk about the game. Their rushing is their only thing. What happens if they take away the rush and they go against great corners in the playoffs, which they're going to play harder? How are you going to get out of that round? And that is why I think the Eagles are going to... Logan Eastwood sounds like Max Kellerman right now. Max Kellerman. All right, I'm going to transition. We have completely got off topic. I'm going to transition. CSU fans, we're going to talk about who we're going to play against. We're going to talk about who we're going to play against. We're going to talk about who we're going to play against. We're going to talk about who we're going to play against. We're going to go down the line here. I'm going to let Jason go first. You let me know what you think so far, one through five, starting with one. One pains me. I want to put CSU, but to be realistic, it's not. It's definitely San Diego State. And I think... For now. Well, for now it is. They've been playing amazing. They always do. All right, actually, let's just go through a general consensus that we all know San Diego State is the number one team in the Mountain West right now. We're pretty much just ranking two through five. Pretty much. If we're talking basketball, though, I'm going to butt in. I think UNLV is a shot. UNLV looks good. And you know what? That is who I'd rank number two right now is UNLV. What do you guys think? I would definitely put UNLV at two. Yeah. Two? Well, I mean, we have two losses to our name right now. And UNLV is sitting at seven and O with a win over Dayton. I want to shout out Utah State right now for being undefeated as well. They have been a great program. But at the same time, I feel like it's the beginning of the season. I want to think long term here. San Diego State may go on some run, stay ranked, be ranked by the time March Madness comes around. They'll be ranked by the time we play them in Moby. And I think we can beat them in Moby. That's a night game on the calendar for sure. Oh, yeah. Can't wait. Who are we putting three, though? Who are we putting three? Honestly, I've got to put Utah State. I think it's us right now. And we have two losses. Utah State doesn't have a... I would put us at a very close four. A very close four. Wow. Yeah, I mean, Utah State... You heard it here first. We need... No, because right now, I'm talking about as of right now, we are missing Isaiah Stevens. That is a huge loss. With Stevens, I'd put it at a huge loss. If we had Stevens, we are probably two. Yep. Now, Stevens is coming back in this game. And that could be before conference play. I'd love him to come back before that CU game in Boulder. He could even play in Boulder when we have that... Yeah. The Rocky Mountain Stonehound basketball. Like that, you know. Another game I've circled on our non-conference is USC. I think... USC and Phoenix. Yeah, Phoenix. Which the Outlaws are making a trip to. Yeah. If any of you CSU fans go into Phoenix for that tournament, you'll see us there. Yes, sir. All right, number four. So it's either Utah State or us and New Mexico, FIPP. I think we have a general consensus. New Mexico, FIPP. Or we put in Wyoming. Wyoming's dead last. Dead last. Without EK, Wyoming is last. Fresno might only have one win, but I think they'd beat the Brakes off of one. Yeah, I want to... San Jose State. Hold on. I don't know. SJSU, shout out to our boy Dak. Yeah, Dak the Duck, baby. Dak the Duck. SJSU is doing pretty good this year. No, San Jose is having a great year. They're doing pretty good. How fun is the Mountain West tournament going to be this year? Oh, that is going to be great. Oh, that is going to be great. Oh, that is going to be great. Oh, that is going to be great. And I think, shout out to Justin Michael, and he'd agree with us on this, there are going to be more teams in the NCAA tournament from the Mountain West this year than last year. This is such a strong conference. As long as the conference doesn't eat each other alive during conference. Oh, you know who's... Okay. You know who's... I mean, we're undefeated against the SEC team, right? Wait. 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