"Grandmother Chkharsh and the Shaman Drum" is an engaging audio piece that immerses the listener in the traditional folklore of the Nivkh people, indigenous to Sakhalin. It starts with the rhythmic, heart-thumping beats of a shaman drum that sets the pace for the narrative. This drum, a sacred instrument in Nivkh culture, is not just a musical instrument, but a medium of communication with the spiritual world. As the drumming continues, we are introduced to the central character, Grandmother Chkharsh. Her voice, textured with age and wisdom, is resilient and filled with vibrant energy. She takes us on a journey through her memories and experiences, recounting tales of her ancestors and their strong, unbroken ties with nature. The backdrop of the narrative is painted with the sounds of the wild Sakhalin environment. The rustling of leaves, the creaking of a log, and the chirping of birds create an atmosphere