As the audio titled "Far-off Metropolis" begins, you're immediately enveloped in the distant hum of a bustling city. It's as if you're standing on the outskirts, looking over the horizon at a sprawling urban landscape. The steady drone of cars zooming past creates a rhythmic backdrop, mimicking the city's constant heartbeat. The audio then paints a picture of towering skyscrapers, their lights twinkling like stars against the night sky. The soundscape shifts subtly, mimicking the ebb and flow of the city's life force. The distant honks of cars, the occasional siren, the almost imperceptible chatter of people all contribute to the feeling of standing at the edge, observing a metropolis pulsating with life. As the audio progresses, the intensity of the sounds fluctuates, providing a sense of the city's dynamic nature. It's a symphony of urban life, a testament to the constant motion and energy that characterize a city, especially one as