Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Michael Bailey contacted the speaker claiming to have had contact with their target. After interviewing both Michael and his mother Matilda, the speaker found that Michael's descriptions matched the target. Michael described a bright light and seeing a creature with eyes all over its body. The speaker discovered an implant in Michael's left arm and later in Matilda's head. Michael passed away from electrocution and Matilda from a meth overdose, but both had identical implants. Michael Bailey reached out to me about a week ago, hoping to talk about his experience in which he believed he had to be in contact with our target. After responding to Mr. Bailey, I received an email from his mother, Matilda Bailey, stating that Mr. Bailey's claims were nothing more than a bad trip. After some thought from both me and my team, we decided to interview them both to get the story straight. Normally, there would be no need to follow up after an account is disregarded. However, a lot of Bailey's descriptions match our target perfectly. July 3rd, 2023. Is it on now? Yes. State your name, please. Michael. Michael Bailey. Do you mean my middle name, too, or? Just the first and last will do. Sorry if I get a bit chatty. I get a bit chatty when I get nervous. That's quite all right. Let me know when you're ready to get started. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Would it be possible to get a glass of water or something before we get started? Of course. July 3rd, 2023. I'm here speaking with a witness in regards to case number three five zero zero nine. Please, Matilda, and your last name, which whichever is most comfortable. My maiden name is Cottontail, Matilda Cottontail, Bailey Cottontail, Matilda Bailey Cottontail. Can I smoke in here? Whatever makes you most comfortable. Do you have a light? Yes, I should. Here. A smoker? No, but my clients usually are. Don't move me in with the other nut jobs that come around here. When did it start? The smoking? No, the scratching. Are you ready to get started? Yes, thank you. Mr. Bailey, just Michael. Michael, can you start with an account of the case? Yes, I'm ready to get started. Michael, can you start with an account of the case? Yes, I'm ready. Can you start with an account of the night? Well, which night? The night you claim to have been abducted. Right, of course. Well, I was at home. And how detailed do you want me to be? The more detail you provide, the more useful for our investigation. I'll do my best, but it's all a little foggy. It started after he started raving about the abduction. He's been picking at his arm. Which arm? I'm not sure. The left one, I think. That morning I came down to make coffee, and I saw him sitting on the couch, staring into space. He was sitting there, scratching, scratching, nearly peeled all the skin off of his arms. And was this alarming to you? Nothing too out of the ordinary for him. He's a junkie. They pick and scratch and shit. I had just never seen it quite that bad. I see. If I were you, I wouldn't take a lick of what he says seriously. And why do you say that? The math. I was sitting at home, watching TV. I think it was Jeopardy or something. It might have been South Park, actually. Do you know what time it was? I'm not sure. Maybe like 2.30, 3 a.m.? Yes, a.m. And I was eating, and then there was this light, like this big, bright light. From where? Everywhere. It was just this warm, bright light, and it filled the whole room. And then? It starts to get really fuzzy from here. Try your best to remember, Mr. Bailey. I think I fell asleep or something. I'm not really sure, but when I came to, or woke up, or whatever it was, that's when I saw it. Saw what? The thing. How long have you been aware of Michael's drug use? Oh, boy. I found out he was using when he was 19. So I guess I've known for about four years now. And have you done anything to help him get sober? Took him to rehab a few times. Never seemed to stick for him. Look, I know my son is a failure, but I couldn't just leave him on the streets after he lost his house. I let him move back in with me about a year ago. I'm doing what he'll let me, which really isn't a lot, but, you know, bringing a horse to water and shit. But anyway, I'm not sure if I trust him. Meth makes you loony. Has Michael been your first encounter with meth use in Scottydale? What else do you want to know about Michael? Could you try to describe the creatures to me, Michael? Somehow they were the most beautiful and the most horrifying things I had ever seen in my life. She, or what looked like a she, was there when I woke up. And, God, from afar, she had to have the most banging body that I'd ever seen, you know, like, curvy with long legs. You know, incredible wrack. Like, I'm talking some real porn star type shit, if you know what I mean. But only from afar? Yeah. What about up close? Horrifying. In what way? There were these eyes, and they covered every inch of her body. It was...disgusting. And then what happened? If I'm being honest, I truly have no idea. What about the scratching? In your eyes, what is the likelihood that Michael is telling the truth? You can't truly believe what he's saying about all of this. It's important to cover our bases, Miss Cottontail. What is the likelihood... Slim, I don't think it's worth spending your time with this. Well, we do. For fuck's sake, do you really think that I... They put something in my arm. Which arm? The left. Is that why...the picking? Yes. Michael, were you on any substances at this time? No, none. None. Thank you for your time. July 7th, 2023. After the accounts, Michael consented to an examination by our specialist, Dr Kim. During the exam, a hair sample showed that Mr Bailey had been using. However, we were unable to get an honest answer from him the last time he used. When we checked for the implant in his left arm, we found nothing. Currently, we are chalking everything up to a hallucination from substance use. July 14th, 2023. We have received recent news from Matilda that Michael passed away on July 12th, 2023, at 3am. However, he passed away from electrocution, not overdose. This has sparked my team's interest enough to pursue this case once again. July 18th, 2023. The coroner discovered an implant in the back of his head. This implant is almost an exact copy of the implant found in the left arm of Miss Scott, as well as Dr Lewis. We have attempted to contact Miss Cottontail. However, she is in the process of filing restraining orders against the firm. August 10th, 2023. Today, my assistant informed me that Miss Cottontail died this morning at 3am from a meth overdose. However, there has been an implant extracted from the back of her head. Identical to Michael.