The audio piece titled "Eccentric Wavelength" begins in an eerie, suspenseful tone, setting the atmosphere for an impending apocalypse. The soundscapes are layered with ominous undertones, hinting at the unpredictability of Fortuna, the goddess of luck and fate. As the track progresses, an epic melody unfolds, depicting an intense battle between humanity and an invading force of zombies. The music masterfully captures the essence of an epic struggle, the desperation for survival, and the unexpected moments of triumph. It paints a vivid picture of a world pushed to the edge, echoing the uncertainty and chaos of an apocalypse. The rhythm of the track is a pulsating heartbeat, a relentless reminder of life persisting amidst the apocalypse. This eccentric wavelength of sound oscillates between fear and hope, suspense and relief, mirroring the volatile nature of human existence during a zombie apocalypse. Towards the end, the music swells into a triumphant crescendo, symbolizing the spi