The audio piece "Certain Laser" is a gripping and immersive science fiction soundscape. The audio begins with a generated hum of a spaceship, a distinct low-frequency drone that gives a sense of being in a vast and seemingly endless expanse of space. This is followed by the central element: the sound of a laser. The laser sound is not the typical high-pitched whine, rather, it's a sophisticated and layered sound, crafted meticulously with audacity. It combines a sharp, pulsating zap with a resonant echo, creating a sound that is both futuristic and menacing. This laser sound repeats at varying intervals, creating a sense of anticipation and suspense. At times, the laser seems to be at a distance, its sound fading into the background, while at other moments, it's startlingly close, its sound dominating the audio and heightening the sense of action. The interplay of the laser sound with the undercurrent of the spaceship hum creates a rich sonic universe that evokes