In the audio titled "Engine Power-Off," you are immediately submerged in a world of mechanized sounds. The audio commences with the robust, growling hum of an engine, reminiscent of a podracer from the Star Wars universe, with an essence of a plane and helicopter blended together. The engine's roar is powerful, emitting a sense of speed and force, as if you're sitting in the cockpit of a futuristic vehicle. Gradually, the oscillations of the engine begin to recede. The turning of gears and mechanical components, once masked by the engine's roar, now become audible. They generate a rhythmic symphony of clinks and clanks, a testament to the intricate engineering behind the machine. As the audio proceeds, the engine continues its transition from an intense roar to a more subdued hum. The process of shutting down is not sudden but gradual, meticulously mimicking the real-life sequence of turning off an engine. A sense of deceleration is conveyed, as