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Audio Recording from July 1, 2018 at 2:49 PM

Audio Recording from July 1, 2018 at 2:49 PM




This audio recording, dated July 1, 2018, commences at 2:49 PM. The ambient sounds of a field are crisply captured, enveloping the listener in a vast, open space. There's a sense of the outdoors, of the wind rustling through tall grasses or the distant call of wildlife. The main focus of the recording, however, is the distinct sound of steps. With a steady rhythm, the sound of each footfall connects the listener to an unseen walker. The steps are deliberate and clear, evoking the image of a solitary figure traversing across the field. The audio also includes some skillfully crafted sound effects, or SFX. These are not overpowering, but subtly woven into the background, enhancing the depth and texture of the scene. They are layered with precision, adding a rich and dynamic element to the recording. The foley work is impressive. It brings an element of realism to the recording, from the crunch of gravel under

Sound Effectsfield-recordingstepssfxfoley

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