RTG Episode 3 Enhanced
RTG Episode 3 Enhanced
In this episode of Rob the Graveyard, Terry Bryant discusses the importance of good health and goal setting in achieving success. He emphasizes the need for a vehicle, a combination of purpose, good health, goal setting, education, technology, and expertise, to reach one's ultimate goals. He also highlights the difference between knowledge and belief, stating that knowledge is more powerful and leads to greater conviction. Lastly, he encourages listeners to become experts in their chosen fields and to use technology to their advantage. Welcome to episode 3 of Rob the Graveyard. My name is Terry Bryant and I will be doing your presentation this evening and I'm assuming if you are at episode 3 you listen to episode 1 and 2. Hopefully if not please go back and listen to episode 1 or 2 so you can have a better understanding of what it means to Rob the Graveyard. Now in episode 2 we talked about purpose, about seeing your purpose and designing your life. Remember this is a journey not an event. Robbing the graveyard is not a one-time happening. It is a process. It's a journey and in order to go on the journey what do you need? You need a vehicle okay and that vehicle will take you to where you want to be, where you want to get. Remember purpose is vital. Why? Because it gives you direction. We talked a lot about that in episode 2 so please go back and follow what we said there so you'll understand what it means specifically about the vitality of purpose and why it's important. It's your starting point. So one of the things that you, once you get ready to go on your journey as we get into what your vehicle is going to be, here's the thing. One of the things that people often overlook that is a prerequisite for success in anything really is good health. Good health is critical. So if you want to go there and rob the graveyard, you will go there and maximize your potential and achieve all the things that you believe and know inside of you, you can achieve. Your ultimate objective, your main goal, your main purpose in life, you gotta have and maintain good health. Because think about it, if you are incapacitated, you're sick or simply not feeling well, it's going to affect your ability to do what you need to do. It's going to affect your ability to remain focused, to go after your goals and it's not going to be a nice experience for you. So good health is key. Meaning you gotta eat properly, you have to exercise, you have to eliminate stress. Those are three of the main things that will help to keep you in great health. Eating properly, number one. Exercising regularly, number two. And eliminating stress. And each one of those carries its own methodology and we're not going to get specifically into that today. But this episode is going to talk about some broad themes that you need to incorporate into your life so that you'll be enabled and empowered to be able to achieve the things that you want in your life. Another critical and important thing is goal setting. See, goal setting, most people don't really set a lot of goals. If you think about it, when you are a kid in high school, even in elementary schools, elementary school, goals are pretty much set for you. The teachers tell you what you have to do, your parents tell you what have to do, what you have to do, your advisors tell you what you have to do. So people set goals for you and tell you this is what you need to do. So you have a guide. You have a purpose every day when you get up to go to school, when you get to do your extracurricular activities. There's always something set for you to do in most cases. Okay, those are for people who are in responsible settings, right? Goals are set for you. When you become an adult, when you leave college more specifically, if you do go to college or when you finish high school, if you don't go to college and you are out there on your own in the work environment, in the real world so to speak, now that goal setting is dependent upon you alone. You set your own goals. You decide what you're going to do every day and that's what a lot of us don't achieve a lot after we leave high school or college because we don't have anything laid out for us that we have to do. We are on our own. We are an adult. We control our own destiny but we don't set a path oftentimes. So you spend the next 20-30 years moseying along down the road and not really achieving any of some significance. That's because oftentimes we don't have goals. There were studies done previously that showed that university graduates who had goals when they finished graduation, finished their college experience, 20-30 years down the road when they reconvene those same people, they found that those who had goals set, specific, written down, predetermined goals achieved more in life after 20-30 years than those who did not have goals when they finished high school or actually college. Those who had goals achieved more after 20-30 year period and those who did not have goals when they finished college, they ended up achieving less in life. Why? Because goals give you focus. They help you to stay locked in on what you're trying to do with your life. But if you don't have a direction, like I said, you can't hit a target that you do not have. And when you have your goals already set, predetermined, and importantly written down, it aids you in your progress and in your achievement. Now we're going to get into a section on goal setting specifically. We're going to have a whole episode on goal setting only. So we're going to get back to that. But that is one of the things that's a prerequisite for achievement in life, goal setting. Now within that goal setting, there's a component of it that I think is very important I want to mention here. Most of the times we have goals for five years or ten years or three years, two years or one year, stuff like that. That's important. And we have shorter goals or tasks that we want to accomplish along the way to help us to move towards our ultimate goal. But there are specific periods of time that you can tick out within your time period or your time frames where you can have a limited amount of time, like say 14 days, 21 days, 30 days, 90 days, where you have a specific set objective where you are willing to put in extra time and extra effort and go the extra mile. In other words, I call those periods daily success plans or a monthly success plan. But it is specific and different in the sense that it allows us to put in extra time, extra effort for a short period of time. You can't do this for a whole year or a whole two, three, four, five years. You can't stay focused that long. But maybe you can stay focused for 21 days or 30 days or 60 days or 90 days. Those specific time periods you have to be willing to lock in and set a specific goal that you are going to work extra hard, three, four, five, ten times as hard as you normally would for a very short period of time. If you can accomplish that and do it successfully, it will help you to accomplish more over the long run. Because one of the things that we do is we kind of procrastinate a lot and we spread things out a lot and it takes a lot more time that's really necessary. But if you decide to give yourself two weeks, three weeks, a month, 90 days, which is probably the longest you want to go for something like that, but you give yourself a short time period where you're going to go after it working 12, 18 hours a day hard with no distractions allowed, that will help you to be able to get to where you want to get to much more quickly. Okay, I talked to a guy recently, he's a high achiever, he's recognized by Forbes magazine and one of the things that he does every year, he takes about a month of the year where he doesn't talk to anybody, he doesn't really get involved with people, all he does is focus on something specific he wants to get accomplished for that year and he tries to do it all within the first 30 days of the year. So that helps him to set the path and train for the remainder of that year. I thought that was a very good instruction that he was giving to people. The other thing you want to make sure you do is you want to become educated. Education is key. You want to understand, learn, and know more about whatever the topic is that you are working on. Whatever your objective is, whatever your goals are, whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, you want to become educated in that area. You want to get as much knowledge about that particular subject and topic as necessary to help you to get accomplished in your endeavor. Okay, so that's important. Become educated, knowledgeable about whatever it is you want to do. The other thing that people overlook oftentimes is technology. Now they see it around them, they participate in it, they partake in it. Technology is key. It saves you time, it saves you money, and it helps you to speed up your progress. So get involved in technology, especially in today's world with AI, artificial intelligence. That is going to be the engine of the future. So you want to get on top of that. You want to make sure you understand how to use computers. You want to make sure you get involved with things such as the new form of money, which is cryptocurrency. You want to make sure that you understand AI, in particular artificial intelligence, how it can help you to make progress a lot more quickly, take a lot less time, and maybe a lot less money. But you've got to be on top of technology. I don't care who you are or what you do in life. Hard work alone is not going to get it done. Yes, you want to work hard, but you also want to work smart. And technology allows you and enables you and helps you to work smart. So make sure you get on top of technology. Don't live like a dinosaur. You have to be up with the new technology because it's moving so quickly. You've got to stay on top of it. So make sure that whatever you do, you are on top of the technology and you're using it to your benefit and to your advantage. Don't overlook that. That's very important. Now, one of the things that I want to also touch on in this episode is knowledge versus belief. Now, we talked about education. You want to become educated. You want to get knowledgeable. You want to become knowledgeable. But there's something important that I noticed that people get confused with. And that's knowledge versus belief. Now, we're here talking about robbing the graveyard. And you are listening to this because you don't want to be a normal, average, or ordinary person. And sometimes little things make the difference. Sometimes little things make the difference between the winners and the losers. That's whether it be sports, whether it's entertainment, whether it is work. Don't care what it is. The little things count. What is the difference between the winner and the loser? Oftentimes, it's just the little things. And the winner is oftentimes just a little bit better than the second place or third place person. If you watch one of those races in the Olympics or really any kind of race on the track where sometimes they're like there's a photo finish, but somebody wins and somebody loses. Actually, the rest lose, right? And the difference is just 0.1 of a second. Not even a second. 0.1 of a second makes the difference between the winners and the losers in most cases. So, you want to have that little bit extra. And one of the things that you can use that will make you better and give you a little advantage, a little extra, is understanding that it's more important to know rather than believe. Knowledge versus belief. Now, people don't talk about this a lot, but to me, this is something that people can use as an instruction. This can be very instructive to you. What's the difference? When you know something, it's incontrovertible. It is what it is. When you believe it, that's different. That means there's room for something else, something different. It may or may not be the case. Simple situation, simple concept. Think about this. If I were to ask you right now, where's your brother? You may tell me, oh, my brother is in the bathroom taking a shower. You know that. There's no doubt. But if I ask you, where's your brother? And you said, I believe he's in the garage. That's different. He might in actual fact be in the garage, but he may also be in the backyard. You don't know for sure, right? You believe, which means there's a possibility that it may be different. Belief allows for doubt, uncertainty. But when you know something, when you say your brother is in the bathroom taking a shower, there's no doubt about that. There's no ifs, ands, or buts. He's in the bathroom taking a shower, because you know it. You just, maybe you just saw him going to the bathroom, right? Maybe you just passed by and heard him singing in the shower. Whatever the case may be, you know he's in there taking a shower. You just left there five seconds ago. But you saw him two, three hours ago, or maybe you saw him 15 minutes ago, 30 minutes ago, and you heard him say, I think I'm going into the garage. And he may or may not be there. That's 15 minutes ago. So that's a simplistic explanation as to the difference between knowledge and belief. We want to know. Knowing gives us an advantage. Not only does it give an advantage because you know when you get educated, but guess what? When you are convicted about something, you know something for a fact, okay? When you approach a task, or a goal, or a vision with knowledge, I know I'm going to get there. I know I'm going to make this happen. I know I will be successful. In your mind, there is no doubt that it's going to happen. One way or the other, you will not be denied. Period. That's knowledge. That's knowing. Knowing inside of you. Conviction, not belief. I believe I'm going to get this done. That's like saying, I think I'm going to get it done, but it may not happen. When you believe, there's room for doubt. There's uncertainty. You're not sure. Something else could happen. Anything could happen. But when you know it, it's a difference. You can even, if you are a Christian, I'm not going to get into Christianity here, but if you are a Christian, some people say, I believe in God. I see people say, I know God. I know God exists. I know God has delivered and will deliver for me. There's a different feeling from when you know and when you believe. So get in the knowledge. Know your stuff. Whether it be knowing through education, knowledge, information, whatever. Know your stuff. Feel it inside. Know it inside. Don't approach your goals and your dreams with belief. Belief is good. It's better than not believing. I'll tell you that. But knowledge is more powerful. You want to know. The other thing you want to do is you want to become an expert in what you do. Now we talked about education, information, technology, knowledge. But whatever you do in any of those areas, you want to become an expert, right? Because an expert is just not any person out there. When you get ready to go and get surgery, you want an expert doctor. You don't just want a doctor who's ho-hum or even a doctor who just graduated from college or from his residency. You want a guy who has 15, 20 years, 30, 40 years experience operating on you. If you can choose it and you can help it, you want the expert. The one who not only has the knowledge and information and education, you want the doctor who has the practical experience. That when he runs into a problem or an issue or something different or something unexpected, he knows how to handle it because he's seen many situations. That's what you want, right? An expert. So it's the same thing when you're approaching your goals. You want to become an expert because once you become an expert, it allows you to do what is necessary to be prepared and to have the capacity and the wherewithal to get the job done because ultimately you want to rob the graveyard. You want to go there, maximize your potential, your God-given gifts and blossom and bloom, but you want to be an expert. An expert puts you in a better situation, in better preparation to be able to achieve the goal because you are among the best. You are among the chosen ones. Chosen ones in the sense that you have done what it takes to get to a certain level of expertise. So when people get ready to look for somebody to accomplish something for them, to do something for them, they're going to look for you because you are an expert so you will become a chosen one. That's what it's all about. So when we talk, let's tie it back into the vehicle now. What is the vehicle? The vehicle is what it takes for you to get from one destination to the other. That's the vehicle. You can use a physical vehicle going from where I live in Southern California over to LA, about 50 miles away. Guess what? I need a car. I need an airplane. I maybe need a train, motorcycle, whatever. There are different types of vehicles and whatever you want. The fastest, most efficient vehicle, okay? Not just any vehicle. You want, I'm going to choose the Ferrari if I could or the Mercedes or the Tesla or the BMW something, a little bit better than the rest. I want the best possible vehicle that will get me there in the fastest, safest, most efficient way. Okay? You want to get that done. Okay? But that's a physical vehicle, right? That's an actual vehicle. Now, when we talk about vehicle, we talk about a different kind of vehicle here. We're not moving from here to LA. We're moving from one state or one position in life to another. We're looking to rob the graveyard. We're looking to get to our ultimate purpose in life. We want to look back on our death bed or the right hand of God and say, hey, I have done it. I am satisfied because I've achieved my major purpose in life. I left behind, as in my case, I left behind a legacy for my children. Okay? That is what it's all about. And you need a vehicle. And that vehicle consists of the type of things I just talked about, right? The vehicle are the things you need. What do I need to move from where I am in life today to my ultimate dream, my main purpose in life? What do I need? You need a combination of these types of things like I just talked about. You need to start with your purpose. You want to be in good health. You want to set good goals, right? You want to have specific strategies within that goal setting, such as a 21-day success plan or a 90-day plan, something like that, that can get you motivated, get you moving and accelerating faster to help you to do things in a more productive and efficient way. You want to become educated. You want to become informed. You want to learn how to use technology. You want to take advantage of it. And you want to know what you're doing is what needs to be done. You want to know that you want to get there. You don't want to have no doubt in what you're trying to get done. And you want to become an expert at these things. You want to become an expert with your vehicle to move you to the next step. So that's going to end it for today. We're going to talk in Episode 4 about some other things. But right now, I just wanted to go back over Episode 1, 2, and 3. And in this particular episode, you want to make sure you understand that you are using a vehicle, not a physical vehicle, but a vehicle, a combination of concepts and ideas and systems, mental systems and technology that you can use together to get you towards where you are trying to achieve. And that is the vehicle. You need that. So with that being said, we're going to wrap up things for today. This is the end of the third episode. We'll be back next week with the fourth episode. And we'll be talking then about some other stuff. And we'll discuss then what we're going to get into. So with that being said, have a great evening and see you guys have a great time until Episode 4.