Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Reverend Dr. Moses Udo, emphasizes that God gathers people to bless them and reveal His purpose. He urges everyone to pray for God's blessings and not to let them pass by. He acknowledges God's love and care for individuals and prays for healing, restoration, and growth in the church. He then discusses two biblical stories that demonstrate how anything can happen when God is involved. He emphasizes that Jesus' death and resurrection have brought about a turnaround in people's lives, freeing them from suffering and burden. He encourages everyone to trust in Jesus for their pain and troubles to be taken away. of God in our heart let's rise as we welcome the servant of the most high the reverend Dr. Moses Udo, the Abuja North District Superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria. God bless you sir, you are welcome sir, God bless you sir. Somebody say amen. If you are happy can you shout amen to Jesus Christ. I know that the thought of God towards us is the thought of good and not of evil to give us an expected end and I'm very convinced that God does not gather a people just for fun fair. He gather them to give them a testimony. He gather us to bless us. He gather us to reveal his intent and purpose towards humanity. Wherever you are can you bow down your heart before God and lift up your voice and say to him let tonight's blessing not pass me by. Let tonight's blessing not pass me by. Can you open your voice and say to God I have come one more time. When you come to bless your people may you not pass me by. Can you open your voice and talk to this great God. He cares for us. He loves you intimately. He loves you personally. He's concerned about us. He's so mindful about us. What a mighty God we are. Thank you agents of faith. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. We give you praise. We give you honor. We give adoration oh God. We magnify your name because you're wonderful. Oh thank you oh God because you know the day before we woke up and you have a plan for the church today. Having come in your presence we ask oh God that heaven be open. There are support and your blessing. May you not pass us by oh God. To those that came sick in the body may you minister upon their life. To those that come not sick let your grace manifest your steady grace. To those that came with a battered vision, a battered dream, parallel praying oh God that you will accentuate your plans in their life oh God. To those agents of faith that came with a shattered marital life I pray for them as you are welcome. Let their marriages be rearranged by you. Come down as never ever before. Is anyone that came with a great struggle? Is anyone that came having been rejected? Is anyone that came that people are asking a question and say where is your God? As you are welcome tonight may you reveal yourself as the God Almighty. May you reveal yourself as a prayer answering God. Is anyone in this house tonight that has pastoral series and several afflictions? For I will say affliction shall not rise up a second time. As you are welcome may you rule away the pains of the past. May you rule away the affliction of our yesterday and give us a testimony. As I stand in this altar may I do no violence to your world. May I speak only what you want me to say. May I not speak man's idea. May I speak the word of God. As you are welcome let salvation come. As you are welcome let healing power come. As you are welcome let new faith be released. As you are welcome let salvation, let grace be given to the church. I stand in this altar and make a demand that we will not end this convention or this conference without an increase in the church. As the word of God is preached may you expand the church. May you grow the church. May you bless Abne Mazza. I present every businessman and woman unto you as they come with faith. May you give an increase to their businesses in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you my father. Be glorified. Be honored. Be exalted. In Jesus name we have prayed. If you are happy can you shout with me one more time. Allow me to most sincerely appreciate our papa and our mommy. What a pleasant people. God bless you sir. Thank you for doing a very fantastic job. I have told all my friends in Lagos that I'm here and they said to me you are in the right place and I'm happy. Mommy God bless you. To all our Deakin board members let me most sincerely and most profusely thank God for you for partnering with your pastor. A church that love God. God will love them in turn. Come on. Come on. Do you understand what I say? If you love God he will love you back. Keep on loving him. Keep on loving him. To those feeding us may God bless you. The kitchen, the entertainment and the protocol may God bless you. You have done so wonderfully well. God bless you. Tonight the Lord has laid in my heart a message that will cause me to pray for the church. I believe God will grant me the grace to pray for everyone and all the burden he has laid in my heart. And I'm going to be praying for families tonight. I'm going to be praying for individuals tonight. The Lord has laid so strongly in my heart about certain strategic needs that he said he comes into those needs. You may look very beautiful but there is a problem you are carrying. He has opened my eyes to see them and I believe answer shall be given. Tonight I'm speaking on the topic when God is involved anything can happen. When God is involved. Somebody say when God is involved. When God is involved. Anything can happen. Come with me to the Bible. The book of John gospel chapter 9. I will be reading from verses number one to seven. I will skip from verses 20 to 25. Then I will read the book of Luke gospel chapter 7 verses 11 to 17. John gospel chapter 9. Now as Jesus was passing by he saw a man who had been blind from death. His disciple asked him, Rabbi who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind? This man or his parents? Jesus answer neither this man nor his parents sinned but he was born blind so that the act of God may be redeemed through what happens to him. If the Bible is yours underlying the word that he was born blind so that the acts of God may be redeemed through what happens to him. Verse number four. We must perform the deeds of the one who sent me as long as it is daytime. Night is coming when no one can walk. As long as I'm in the world out of the light of the world. Having said this Jesus sat on the ground and made some mud with his saliva and smeared the mud on the blind man's eye and said to him go wash in the pool of Salome which is translated sin. So the blind man went away and washed and came back seeing. Verse number 20. So his parents replied we know that he is a son and that he was born blind but we do not know how he is now able to see nor do we know who caused him to see. Ask him. He is a mature adult. He will speak for himself. Verse 22. His parents tested him because they were afraid of the Jewish religious leaders for the Jewish leaders had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Christ will be put out of the synagogue. For this reason his parents say he is a mature adult. Ask him. 24. Then they summoned the man who used to be blind. A second time they said to him promise before God to tell the truth. We know that this man Jesus is a sinner. The man that was blind replied and said I do not know whether he's a sinner but I do know one thing that although I was blind now I can see. Somebody shout now. I can see. The book of Luke chapter 7 verses 11 to 17 please. Very fast. The book of Luke chapter 7 verses 11 to 17. Soon afterward Jesus went to a town called Nair and a disciple and a large crowd was with him. As he approached the town gates a man who had died was being carried out the only son of his mother who was the widow and a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her he had compassion for her and said to her do not weep. Then he went up and touched the bear and those who carried him to sleep and Jesus said young man I say to you get up. So the dead man sat up and began to speak. Jesus get him back to his mother. Verse 17 to 16. Jesus sees them all and they began to glorify God saying a great prophet has appeared among us and God has come to help his people. These reports about Jesus circulated throughout Judea and all the surrounding country. Somebody say when God is involved anything can happen. People of God I want to announce tonight that the fall of man into sin separated man from his maker. When man sinned against God man was separated. He was separated from God who made him in his image. Man was separated from God who loved him. Man was separated from his keeper, from his superintendent, from the Lord that loved him and because of this separation man began to suffer. Man began to struggle. Man began to struggle without God. Man began to struggle. That was the beginning of sin. That was the beginning of suffering. That was the beginning of separation. That was the beginning of temptation. That was the beginning of failure. That was the beginning of laboring without resolve. But I have a good news for you. When Jesus died there was a turnaround to that condition. I think something is going to happen in the church tonight. That dumb man sinned against God. Dumb man was separated from God. Dumb man was alienated from the common works of his Lord. Dumb man became far away from his helper. The scripture says when Jesus died heaven and the throne of God, God changed. Can you look at this altar. I have a message for 14 person in the house. You are no longer permitted to suffer because Jesus raised from the grave for your sake. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You are no longer permitted to endure your pain. You are no longer permitted to continue carrying burden that has weighed you down. I have a good news for you. Jesus has taken away your burden. He has taken away your sorrow. He has taken away your pain. He has taken away your weeping. He has taken away the reason for your trouble. He has taken away the reason for your failure. He has taken away the reason for your alcohol. He has taken away the reason for your midnight pain. Hear the message of God. When man fell, everything fell with man. When man fell, situation of life turned against man. When man fell, sickness escaped. When man fell, unproductive labor came. When man fell, oh my God, can I talk to you, man began to die. But I have a good news for you. Are you born again in the house? Can I see your hand? If you are born again, I have a good news for you. Come out if you are born again. Papa, can I have a, can I tell you actually something? Turn to your neighbor and say your case is different. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Your case is different. In the midst of maladies of life, you can survive. In the midst of pains of life, I can survive. In the midst of epidemic, I can survive. In the midst of family crisis, I can survive. In the midst of economic crisis, I can survive. Somebody ask me and say why, why, why? Somebody say why? Because Jesus is involved in my case. Oh, unanode here, unanode here. Come and look at anybody and say congratulations in advance. Power is about to change hands tonight. Power is about to change hands tonight. It doesn't matter what happened yesterday, the Lord is about to be involved now. If you will seek the doctor's new cure, he is about to be involved now. If everything around you could not work out, I hear him say, give me a chance. Give me a chance. The Lord is saying, give me a chance. Stop struggling as if you have no help. Stop struggling as if no one cares. Stop struggling as if you do not have a living God. Do not attract sympathy to yourself. There is a God that washes over man. There is a God that washes over those. I hear him say, call upon me in the days of your trouble. I will answer you. I will show you grace and my blessing and the Bible says with God, nothing shall be. I like preaching. Papa, I like to preach today. When God says, when the Bible says with God, nothing shall be impossible, that means the world is full of impossibility. Then when God comes into impossibility, he turns impossibility into possibility. Come on, lift your hand to this altar and say, my father, my helper. I prophesy and I declare over my life and my family. Come on, open your mouth and say, my father, my helper. I prophesy and I declare over my family, every impossibility around me. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command impossibility to become possible. To become possible. To become possible. To become possible. Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? Do you believe I shout amen like a thunder? It is not possible. I stand in this house, I live from my right hand. From my right to the left, all over this house. If there is an impossibility in your life, the Lord shall be involved to know. The Lord shall be involved to know. The Lord shall be involved to know. There are situations in our life that we need God to be involved. In the midst of chronic sickness, we want God to be involved to know. In the midst of lack of consistent Christian lifestyle, we need God to be involved to know. If you are a child of God, you cannot live a holy life. You are a child of God. Today you are in sin, tomorrow you are for God. You need the involvement of God tonight. You need the involvement of God tonight when you are in what I call embarrassing situation. There are some things I call embarrassment. There are spiritual embarrassment, there are physical embarrassment, there are marital embarrassment, there are social embarrassment, there are egocentric embarrassment. There are embarrassment in all fields of life. The moment people know that you come from this family, you get embarrassment for it. I came on that cruise and I prophesied over your life. Every situation that has embarrassed you, my God shall be involved to know. Every embarrassing situation in your life, our God shall be involved to know. Every embarrassment in your life as a result of the activities of the evil strong man of your father's household, I prophesied. I prophesied the loss of the evil strong man. I prophesied and I declared, every embarrassment from my father's house, from my mother's house, from my marital house, in the name that is above everyone's name, arise and settle my case, and settle my case, and settle my case, and settle my case, and settle my case. There are embarrassment I call embarrassment from spiritual delay. Anything that takes other people 2 years to accomplish and your own take you 10 years, there is a spirit that will be settled tonight. Every spirit of delay, whether it is delay in marriage, whether it is delay in your work, whether it is delay in advancement, whether it is delay in any aspect of life, under the God we stand, that delay is over now. That delay is over now. Why do you need God to be involved? How do you interpret that a young girl married in the altar as a virgin? Chris, how do you interpret that a young girl who married in the church as a virgin, 2 years she cannot conceive, 3 years she cannot conceive, 5 years she cannot conceive, 10 years she cannot conceive until she enters monopause. God punished the devil. When I know they are here, I say God punished the devil. I lift up my hands over this church. Everything that the devil was involved in yesterday, the Lord is taking over that situation. The Lord is taking that situation over. The Lord take over your situation right now. I do not know what aspect of your life that the devil was in charge. From tonight, the Lord shall be involved. How do you explain the situation that you work like an elephant and eat like an ant? Why should you borrow money from people who are doing what you are doing? Papa, it is an evil aberration. Why should you borrow money from those that ought to borrow money from you? Come on, step over your hands to this altar. Tonight is about altar versus altar. Tonight is altar versus altar. Step over your hands to this altar and say, My Father and My God, arise and be involved in my situation from tonight. Every evil Lord that I have carried for life, tonight, tonight, tonight, I hand them over to the altar. Evil Lord, every evil Lord, I hand them over. In Jesus' name, we have prayed. Why do we need God to be involved? We need God to be involved to give us grace. We need God to be involved for miracles. We need God to be involved for financial open doors. We need God to be involved that the wounds that were closed can be opened. We need God to be involved for healing of every deadly disease. Come on, come on, come on, I have a message. There are 8 people in your church who is suffering what I call blood transmitted disease. They are suffering in sickness that came from the blood they were born from. It could be sickle cell. They see themselves sick, not because of carelessness, but because of the bloodline they came from. I kneel down in the altar for you. If you are suffering from what you do not know, today is the end of this matter. The louder you amen, the better for your miracle, tonight. The night is the end of that matter. The Lord shall change your blood, tonight. Jesus shall change your blood, tonight. The Lord shall purify your blood, tonight. The Lord shall change your situation, tonight. If you rush out, I will treat you with fire. We need the involvement of God because there are people that walk and the walk of their hand cannot provide for them. You do not know what I am talking about. I am a church man. I am a pastor. Why should you walk, sir, by the walk of your hand? I came here to put a covenant in your altar, tonight. Every power that makes you to walk when it is a time for benefit, the benefit is diverted. God says, I shall be involved, tonight. Every power that makes, that when you hurt men, when you hurt people, when it is a time for them to raise the brocade, they will pay you equal for your goods. That matter shall be settled in this altar. They do not shout at me like a thunder. We need God to be involved in the way we run the Russia. We need God to be involved for our spiritual protection. We need God to be, can I talk to you, can I talk to you? Life is not worth living if you are walking alone without God. Slap anyone and say don't walk alone. The future is not very safe to go alone. You need divine escort for divine exemption. Come on, come on, say what I say, say what I say. Life, life is not worth walking alone without Jesus. We need divine escort for divine exemption. When he walks with you, he will exempt you from disaster. When he walks with you, he will fight the battle you do not know. Can I talk to you? And go say to Moses, pray Pharaoh, let my people go. Look at Pharaoh, look at Pharaoh, look at Pharaoh, look at the eyes of Pharaoh. Pharaoh look at God, look at Moses and say, I do not know your God, neither would I let you go. By that time, the trouble was transferred from the hand of Moses to the hand of God. Push anyone and say hand it over, hand it over, hand it over, hand it over. Come on talk to me and say hand it over, hand it over, hand your trouble over, hand your inconveniences over, hand your load over, hand your trouble to God. If they die, to hand over. All over the scripture, you see that means that God and people that God was involved in their life, their situation never remained the same. Consider the man called Joseph. My God, I am not going to waste your time about Joseph. Joseph had 8 seasons of his life. Number 1, the season of hatred from his brethren. Number 2, the season of the deep experience. Number 3, the season of accusation. Number 4, prison experience season. I will make it clear to you, they cannot talk to you sir, because God was involved in his life. Despite everything they did against him, the more they do, the more God do. The more they do, the more God do. I am not stopping you from hating me. I am not stopping you from hating her. The more you hate them, the more God loves them. I prophesy over your life, they shall go down on your behalf. They shall go down on your behalf. Because God was involved in the life of Joseph right in the prison. Number 10, Pharaoh had a dream that no man could enter prison. Until the man that forgot him remembered him. Can I have a message for you? They shall remember you very soon. Lift up your hand in this order and say, I will not be forgotten any longer. Whether they like it or not, they shall remember me. Whether they like it or not, they shall not sleep until they do what God has them to do. Whether they like it or not, they shall not sleep until they do what God has them to do. Joseph was remembered and they sent a VIP executive and an exotic carrot to carry him from the prison. That is what I call a prisoner with a different. Shave your hair, change your garment, for the king needs your attention today. Can I make a prophecy in your church? They shall look for you for good. They shall look for you for good. You cannot say my father or my God. I claim my personal promise tonight. I claim my promise tonight. I claim my prophecy tonight. They shall look for me, not for accusation. They shall look for me, not for destruction. They shall look for me for good. The second person in the Bible that God was in power was a man called Daniel. Not too much of your time, do you know the story? The third person in the Bible was a woman called Esther. Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Esther, Es I do not know who lies down in an altar against you. I lie down in this altar for you. I no longer stand. As I lie down in an altar, I reverse evil. I reverse the sentence. I reverse premature death. I reverse calamity. I reverse sicknesses. I reverse every problem. I reverse accusation. I reverse the sentence of the enemy. In the name of God, the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, if God is for you, who shall be against you? If God is for your family, who shall be against your family? Hello, hello. There are 28 of you in this house. 28. I hear a voice that says, power has changed hands because of you. When God is involved in your hand, it is truth that Mordecai was a good man. But when God became involved, he was transferred from the gate to the king's palace. I have a message for you. You are dead in the former condition as a spire. You are going on spiritual transfer, spiritual transfer, spiritual transfer, spiritual transfer. If you are married, there is a transfer. If you are still unmarried, there is a transfer. If you are a husband, there is a transfer. Whether you are still unmarried or not, I am calling on a transfer. When God was involved in the life of the blind Bathimore, power changed hands. When God was involved in the life of the woman with the issue of blood, come and lift your hand and say Lord, be involved, be involved. I can no longer carry my load. I can no longer bear this burden. If you hand it over to God, he will not reject you. He will not disappoint you. If you hand it over to God, he will not treat you like men treated you. If you hand it over to God, nothing will stick for you. Sit down if you can. Can you sit down if you can? Can you sit down if you can? Can you sit down if you can? There are two issues in the Bible I will present in three minutes and bring you here for what I call convent and establishment. There are people enjoying Christianity. I am enjoying Christianity. No, on a very serious note, I am not enduring Christianity. I am not struggling to be a pastor. I am enjoying being a pastor. Hear me people call. The first issue that we study tonight is the issue of a man that was born blind. The case study there is he was falsely accused by men. The Bible says number one that Jesus was moving around in the cross of his ministry. He saw a man that was born blind. And the disciple of Jesus, look at Jesus and say to him, Rabbi, who committed the sin that made this man born blind? Is it his parent or himself? This is what I call religious psychophantasy. They have knowledge but they miss the truth. How can a man commit sin when he was in the womb? Because the question is, is it the sin of his parents or his own sin? And Jesus said to them, none of the above. He was born blind. That the act of God today may manifest. Can I make an announcement to you? You have no reason to cry again. From tonight, God shall be involved in your matter. If you want to shout that, then shout it with assurance. God shall be involved in your matter. And the scripture says that Jesus went into what I call a diacritified method of miracle. Before now, he would speak to the blind. The blind would receive healing. Before now, he would touch the sick and the sick would be healed. Before now, he would touch the laper and the laper would be clean. In the case of this man. He left what I call the conventional method to the unconventional method. He spat on the ground. Mixed his spit with sand and made a spittle and blinded the eye that was already blinded. Come and slap somebody and say, the method of God is not your method. Don't direct God on what to do. The Bible called him ancients of day. He was in existence before existence began. Papa, you don't hear me? He would have been enough for him to say, receive your sign. In the case of blind Bartimos, he said to Bartimos, what do you want me to do for you? And Bartimos said, that I may see. In the case of this man, he spat on the ground, mixed his spit and blinded the eye that was already blinded. Listen and hear the message of God. And he said to the man, go to the pool of Solomon. The question in the heart of an ordinary person is, how can a blind man see a road to go? Your faith is the bridge that leads you to your miracle. You hear me? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? Your faith is the bridge that leads you to your miracle. How many of you need a miracle today? How many of you need a miracle tonight? How many of you need a miracle tonight? Can I see your hands? I do not know what you pray for, but if you need a miracle, can I see your hands? Come on, stand up and wave your hands. You have two hands to call. If you need a miracle, wave your hands. From my right to the left to the north. I prophesy, let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. Let your miracle look at you right now. There are neighbors and friends that are still friends to you because your condition has not improved. The day your condition improved, you will see people that hate you. No, as of now, you don't have enemies. You see, you are a beautiful bride. Everybody celebrates you. The day you become substantially environmentally accentuated, when destiny introduces you, men will hate you for nothing. Including the church. When you dance, they are angry. You wear your head tie, they are angry. You wear your old socks, God punish the devil. And the Bible says, the moment the former blind man came from the pool of Sodom, singing, the leaders of religious leaders came up and accosted him, apprehended him and said to him, Why are you, don't you know today is Sabbath? That is what I call religious sacramentalism. What do I call it? You must speak those things, they are good for your mental health. And they speak to us all. The moment the former blind man began to speak like every other person, they began to attack him. Papa, come closer to me, let's do some convening for your church. Lay your hands on the altar as I lay my hands on the altar. Anybody that will not celebrate you while others are celebrating you, they shall go down on your behalf. Anybody that will not testify together with you, the Lord shall fight your battle. For the Lord shall call upon me, in the days of your trouble, I will answer you, I will show you great and mighty things you have not known. But if I will say these, poor man, cry. And the Lord will answer him. They said to him, why must you carry your bed? Today is Sabbath. And the former blind man said to them, the man that healed me said, I am free, I am living above the religious law, I can carry my bed today. They said to him, you don't know what you are talking. They went to the parents of the guy and said to them, what really happened to your son? Don't forget, the Bible said they have agreed that whosoever has said that Jesus is a Christ, they will put the person out of synagogue. I have a good message for you. Separate from men who are not ready to celebrate your celebration day. Separate from the company of jealous people. People who are not happy that you are successful. I lift up my hands over you, I separate you from hypocrisy today. I separate you from unblended friends tonight. I separate you from religious hypocrisy tonight. In the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The Bible said, the parents of the man said, we know he is our son. We know he was born blind. But we do not know how he managed to see or who is responsible for his seeing. Ask him. Come on, look at the man and say, we shall ask you. We shall ask you about your testimony. You are of age. Come on, can I talk to you? Your miracles shall not be testified by outsiders. You shall testify your testimony. You shall testify about your lifting. You shall testify about your change of condition. You shall testify about multiple financial incomes. You shall testify about your spiritual healing. The Lord shall cause you to testify. Can I talk to you? Oh no, wicked man, an apology or explanation. When God gives you a miracle, he gives you the anointing for audacity. He gives you the anointing for sarcastic. Wherever they call your name, you are not permitted to answer. Jesus answers on your behalf. You don't know what is happening. You just don't know what is happening. Can I talk to you? This altar is higher than the shrine. There is somebody in your church. By the month of September ending to the second week of October, the person is going home to lay foundation. The person is here. But you have fear in your heart. That person is here. The person is having fear. I came under grace. I prophesied. You shall go, you shall repent, you shall return and stay true. You shall go, you shall repent, you shall return and stay true. If you are the one, stand up and shout and make three times with fire. Finally, they summoned the former blind man. As they summoned him, they said to him, speak the truth to God. For this man called Jesus is a sinner. O God, follow me. I like your appearance. Celebrate your pastor. I like him. He is smart and smashy and wicked. He is smart and smashy and wicked. They said to him, promise by God to tell us the truth. This man called Jesus is a sinner. And the young man that received spiritual audacity and sarcastic, said to them, whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know. But one thing I know. Once I was blind, then now. Once I was blind, then now. I do not know what you are talking about. My year is the day he is called. My totem is here. My day totem is God. Once I was blind, then now. Then now, then now. Then now I can see. I prophesy to you right now. Your past is over. Your sickness is over. Your pains of yesterday is over. It does not matter what the doctors say. It does not matter what men say. It does not matter who points at you. From today onward God, you are coming off. You are coming off. You are coming off. You are coming off. You are coming off. Shout louder and say, I am coming off. I am coming off. Whether they like it or not, I am coming off. Come on, jump over and say, I am coming off. I am jumping out of predicament. I am jumping out of fear, sir. I am jumping out of trouble. I am jumping out of pain, sir. I am jumping out of premature death, sir. I am jumping out of sickness. I am jumping out of each and every disease, sir. I am coming off. Keep on praying, keep on praying, keep on praying. I am coming off. I am coming off. You give no one a chance. I am coming off. I am coming off. I shall not give up on what I do not know. What I do not know. I am coming off. I am coming off. I am coming off. Wherever you are, run to this altar faster. Wherever you are, run to this altar faster. If you want God to be involved, If you want God to be involved, Run to this altar. I do not know why you are doing this, sir. Oh guys, say run. You are no longer in church. Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Can you run faster? Lift up your two hands above the heavens. Lift up your two hands above the heavens. Come on, lift up your hands above your heads. I say lift up your hands above your heads. Assembly of God people, you are going to open your voice and say to God, Do for me what I could not do for myself for many years. Do for me what men could not do for me for many years. There are three persons here, Someone has made a promise to you that will have changed your testimony, That have disappointed you. Three of you, you are here. That I have a message for you. The Lord says, As you touch me tonight, I shall be involved in your life permanently. Open your voice and say, My father, my father, I prophesy and I declare, Do for me what I could not do for myself for many years. Do for me what men could not do for me. Do for me, do one thing for my life. Do for me, do one thing for my life. Do for me, do one thing for my life. Lift up your two hands above your heads. Come on, lift up your two hands above your heads. Excuse me, daughter of Zion. Lift up your hands, you cannot help yourself. Allah is going to help you. Allah is going to help you. Allah is going to help you. Come on, every man in this house. Lift up your hands. You did not come to make us to escape me. Lift up your two hands and say to God, Do for me what I could not do for myself. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. This is your life. This is your life. This is your life. This is your life. Call on the Lord to be involved in your life. You can no longer struggle alone. Call on the Lord. Father be involved. Father be involved. Father be involved. Father be involved. Father be involved. In the name of God, the Father. Can I hear you louder? In the name of God, the Father. And of the Son. And of the Holy Ghost. Look at my face. Look at my face. Listen to me carefully. I am about to pray a series of prayers. Multiple oppression is going to happen. Can you listen to me? The book of Luke. Chapter 7, I read, I did not preach it. From verses 11 to 17. The Bible says. While Jesus was going to the city of Nair. There was a burial procession coming down to the cemetery. A son of a widow had died. That means, for the woman to be a widow, her husband also died. For the woman to be a widow. Sympathizers may have come around. As they have come now when the son died. I want you to know that when the husband died, perhaps she must have said. Thank God my son is still alive. What killed the father? Killed the son. As a messenger of God, listen to me. You are going to pray tonight. You are going to open your own voice. This night is to whomsoever is concerned. You are going to say to God, I will not suffer. For so evil people from my family are known to be suffering. And the scripture said. As they were going down to bury the man, as they buried the father. The giver of life was coming up the city. When divinity meets with humanity. Anything can happen. And the scripture said. Jesus went and touched the coffin. And those that carried the coffin stood still. They did not stand still. Because Jesus touched. They stood still because power in Jesus. Could not allow them to go back to the very ground. Can I make an announcement? Every barrier the enemy has proposed in your family. Shall not hold. If you want to shout, you may shout louder. Somebody said that barrier shall not hold. Come on, shout louder and say that barrier shall not hold. The barrier of my family members shall not hold. The barrier of my whole family shall not hold. The barrier of my children shall not hold. The barrier of the preacher shall not hold. The barrier of the pastor shall not hold. The barrier of God shall not hold. The barrier of your daughters shall not hold. Come on, clap your hands and pray that prayer. Clap your hands and pray that prayer. That barrier shall not hold. That barrier shall not hold. That barrier shall not hold. That barrier shall not hold. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Papa, I want to pray for your member. Can I pray for them? Go ahead son. The Bible says that when Jesus saw the widow woman. Underline the word, when Jesus saw her. There were many sympathizers. Jesus did not see them. Sympathizers are ready to sympathize. Sympathizers will not take away your sorrow. They only use your story for gossip. You are going to put your hand to this altar. If you fail to pray tonight, you miss it. You are going to say to God, no sympathizer shall come to my house. From today to December, no sympathizer shall come to my house. Somebody say Allah. I prophesy and I declare. As I pray and clap my hands, no sympathizer shall come to my house. Clap your hands and pray. No sympathizer shall come to my house. In order to take my sorrow, without taking my trouble. In order to take my story, without taking my sorrow. In order to take my story, without taking my sorrow. I prophesy. No sympathizer. Shall come to my house. Open your life. Sympathizer shall not come. Open your marriage. Sympathizer shall not come. Open your house. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. Sympathizer shall not come. And when Jesus stopped the burial, both the sympathizer and the mourner, and the young man that died, Jesus said to him, young man, I say to you, rise up. And he that died, I don't know what died in your hand. Baba, can I pray for this people? Can I pray for this member? Anything that is dying in your hand, shall resurrect now. I don't know who killed, what can give you joy. That pleasurable thing, that pleasurable gift in your life, I don't know who killed them, I lift up my right hand over your life, I lift up my left hand over your life, I lift up my right hand over your life, I lift up my left hand over your life, I prophesy over you from today, nothing good shall die in your hands. Nothing good shall die in your hands. I prophesy over your life, everything that died many years ago, I command them to be alive now. I command your marriage to be alive now. I command your business to be alive now. I command your faith to be alive now. I command your future to be alive now. I command your dream to be alive now. Baba, if I were to preach that scripture, I would have preached a topic I would have preached a topic, I captioned, the man that refused to take. That would have been my message. If I were to preach that scripture, part one, part two, part three, part four, part two of that message would have been, the man that refused to take. Because I can show you something, sir. When they came, when Jesus said to them, right about turn, you can't go to the very ground, all of them went. They did not preach that scripture. The elders of the land did not follow them to cemetery. They were waiting for their return. And another person that did not follow them, is the man that normally closed the casket. The man that closes the casket, would drive the last nail with his hammer. And that finalized the whole thing. He was waiting for them to return from the very ground, to pay him his money. But you can see, now they were climbing the hill of Nair, back to the city. Jesus was in front, the young man was behind, the mother was coming behind, the monarchs were far behind, the great diggers were waiting in the grave, waiting and telephoning and saying, we are tired of waiting, they say you wait till thy kingdom come. Because this burial, you know the whole. Come on shout loud and say, this burial shall not hold. And I saw, when he came to me, they reached the town of Nair. Possibly Jesus went to that woman's house, to meet with the elders, who were waiting for the burial to be completed, and the casket, carpenter, casket man that closes it, and eventually see Jesus enter, and they saw the man that what happened, that grave, refused to take. And they shouted, Jesus said, don't be surprised, I am the giver of life. Take your two hands and place on your head. For the Bible says, I shall not die, I shall live and not die. Come on you are going to prophesy to your life now, and say, I shall live and not die, I shall live and not die, I shall live and not die, I shall live and not die. Open your mouth and prophesy, I shall live and not die. Prophesying my head, is not for a sacrifice. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. 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I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. I shall live and not die. Your sickness is over now. Your loss is over now. The death of your lost one is over now. Our Father King of Glory. That wicked man in our household. That vow. That we shall not drink water and keep calm. I lift up my right hand. For the Bible says the wicked must not survive. The wicked must not survive. I bring that man down now. I bring that wicked uncle down now. I bring that woman down now. We are able to have taken your name to the shroud. Jesus is stronger than the ashram. The order of God is higher than the ashram. I call fire of the Holy Ghost to catch up with the ashram now. Let the ashram catch fire. To those of you whose husbands are sick. I issue a command. From the crown of your head to the sole of your feet. Is there no man in Gilead? Jesus you are the man in Gilead. I release the virtue of healing to those who are sick. Every chronic incurable disease. For the Lord and the Father. Take over their situation now. Take over their sicknesses now. Take over their businesses now. Take over their trouble now. Take over their tears now. Take over their loss now. To those of you that are in business. You have suffered loss. Strafing your two hands here. Strafing your two hands here. And I am not interested about the history of the loss. I have story about how you make profit from now. I lift up my right hand. From today. I release the virtue of success upon the works of your hands. Every money you lost before. May you regain it ten times over. To those of you. That your lost one got lost. Your loved one got lost. I send for the word of God to the south. I send for the word of God to the east. To the north, to the west. Where are they located? Where are the ritualists keeping them for money making? I command them to manifest. I command them to come to right now. I command them to make appearance now. I command them now. In the name of Jesus Christ. Receive instant solution now. Receive instant solution now. From today I put a convent over you. Anybody that hates you for nothing shall die. Anybody that thinks about you for wickedness. Wickedness shall go to the wicked. In the name of God the Father. And of the soul. And of the Holy Ghost. Put your hand above your head and give him a clap of it. Keep on clapping, keep on clapping. The day of your victory has been announced. Keep on clapping. Healing power has been given. Miracles have been released. Science and wonder have been released. Keep on clapping, keep on clapping. Athritis are gone. HIV is gone. Sugar disease is gone. Diabetes is gone. Hypertension is gone. What a mighty God we stand. What a mighty God we stand. In Jesus name. We have prayed.